This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 73: Invert black and white

"This sword repair is a bit stable (!

In the center of the King City of Jianluo, there is a huge palace, the whole body is like colored glaze, reflecting all kinds of light under the blood sun.

This is the center of the Burning Moon Region, where the Sword Luo Palace is located.

Demon Lord Honglie walked quickly and headed for a palace to the south.

After a while.

In a luxurious palace.

A burly man, ten feet tall, with brown-red hair dangling randomly, leaned on the seat.

He seemed to be palpitating from a towering mountain, and his breath was terrifying.

"Meet Chi Zun!" Demon Lord Honglie bowed respectfully to salute.

There are three families of the Jianluo royal family, the first family of Crimson Sovereign, the first family of Life Sovereign, and the first family of War Sovereign.

Their killing of the Wu line is attached to the Chi Zun line.

The Chi Zun was wearing a red robe with several golden silk patterns on the robe. He looked so noble, and his overall appearance was too similar to that of the human race.

"Honglie," Chi Zun's deep voice sounded, "I heard about you."

"There are fanatics who dare to attack the pure blood of this race, and hope that Chi Zun must find out the real murderer and raise the power of our soldiers." Demon Lord Honglie said in a gloomy voice.

"I have already informed the Ming Zun and Zhan Zun of this matter."

Chi Zun nodded slightly, and the voice came out from all directions, as if the whole world was talking, "The royal family will try their best to help investigate this matter. The name of the soldier is not to be desecrated."

"Thank you Chizun."

Chi Zun didn't care, and asked, "What did you say about killing Wu?"

Demon Lord Honglie replied: "Father is also very angry, but his father's current situation is not suitable for a big fight, so this matter can only trouble the royal family."

Chi Zun nodded slightly when he heard the words, "I understand, let Killing Wu take a good rest. It was because of what happened to the King of Sword Luo that he has fallen into this situation. This is what our royal family owes him."

"Xie Chizun understands." Demon Lord Honglie bowed.

"I heard that in the place where Yingjun was killed, you found some evidence?" Chi Zun asked again.

Demon Lord Honglie nodded and took out a huge fragment of the battle boat from the mustard seed and floated in the hall.

"This is the wreckage of the war boat found in the land where Jun'er's body fell."

The edge of the wreckage of the war boat was extremely smooth and flat, as if it had been cut by some sharp weapon.

Chi Zun waved his hand, and the fragments flew in front of him.

He let out his perception, what he was feeling, closed his eyes and meditated, and after a moment, he suddenly muttered, "This is...?!"

He seemed to babble, "I felt the residual sword energy of Human Swordsman on it."

"Human sword repair?" Demon Lord Honglie's pupils shook sharply, and his voice murmured: "How is it possible, how could there be a human sword repair in the Burning Moon Region?"

"The sword qi remains," Chi Zun opened his eyes, with a flat expression on his face, "I can't feel wrong about this."

When they invaded the human realm, he had fought with many great sword cultivators of the human race, and he was particularly impressed with the memory of those sword cultivators.

It was also during that period of time that he understood the terrible aspect of Human Swordsmanship.

"However, it doesn't have to be Human Sword Repair, after all, the possibility of Humans appearing in the Burning Moon Domain is really too low.

It is also possible that the person who shot, has specially learned the Sword Qi method of Human Sword Cultivation, in order to confuse the line of sight. "The demon Lord Honglie guessed.

The law of sword qi is not an exclusive secret, the human race makes it, and their demons make it too.

It's just the sword cultivation of the human race, there is a cultivation system that matches the sword aura, and the sword aura displayed will be extremely powerful.

Their demons do not have this condition, and the power they exert will be greatly reduced, so generally no one will do such thankless things.

"You are right, both possibilities are reasonable," Chi Zun's eyes were deep, "but no matter what the situation, the meaning behind this is not simple,"

If it is the first possibility, it means that a human race has appeared in their burning moon domain.

How did that human infiltrate the Burning Moon Region? Why not be discovered? What is the conspiracy to sneak into the Burning Moon Region?

These are all worth noting.

Is the second possibility.

In order to kill Yingjun, he specially practiced the human sword to cultivate sword qi, just to confuse his vision?

Such a troublesome design, who is it and what is the purpose?

Is it to target their soldiers and demons?

Or is it just aimed at killing Wu's pulse, or is it just revenge?

The relationship is complicated and confusing.

Demon Lord Honglie frowned when he thought of the problems behind him.

"It feels like something is wrong," he murmured.

"Don't worry, the three royal families will take action together, and the matter must be solved." Chi Zun said coldly.


"The demon Lord Honglie invited me to come, saying that you have something to inquire?"

After coming out of Mingyue Mansion and returning to his mansion, Lu Qingshan received news from Honglie Demon Lord's Mansion.

"The news of Yingjun's body has just come out. Demon Lord Honglie should be looking for someone to kill his enemies, but he just invited me to come here at this time..." He analyzed the situation.

"I am definitely not exposed. If exposed, it would not be as simple as asking me to come home."

"But if you come to me at this sensitive time, if you say it has nothing to do with Yingjun, it is impossible."

"Is it to clarify the situation, or is there any doubt I haven't noticed been discovered?" Lu Qingshan thought.

He stayed with Yingjun before his death, and after the two parted ways, Yingjun was killed, and it was reasonable to ask him about the situation.

"Don't do anything wrong, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door," Lu Qingshan brainwashed himself: "Then just take a trip."

"However, the necessary selling is still necessary." He thought this way, and then shouted, "Yura."

Soon, Yu Luo came to hear the confidant he brought.

"Your Highness." He said respectfully.

"I'm going to Honglie Demon Lord's Mansion later, you will bring this news to Mingyue Mansion immediately after I leave the mansion."

Lu Qingshan said in a deep voice: "Remember, to make my situation more miserable, suggesting that Demon Lord Honglie has no good intentions to me..."

He gave a lot of details.

"Subordinates understand." Yu Luo quickly responded, his eyes flashing.

This is already a conspiracy hidden in private.

Since Lu Qingshan entrusted these tasks to him, it just shows that in Lu Qingshan's heart, Yuluo is his confidant.

How could he not be excited?

When Lu Qingshan became famous and swept his contemporaries in the King City of Jianluo, if anyone was excited, he must be one of them.

He Yu Luo, abandoned the dark and cast the light, and went to Qing Ge.

He admits that this is a gamble.

But judging from the current situation, his gamble seems to have directly hit the "leopard", and he wants to make a lot of money.

—— Qing Ge's excellence is even better than the best situation he expected!

Yuluo's biggest idea now is that he must gain his trust and become a senior figure before His Highness Qing Ge has not fully gained momentum.

Therefore, he must handle this matter simply and neatly!


Honglie Demon Lord's Mansion.

Under the leadership of the guards, Lu Qingshan passed through a long corridor, passed many halls and pavilions, and entered a large hall.

In the main hall, Demon Lord Honglie turned his hands behind his back, staring at the patterns of many weapons on the wall, his eyes solemn and focused, not knowing what he was thinking.

After Lu Qingshan came in, he did not directly disturb him, but also looked at Demon Lord Honglie.

Demon Lord Honglie looked forty years old at most, very young.

In fact, for the Demon Lord Honglie, if it weren't for having many heirs, in order to show his generation difference with his children, and to show his majesty, he wanted to keep himself at twenty years old and there would be no problem.

Demon Lord Honglie has more than a dozen heirs.

But there are only two pure bloods, the eldest son Yingjie and the second son Yingjun.

Others are mixed blood like Qing Ge.

But this time, his only two pure-blooded heirs were dead.

The anger in Demon Lord Honglie's heart was far greater than what he showed on his face.

After a long time, Demon Lord Honglie seemed to finally come back to his senses, turned around, looked at Lu Qingshan and said faintly: "Here?"

"Meet the Demon Lord Honglie." Lu Qingshan said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Your reputation is very loud these days," Demon Lord Honglie looked at Lu Qingshan and suddenly smiled, "Brother-in-law?"

"Don't dare." Lu Qingshan replied flatly.

"My relationship with Mingyue is not very good. There are many gaps, but no matter what, she is my sister. I am very happy to see her find such a good husband-in-law."

Demon Lord Honglie said slowly without seeing any waves on his face without anger and prestige.

"After I got married with Mingyue, I will definitely take good care of Mingyue. Don't worry, the demon master." Lu Qingshan promised.

"That's good." The demon Lord Honglie's expression sank, and he suddenly changed the subject and said, "My second son, something happened to Yingjun, do you know?"

"I know, I also ask the devil to mourn, find the murderer as soon as possible, and avenge the murder of his son." Lu Qingshan said in grief.

Demon Lord Honglie didn't have too many emotional fluctuations, and then said: "Jun'er stayed with you before the accident."

"Well," Lu Qingshan nodded and admitted, "At that time he invited me to the Blood God Mountain to inspect the situation of the Blood God Placer Mine, and I naturally accepted the appointment with pleasure."

"I heard from the people on the Blood God Ridge, they saw you and Jun'er at the time, and they seemed to have a conflict, and they broke up?"

"There was indeed a contradiction," Lu Qingshan said honestly: "His Royal Highness Yingjun wants me to cooperate with him to help me fight for the position of the leader of the Senluo King Realm.

But I heard that Yue has a bad relationship with you. Taking into account her feelings, she can only reluctantly reject Her Highness Yingjun's proposal. "

"I didn't want to anger His Highness Yingjun because of this. There was a quarrel. I was young and very angry, so I left first."

"It now appears that your relationship with Mingyue is not as bad as the rumors say. If I knew this, I agreed. Maybe this disaster can be avoided." Lu Qingshan regretted it.

"For the sake of Mingyue's feelings, I rejected the proposal of cooperation..." Honglie Demon Lord's eyes flickered and faintly said: "You have not known Mingyue for a long time, why do you have such a deep relationship?"

"Miss Mingyue's posture of being overwhelmed with the city, she has the same interest as me. I fell in love with her at first sight, which made the devil laugh." Lu Qingshan said shyly.

"Qing Ge, you think I'm a fool, are you fooling?!" Demon Lord Honglie screamed: "I think you are in conflict with Jun'er, and you hold a grudge, so you secretly instructed your subordinates to take action and kill Jun. child!"

With that, Demon Lord Honglie released coercion and pressed towards Lu Qingshan.

"I advise you to recruit it immediately, or else stop blaming me for being rude to you!"

The powerful pressure from the demon lord instantly caused Lu Qingshan's blood toss, his expression embarrassed, his face bursting with blue veins and cold sweat.

He clenched his fist and endured it hard.

But his bearing capacity has limits.

Why haven't you come...

Lu Qingshan's secret path is not good.

at this time.

"That's how you treated Mingyue's husband-in-law?"

An extremely majestic voice came.

At the same time, the terrifying coercion that made Lu Qingshan feel suffocated, disappeared.

Lu Qingshan turned around with difficulty and saw Wu Mozun Slaughter walking in with Ying Mingyue.

Ying Mingyue blinked at Lu Qingshan extremely vaguely, but she didn't know why, her delicate earlobes were a little red.

"Father, why are you here?" Demon Lord Honglie flashed his eyes and said respectfully.

"I heard that you are looking for trouble with Qing Ge, I naturally want to come and have a look," Wu Mozun shot his sleeve indifferently, and said angrily: "Otherwise, maybe I will lose a good son-in-law."

"Father must have received false news," Demon Lord Honglie said with a smile: "Qing Ge is Mingyue's future husband-in-law, so why should I trouble him?

It was just that Jun'er had an accident yesterday, and before the accident, she happened to be staying with Qing Ge, so I called Qing Ge to ask about the situation and see if there was any useful information. "

"So," Wu Mozun nodded, without much reaction, "Then ask, I will also listen to you, Jun'er is my grandson, he is in an accident, and I want to find the murderer as soon as possible."

"However, what do you want to ask? Just ask clearly now. After today, don't look for Qing Ge again, lest Qing Ge feel that our Ying family is insulting him."

"How could it happen? Your Royal Highness Yingjun has an accident, and I am also quite sad," Lu Qingshan answered, and said to Demon Lord Honglie: "If you need my cooperation, just call me, you are welcome."

Demon Lord Honglie looked embarrassed.

Lu Qingshan said nicely, but the killing of Wu Mozun had already spoken, how could he dare to disobey?

"You had an unpleasant quarrel with Jun'er yesterday, and then there was an accident in Jun'er shortly afterwards, what can you do to explain?" Demon Lord Honglie questioned.

"There is nothing to explain, it's just a coincidence."

"After I separated from His Royal Highness Yingjun, I went straight back to the King City without stopping for a while on the road."

"The time I arrived in the King City of Jianluo completely matched what I said, and many people saw me enter the city with their own eyes."

"In addition, His Royal Highness Yingjun is a seventh-rank demon commander, and I am not a junior demon commander.

Although, I have a few tricks, and there are not a few contemporaries in the king's city that are my opponents.

But you never think that I have a way to kill His Royal Highness Yingjun, right? Is this too worthy of me? "Lu Qingshan never forgets to boast.

"I don't have the time to shoot, and I don't have the strength. How can your Highness Yingjun have anything to do with me?" He was clear and concise.

"You don't have the strength and time, but you can send someone to do this.

After all, judging from the current situation, you are the only one with a little motive for killing. "Honglie Demon Lord chased after him reluctantly.

"You also said that it was just a little motive for murder. How can someone kill a pure blood soldier because of some small contradictions. Is this tired of life?

Besides, I am not familiar with the place in my life, except for the men I brought, there is no one to call.

And my subordinates didn't even leave the mansion at that time. You should be able to find these things when you check them out? "

"If you want to commit a crime, there is nothing wrong with it," Lu Qingshan sighed, and said quietly: "You can understand that I don't like it because I am the future husband-in-law relationship of Mingyue."

"But I can't bear such a big guilt, Qing Ge still can't bear it, and I ask the demon master to show mercy."

Appearing to be self-deprecating, in fact it is an insinuation to Demon Lord Honglie.

Killing Wu Mozun's face became gloomy at this time.

Obviously, he agreed with Lu Qingshan's words, believing that Demon Lord Honglie deliberately targeted "Qing Ge" because of Ying Mingyue.

Demon Lord Honglie is also a person who knows how to look at his face. He saw the displeasure of killing Wu Demon Zun and explained: "I am a little bit reckless.

I just really couldn't find anyone who had a reason to kill Jun'er. You are the only one who has some circumstances, so I made such a fuss. "

"What I just said is a bit heavy, don't take it to heart." Demon Lord Honglie suppressed the anger in his heart and said politely.

"I can understand the pain of losing a child, but Demon Honglie..."

Lu Qingshan suddenly said quietly at this moment: "Are you really sure that His Highness Yingjun must have died in the interception of outsiders?"

"It's hard to say."

He took a deep breath and glanced at the silent Killing Wu Mozun. He seemed to have confidence and suddenly said: "His Royal Highness Yingjun is a pure-blooded soldier and demon clan, and his status is incomparable.

Once he had an accident, he would inevitably arouse the anger of the royal family and fully investigate the situation. "

"If the murderer is found, it will involve countless serious problems."

"Just ask how many people dare to attack His Royal Highness Yingjun easily?"

"Furthermore, how many years hasn't this kind of thing been intercepted by the pure-blooded soldier demon?"

Demon Lord Honglie rarely refutes Lu Qingshan's words.

In fact, he also had some factors, it was for this reason that he suspected Lu Qingshan.

He really couldn't find anyone who would kill Yingjun, only Lu Qingshan had that possibility.

Although he has an alibi.

Of course, because of the feud with Ying Mingyue, there is also a part of the reason for trying to find "Qing Ge" trouble.

After all, judging from the current situation, Qing Ge obviously rejected Yingjun's cooperation proposal.

If you can't cooperate, you are the enemy!

Seeing the reaction of Demon Lord Honglie, Lu Qingshan sneered, "It seems that you still agree with me."

Demon Lord Honglie snorted coldly.

Lu Qingshan continued: "If you want to find out the cause of His Highness Yingjun's accident, the best way is to find someone with a motive for murder."

He looked around and said loudly, "I want to ask Demon Lord Honglie, Yingjun is dead, who has made the most profit in this matter?"

Demon Lord Honglie was also a little confused for a while, did not react, frowned and asked: "What do you mean, if you have something to say, don't go around with me."

"My two elder brothers, Chip and Diao Feng, because my father, Demon Lord of the Blades, loves me so much, he has never dealt with me." Lu Qingshan did not answer directly, but changed the topic and suddenly told his own story.

"But in fact, neither of them regards me as anything, because the position of the world master can only be inherited by pure blood. I am just a mixed blood.

Their real enemies are actually each other, and I'm at best a nail that they don't like. "

"I have witnessed various open and secret fights between the two of them. The smell of gunpowder is so great that they are even no different from their enemies."

"My heart aches, they are brothers!" Lu Qingshan said sadly.

Upon seeing Lu Qingshan's performance, Ying Mingyue curled his lips unconsciously.

Are you the most brotherly?

Obviously you are eyeing the position of the realm master, so how about putting this pretend to be a Bodhisattva?


"Sometimes I think, if my father only gave birth to one pure blood, it would be fine.

There is no suspense about the position of the world master, and the situation of brothers being mutilated can be avoided. Lu Qingshan sighed and continued.

Following his words fell.

The complexion of everyone in the hall began to change.

Lu Qingshan didn't say it directly, but what he hinted was already very obvious.

Who was the happiest when Ying Jun died?

The eldest son of Demon Lord Honglie, Yingjie!

The number of pure-blood monsters is extremely small, and the demon master Honglie has two pure-blood heirs, Yingjun and Yingjie.

The position of Patriarch can only be inherited by pure blood.

Once Yingjun died, Yingjie became the only heir.

Qing Ge means, the murderer --- Yingjun's eldest brother, Yingjie!

"How can Jie'er do this kind of brother-killing thing?!" Demon Lord Honglie looked embarrassed, his voice was low, and shouted: "Qing Ge, you are talking nonsense, and your heart is shameful!"

Lu Qingshan smiled rather than smiled, "Did I say something?"

"I did not say anything."

"However, since the demon lord himself said that, then I would dare to say a few more words.

If His Royal Highness Yingjie does this, the most important thing is to create all kinds of falsehoods, to draw disasters, and to bring the possibility of real murder to some people who are specious, but in fact, do not exist at all.

This way, not only can it confuse the line of sight, but it can also turn the matter into a mystery. "

a bolt from the blue.

Lu Qingshan's words sounded like a thunderbolt in the heart of Demon Lord Honglie.

Terran sword repair!

Isn't this a specious person, but it is very likely that someone who does not exist at all?

In their burning moon domain, how could there be humans lurking and not being discovered?

However, Chi Zun also said that, on the wreckage of the warship, he felt the residual sword energy of the human sword repair.

"Furthermore, I have to deliberately leave some seemingly conclusive clues to mislead everyone." Lu Qingshan continued.


Demon Lord Honglie's heart sank again.

He has never figured out why the murderer did not do a good job in the aftermath, but instead left such obvious wreckage of the war boat so that they could discover the location of the accident?

They guessed that the situation was urgent and the murderer had no time to deal with the aftermath.

This is actually a far-fetched reason.

Since the murderer can kill Yingjun so easily, it must be extremely powerful.

What is the situation that will make him too late to deal with the aftermath?

Demon Lord Honglie, of course, could not think of it, this was actually because the murderer was a sword.

But the sword has no ability to deal with the aftermath on its own.

Therefore, from his perspective, just as Qing Ge said, these wrecks of the war ship are deliberately left behind by the murderer.

Then why did the murderer deliberately leave the wreckage of these war boats...It must be impossible for them to find themselves easily.

So, as Qing Ge said, is it to mislead them?

Demon Lord Honglie's eyes flickered, and many thoughts arose.


On the other side, a dark cloud gradually appeared in the eyes of Killing Wu Mozun.

He also knows the details of Ying Jun's murder.

So he understood that what Qing Ge said was an accurate hit!

However, the wreckage of the war boat was discovered, and there was the atmosphere of human sword repairing in the wreckage. Only a few people knew about these things for the time being, and they did not announce it.

In other words, Qing Ge relied purely on guessing, so he guessed everything.

This undoubtedly gave Lu Qing a little more credibility.

In the case of Ying Jun's murder, there were too many unreasonable things.

Most importantly, there has never been a murderer with a motive for killing.

Just like Demon Lord Honglie suspected Qing Ge, but he actually couldn't find too many reasons why Qing Ge wanted to take a big risk to kill Yingjun.

It seems that Yingjie is really the only suspect with a strong motive for killing?


"A school of nonsense, a school of nonsense, Jun'er and Jie'er have always been brothers and harmony, you are an outsider, you are here to instigate discord!" The demon Lord Honglie suddenly turned pale and suddenly shouted.

"It's enough, please be careful." Seeing that Lu Qingshan seemed to have something to say, Mozun Wu suddenly spoke and said lightly.

Only then did Lu Qingshan wake up, and he was silent for a while, then slowly said, "I was offended. It was just my silly remark. Please don't blame it, let alone remember it."

"Humph!" Demon Lord Honglie was already a little angry.

The expressions of everyone on the court gradually returned to calm, and there were not too many psychological fluctuations, only Ying Mingyue still had some shock in his eyes.

"Is it because Ying Jie and Yingjun brothers murdered his own brother?"

She was surprised but the more she thought about it, the more she realized it was possible.

"It must be so, it must be so. The reaction of Demon Lord Honglie just shows that Lu Qingshan is right!"

She is not a stupid person, she has seen many clues from the perspective of onlookers.

Lu Qingshan sneered constantly in his heart.

Turning black and white upside down, throwing the pot on Ying Jie, this was actually just a sudden accident.

But it was this temporary intention, like a stroke of god, that explained the many suspicious points in this matter well.

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