This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 150: go to the soul

69 net 69, the fastest update of this sword repair is a bit stable! Countless slender and miscellaneous sword qi hidden in the curtains shot out in all directions, like lotus flowers emerging from the water, which was spectacular.

Above the sky, the thunder that Li Shiyi drew with his aura, almost in the blink of an eye, rose up together and attacked the White Tiger Ruler in unison.

In the face of this scene, the master of the white tiger was so proud that he did not do anything to avoid it. One continued to fight against Gu Qiu's lake-like sword energy, and the other smashed into the purple thunder column that fell from the sky.

Every time they touched it, the ground shook and the mountain shook, causing a chaotic mesh of lightning flashes.

The white tiger dominates the body and stands still, and behind him, a white tiger phantom as white as snow has broken free and is roaring continuously.

White Tiger Fierce Technique.

Using beast pets as a medium to master the secret art of fierce beasts, this is the secret art of beast cultivation exclusive to the Huanling Sect. Now it is dominated by Qinglong and Baihu, showing unprecedented powerful power.

The master of the white tiger has reached the point where manpower can block the might of the heavens, even if one person fights two great masters of kendo, he seems to be able to handle it with ease.

He punched one step at a time, and while advancing forward, he continued to defeat the thunder that fell from the sky, and the sword-like energy of the lake that Gu Qiu sacrificed was also in the process of continuous disintegration.

It wasn't until most of Yihu's sword qi was gone that the White Tiger Lord put aside his offensive slightly.

Going against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

Gu Qiu wouldn't let this meeting go. The originally blocked sword qi seemed to have been blocked by the sluice for a long time, full of resentment. At this moment, it suddenly erupted, and the momentum was even stronger than the full lake sword qi just now.

After the white tiger master drew a short distance back, he was burly and arrogant, and the white tiger phantom behind him ignited flames, like an ancient fierce spirit descended into the world.

He roared angrily, and with the might of a white tiger, he stepped forward and collided with the half-lake sword qi head-on.

Like a white flood dragon breaking through the river, the white tiger ruler's eyes are instantly firm, his arms are stretched out, his five fingers are like hooks, and the sword qi suddenly rolls like a boil.

He reached into the sword energy lake and pulled hard.

The sword was shattered.

However, the White Tiger Ruler, who had just succeeded in breaking the move, had a sudden stern expression on his face.

It turned out that at this time, Gu Qiu had already rushed into the sky and smashed his head down. On his oyster sword, a strong sword energy had already accumulated, forming a great sword of more than two hundred feet.

The great sword sank with the might of thunder, as if opening the sky above the blue sky between the lines, dividing the north and the south with the east and the west.

The master of the white tiger had a condensed expression on his face. He let the Ling Lie sword energy and the great sword smash down, and then he resolutely reached out and grabbed the sword's edge.

Immediately the flames splattered.

The White Tiger Lord clenched his fists, and the white tiger phantom behind him roared up to the sky, burning a raging fire.

Then, in his heart, came a terrifying sound like summer thunder.

The great sword was abruptly broken by him.

The scattered sword energy exploded like a stormy sea.

Huge waves.

The Lord of the White Tiger is in the heart of the giant waves, and naturally he will be hit by the sword qi, but that is enough to make any monk in the eighth realm frown, and even the sword qi of death and disappearance hits the Lord of the White Tiger, but even that Not even the light shield released by a layer of White Tiger Soul Shadow could be broken.

Gu Qiu was indifferent to the broken sword.

He handed out the mayfly sword again.

The Mayfly Sword was clever and cunning, and pierced straight at the chest of the White Tiger Ruler.

The white tiger master acted as the black tiger digging his heart, stretched out his palm, pressed against the tip of the sword, and his body was forced downwards and fell.

Gu Qiu, who absolutely refused to let go, was slammed into the bottom by the vast and infinite power from the sword.

The intensity is so great that wherever he passes, the space is like a firecracker that has been ignited, exploding section by section, and the vibrations are endless.

Taking Gu Qiu's body as his heart, the sky suddenly bloomed with magnificent flowers.

Gu Qiu's figure fell rapidly, but he didn't wait for him to stabilize his footsteps, he clenched his single sword and slashed the void.

Every time the sword was swung, a huge ancient whale jumped out of the "water surface" in the void, then vacated and leaped upward.

In a blink of an eye, there were sixteen ancient whales in the sky.

And Gu Qiu finally stabilized his body and swung his last sword.

The whale drink has not swallowed the sea, and the sword qi is already in the autumn.

Gu Qiu's long-established secret sword.

After a sword, the sixteen ancient whales, head to tail, rushed upwards into the void and rushed towards the White Tiger Lord.

Li Shiyi, who had an indifferent face, saw this situation, his footsteps stepped heavily in the void, and the Taibai sword slammed upwards, "Take a hair and move the whole body."


As a result, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and six thunder snakes as thick as hugging trees, or should be called thunder dragons, fell down without interruption.

As the saying goes, there are six dragons returning to the sun on the high level, and the downstream rushing back and turning back to the river.

There are thunders above, ancient whales below, and the intersection is dominated by white tigers.

The white tiger dominates the pupils, and the bright white light swept out of his body like a tide at this moment.

The White Tiger Fierce Technique seemed to be pushed to the extreme by him.

The next moment, the ancient whale and Tianlei completely drowned the figure dominated by the white tiger.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

From Lei Guangzhi, dozens of rapid and dull explosions were heard one after another, and a terrifying wave poured out frantically, and the violent spiritual air that was raging in this space was instantly shattered.

Gu Qiu stared at the exploding heart with bright eyes, and he could clearly feel that all his attacks fell on the body of the White Tiger Lord.

to that extent

My dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^'s attack, even if the white tiger dominates, it is impossible to escape unscathed.

Li Shiyi also locked his eyes on Lei Guangzhi.

This time, the power of celestial phenomena that he inspired has also reached the extreme.


It was clearly above the sky, but the two of them heard footsteps at this moment.

Small, low footsteps.

Gu Qiu and Li Shiyi's pupils shrank.

In the thunderous light that filled the sky, a figure walked out slowly.

Covered with blood.

Scarlet blood continued to seep from his mouth.

"Gu Qiu, Li Shiyi, you are all cultivated, without the Dao, after all, you are just empty pavilions. When you meet others, you can still bluff people. When you meet me, you can only reveal your true colors." His body swept away, like a rainbow radiating through the heavens and the earth.

Obviously, he was really angry.

White Tiger Lord Sha!

Gu Qiu and Li Shiyi's eyes stayed on the figure dominated by the white tiger, and they felt the monstrous aura that pervaded the sky, and their pupils shrank slightly.

"Soul Venerable and Yu Zun are side by side. Soul Venerable is divided into Zhenyu cultivator. The White Tiger Lord is not too weak, and his strength is hidden."

If it wasn't for this, the two of them would be able to fight against the Lord of the White Tiger, although it would be extremely difficult to defeat the Lord of the Blue Dragon.

"If the two of you think that with the cultivation of the eight realms, the deity can be defeated, I am afraid it is too naive!" The White Tiger Lord stared at the two of them with cold eyes.

Immediately, an extremely majestic Yuan force mixed with rolling evil spirits, madly permeated from his body.

"If your suzerain is a tortoise and refuses to show up, who can stop us?"


Yuan Li is mixed with evil spirits, like a dark cloud condensing quickly above his head.

But just as his momentum was about to reach its peak, Lord White Tiger was shocked as if he had seen some incredible sight.

The next moment, he actually stopped the attack for no reason, turned his head to look at the ruler of Qinglong next to him, and shouted:

"Soul Venerable?!"

Heart Demons are one soul, and the body is the hub. It can either know what other souls see by returning to the soul, or it can tell other souls what the body sees by taking the initiative to remove the soul.

The reason why the White Tiger Lord's face changed greatly, UU reading www. is because just now, he received the news from the body of Fuxin Mountain Range.

- At the moment when Xie Qingyun appeared in the Fuxin Mountain Range, Yuzun's body immediately cast the soul, spanning the distant space, and passing the news to the white tiger ruler who was far away.

At this time, the battle on Soul Venerable's side is heating up.

His fists are as furious, his fists are as heavy as mountains, and his fists are as powerful as the sea.

The Chicken Soup Saint Monk is constantly being opened like a piece of paper, but he is extremely resilient, and his body is like a cicada's wings, floating away, constantly unloading, and still unable to be defeated.

"What?" Hearing the White Tiger Lord exclaiming so, Soul Venerable stopped his offensive a little and asked aloud.

"Huh?" Although the White Tiger Ruler wondered why the Soul Venerable's body didn't immediately go to the soul to inform the Qinglong Ruler about the Fuxin Mountain Range, he didn't think much about it at the moment.

"Xie Qingyun, appeared in the Fuxin Mountain Range." He said succinctly.


Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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