This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 135: The cyan dragon head breathes in the sky

The Kawakami Plateau was once the gate of the Huanlingzong, the first beast repair sect of the human race.

The reason why Huanlingzong established the sect here is that the Sichuan Plateau is rich in spiritual energy, rich in spiritual resources, and diverse geographical environments, and there are many kinds of monsters.

These monsters, wild and long, are distributed on the huge Sichuan plateau, each occupying an area.

But today, these monsters, who were always wild and wild, seem to be crazy.

The wind screamed and the ancient wood shook.

A strong smell of fish makes people nauseous, and at the same time a terrible fierce atmosphere accompanies it.

A golden bear demon rushed out of the ancient woods, behind it, there was a large black beast.


In a mountain range, roars came one after another, the rocks collapsed into the sky, the peaks shook, forming a terrifying scene of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking.

Afterwards, groups of monsters rushed out of the mountains and merged into a torrent, destroying large tracts of mountains.

From a distance, Sky Mountain is also full of black shadows, countless fierce birds spread their wings.

An endless wave of beasts emerged, rushed out of their respective habitats, and then found an open space before stopping, then tremblingly raised their heads.

They also saw the light in the night, and then saw the supreme blue dragon, trembling all over, as if their souls were trembling.

They were crawling on the ground, not daring to move, the stronger monsters could barely support their bodies from falling down, but they looked up at the blue dragon in the sky, as if they were demented.

Qinglong releases infinite coercion, it is a symbol of gods, supreme and noble.

However, sometimes the gods also mean terror and destruction when someone dares to provoke the gods.

In the center of that group of dazzling brilliance, besides Qinglong, there are three figures.

It's just that Qinglong is too huge, completely covering the three figures, making it difficult for others to detect.

The Qinglong is so overwhelming that Lu Qingshan is afraid of thousands of miles away.

And to face the Qinglong directly, there must be only the strongest in the world.

The fact is also true.

Those three figures are exactly the two masters of Xie Qingyun, Qinglong and Baihu who started the war on earth.

The three were in a confrontation between the two sides.

At this time, the Dao robes on the Azure Dragon Dominator and the White Tiger Dominator no longer had their previous skirts fluttering, and there were sword marks on the golden Dao clothes.

But looking at Xie Qingyun on the opposite side, he still had that calm and breezy appearance, no different from the previous one.

Obviously, Xie Qingyun had a temporary upper hand in the previous human battles.

"Six thousand miles, six thousand miles, I didn't expect you Xie Qingyun to walk the kendo to the point of six thousand miles without knowing it." Qinglong master looked at Xie Qingyun grimly, gritted his teeth.

The nine realms, the Mahayana realm, either clear the way or join the way.

And the strength of the cultivators of the Nine Realms depends on how far they have walked on this avenue.

Six thousand miles is already a long, long distance.

"No wonder you dare to fight one against two. It turns out that you have such confidence." The White Tiger Master wiped off the blood that oozes from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Xie Qingyun with murderous intent. "You weren't so strong before. , It seems that you have benefited a lot from Li Qiu's defeat of the Heavenly Gate."

Xie Qingyun did not deny what the White Tiger Lord said, nodded and said: "The Chang'an Sword Immortal is a person who opened the way for the sword repairmen in the world."

The Azure Dragon Master suddenly snorted and continued: "It's just that it's not enough to deal with us for six thousand miles."

The corner of his mouth raised a cold smile, "Although I am called the Azure Dragon Lord, before this, in the eyes of others, it should not be worthy of the name, but I am afraid of my identity and strength, I dare not say anything..."

"After all, Azure Dragon is the legendary "spirit", even if it is a monk in the rank realm, how can he be qualified to be named after it?"

"I also agree with this statement."

"But right now, are there anyone still dissatisfied?" Qinglong Master asked rhetorically.

The azure dragon head in the sky slowly turned, hanging above the azure dragon lord, looking indifferently at Xie Qingyun, who was smaller than the ant, and let out a dragon chant.


Long Yin was high-pitched, and it fell on the sky with thunder.

In the thunder, there seemed to be countless thunder electric snakes circling around.

Dominated by the blue dragon, there really are dragons!

The real blue dragon.

"Collecting the essence and blood of the four spirits for thousands of years, is this the final result of your demons?" Xie Qingyun asked.

The ancient four spirits have long been annihilated in the long river of time and no longer exist.

There is no doubt that this blue dragon cannot be a real blue dragon.

It is a "puppet" refined by the Azure Dragon Lord through the four spirits' blood and the method of sending souls to control beasts.

"The green dragon is the four spirits of the ancients, but you can't make it with your blunt creations."

The real Azure Dragon, whose combat power is comparable to the half-ancestor of the human race, is the pinnacle of existence.

Human power cannot create half-ancestors.

"Indeed, it is impossible to create an ancient blue dragon," the master of the blue dragon nodded unexpectedly, "so compared with the ancient blue dragon, there is still a big gap between my blue dragon and the ancient blue dragon."

"However, although it has not reached the half-ancestral combat power, it also possesses the peak combat power of the Noble Name Realm, which is comparable to the Noble Name Realm cultivator who has walked nine thousand miles out of the main road." The Qinglong ruler's tone was not without complacency.

"You are a sword immortal who has walked six thousand miles in the kendo, how do you fight it?" Qinglong Master shouted, looking at Xie Qingyun's eyes with contempt.

The Qinglong behind him looked down at Xie Qingyun who was holding the sword, and his huge eyes revealed the same ridicule and contempt as the Qinglong ruler, and then returned to absolute indifference.

On the sky, the cyan dragon head slowly moved forward, rubbing against the clouds in the night, and bursting out brilliant flames.

At the same time, its entrenched majestic dragon body slowly showed its full shape, exposing the dense, bright mirror-like scales of steel.

As its figure gradually appeared, the coercion shrouded in this space became heavier and more terrifying.

Even the White Tiger Master on the side began to feel palpitations at this time, "Have the soul reached this point?"

Yes, UU Reading Qinglong is the third soul that the soul deity has hidden for a long time.

Because it hasn't been born for too long, even the White Tiger Lord doesn't know that the third soul of the soul is already so powerful.

This Azure Dragon Soul Divider is not only far better than him in strength, but also far better than the Azure Dragon to dominate himself.

"Yu Zun, you are inferior to me long ago." The Soul Sovereign, who is known as the Azure Dragon ruler, split his soul, seeing the surprise of Yu Zun, and only whispered softly.

"Die." Then, the Qinglong master turned his head and said gloomily to Xie Qingyun.

Qinglong finally opened his mouth and let out a dragon's breath.

The dragon's breath is composed of silver shining gravel, which is infinitely brilliant.

The dragon's head breathed, as if spitting out a silver river, falling towards Xie Qingyun and rolling away.

Yinhui is condensed into billions of stars, and each star contains infinite coercion and sacredness.

The dragon's breath came, and a pure and majestic breath came.

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