This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 145: Formless, without interest

69 net 69, the fastest update of this sword repair is a bit stable! The figure that Xie Qingyun had become Yuzun's first soul-splitting figure squinted his eyes and looked deeply at the sword fairy standing in the air in front of him.

Whether it’s Xie Qingyun telling the secret of the split soul, or quietly bypassing the Dragon City Pass and entering their Infinity Domain, or accurately finding the most important forbidden place for their Demon Race, all these Everything was enough to shock him.

But as one of the two members of the Inner Demon Clan, he still maintained a calm expression on his face.

Yu Zun quickly suppressed his shock and pretended to be calm and sneered: "Although I didn't expect how you appeared here, I'm not particularly surprised when I see you.

If you don't have a few divisions, how can you make the sword sect so powerful, ranking the number one sect of the human race, and how can you become the great sword fairy in Chang'an? "

"10,000 years ago, I asserted that after Xia Daozu, the most powerful force in the human race would be the sword cultivator, and the most powerful cultivator would be the sword fairy Chu Mushen. I didn't expect it to be a true prophecy."

"So, my first soul was specially prepared for Jianxiu, for Chu Mushen."

"It's you who's here today, Xie Qingyun, just right, let me try my first soul with you first." Yu Zun didn't hesitate and moved directly.

He wasn't going to ask too much.

Because as long as you kill Xie Qingyun, you can do it.

In an instant, Yu Zun's body began to skyrocket, turning into a giant with knotted muscles and an extremely ferocious look.

On the surface of his burly figure, a gray cuticle similar to armor also extended.

When each inner demon chooses to divide the soul, they will try their best to choose races with different advantages, so as to ensure that in the face of any system, there is a corresponding soul divided enough to fight.

And Yuzun, the first soul specially prepared for sword cultivators, is the most powerful in strength and physical defense.

Because if you want to defeat Jianxian, you must first be able to withstand his attack.

After completing the change, Yuzun's huge first soul snorted at Xie Qingyun: "Press!"

Xie Qingyun's figure stagnated for a while.

The power that was pressing on him increased again at this time, reaching a level that was unimaginable for others.

"My soul is the spirit of the mountain range taken from this mountain range. Not only is it infinitely powerful and has unparalleled defense, but in the Fuxin Mountain Range, I am the ruler, and the power of heaven and earth is under my control."

The spirit of the mountains is the true identity of Yuzun Di's soul.

Just as Qingqiu Mountain's strength can be improved by several grades in Qingqiu, the spirit of the mountain range, in its mountains, also has a huge increase in combat power.

"Xie Qingyun, I know what you want to do, but you can't defeat me in Fuxin Mountain Range, but you can't achieve your goal if you leave Fuxin Mountain Range." Yu Zun said proudly.

The voice fell, and Yu Zun stepped out.

His body size was too huge at this time, so this step is to reach Xie Qingyun in front of Xie Qingyun.

Yu Zun punched Xie Qingyun with a fist, the fist covered with a layer of gray cuticle was like a boulder, with a fierce momentum.

Xie Qingyun did not hide, but chose to fight with the sword under huge pressure.

Boom boom boom!

Yu Zun threw a dozen punches in an instant, but Xie Qingyun also blocked them all, and the speed was incredible, as if the suppression did not exist.

However, the Chi's sword collided with the huge fist, setting off a shock wave hundreds of feet high, which was spectacular.

After a dozen punches, Yu Zun paused slightly, squinting slightly at Xie Qingyun who did not know when a layer of cyan cloud appeared around him, frowning slightly, and his voice boomed like thunder, "Jurisdiction?"

Xie Qingyun smiled gently.

The jurisdiction he opened up when he merged into the realm was called Qingyun Jurisdiction.

Clouds are not bound.

So after the fusion, there is no way to bind him anymore.

Yu Zun looked down at Xie Qingyun who was holding the sword, and said without sullenness or anger: "In this way, although you Xie Qingyun can't compare to Chu Mushen and Li Qiufei, you are not weak, you have already touched the threshold of the half ancestor, it is just the way of the road. The road is shorter.

Well, if you guessed correctly, it should be Li Qiubei's sword that benefited you a lot.

In the next hundred years, your Xie Qingyun realm cultivation base should advance by leaps and bounds. Yu Zun stopped for a while, looked at Xie Qingyun, and said with admiration.

"Give you another hundred years to keep a low profile, and you can quietly bring your kendo to the extreme.

It's a pity that you can't think of it, you have to go through this muddy water," Yu Zun nodded, "Since I know your situation, this time I will kill you if I say anything, so as not to leave behind troubles. "

Xie Qingyun replied calmly: "Can you stay if you want to stay?"

He looked at the demonic energy that was once again closed by Yu Zun, and the valley behind the demonic energy, and announced, "Today, I will kill both of you."

The next moment, Xie Qingyun flew up, straight into the sky, and stabbed out with a sword.

On the Fuyao Sword, a divine flower like glazed glass is circulating.

Yu Zun greeted him with a punch in the air.


With this punch, Xie Qingyun only felt that the whole world was against him.

Yu Zun's fist contains the unparalleled grandeur, the heaven and earth that Peimuo can control, and it is extremely terrifying.


The fist collided with the sword again, but this time the fist gained a crushing advantage.

Shenhua, who is shaking his body, is under this punch

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ scattered into fine shavings, and then the huge shock power spreads along the sword body to Xie Qingyun.

Affected by the violent shock, blood inevitably oozes from the corners of Xie Qingyun's mouth, and Fu Yao's body was shaken out, flying out, and disappeared all of a sudden.

"But that's it." Yu Zun was very proud, he made a slight move, took the thunder and attached it to his palm, aimed at Xie Qingyun, and stamped it with his palm.


The valley of Fuxin Mountain is surrounded by thunder all the year round, so as the spirit of the mountain, Yuzun also has the power to control the thunder.

The thunder was aroused, and the electric snake swam away, making a dull bang bang bang in the palm of Yu Zun, as if even the air was blasted.

The thunder with terrifying coercion and fluctuations directly faced Xie Qingyun's overwhelming shroud. The black and purple thunder seemed to illuminate the whole world, and the thunder poured down.

Thunder is monstrous.

Seeing this terrifying blow coming, the corner of Xie Qingyun's mouth quietly raised a slight arc.

"Go for the rest."

The primordial energy in his body moved as much as possible, and the clouds and energy around him flowed rapidly, and a giant bird phantom appeared in the void behind him, shrouded him, and led him to meet the thunder in the sky.

When the Peng Bird was migrating, its wings flapped on the water and stirred up thousands of miles of waves. The Peng Bird rose up and flew, swirling and swaying up to 90,000 miles into the sky, and left the North Sea in the June wind.

Kunpeng rides the wind to control the sky.

Qingyun is also the domain of freedom.

When the two are superimposed, there is no way to bind Xie Qingyun in the world.

Therefore, Xie Qingyun regarded the terrifying thunder as flowing water, and roamed freely in it as a Kunpeng.

No matter how the thunder raged, it couldn't touch him.

Yu Zun's face froze slightly, his left made another move, and he was surrounded by Thunder. He was about to put his palms together to suppress Xie Qingyun. In the next second, his pupils shrank, his face showed a painful expression, and his anger was fierce. leaked.

The top Demon Venerable of the Heart Demon Clan, the Spirit of the Fuxin Mountain Range, who had the upper hand just a moment ago, lowered his head in disbelief and looked at his chest.

There, a cyan long sword was pierced. invisible sword.

It is also a sword without breath.

A silent sword like the wind.

How could the dignified sword immortal take off his sword so easily?

Even an ordinary swordsman would not do such a stupid thing.

Taking off is just an illusion that Xie Qingyun deliberately did.

Yu Zun stared at Xie Qingyun with wide eyes.

He never thought that the sword cultivator, who should be known for his uprightness in the traditional impression, would be so "insidious" in battle? !

Xie Qingyun seemed to see Yu Zun's shock and smiled warmly, "Are you a year old child?"

In the battle of life and death, except for life and death, everything else is a cloud.

As a Demon Venerable, if you don't understand this truth, it is indeed too naive.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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