This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 137: The future in Longcheng Road (Part 1)

Yumen Pass at the head of the city.

Xia Daoyun glanced thoughtfully at the blue white cloud to the west. He didn't know what he thought of, and after an inexplicable smile, he slowly fell back to the top of the city.

On the wall, the cultivators of the human race cast enthusiastic gazes on Xia Daoyun.

Because of these three wars, the scenes alone are undoubtedly the most shocking of Xia Daoyun's "sword energy for 30,000 miles, a sword of frost and cold nineteen states".


The three demon statues were defeated in all three battles, among which the Mingzun was injured, and the Chizun was seriously injured.

Logically speaking, this was an opportunity for the Human Race to take advantage of the victory, especially in the presence of Qingyun Sword Immortal.

But reluctantly, this "Qingyun Sword Immortal" was a Li Ghost, so the Human Race did not have the strength to win and pursue.

You can't chase, you can only watch the demons retreat.

As for whether it will cause Mozu's suspicion?

This is inevitable.

After all, this is the best time to take advantage of the victory and chase.

But the human race did not have such a choice.

Is it possible that the human race speaks of humanity?

The demons are not so naive.

The greatest possibility is that the human race does not have the ability to chase.

As long as the Azure Cloud Sword Immortal is there, Human Race should have this ability

Unless that Qingyun Sword Immortal is fake.

This is a huge flaw.

But Xia Daoyun, Yu Canghai and Xue Wushao didn't care about this anymore.

Because after the Three Wars at Yumen Pass, it doesn't matter whether Xie Qingyun is true or not.

The defeat of the three Sovereigns of the Burning Moon Region lies there, and this is unchangeable.

Even if Xie Qingyun didn't make a move, Jianzong had the ability to confront the demons.

That being the case, what about Xie Qingyun's real or fake?

Of course, Xia Daoyun, Xue Wushao, and Yu Canghai didn't have much self-satisfaction in their hearts, let alone daring to expand at all.

Yumen Pass has won all three battles, and the defeat of the three demon clan in a row does seem to be very morale.

But they know their own affairs. Although this kind of thing is beautiful, it belongs to the swollen face to fill the fat man, only once, at least only once in a short period of time.

Because Yu Canghai's victory over Zhan Zun relied on the strength of the Changfeng Great Array.

Unless he completely abandons his sword celestial avenue, otherwise this kind of power must not be used much.

Xue Wushao defeated Mingzun, and he relied on the Sword of Injustice that had been raised for 1,231 years.

This sword is strong, but there is only one sword. If you want to produce another such sword, it will at least wait another thousand years.

As for the sword of Xia Daoyun, it was even more tricky that she used her own sword to cultivate her spirits and used the ears of the Taoist weapon as a bridge, borrowing the unspread sword energy that Li Qiubai had cut out to lower the enemy.

Regardless of power or weather, they are the strongest of the three.

But the problem is that Li Qiubai is gone, and there is no second wave of sword immortality for Xia Daoyun in the world.

In layman's terms, that wave of Sword Immortal Sword Qi is like a high-level one-time consumable.

Therefore, if the three Sovereigns of the Burning Moon Region attacked again at this time, it would be impossible for them to defeat the Three Sovereigns at Yumenguan Wanwan again.

However, this is just hypothetical.

Because in at least ten years, the Demon Race will not come again to commit Yumen Pass.

It's not that the three demon clan will keep their promises. It is the injuries suffered by the Ming and Chi deities, and they will not recover without a period of recuperation.

And before they can figure out the bottom of Yu Canghai, Xia Daoyun, and Xue Wushao, how dare the three demon tribes who have just been defeated "find their own way of death"?

Yumen Pass, gained temporary peace

In the wake of the Linghai tide, there are thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and millions of psychic fluctuations, which are still colliding in the raging storm residual current.

As Lu Qingshan had expected, the demons opened the way with demonic cultivators’ lives, and soon caught up with the coalition of human cultivators who had been ahead for a day.

The demon army entered the opening gate Tiger, not afraid of the fierce aftermath in the wake, and charged forward without hesitation.

Only due to the special geographical environment, the demons could not form a demonic wave. They could only form groups of two or two, or groups of three to three, and hit the coalition monks.

In this case, if you continue to flee, you will only be defeated and you must fight back.

Moreover, in the wake of the Linghai Tide, the demographic advantage has been reduced to the extreme. If you don't fight back at this time, when will you fight back?

The leading monk of the human race is not stupid.

Thus, a cruel chase and encounter in the wake of the Linghai tide started.

In the chaotic wake, the two monks of humans and demons swept like aurora.

Every monk's up, down, left, right, front, back, hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of miles away, there are countless monks walking away.

These monks may be enemies or companions. If they don't get close, no one can figure it out.

Because of the raging remnants of spiritual energy, it also hindered the passage of divine consciousness.

Bai Yan is being besieged by two Demon Clan 7th-Rank Moxiu.

He was the lower group among the cultivators who came to Zhongling from the Candle Dragon Hall, and he only had the combined realm.

However, he is quite old, has been immersed in a perfect environment for many years, and his methods are excellent and not weak.

Besides, at his age, he may be sitting in a hundred years, so he might as well shine before his death.

But now, he is falling into an absolute contrarian.

Because before that, Bai Yan had already killed several waves of magic repairs, already exhausted.

Seeing that the parry was getting more and more difficult, and the vitality in the body was infinitely close to exhaustion, Bai Yan sighed.

"Because of the devil's nearly ten talents, Bai Yan died well, and I didn't suffer a loss!"

At this moment, he suddenly felt an inspiration wave approaching above his head.

This idea came extremely quickly.

It was a black fire.

A blazing black fire fell from the sky.

Within a hundred miles, no matter what kind of magic cultivator, including the two magic cultivators in front of Bai Yan, when they are touched by this black fire, they will fall into endless pain.

They continue to be drawn from life, until the last ray of life is annihilated, returned to silence, and returned to nothingness.

Bai Yan looked up in astonishment, looking at the monk who was emitting the black fire.

"Mo Yan?"

Kawakami Plateau.

With the end of the encounter between Qinglong and Kunpeng, Qinglong's coercion gradually began to recede, and the creeping monsters were finally able to stand up and disperse tremblingly.

The tide of beasts quickly dissipated.

Above the extremely high sky, the Azure Dragon Lord watched as the light was condensed, and there was no one in the void, and his expression was gloomy as water.

"Running?" The White Tiger Master was shocked.

In his cognition, as one of the strongest sword repairmen in the world, it is impossible for the word escape to be linked to Xie Qingyun.

There is no retreat, this is the criterion of sword repair, and it is also one of the inherent impressions of sword repair in the world.

In this case, how could Xie Qingyun escape so easily just after the start of the battle?

They didn't expect this situation at all, so they didn't prepare accordingly, which caused Xie Qingyun's departure to be extraordinarily relaxed and sudden.

If Lu Qingshan is here, I'm afraid I can't help but sneer at the thoughts of the two demons.

Jian Xiu is free, but not a fool.

Therefore, it is faith that advances and does not retreat, but not a dead brain.

Therefore, only sword repairs understand sword repairs in the world.

"Do you chase?" Baihu Master asked.

"Where to chase?" Qinglong master snorted coldly.

Xie Qingyun didn't know what method he used, and he walked silently, leaving no end to the end, making it difficult for them to follow.

In fact, the sword fairy is the existence of the dragon seeing the head but not the tail.

If they hadn't predicted that Xie Qingyun would inevitably come to Huanlingzong to investigate the situation, and waited here early, they would definitely not be able to intercept Xie Qingyun.

"Since it's hard to find him, then force him to show up by himself." Qinglong Master said in a stubborn tone, his eyes were extremely dark.

Then he brushed his sleeves, and the blue dragon that occupies most of the sky disappeared.

Xie Qingyun fell by Lu Qingshan's side.

The sky was shining through the clouds and rain, and the sky was shining by the radiance of the blue dragon. After the dominator of the blue dragon put away the blue dragon, it returned to normal.

The stagnant night is flowing again.

The dazzling and terrifying brilliance disappeared with the coercion, and the rioting monsters in the Kawakami Plateau gradually recovered.

Xie Qingyun glanced at the black night sky, shook his head, and stopped watching.

When he waved his hand, a cloud rose, and the movement of his sleeve brought the wind, and then casually put his hand behind him, leading Lu Qingshan to the distance.

Xie Qingyun didn't have any decadent emotions on his face, only calm, and asked Lu Qingshan: "Tell me more specifically."

"Mo Yan brought you the news about the secret of the heart demon?"

"Yes," Xie Qingyun nodded, "He first brought the news to Gu Qiu. Gu Qiu knew the importance of this matter and passed the news to me as soon as possible."

"When I received the news, I immediately confirmed the source of the information with Mo Yan, and then decided to take the initiative to find the master of the blue dragon and the master of the white tiger to explore the truth."

"Did the suzerain have any gains from this trip?" Lu Qingshan asked again.

Xie Qingyun nodded slightly, "The emotions in the eyes of Qinglong and Qinglong are completely synchronized."

"If the news you brought is true, then Azure Dragon should be another divorce from the Azure Dragon ruler."

"How strong is Qinglong?" Lu Qingshan asked with concern.

"It's very strong, and it's close to half an ancestor in terms of combat power alone."

Lu Qingshan's expression abruptly upon hearing this.

To be honest, he also guessed this possibility, but it was a bit shocked to be truly confirmed.

The Azure Dragon ruler itself is a cultivator-level existence in the town, and his other soul division is the Azure Dragon of the ancient four spirits, possessing a stronger combat power than the Azure Dragon dominates this soul division.

The power of the soul is beyond imagination.

Such an enemy is almost invincible.

Fortunately, they already knew the weakness of the Heart Demon Race.

The next thing they had to do was to seize this door before the Demon Race was aware that the secret was exposed, and deal a fatal blow to the Demon Race.

Immediately, Lu Qingshan briefly told Xie Qingyun what he had experienced after separating from Mo Yan in the Wild Land, including his blood-washed devil's nest.

"Therefore, the heart demon clan has three souls, once the body falls, the matter of the three souls being destroyed together can already be confirmed, and it is no longer a guess."

"The most urgent thing is to find the body of the inner demon." Lu Qingshan frowned slightly.

Although he already has some ideas, it doesn't mean it will be an easy task.

"It's really necessary to speed Xie Qingyun agreed, so he speeded up his escape, and the sword light was almost invisible.

Under this extreme speed, Lu Qingshan felt a little dizzy at the level of cultivation.

"You continue talking." Xie Qingyun's calm voice came from his ear.

"I have seen the birthplace of the heart demon," Lu Qingshan said, looking around.

He was confirming the direction and wanted to know where Xie Qingyun was going.

Immediately, Lu Qingshan was startled.

Jian Guang was galloping straight and firmly toward the west. He heard the whistling of the wind all the way, and saw the clouds become light.

They are already located in the western region of Zhongling!

From the west to the west, that is the frontier, the Helan Mountains,

Once the Human Race Xiongguan, now the Demon City.

Longcheng Pass!

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