This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 139: Zhongling, move forward!

A sword strikes.

It is the grand formation set up by the Taoist ancestors.

After this sword, Xie Qingyun's eyes could not help but swept past the dragon bird in Lu Qingshan's hand.

The dragonfinch hummed softly.

There was a strange color in Xie Qingyun's eyes.

He actually read Lu Qingshan's files many times when he appointed Lu Qingshan as the Sword Sect's Young Sect.

This is to get to know Lu Qingshan, to confirm whether Lu Qingshan is worthy of a major role, and to confirm Lu Qingshan's character.

But the dossier will not tell Xie Qingyun that Lu Qingshan's four natal swords are the top configuration of the three swords one day sword.

After a while, Xie Qingyun's eyes finally swept to Lu Qingshan's delicate face.

He looked at Lu Qingshan quietly and said, "I am more and more convinced now that you are the next Sect Master of my Sword Sect, and the best candidate for Fuyao's next Sword Master."

Lu Qingshan asked, "Why?"

Xie Qingyun said: "Because of your sword, I like you very much."

"And them," he said softly, setting his eyes on the red sandalwood sword box that Lu Qingshan had been behind from the beginning to the end, "They also like you very much."

Jianming box.

Swords don't lie.

After saying that, Xie Qingyun didn't say any more, turned around and escaped, turning into an invisible light, submerging into the gap, and the figure quickly disappeared.

When the Mingyue Great Array is in full swing, it is naturally no longer a difficult task for the dignified Sword Immortal to want to walk in brocade clothes at night and pass through the Dragon City Pass silently.

This will be the real counterattack of the human race, a deadly counterattack in a desperate situation.

It's just that for some reason, Lu Qingshan looked at the back of Xie Qingyun who was far away, and suddenly a feeling of confusion appeared in his heart. :

The counterattack is not limited to Xie Qingyun alone, it can even be said that the prelude has already begun.

Because in the area of ​​Zhongling, there is another battlefield that is already in full swing.

a day ago.

In the wake of the Linghai tide, on the side of the human race.

Under the cover of Jianzong Jianxiu, the three-city human race cultivators who evacuated first, converged like a tributary outside the Linghai tide, formed a legion, and entered the wake of the Linghai tide together.

Now, this huge human race has temporarily stopped in the chaotic Linghai area and is waiting solemnly.

Among them, there are local sect monks in the Zhongling Region, and there are also loose cultivators gathered from various regions of the Zhongling Region.

There are also forces supported by other domains, including Daxia's Yulinwei and Chang'anwei, most of the elite of the Candle Dragon Hall, and the Sword Sect cultivator with a total number of less than 200.

Jianzong chose to stay to buy time for the retreat of the human cultivator coalition forces.

Among them, Niujiaocheng, because the leader of the demon army was the most powerful Demon Venerable Dongqi, all the sword cultivators including Ning Fengchen were wiped out, and none of them were able to return.

Gu Qiu and Li Shiyi were much luckier, and the opponents they encountered were much weaker than Dongqi Demon Venerable.

So they finally succeeded in breaking through the siege with nearly a hundred swordsmen each, and following the instructions left by the cultivator coalition, they quickly caught up and joined the large army.

It's just that they don't have time to grieve or mourn at all.

Once the war begins, it cannot be stopped.

If you stop and see the lost classmates around you, you will inevitably fall into the shadows.

"Peak Master Haoran, there are already a small number of demon cultivators following our coalition on the Demon Race side. After a while, their main force will arrive." Jin Luo frowned, revealing the gestures beside him. The middle-aged Jianxiu with a fierce temperament said.

"It stands to reason that we have been ahead for a day. Even if they can catch up with us, they shouldn't be so fast."

"In the wake of the Linghai tide, the space gaps are constantly appearing and appearing, and the slightest carelessness will lead to the death of the body, and the danger is serious.

The spiritual energy is so raging, the consciousness cannot be detected, we can only cross the river by feeling the stones and move forward slowly.

The reason why you were able to catch up with us so quickly, Peak Master, is because we left a route guide when we moved forward. You just need to follow the guideline we left. "

"But why are the demons? No one left them with guidance." Jin Luo Da Zun looked very gloomy.

"It's very simple, as long as you are willing to take human life to fill it, you can smooth the time gap." Li Shiyi looked solemn.

"Use human life to find a way of life, and others will follow this way of life straight, and naturally they will soon catch up with us."

He knows the action strategy of the demons very clearly in his heart. "The demons have an absolute advantage in numbers. While advancing, they spread their hands around, radiate out, and catch up with us. It is a matter of time."

"And it seems that they are lucky." Li Shiyi said word by word.

Gu/span> If you are unlucky, it will take at least a day or two for the demons to meet their people.

"The advantage of the demons is too great, we must return to the heart of the city, and use the city and the formation to compete with it."

"But we can't retreat blindly, otherwise we will only be eaten away bit by bit by the chasing troops of the Demon Race."

"We must fight and retreat, and we can only fight and retreat."

"The soldiers are divided into two groups, and a small number of people are assigned to explore the road ahead, and most of the remaining monks stay behind, involving the demons chasing the troops." Li Shiyi made a quick deployment.

"Get ready for a counter-offensive. They have an advantage in numbers. We must not wait for the demons to dispatch troops and make strategic arrangements. We must catch them by surprise." Li Shiyi made a decision in an instant.

"The topography of the wake of the Linghai tide is complex, and the consciousness cannot be detected. This time we will not fight large-scale battles, but will be divided into small-scale encounters and ambush battles with demons!"

This kind of counterattack can minimize the number advantage of the demons, and it is also an application of the right time and place.

"Jin Luo, you are familiar with the people below. How to divide the troops is up to you." Li Shiyi ordered.

After all, he is from the Eastern Region, and his understanding of Zhongling monks is not as good as that of Jin Luo Dazun, a native Zhongling monk.

Therefore, the overall strategy is determined by him, and the specific implementation is left to Jin Luo Da Zun.

Jin Luo Da Zun nodded and moved quickly to make the final battle arrangement.

Soon, whoever stays and whoever explores the path will be allocated.

The cultivator in charge of exploring the path did not dare to waste time, and immediately dispersed, his figure submerged in the wake of the spiritual sea in front of him.

They are the guarantee of the allied army of human cultivators. They must find a way to survive for the human cultivators as soon as possible in this turbulent spiritual sea tidal zone.

As for the monks who remained, they all looked solemn.

"You form your own team, but the number of a team must not exceed three."

"You must spread the battlefield, and the more spread out, the better, so that the demons have to be separated, so as to prolong their time at the most." Li Shiyi looked at the crowd with gentle eyes, and said slowly.

The many human race monks were full of war in their eyes.

Mo Yan in the crowd couldn't help licking his mouth.

With his combat power, he naturally belongs to the team of monks left behind.

Li Shiyi looked at the noisy human race. Although many people were a little nervous and apprehensive, no one showed any fear.

When they were able to come to the front line, they were already ready to fight against the demons.

In addition,

The human monks glanced at Li Shiyi, Gu Qiu, and the less than three hundred Jianzong monks behind them.

Sword Sect has three peak masters and more than 1,700 sword cultivators. So far, only two peak masters and 300 sword cultivators have returned.

This is Zhongling, not the Eastern Region, and Sword Sect dares to cut it all.

Then what are they afraid of, these spiritual monks?

How dare you be afraid?

"My heart is available," Jin Luo said softly.

"There is no distinction between the territory and the cultivator. They all have the responsibility of defending the soil and eliminating demons. They should all be determined to sacrifice everything." His voice gradually rose, accompanied by the raging spiritual tide.

"Zhongling, move forward!"

Afraid of attracting the attention of the demon army, the human cultivators did not dare to shout loudly, so they let out their spiritual consciousness and shouted together.

"Zhongling forward, forward!"

The next moment hundreds of thousands of inspirational waves broke through the remnants of the raging storm, and spread out around.

Zhongling cultivator, fight back in the absolute domain!

They, to procrastinate as much time as possible.

One is that it takes time to find a way to survive in the wake of the Linghai tide.

Second, Xie Qingyun also needs time.

Because at this time, two figures were flying from the Kawakami Plateau towards the tidal zone of the Linghai Sea.

They are very fast, and they are about to enter the spiritual tide.

They are the souls of the two top Demon Venerable Soul Venerables and Yu Venerables of the Heart Demon Race, namely the Azure Dragon Ruler and the White Tiger Ruler.

The two of them are going to slaughter the human race in the spiritual tide.

This is what they thought, the method to force Xie Qingyun to show up. To provide you with the fastest update of this sword repair, Chapter 139 Zhongling, move forward! Read it for free. :.

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