This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 148: Buddha's King Kong (Part 1)

69 net 69, the fastest update of this sword repair is a bit stable! The monstrous tornado stagnated in front of the chicken soup monk and stopped abruptly.

Then, if the tornado encountered an invisible dam, it suddenly rose hundreds of feet, like a yellow dragon leaping over the water, drawing an arc in the air, and then turning into a spiritual energy that spreads across the sky.

The aura tornado was smashed into pieces.

The master of Qinglong stopped in place, looked at the chicken soup monk, his face was gloomy, "Eighth realm robbery?"

Chicken soup saint monk, the realm displayed at this time is still in the eighth realm, that is, the realm of tribulation, but it has fully reached the level of the realm of robbery.

Jie, this is a realm that few sword cultivators can reach even in the sword sects who have taken the path of clearing the way, but now it appears in a body cultivator who should have taken the path of joining the path.

Therefore, the shock brought by the robbery realm body cultivation is far better than that of the robbery realm sword cultivation.

Gu Qiu and Li Shiyi looked at each other, and both saw the amazement in each other's eyes.

"As expected of the King Kong undefeated who was once praised by Emperor Dragon and Elephant Wu." Gu Qiu exclaimed.

"The body of Donkey Kong is undefeated and not broken. Buddhism is righteous, and it will conquer dragons and snakes." Li Shiyi's heart was reminded of the praise when Tianguan Tianbang named the monk chicken soup as a Buddhist saint.

"It's ridiculous, don't you know that things that are said to be indestructible to King Kong are often broken in the end." The master of Qinglong came back to his senses, glared at him, and shouted fiercely.

Although this statement is resentful, it is true.

If Lu Qingshan was here, he might even have to praise Qinglong for mastering the profound meaning of the "big flag".

There is nothing in the world that is truly indestructible.

So, at the next moment, there was a loud thunderous sound in the field.

The Azure Dragon Ruler and the White Tiger Ruler appeared at the same time.

The two probed and each drew an arc, so a tornado formed on each side of them.

In a trance, a blue rainbow, a white rainbow, came from the sky.

Qinghong swept across the sky, dashed away the circling aura, and charged forward fiercely.

With the thoughts of the master of Qinglong, Qinghong first covered the sky, then covered the ground, and rushed towards the chicken soup monk.

In the process of swept forward, the blue rainbow gradually condensed, with its teeth and claws shining, and its scales shining.

Like a dragon, like a dragon, a peerless ominous creature.

Bai Hong passed through the space, passed through the invisible space crack, and flowed out of the space, rolling up endless sand and rocks, and the breath instantly climbed to the peak, hitting the chicken soup monk.

Like a tiger and a lion.


"It's ridiculous that you want to stop me with the eight realms." Lord Qinglong looked at the chicken soup monk who was hunting under the strong fluctuating airflow, and said calmly.

Against the backdrop of these two peerless monsters, Monk Chicken Soup was even smaller than an ant, but he was still imposing.

Two ferocious creatures with Tianwei approached, but he disdain to avoid them.

The monk above the sky was already angry.

King Kong angry.

He stretched out his palms and covered them forward.

"My Buddha is merciful, and my Buddha is invincible. You are a wicked obstacle, and you still haven't been punished today!"

The clouds in the sky seemed to droop, and countless golden rays of light shot out from his palms and fell between the heavens and the earth.

The double probing of the chicken soup monk went deep into the two peerless monsters.

The vast dantian and Buddha power that contained his ten thousand years of cultivation began to mana, such as a boiling boiler began to roll.

Because of the need to temper the physical body, physical cultivation is destined to be a school of practice that needs to endure hardship the most. It is difficult for those without great perseverance to cultivate to a high level.

And the body repair is not like the sword repair, and it is possible for a genius to reach the sky in one step.

There are no shortcuts in physical training, only steady and steady progress and one step at a time, no matter how talented it is.

So for physical cultivation, perhaps persistence is the most powerful talent.

For Buddhists, suffering in this life comes in the future, so they often have perseverance and belief that ordinary people can't imagine.

This is exactly in line with the way of practice of tixiu, so Longxiang Temple became the sect of tixiu.

As a Buddhist saint, Monk Chicken Soup is unimaginable with his firmness of heart.

It is this Buddha's mind that allows him to cultivate in the calamity-transcending realm to the calamity realm that is difficult for sword cultivators to achieve.

I do not enter the Mahayana, I am higher than the Mahayana.

The chicken soup monk closed his eyes and said silently.

The fierce and fierce Yuan Li has already slashed his palms a thousand times.

But it's like an oil pan in front, but the chicken soup monk's double is not shaking, and there is no retreat.

Not only did he not retreat, he clenched his palms into fists and waved them fiercely.

After the blink of an eye, the two peerless beasts were shattered and dispersed into light rain.

But the old monk is also double golden, full of blood.

He didn't seem to feel the pain in his body, he just folded the double fold full of golden blood and said softly, "Amitabha."

This picture makes people dare not look at it again.

Right now.

Two sword rainbows crossed in the sky, higher than the sky.

Gu Qiu and Li picked up the items.

"It's not rude to come and go," Gu Qiu said angrily for the chicken soup monk: "I'll come here in return!"

My Buddha is compassionate, but swordsmen are not compassionate.

The chicken soup monk could not return the gift, so the two of them should return the gift.

In the sky, two long rivers hang.

Gu Qiu's sword energy is long.

Li Shiyi's Mighty River.

These two sword cultivators have brought two

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Dahe.

Go straight to the master of the blue dragon and the master of the white tiger.

The Taibai Sword and the Mayfly Sword chirped continuously.

Although the master of Qinglong was surprised by the golden body of the holy monk of chicken soup, he was not angry. Looking at the two long rivers, he said indifferently: "It's just a little trick."

He threw a punch lightly.

With him as the center, layers of green rainbows exploded around them, blasting in front of the two long rivers.

Immediately, the Sword Qi Changhe and Haoran Changhe took the green rainbow as an axis, and exploded in turn, splitting two long rivers, leading to Gu Qiu and Li Shiyi.

This move, not only to break the move, but also to kill.

But at the critical moment, the chicken soup monk took another step forward.

Qinghong stopped abruptly a few feet in front of the monk.

The monk's robe was suddenly torn open.

A wound appeared on his body, and golden blood beads oozing out.

As long as the holy monk of chicken soup survives, he will take all the damage, and Gu Qiu and Li Shiyi can let go of their attacks.

It is the only possibility for the weak to defeat the strong by wanton display of their sword skills by the two great sword cultivators of the Tribulation Realm.

"Despite all my strength and my life, I can barely stop my attack." The voice of the Qinglong ruler came out.

In Tribulation Realm, you can fight Ninth-Rank and Demon Venerable, but it is absolutely impossible to fight against top Demon Venerable and Zhenyu cultivator.

The Taoist scriptures of the Dragon Elephant Temple can cultivate the supernatural power of seeing the gods without destroying them, and break the void.

At the beginning, Lu Qingshan used the help of seeing God is not bad, in exchange for six hundred years of life in exchange for the Suppressing Heaven Sword, in exchange for the four realms against the six realms.

The reason why the holy monk of chicken soup was able to stop the offensive dominated by Qinglong today is only that.

It's just that the pair he faces is infinitely stronger, so he doesn't just pay for six hundred years of life. UU Reading

"But the question is, how much cultivation and life do you have to squander?" Lord Qinglong sneered.

No matter how deep one's cultivation base is, how tough one's life is, there will always be an end to it, this is the law of heaven.

God is inviolable.

"Amitabha Buddha." Monk Chicken Soup questioned the master of Qinglong, but he just double-crossed and chanted the Buddha's name again.

Seeing that the holy monk of chicken soup was so oily and salty, the master of Qinglong finally became really angry.

He strode forward, shaking the earth like a dull thunder.

With every step, there is a green rainbow behind him pushing forward like a river.

The master of Qinglong is preparing to drop ten meetings with one force and directly break the golden body of the chicken soup monk.

He ignored the attacks of Gu Qiu and Li Shiyi, pulled out a mighty big frame, punched the holy monk of chicken soup, and slammed the holy monk of chicken soup with the golden light of Buddhism all over his body.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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