This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 120: Bloodbath Demon Race

Hidden in the volcano, Lu Qingshan, who had been sitting cross-legged for several days, finally opened his eyes.

Half a day ago, he felt that the position of the peach blossom imprint in the sea of ​​knowledge had not moved for a long time.

This means that Huang Yang has already given up searching for his traces in all likelihood and returned to his nest.

From the perspective of the direction, the Taohua Imprint was just two hours away from his position at this time, which was close to the time when Tianmang led people to catch up with him.

Lu Qingshan's eyes were cold.

It's time to settle the ledger.

Dare to make trouble for him, he clearly has the opportunity to cut the grass and roots but refuse to do it, so it is in vain to repair the sword.

The next moment, Lu Qingshan stroked his palm, and the peach blossom flashed out, bringing a sword light to enclose him.

Suddenly, Hongguang mastered it, and led him to the location where the peach blossom mark in the sea of ​​knowledge was located.


The place where Huang Yang is at this time is in the depths of the Great Wasteland, but it is not far away from where Lu Qingshan is. Lu Qingshan speeds all the way to the destination soon.

This is an area shrouded in thick mist, covering a very large area, and you can't see the head at a glance, and it is impossible to penetrate the mist and explore the specific conditions in it.

Standing on the edge of the fog, Lu Qingshan frowned, and finally stepped into this mysterious area.

As soon as he entered this area, the mist behind him quickly wrapped up, making it impossible to see the circuit clearly.


This is the most distinctive feature of this area.

Lu Qingshan couldn't hear the sound at all, as if he had entered a no-man's land.

He carefully looked at all the surrounding scenery, and didn't want to let go of any abnormalities.

Because this place is not unexpected, it will be the place where the Heart Demon Race Black Lotus is bred. If you can find something special, it will be of great reference value for searching for the Heart Demon Race's main body in the future.

The surrounding fog is thick, and if there is no signpost, it will easily crash everywhere like a headless fly.

However, fortunately, Lu Qingshan has road signs—the peach blossoms in the sea of ​​knowledge are shining, guiding him in the direction of progress.


As it got closer to the location of the Peach Blossom Imprint, Lu Qingshan was suddenly taken aback.

In the thick fog in front, there was a trace of black magical energy rippling out, which looked very different.

"Somewhat unusual." Lu Qingshan stopped slightly and looked at it carefully.

After a long time, he discovered that this ray of demon energy was actually transpiring from the ground, very light and very illusory. If it had not been for his refining and suppressing demon, his perception of demon energy had become more acute, and he might have been unable to detect it. .

"What's in this underground?"

Lu Qingshan questioned.

He was puzzled, but he continued to move forward. After another distance, the world turned abruptly and the scene changed drastically.

This is a wide swampy area.

It was very similar to the environment of the place where the inner demon he saw in the emperor heaven.

Moreover, from a distance, he had already seen a black lotus.

Above the black lotus, at this moment, a demon shadow that looked extremely human was sitting side by side.

Next to the black lotus, there is still a different form and bloodline, but it is also the soul of the demon clan.

"The heart demon body." Looking at the demon clan that was very similar to the previous Tianmang, Lu Qingshan burst out with a killing intent, and his vitality billowed out.

"Heart demon, I'm here, to kill the roots, I must kill!" He whispered, making no concealment.

Since there is the idea of ​​bloodbathing this place, there is no need to cover up.

The next moment, Lu Qingshan's body glowed, a sword gas gushing out, sweeping forward, extremely sharp.


Hei Lian noticed something, was startled, and suddenly opened his eyes.

It was an 8-Rank One Cast Heart Demon Clan, and when he saw the scene where Lu Qingshan killed him, he was suddenly stunned.

Is that a human monk?

How could a human monk appear here?

He was frightened and angry, and actually saw the human monk in the old lair. Isn't the secret of that clan likely to be exposed at any time?

After a while, he got up again, without it, the aura that Lu Qingshan had exploded at this time was so strong that he had to trembled in his heart and began to be on guard.


The heart demon no longer thinks too much, the demon clan soul entrenched next to his black lotus immediately violent, sacrificed the demon soldiers, and attacked Lu Qingshan.

The magical energy is densely covered, and it instantly fills up this space.

He was preparing to crush Lu Qingshan with a cultivation base that was a great level higher.


Something that surprised him happened, Lu Qingshan's heart moved, and the dragon bird flew out, smashing the devilish energy easily.


The body of the inner demon changed color at the same time as the distracted soul.

This is, Lu Qingshan has already rushed, with a sharp killing intent, opening and closing, holding the Suppression Demon Slash toward the Heart Demon's body.

Yes, Lu Qingshan's goal is very clear. From beginning to end, he is the body of the inner demon, not his soul.

"He turned out to be locked in my body?" The heart demon was horrified for an instant, and the Soul Divider on the side hurriedly manipulated the demon soldier to greet him.

Seeing that the two were about to collide and fought fiercely, the expression on his face froze in the next moment.

The sword of Zhenmo strangely passed the distracting soul that was blocking him, and directly penetrated his body, causing his body to crack quickly, and then exploded.

Secret Sword·Spring Breeze Return.

"Ah!" Accompanied by a roar, a piece of blood was spilled, and an 8-Rank 1-forged Demon Race was just a fight between the two, and it was dead.

With the fall of the main body, the soul-separated spirit that had previously exploded in power suddenly closed his eyes, and his devilish energy entered the sea like a clay cow, disappearing out of thin air, and fell back silently and strangely.

There is no more breath of life.

When the body dies, the soul is divided.

"Sure enough..." Lu Qingshan couldn't help muttering when he saw this situation.

Looking at it this way, his first purpose here is considered to be achieved-he can now basically determine the relationship between the mind demon's body and the soul separation.

Thinking of this in his mind, Lu Qingshan's hand movement was even sharper, the dragon bird led him, dived into the ground, cut across the black lotus root system, cut off the black lotus directly, and then put it in the mustard seed. .

The root of the black lotus is the sacred heart lotus in the mouth of the Infernal Territory Demon Race.

This is an unimaginable benefit for the monks to break through the limit of the soul. It is a high-quality treasure, and Lu Qingshan can't be a waste.


At almost the same moment, two demons and three beasts appeared inside this area and rushed out.

In Lu Qingshan's previous battle, he didn't and didn't even think about concealing his momentum, so the other heart demons nearby were immediately alarmed, and they sent their souls out to kill Lu Qingshan.

Although it has not yet reached the core area, it is a hiding place for the Heart Demon Clan after all.

"Are you five?" Lu Qingshan's eyes were deep, the dragon bird sword in front of him stopped, and the next moment it was like thunder, with the sound of a sonic boom.

His language is quite calm, but extremely frivolous.

As an eighth rank demon cultivator, but being scorned by a human race cultivator in this way, the five heart demons were distracted and their killing intent spread.

A battle started again, the stratum broke apart in the fierce battle, and the divine light continued to shine.

Lu Qingshan dared to come alone, naturally, he was sure of it. How could a few demons who were equal to the monks in the First Tribulation Realm be able to stop him at this time?

In the end, the five heart demons all fell, shocking.

Lu Qingshan continued to move forward, and soon saw five empty black lotuses.

Obviously the black lotus, who was the body of the five soul-dividing souls, was frightened and flew away after the soul-dividing was beheaded by Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan sneered, disregarding it, and collected the five black lotuses into the mustard seeds as well, then went away and went deep into this area.

The strict class demon clan, even among the same clan, has strict hierarchies, the more the inner demon bloodline is, the more powerful it is.

But for Lu Qingshan at this time, this is nothing.

The heart demon clan bloodied, causing an uproar.

After beheading the fourth wave of enemies he encountered, Lu Qingshan finally raised his head vigilantly, and stopped for a while.

He felt that the peach blossom imprint he had imprinted on Huang Yang's body was quickly approaching him.

"Finally, will the real master be dispatched?" Lu Qingshan muttered.

Sure enough, several black lights broke through the air, and four inner demons with different shapes and different races appeared in front of them.

Three of them are the cultivation bases of the Three Cast Demon Lords, which are equivalent to the monks of the Three Tribulations Realm.

And judging from the coercion that he exudes, it is not a simple three-cast realm, but a leader in the three-cast realm.

As for the remaining one, it is an old acquaintance-the boxwood that Lu Qingshan deliberately let go.

"It's him, the murderer who killed His Royal Highness Tianmang!" Huang Yang couldn't help exclaiming as soon as he saw Lu Qingshan.

"I didn't expect it to be you..." A heart demon's eyes rose sharply, and his aura became stronger.

Obviously, they had been looking for Lu Qingshan before, and didn't want to let him go, they wanted to catch him and avenge His Highness Tianmang.

Who would have thought that Lu Qingshan, who could not be found, had found their stronghold and was so arrogant that he would take the initiative to kill him.

"You owe my clan a life, come back now." Another heart demon said in a cold voice, his eyes widening.

The form of this soul-separating heart demon is a monster, with an extremely large body, with eyes like two doors, extremely large, and speaking out, it is very vicious and vicious.

"It's so courageous, a monk of the seven realms who killed our Highness Tianmang and dared to break here alone in the end. I admire your courage!"

His form is also the Demon Race, and his bloodline is the Nether Demon Race.

This is a very small number of races in the abyss, but it is a seventh-rank bloodline, not comparable to the eighth-rank bloodline of his own heart demon.

However, the Nether Demon Race has a very special bloodline talent, that is, the physical body is virtualized, and it can almost be immune to all physical damage, so he has taken a fancy to seize the soul for a soul separation.

"Chopping the grass does not remove the roots, the spring breeze blows and regenerates." Lu Qingshan said coldly at the threat of the three.

The Nether Demon smiled with anger.

Because, no matter how amazing the monks of the seven realms are, they may be able to cross the boundary to kill the demonic cultivation that has just entered the eighth rank, but it is absolutely impossible to cross a big realm to fight against the eighth rank peak powerhouse, and this will undoubtedly die.

"I'll see if you have any abilities to dare to speak up!" The heart demon in the form of a beast shouted, and took the lead.

Lu Qingshan did not evade, rushed forward and directly faced off.

"Three flowers gather on top!"

He opened his lips lightly.

The next moment, the soul of his eyebrows in the sea of ​​consciousness releases the power of divine consciousness, which is constantly pouring out, and is unified with his power.

Suddenly, his vitality foundation was raised to 700,000, the level of a monk in the Three Tribulations Realm.

The three three-cast realm inner demons on the opposite side distracted their souls, staring coldly at Lu Qingshan, shocked in their hearts, but now that the battle has started, they stopped talking nonsense.

Frightening fluctuations diffused from them, causing the void to tremble.

Lu Qingshan's eyes narrowed involuntarily with that powerful pressure.

This sense of oppression...

These three heart demons are divided into souls, and their strength is very high. This battle is definitely not easy.

Lu Qingshan took a deep breath, the purple-golden sword domain unfolded, and at the same time, the magic domain was cast.

"The law of heaven is like the earth!"

There was a big vision in the law domain, and the majestic and mighty power burst out unreservedly at this time, focusing on Lu Qingshan.


Purple gold yuan power soared into the sky.

When Lu Qingshan's vitality exploded, the three heart demons were shocked, "This source of vitality... a monk in the Three Tribulations Realm?"

With the blessing of two consecutive miracles of the Three Flowers Gathering on the Top and the Fatian Xiangdi, Lu Qingshan's Yuanli foundation is officially approaching 800,000, which is infinitely close to the peak level of the ordinary Three Tribulation Realm monks.

This made the three hearts and souls finally begin to believe what Huang Yang said.

"Don't say it's just a blended monk who has reached the Three Tribulations Realm with Yuan Li, it's a joke for the True Three Tribulations Realm monks in front of us!" Nether Moxiu's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes were deep, and the corners of his mouth were ridiculed.

Yuanli background, that is only a part of the monks in the Three Tribulations realm, not to say that with this Yuanli background, they can be equivalent to the monks in the Three Tribulations realm.

Besides, it is true Three Tribulations realm cultivators, their soul-separation, they are also extremely talented bloodlines, what is there to fear?

"Just this little strength is far from enough!"

A heart demon slapped the soles of the soul splitting feet and violently shot. At that moment, a huge black hand suddenly chopped off, like a giant axe, and the space was shattered under the chop.

Although these three heart demons felt that Lu Qingshan was definitely not their opponent, when they shot, they all went all out without letting up.

At this level, how many fools are there?

The attack from the three-cast realm demon master, the state of destruction, is already indescribable, as if to separate the heaven and the earth.

Lu Qingshan's expression was solemn.

Facing the three-cast demon master's full offensive, he did not dare to say that he did not take it seriously, and there must be no slack.

But he was not afraid, all he had in his bones was excitement.


The blue sword light flashed, Wang Chuan wrapped the purple-gold elemental power, and it was directly transformed into a huge, purple, gold and blue three-color rainbow pierced through the sky, and it hit the **** palm that was chopped down.


The giant palm seemed to be made of gold and iron, and after colliding with Wangchuan, there was an extremely harsh sound of gold and iron.

In this collision, the black giant palm was obviously more tyrannical, slashing down, actually bounced Wang Chuan aside.

"Innocent boy, your original strength is comparable to that of a monk in the Three Tribulations realm, but the two levels are different. Do you really think you can be equivalent to a monk in the Three Tribulations realm?" Mo Xiu laughed loudly. , He stood in the void, looking down on Lu Qingshan.

The difference between the eight realms and the seven realms is not only in the strength of the original strength.

Lu Qingshan's figure flickered like electricity, finally avoiding the huge black palm that continued to be hacked.

The black giant palm fell into the air and fell on the ground, directly tearing open a bottomless and abyss.

Lu Qingshan, who had avoided this wave of offensive, flickered slightly.

Although Mo Xiu's words were ugly, they were truthful.

But relying on the essence of the Three Tribulations Realm, it is far from enough to want to fight the three Three Cast Realm demon masters.

Lu Qingshan had already expected this result, so he was not disappointed.

He slowly raised his head and let out a stale breath from his mouth.

"You are right. It is indeed a long way from fighting against the three of you based on the essence of the Three Tribulations Realm alone..."

A sharp color condensed in Lu Qingshan's eyes.

"What about this?"

When his voice fell, the dragon bird appeared, with light gradually blooming, as if it had been ignited.

That is, the first secret method of attacking the abyss.

Bing Zi Jue: Dragon Bird!

"Move fast like a dart!" A quiet voice resounded in this world.

The vast light, the beautiful shadow, the majestic power.

Everything is extremely familiar.

Qin Yitian's phantom embraced Lu Qingshan from behind, and then merged with him.

Then a powerful force exploded in his body.

In a short while, Lu Qingshan's vitality heritage once again skyrocketed.

The Three Seals Association’s Bing Zi Jue brought a fourfold increase in combat power.

Of course, this is not to say that his vitality foundation was raised from 800,000 to 3.2 million.

——The elementary power foundation is not such a simple calculation method, but should be linear, the higher it is, the harder it is to improve, and the correspondingly higher the elementary power foundation, the more terrifying the increase in combat power will be.

It's like a sprint record, the higher it goes, even the one-tenth of a second breakthrough is commendable.

Therefore, under the blessing of the Bing Zi Jue, Lu Qingshan's foundation of vitality at this time is... one million!

The foundation of vitality that the monks of the Four Tribulations realm have.

"You fucking!" Seeing Lu Qingshan's Yuanli background skyrocketing for three consecutive waves, from 500,000 at the beginning to 1 million today, the Mozu finally couldn't help but start to feel palpitations.

This is the first time they have seen this kind of perversion.

It's not that they haven't seen the secret method of outbreak.

But you should know that, generally speaking, there are conflicts between explosion secret methods, and it is difficult to coexist, let alone superimposition. If there is no such limitation, monks practice a few explosion secret methods and perform them together, wouldn't the realm become a joke? ?

But here in Lu Qingshan, there is no such problem.

Both the Magic Domain and the Bing Zi Jue are the top-notch explosion secrets. Not only are they powerful, they are not in conflict!


The vast power filled his body, Lu Qingshan didn't talk nonsense. He held the Suppressor, his eyes sharply locked on the three souls, his body flashed, and light and shadow broke through the sky.

The momentum is fierce, and the posture is unrivaled.

There is a time limit for Bing Zi Jue's power blessing, and Lu Qingshan must hurry up!

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