This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 69: Break the shackles of blood

The speed of the flying sword is very large, and the distance of three thousand miles does not need to be too long.

   But Lu Qingshan was not in a hurry, his pace was steady, but he didn't rush and returned to his mansion first.

   Soon, a news came out.

   "Ling Wu is it? You want to use me as a sparring partner?

   Hehe... It's hard to say who will be a sparring partner.

   It’s just that I’m struggling today, and I’m a little tired. Let’s fight with you tomorrow. "

   As soon as these words came out, people knew that "Qing Ge" had returned, and a battle of Tianjiao was about to start.


  Mingyue Mansion.

   "Miss, my uncle is back." A maid of the Mozu with two peculiar horns on her head hurriedly walked in and reported with the tall Ying Mingyuehui.

   Ying Mingyue looked indifferent, and answered very calmly, "Oh."

   There seems to be no waves, but only she knows what she thinks in her heart.

   She has already determined that Demon Honglie is her mother-killing enemy, and she can't wait to get rid of it.

And after seeing Lu Qingshan’s amazing performance in these two days, she was already expecting something in her heart-with his demonstrated ability, it might really be possible to seize the position of the world lord, and then fulfill her promise to help her. revenge?

   As a result, only one day later, she learned the news that Qing Ge and Ying Jun had left the city together.

   Ying Mingyue naturally knew what Yingjun was playing over there.

   It’s just that when she learned the news, she had already acquiesced that Qing Ge would betray her alliance with her, and instead joined forces with Honglie Demon Lord.

   After all, compared with mixed blood, she who was born as a concubine, obviously the Demon Lord Honglie can give more.

   Ying Mingyue's mind is not particularly deep, but it's not stupid.

   She will not be naive enough to think that "Qing Ge" will hold on to anything, and in the face of the temptation of huge interests, she will still insist on the fragile agreement between them.

   She lowered her eyelids, not knowing what she was thinking, but her palms were clasped together.

   "Honglie Demon Lord......" Ying Mingyue gritted his teeth and said, hatred ups and downs in his heart.

"My uncle came back alone." The maid didn't know much about the inside story, but she understood that her own lady and Demon Lord Honglie could not deal with each other very much, and she definitely didn't want to see the people on the side of Demon Honglie and Uncle go too close. , Happily said quickly.

   " said he came back alone?" Ying Mingyue suddenly raised her head and said in a shock.

   "Yes, everyone has seen it with their own eyes, it can't be wrong." The maid nodded affirmatively.

   "Could it be that Qing Ge didn't choose to cooperate with Honglie Demon Lord... Or did Yingjun have something to delay?" Ying Mingyue could not determine the specific situation, but there was a glimmer of hope in her heart.


   Honglie Demon Lord's Mansion.

   "Huh? Qing Ge went back to the city alone, but Jun'er didn't come back with him?"

   Demon Lord Honglie put down Mo Yu in his hand, looked at the men who came to report the situation, and fell into deep thought.

   "Could it be that what happened to the accident?"

   If Qing Ge agreed to their terms as he expected, then Qing Ge and Ying Jun should have returned to the city together, how could they suddenly part ways?

   "He rejected our terms?" Demon Lord Honglie frowned, guessing like this.

   But then he felt improbable again, shook his head, and said to himself: "Let's wait for Jun'er to come back and see what he said."


  The first thing Lu Qingshan did when he returned to the King City of Jianluo was to accept the invitation of the pure-blooded Tianjiao and Lingwu from the Lingwang Mansion to ensure that everyone knows his return time.

   Then, he waited in the mansion for about two hours, then suddenly opened his eyes.


   Such a long time is enough insurance.

   He slowly got up, left the mansion again, and left the city.

   Just a short distance away from the King City of Jianluo, a faint blue sword light swept from the ground.

   is Wangchuan who has been waiting here for a long time.

   Wangchuan sword carried a simple and unpretentious black ring and a bright yellow talisman.

   Yingjun's mustard seed and the sword charm given by Xia Daoyun.

   "Did you actually use two sword charms? This Yingjun has some skill."

   Lu Qingshan moved in his heart, grabbing two things, and at the same time poking his spirit into Yingjun's mustard seeds.

   Ten neatly arranged jade boxes caught his eye.

   Sure enough, the blood spirit crystals that Ying Jun took out were not all of the inventory.

   Among his mustard seeds, there are actually ten blood spirit crystals!

   "Absolutely enough this time." He murmured, very pleased.

   Lu Qingshan suppressed the surging emotions in his heart, and a vigilance flashed in his eyes.

   didn't dare to be overwhelmed, he moved quickly and took out the jade box containing blood spirit crystals from Yingjun mustard seeds and materials similar to metal minerals, and transferred them to his mustard seeds.

   As for other things that obviously belonged to Ying Jun, including many precious artifacts, let alone interception, he didn't even move.

   Finally, his heart moved, and the mustard seeds belonging to Yingjun were shot by him, turned into a streamer, flew straight out, fell onto the wilderness, and entered the ground for three points.

   Mustard seeds are, after all, most of the assets of a demon commander, so discarding it is a bit wasteful.

   But Lu Qingshan doesn't have too many regrets in his heart.

  -He didn't understand the demon clan's methods very well, and he couldn't make sure that there would be things like imprints on those artifacts.

   If there is, it will bring him endless troubles and disasters.

   To avoid these evils, the most important thing is not to be greedy.

   can get these blood spirit crystals, he is already very satisfied.

   Wangchuan had already got into Lu Qingshan's body at this time.

   "Lu Qingshan, this one is amazing, but fortunately my Gu Yiyi is witty and brave." Gu Yiyi's voice came from his mind.

   Gu Yiyi eagerly asked for credit.

   "Ying Jun is indeed very strong. It took two sword charms to win him." Lu Qingshan nodded in agreement and put away the remaining sword charm.

   Xia Daoyun gave him a total of ten sword charms imitations, and now he has used two, and there are eight left.

   "When the first sword talisman goes down, he is still alive and powerful. Fortunately, I have the courage and plan, and I quickly sacrificed the second sword talisman, which successfully completed the task!" Gu Yiyi emphasized again.

   "Well, I see." Lu Qingshan chuckled.

   If a sword talisman is not killed, then another one.

   is really "courageous and strategic"...

   "Lu Qingshan!" Gu Yiyi was angry.

   "I still have eight sword charms here." Lu Qingshan's meaning was clear.

   "No problem, there will be this kind of thing in the future, leave it to me!" Gu Yi didn't get angry anymore, patted his chest and said loudly.


   After getting things, Lu Qingshan returned to Jianluo King City again.

   The quiet room of the mansion for spiritual practice isolates all breaths and sounds.

   Piles of precious treasures were piled up in the quiet room at this time, shining with various colors.

   These are all materials that are extremely suitable for forging magic soldiers, and they are collected by Ying Jun to improve the quality of his own demon soldiers.

   It's cheaper for him now.

   Lu Qingshan's heart moved.


   The green peach blossom rushed out of the body excitedly, shaking the blade slightly in the air.

   It smelled a long time ago, so I’m ready, just wait for Lu Qingshan to call it!

   Peach blossoms are floating above these precious treasures, and the body of the sword is shining with a misty luster.

   Looking at the sumptuous "Man-Han Feast" in front of him, the excitement of Peach Blossom could not be expressed, and she kept conveying her joy to Lu Qingshan in her mind.

   Lu Qingshan smiled slightly.

   Sword repair and the natal sword are one body.

   The relationship between the two is profound, and the relationship is extremely intimate and affects each other.

   Taohua is so happy, he instinctively feels a hint of joy.

   "Give me clean food." Lu Qingshan exhorted Taohua like a parent exhorting a child.

   hum! Hum! Hum!

   "Who do you look down on?" Taohua looked proud.

   It has always been thrifty, not wasteful, and not picky eaters.

  On "dry rice", it is no weaker than people in this life...sword!

   "Let's go." Lu Qingshan let go of his restraints on the peach blossoms.

   Accompanied by a clear sword chant, the halo on the body of the peach flower sword rushed out suddenly, wandering among these precious materials.

   "I know how to eat, how can I be like Gu Yiyi, brave and capable." Gu Yiyi snorted disdainfully when he saw the scene of peach blossoms extracting its essence.

   Gu Yiyi, who has consciously done a major event, now has a strong "sense of superiority" in his heart.

   The peach blossom has amazing appetite and extremely high efficiency, so it can swallow and absorb hair quickly.

   The light spot in the spirit material kept escaping and merged into its sword body.

   After half an hour, all the precious treasures that were full of dangling have already turned to dregs.

   Peach Blossom also stopped swallowing.


   "Nothing left!" Peach Blossom is also asking for credit.

   At the same time, in the dark, an inexplicable message spread into Lu Qingshan's mind.

  Has it been half?

   he murmured.

   After swallowing so many spiritual materials one after another, the distance between Peach Blossom and Advanced Pseudo Dao Device has grown by about half.

There is a long way to go.

   There is still a long, long way to go from Taohua Advanced Pseudo Daoism.

   Once Taohua advances the pseudo-dao device, it will be a qualitative change.

   The three natal swords he currently possesses, the Dragon Sparrow will not mention it for the time being.

  Wangchuan is a Taoist implement, but because of the loss of its supernatural power, only the character of the Taoist implement is left, without the power of the Taoist implement.

   is commonly known as "look goods".

   Therefore, if Tao Hua can be promoted to a pseudo-dao device, there is no doubt that it will become the most powerful existence in his natal sword.

   The promotion of the Sword of Life, in fact, the more obvious the improvement of his strength becomes later.

   Although Lu Qingshan looked forward to it, he was not in a hurry.

   He put away the peach blossoms, and then took out the jade box.

   Peach Blossom has swallowed all those mineral spirits from Yingjun's mustard seeds.

   Really eat and wipe clean without leaving any footwork.

   These blood spirit crystals belonged to Ying Jun.

   Lu Qingshan looked at the ten magnificent and dreamy blood crystals in front of him, and he felt joy in his heart.

   "Let's get started." He murmured in his heart.

   "Are you going to start again?" Gu Yiyi couldn't help muttering when seeing this.

   She has terrible pain.

  Although it was Lu Qingshan who absorbed the blood spirit crystals, and it was also Lu Qingshan who felt the pain, she just looked scared.

   Here, Lu Qingshan has already carefully stuffed a blood spirit crystal into his mouth.

   He still has some lingering fears about the terrible pain last time.


   The blood spirit crystal melted in his mouth, and the invisible power quickly spread into his body.


  In an instant, his blood began to surge.

   In the middle of the blood spirit crystal, the bloodshot energy began to merge into his blood, and then flowed down the blood all over the body.

   Under the influence of this force, the smallest molecules in his body began to undergo some special changes, metamorphosis and sublimation.

   At the same time, there were bursts of pain, which continued to spread.

Pain and happiness.

   Lu Qingshan is already very familiar with this feeling, and has adapted to it.

   After a while, the first blood crystal was absorbed.

   "It's not enough, continue." Lu Qingshan perceives every detail of himself and makes a judgment.

   There are changes, but they have not yet reached the level of qualitative change.

   He swallowed another blood crystal.

   The power lurking in his bloodline is being hooked, waiting for the moment to be released.

   The blood is starting to get hot, and the barrier is being hit.

   Lu Qingshan's eyes were cold, as if there was nothing in pain, he was unaffected, and he remained conscious.

   However, small beads of sweat are constantly flowing out of his forehead.

   Obviously, he is not as relaxed as he seems.

   Only for a moment, the power of the second blood spirit crystal melted into his body's blood and was absorbed by him.

   "Another part of the shackles has been opened." Lu Qingshan felt his own state again, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

   Now if he wants to, he can continue to improve his strength.

   "With a blast, open the shackles completely." Lu Qingshan secretly said, determined and willful is extremely strong.

   The third blood crystal was stuffed into his mouth.

   The absorption started again.

   The function of the blood spirit crystal is too defying.

   "How did this blood spirit crystal come about? If you can get more, it would be better to bring it back..." Lu Qingshan wondered in his heart while absorbing the blood spirit crystal's power.

   Although the blood spirit crystal cannot directly enhance the strength of the human race monk, it can release the human race's potential.

For most human races, it may not have much effect-for example, the Nine Flowers Realm is a realm that is impossible for most monks to reach. It can be regarded as unlocking the shackles of the Ten Flower Realm, and for them What's the point?

   However, for the few Human Race Tianjiao who are pursuing the limit, it is definitely a strange thing of incomparable value.

   Apart from anything else, at least it would definitely help Xia Daoyun.

   "This thing should also have a lot of benefits to the master. If possible, find a way to get some blood crystals and bring them back to the master." He made a decision in his heart.

  The absorption of the third blood spirit crystal continues...

   This time, the changes in his body were not as obvious as before.

   But Lu Qingshan was not disappointed, but happier.

  Because of this, he is already at the end of the bottleneck, and he is getting closer and closer to the breakthrough!

"carry on."


   The changes brought about by this blood spirit crystal are even smaller.

   If he hadn't seen God is not bad and could see into his body, he would definitely not be able to detect this tiny change.


   "Fortunately, there are enough blood spirit crystals in Yingjun's mustard seeds, otherwise this time it will still be impossible to complete the breakthrough."

   Lu Qingshan felt this blood spirit crystal, and it didn't even bring him any change.

   This is not the failure of the blood spirit crystal, but that he started to really touch the last barrier.

   And the power of a blood spirit crystal is not enough to break through this barrier, so it seems to be useless.

   At this time, plus the four blood spirit crystals he had previously absorbed, he had already absorbed nine blood spirit crystals.

   He has an intuition that the next blood crystal will allow him to complete this final breakthrough.

   "It seems that the number of blood spirit crystals needed by the human race to unlock the bloodline should be ten." Lu Qingshan made a guess.

   "It's finally here."

   Lu Qingshan whispered to himself: "Come on then."

   He can foresee that the pain caused by this last breakthrough is absolutely terrifying.


   Another blood spirit crystal was stuffed into his mouth.

  The power in the crystal silk began to explode.


   Without any buffer time, a loud noise exploded in Lu Qingshan's body.

   This time, Lu Qingshan fell to the ground in pain and couldn't stand up.

   He couldn't help clenching his fists, his sharp nails pierced the skin, while his fists kept hitting the ground to relieve the pain.

   "It''s so!" Lu Qingshan gritted his teeth, groaning too weakly in pain.

   His body was twisting, twitching, and his spine arched like a shrimp.

   It hurts too much!

   Although he had expected that this last breakthrough would be terrible, the pain was still beyond his expectations.

   has even surpassed all levels he could imagine.

   More terrible pain than someone holding an iron rod in his head constantly stirring.

   On his forehead, on his back, there are beads of sweat rolling down.

   At the same time, a drop of dark blood oozes out of his skin and flows down together in the sweat.

   This is the evolution of the blood, and the impurities in the original blood are expelled.

   A pool of water has appeared on the ground, with cold sweat and blood.

  While Lu Qingshan felt the incomparable pain, the tiny molecules in his blood were turning into pale gold, looking extremely noble.

   A mysterious power appeared in his body.


   Deep in his body, there seems to be something intangible that is constantly being melted.

   Finally, the pale gold became pure gold.

   The chick voice disappeared, and the pain gradually faded away.

   Lu Qingshan took a long breath.

   The power of the tenth blood spirit crystal has also been absorbed.

   At this moment, his face is pale, and his lips are oozing blood.

   It was caused by his unconscious biting his lips in pain.

   "I knew that the bloodline evolution would produce huge changes, but who would have thought that it would be so painful." He had a lingering fear.

   Then, he got insight into himself.

   It can be seen that the molecular structure of blood is completely different from before, and the most fundamental and basic things have changed.

   is full of gold in the eyes, there is a kind of magical power permeating.

   Lu Qingshan felt an unprecedented sense of It was as if he was carrying something heavy before, but now this thing has been abandoned and abandoned.

   He confirmed that the shackles in his blood had been broken and lifted!

it's finally over.

   Lu Qingshan sighed.

   Even with the tenacity of his will, he didn't want to endure this kind of pain again.

   "Unprecedented Ten Flower Realm..." Lu Qingshan cast his eyes on the panel.

The "Da Xia Jing" on the column of    Gongfa is already lit up again.

   "Today I can already fight the high-level demon generals. If I really break through the ten flowers, what kind of powerful power will I have..."

   "Also, if I can enter the Ten Flower Realm, my Yuanshen Realm will smoothly break through to the Soul Realm." Lu Qingshan looked forward to it at this moment.

   The soul realm's primordial spirit will increase the combat power of the cultivator, which will be extremely intuitive.

   And the primordial spirits of this level can generally only be reached by the seven-level monks and a few top six-level monks.

   You must know that he is only in the five realms now.

   This is the great influence and benefit he has brought to him by comprehending the true meaning of the four realms in the Yuan Ying period.

   The essence of true meaning's tempering and enhancing effect on the soul is really too powerful.

   Thinking like this, Lu Qingshan is already pouring his experience into the "Great Summer Classic".

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