This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 12: Sword of Township

Remember [New] for a second,! The audience under the ring, and the swordsmen watching from a distance, all looked surprised and puzzled when they heard the name of the princess, and then looked at Lu Qingshan in the center of the ring with envy and even jealousy.

"His life is so good." Someone muttered in his heart.

Lu Qingshan noticed the expressions on the faces of the people around him, and after a slight stun, he couldn't help being curious about the Qin princess.

"Hurry up and get ready, then go with me." The Cavalry Colonel glanced at Lu Qingshan and said again.

It was loud, but not overwhelming.

Lu Qingshan glanced at the clothes on his body, then looked at the BMW that was tied to the side, and said with a smile: "All the clothes are here, where can I prepare flowers."

He spoke very casually, and the Cavalry Commander didn't take it seriously. Instead, he smiled at Lu Qingshan and nodded at him, as if he was selling a good deal with him and was extremely friendly.

Lu Qingshan jumped off the ring, got on his horse, and followed the cavalry toward the palace.

On the spacious street, the Cavalry Colonel did not say a word all the way.

However, it is obviously not that he has any opinion on Lu Qingshan, and it is not that he is disdainful to talk to him, but he is habitually cautious and taciturn in his character.

On the contrary, Lu Qingshan felt that it was so leisurely, and looked at the street scene quite leisurely.

After half an hour, a shadow enveloped the street.

The shadow is not from the dark clouds in the sky, but from the palace ahead.

The palace of Qin State, with thick red walls and yellow eaves like swords, has a grand and solemn atmosphere.

Perhaps due to the influence of the northern climate, the overall temperament is not like a romantic and expensive land, but more like a tough and majestic pass with a magnificent bearing.

Lu Qingshan looked up at the majestic palace, and looked at the soldiers at the top of the city along the extremely high city wall. His expression was calm, but he nodded secretly in his heart.

The cavalry did not enter the palace through the main gate, but went around the city wall for a while, and then rushed in through a side gate.

The lanes inside the palace were not as spacious as the streets outside the palace. After walking for a while, the Cavalry Commander took Lu Qingshan off his horse and started walking.

What puzzled Lu Qingshan was that after passing through the many palace towers, what he finally came to was not the palace of a princess, or an elegant place such as an imperial garden, but before a very solemn hall.

Golden Palace.

The meeting place of the Qin Dynasty.

The captain of the cavalry army turned his head, looked at Lu Qingshan and said with an expressionless face: "The princess is meeting the ministers and princes inside. I can only take you here, don't be impatient, the princess will summon you later."

Lu Qingshan didn't care too much about the identity of the princess. He was looking at the decorations on the eaves of the golden palace with great interest. Suddenly, he heard the commander of the cavalry army commander saying that he would meet the ministers and princes. "Qin, is the princess in power?"

The expressionless cavalry captain heard Lu Qingshan ask, his eyes flickered slightly, "You don't know?"

Lu Qingshan shook his head calmly, "I really don't know, please tell me."

After the cavalry captain's eyes wandered around Lu Qingshan, he finally introduced the situation of the Qin princess to Lu Qingshan in a low voice and briefly.

Through the introduction of the princess' personal soldier with a very vague pride, Lu Qingshan finally understood why the people of Qin State paid special attention to the name of the princess at that time.

Thirty years ago, the White Walkers were revived and the Northern Alliance was established.

The war between the Northern Alliance and the White Walkers broke out. Without any foreshadowing, temptation or even negotiation, there was no room for relaxation, and the fighting began on the snowy plains outside the Snow Ridge.

In order to ensure the stability of the Xueling frontier and at the same time inspire the military, the monarchs of the nine major kingdoms have to take turns driving to the front line.

Ten years ago, the White Walkers spent 20 years digging an underground passage above the snowy mountain, bypassing the front line to defend the city, and preparing to raid the northern coalition, but they happened to meet the king of Qin who was driving to the front line. and the Qin army.

It was an extremely brutal and **** battle.

In short, in the end, the Terran won the encounter and blocked the underground passage again.

As a price, the King of Qin sacrificed in that battle.

Unfortunately, King Qin had only been on the throne for three years at that time. He was a new monarch. He was in his prime, ambitious, and not good at being a woman. So apart from a twelve-year-old daughter, he had no other children!

It is very dangerous for a country to have no successor.

Everyone speculated that the Qin State might be caught in a precarious situation.

But no one would have imagined that the twelve-year-old daughter of the King of Qin, Her Royal Highness Princess Zhenguo, would actually be in charge of Qin State as a daughter with the support of General Pingnan, the general of the Qin State.

After the princess came to the throne, it was not only the support of General Pingnan.

With her ability to run the country, she achieved that in the age of the White Walkers, the national power of all countries was in decline, and she was able to stabilize the national power of Qin.

As a result, his position became more stable and unshakable, and he was loved and respected by the people.

Lu Qingshan listened with relish, until the Cavalry Commander stopped the narration, he paused, and said lightly, "Do you know the name of Her Royal Highness the Princess?"

The Cavalry Commander's expression changed slightly, and he fixedly looked at Lu Qingshan, not knowing what he was thinking, but in the end he shook his head firmly, "Is your Highness's maiden name so I can call it directly?"

Seeing that the captain of the cavalry army refused to speak, Lu Qingshan did not ask any further questions.

The two outside the hall fell into silence again.

At this moment, in the hall not far away, there was a loud noise.

The cavalry colonel frowned and looked worried, as if he knew what was going on inside.

"Did Her Royal Highness have a dispute with the courtier?" Lu Qingshan asked.

"Yes." The Cavalry Colonel replied.

"It's not that Her Royal Highness, relying on her own talents and the support of General Pingnan, has a stable position in the Qin country, how can anyone dare to have such a fierce dispute with Her Highness?" Lu Qingshan asked again.

"No one dares," the cavalry captain nodded, and slowly squeezed the number out of his mouth, "but what if the person who was arguing with His Highness was General Pingnan?"


At this moment, above the hall.

Talented, full of civil and military affairs, most of them are purple robes that can only be worn by senior officials of the third rank, and some old people are even officials with embroidered pythons.

But what really attracted the attention of the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty was the lean man with the unicorn official patch embroidered on his chest.

He closed his eyes and stood at the forefront of the military attache.

This hall, and even the military officials of the entire Qin state, respected him.

He was the general of Qin State Pingnan.

A coughing voice sounded in the hall, and in the line of military officials behind General Pingnan, someone walked out of the train and slowly knelt down and said:

"Your Highness Princess, I believe that the current situation in Xueling is getting more and more serious. General Pingnan, as the general of the Qin State, should hold the sword of the country to strengthen the military's heart."

"I entreat Your Highness to bestow the Sword General!"

The next moment, the Minister of War walked out, and also knelt down and said solemnly: "Wei Chen thought it was time to give the sword to General Pingnan. In the vast Qin country, besides General Pingnan, who else is qualified to wield the sword of Zhenguo?"

Behind General Pingnan, military ministers walked out one after another, knelt down, and said solemnly.

Full of uproar.

This is already equivalent to forcing a palace.

No one expected that the situation would develop to such a degree.

After all, Her Royal Highness, the princess, was able to take charge of Qin under the protection of General Pingnan.

In fact, they had already had a fierce dispute over whether General Pingnan was qualified to hold the sword.

It is the general trend that General Pingnan holds the sword, but Her Royal Highness the Princess insists that the Sword of Suppression has a more suitable owner, and has always disagreed with General Pingnan giving the sword.

Just because of the gift of the sword, the conflict between Her Royal Highness the Princess and her most loyal supporter, General Ping Nan, has become more and more prominent recently, and the scene of "the monarch and his ministers are suitable" is no longer the case.

No one can figure out what the princess is insisting on.

The civil servants all looked at the Lord Shoufu who was standing in front of them.

The vicissitudes of life, the head of the civil servants of Qin, slowly stepped out and snorted coldly: "The sword of the state is the sword of the royal family. Who should be in charge of it is a matter of the royal family, not of the world. It should have been decided by His Royal Highness, when will it be your rude people's turn to have the final say?"

The old man's eyes swept across the face of the military minister, and finally fell on the face of the general Pingnan.

General Pingnan opened his eyes, looked at the old man expressionlessly, and responded loudly: "His Highness has always said that there is someone who is more suitable for holding a sword than me, and this will naturally disobey His Highness.

But since this person has not appeared yet, and the situation on the frontier is serious now, I would beg the princess to borrow the sword from me temporarily, why not? "

The old man was speechless.

This was exactly what he couldn't understand about Her Royal Highness.

He couldn't understand it himself, how could he speak for Her Royal Highness?

After General Pingnan's words, the civil and military officials all began to think about each other for a while, and looked at Her Royal Highness on the royal chair, wanting to see how she would deal with the current situation.

Is it to obey the general trend and "borrow the sword" General Pingnan, or continue to insist on oneself regardless of the passion of the crowd?

In the end, the young princess, who was only twenty-two this year, faced these gazes, and then, beyond everyone's expectations, looked down at everyone and said, "The person holding the sword has not appeared yet, so it is true that General Pingnan borrowed the sword for the time being. It's not impossible..."

Her Royal Highness, who used to be so persistent, just gave in?

Although they knew that under the current situation, in order to avoid division, this was the most appropriate arrangement, but the civil and military officials still failed to accept the sudden change of His Highness.

So the whole hall became very quiet.

The next moment, Her Royal Highness's soft voice sounded again.

"But, he has appeared."

"Now, he is waiting outside the palace."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the ministers seemed to hear a touch of playfulness in these two sentences from Her Royal Highness.

However, when he looked up and saw the cold face of Her Royal Highness the Princess, they all abandoned this idea.

—The iron blood of Her Royal Highness, they have been obvious to all over the years.

No one would treat her as a woman anymore.

In this case, how could such a playful mood appear on their princess?

Here, Her Royal Highness made a gesture, before everyone came back to their senses.

"Xuan crossed Jianglong Lu Qingshan and entered the temple."

The long voice of the **** was heard.

There was dead silence in the hall.

Calm and regular footsteps came from far and near.

The princes, civil and military officials in the palace, almost subconsciously, looked at the gate of the palace with complicated feelings, including the general Pingnan, who squinted at the gate of the palace.

They saw an extremely young, extremely handsome man walking in slowly from outside the temple gate.

The six ministers, the servants, the imperial family, and the nobles... A pair of eyes fell on Lu Qingshan, scrutinizing him.

Crossing the river, the dragon, the land and the green mountains?

Who is he?

Lu Qingshan met the gazes of the ministers, turned a blind eye, walked slowly, and looked straight ahead boldly.

In front of him is the imperial chair.

On the royal chair is Her Royal Highness the Princess of Qin.

When Lu Qingshan saw the familiar and pretty face of the princess on the royal chair, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and a smile and surprise finally appeared in his calm expression.

"Long time no see, Yitian." He whispered in his heart.

The joy is naturally because of seeing Qin Yitian.

Surprise is because, although Lu Qingshan guessed when he came here, the so-called Princess of Qin should be the sword spirit girl he was thinking of.

However, speculation and confirmation are two different things. When he saw Qin Yitian sitting quietly on the royal chair, Lu Qingshan was still a little shocked.

Is this Qin princess who has a stern demeanor and reveals an unquestionable domineering and majestic temperament, is he really his cute and lovable Qin Yitian?

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