This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 14: 3000 Dao Fa who is respected (Part 2)

Remember [New] for a second,! A sentence, just six words, contains an astonishing amount of information.

Lu Qingshan's originally happy expression suddenly faded.

"Who are you?" He frowned and asked the woman on the stage.

"Don't you know my name," Her Royal Highness Princess Qin showed a playful attitude that her servants would never see on weekdays, winked at Lu Qingshan, and said with a smile, "Qin Yitian."

This cheerful and playful attitude is exactly the same as his Sword Spirit girl.

It's just that Lu Qingshan has clearly understood that although the Qin Yitian in front of him is still Qin Yitian, he is not that Qin Yitian anymore.

Although this sentence is very convoluted, it means exactly that.

As for where is the problem?

Lu Qingshan almost guessed it.

After the years have turned into a river, the Qin Yitian that I see at this time is no longer the Qin Yitian of his time period, who is the Dragon Sparrow Sword Spirit.

In this world, at this point in time, Qin Yitian's identity is Her Royal Highness Princess Qin.

In this case, how did Qin Yitian finally change from the princess of the Qin Kingdom in the Daoyuan Realm to the Dragon Sparrow Sword Spirit in the sky? How did it appear in the southern waters?

Also, how can I return to the time and space where I belong now?

Many problems were placed in front of Lu Qingshan, and he needed to solve them one by one.

"Does Her Royal Highness know me?" Lu Qingshan looked at Qin Yitian and asked again.

"Of course I do," Qin Yitian said with a smile, "Isn't it crossing Jianglong and Lu Qingshan?"

"So Your Highness didn't know me before this." Lu Qingshan said calmly.

"Don't you know me?" Qin Yitian said again: "As for me, I can start getting to know you now."

Her expression was very indifferent, as if she was telling a matter of course.

"Seeing the reaction of the ministers at the court meeting just now, that so-called sword of the state is extremely important and has a very high status.

His Highness didn't know me before, so he wanted to give me such an important Sword of Suppression. Wouldn't it be too much of a joke? "Lu Qingshan raised his eyebrows and asked directly.

He asked directly and honestly.

Because Qin Yitian has always been the most trusted person in Lu Qingshan's heart.

So even if Qin Yitian in front of him is not his sword spirit girl, Lu Qingshan can't have any negative emotions such as suspicion and hostility towards her.

"No kidding," the atmosphere became solemn, Qin Yitian also restrained the playfulness in his expression, and replied seriously: "Because I know that you are the most suitable sword master for the sword of the country."

"Why are you so sure?"

"You'll understand right away." Qin Yitian said, and then took out a long box from the compartment of the imperial chair beside him.

The box is made of ancient wood, and the surface is carved with exquisite dragon and phoenix patterns, which looks very expensive.

Qin Yitian didn't say a word, just gently lifted the lid of the box and showed the contents of the box in front of Lu Qingshan.

There is only one thing in it.

A simple long sword.

The whole body is red and bright.

Is lying quietly in the box.

Lu Qingshan looked at the long sword, and a heart almost jumped out of his throat.

"Dragon Sparrow." He blurted out.

Dragon Sparrow!

The sword in the box is the Dragon Sparrow.

"Sure enough, you know it too." Qin Yitian pointed at Longque and said:

"It is the sword of my country of Qin, but the world only knows that it is the sword of the country, but they have never known that its name is Dragon Sparrow."

"In the entire Qin country, apart from me, you are the second person to know Zhen Guojian's real name."

Qin Yitian paused for a while, then continued, "Unless I said it."

Lu Qingshan looked at the dragon bird in the box, and after a moment of silence, he looked up at Qin Yitian who was holding the box, without explaining too much, but said slowly: "You are right, I am indeed the most suitable sword of the country. the sword master."

Because the Dragon Sparrow is his life sword.

"Look, I said yes." Qin Yitian blinked, and there was an undisguised little pride flashing in his eyes.

"In this case, the dragon bird will be your sword in the future."

Qin Yitian took the dragon bird out of the box, put the long box aside, rubbed the dragon bird's sword reluctantly, and finally got off the stage and handed the dragon bird to Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan took the dragon bird solemnly, then held the hilt of the dragon bird and waved the sword tentatively.

Although it has been a long time, Lu Qingshan can still clearly feel the sense of fit between himself and the dragon bird.

It ignores the sense of fit between time and space.

This is the inseparable connection between the sword and the sword master.

But at this moment, Lu Qingshan was also a little puzzled.

Years go against the flow of a river.

That is to say, the current time point is before the first year of the day.

So what is this now?

Going back to the past, did you "green" yourself?

More importantly, will what you do now change the entire future?

Will it be because of the butterfly effect that the future self cannot get dragon sparrows?

Lu Qingshan pondered for a moment, and finally shook his head silently.

Going against the flow of time, this is something that Taoist ancestors can't do - if it can be done, what is the battle of Taoist demons?

Based on this inference, there should be no real reshaping timeline in the world at all.

Because Daozu is the most powerful force in the world.

Therefore, his current situation should be in a certain timeline that actually happened in history, and he is a witness to the long history. No matter what he does, it will be no problem for the future.

That is, time is always moving forward for him.

Lu Qingshan just went to a past world in the forward timeline.

In game terms, it is equivalent to a copy.

And if you use the copy to understand, it seems that how to leave here and return to his world and his timeline, Lu Qingshan also has the answer in his heart.

- Clear this dungeon, and naturally everything will end.

Lu Qingshan thought about it again and again, and basically confirmed this point of view.

As for how to clear this "dungeon"...

Lu Qingshan took his eyes away from the dragon bird and landed on Qin Yitian's face.

"How do you feel?" Qin Yitian asked with great interest when he saw that Lu Qingshan had stopped his sword test.

"It is the best sword." Lu Qingshan said.

"Of course," Qin Yitian nodded and said firmly: "It is not only the best sword in Qin, but also the strongest weapon in the Daoyuan world."

"Why is Your Highness so determined?" Lu Qingshan's eyes flashed slightly.

He said that the dragon bird is the best sword, because the dragon bird is his sword,

But Qin Yitian said so, why?

For mortals, Daoyuan Realm is vast, and the strongest weapon in Daoyuan Realm is too loud.

"Just call me Yitian." Qin Yitian said with a smile.

After a pause, she suddenly asked, "Do you know why my country, Qin, can be ranked among the top nine countries?"

"The national strength is strong, so it is naturally called the upper country." Lu Qingshan replied.

"Yes," Qin Yitian nodded, "but not entirely."

"Nine Great Upper Kingdoms, in addition to their strong national strength, are also because they have the strongest Nine Great Dao Law in the world."

"Nine Great Ways?" Lu Qingshan frowned slightly.

"There are three thousand Taoist laws, but there is a distinction after all." Qin Yitian said solemnly.

"The nine great kingdoms are Qin, Huang, Korea, Zhao, Meng, Yan, Qi, Chu, and Wei."

"Meng Guo holds the Heavenly Dao Fa, and the main seal."

"Zhao Guo is in charge of the ancient Shinto method, and he is enlightened."

"Korea has the Five Elements of Taoism, and it changes a lot."

"The country of Yan cultivates the free and unfettered way, and the whole world can walk on the ground."

"The state of Qi has the law of life and death, and it can steal life and death."

"The state of Chu adheres to the law of destiny, and uses the ring of heaven and earth for its own use."

"The state of Wei is in charge of Yuan Lingdao, turning corruption into magic."

"You only mentioned the Seven Kingdoms." Lu Qingshan stopped when he saw Qin Yitian's introduction to the Nine Kingdoms, and reminded him.

"The barren country... the situation is rather special." Qin Yitian hesitated for a while, and finally spoke.

"In a barren country, the law of the mountains and seas can make all things return to the ruins. In terms of improving the combat power, the law of the mountains and seas is the first." She said again with a complicated expression.

Lu Qingshan moved in his heart.

The way of mountains and seas, all things return to ruins... If he hadn't reacted, he would be too stupid.

However, he could see that Qin Yitian had not finished speaking, so he remained silent and waited for the next sentence.

"It's just that the current barren country... is no longer in charge of mountain and sea Taoism." Qin Yitian said softly.


"Shan Hai Dao method is powerful, but its power comes at the cost of destroying mountains and seas. This is an evil method," Qin Yitian continued: "Water drops through stone, you can imagine that such a Dao method exists, and sooner or later there will be one. The source world of the Heavenly Dao is going to be desolate."

"No one wants to see this happen."

"So 30 years ago, except for the barren country, the other eight major upper countries jointly carried out an "assassination operation"."

Lu Qingshan's eyes flickered... Thirty years ago, wasn't it the time for the White Walkers to recover?

"At that time, the Eight Great Upper Kingdoms gathered experts from all over the world, gathered the power of all Daoism, and was able to sneak into the palace of the King of Wilderness, and assassinated all the royal families of the Wasteland who mastered the Dao of Mountains and Seas."

"The Dao Fa is based on blood, so after the assassination, the Shan Hai Dao Fa was lost."

"The next step is that the Eight Great Upper Kingdoms should nibble away the barren state and divide the barren state. You can guess what happened next." Qin Yitian saw Lu Qingshan's expression and knew that he had already guessed it.

"The recovery of the White Walkers disrupted the plans of the Eight Kingdoms."

"Although the royal family of the barren country who mastered the law of the mountains and seas died, but the army is still there, it is not an easy thing to destroy the barren kingdom."

"Now that the White Walkers are a foreign enemy, it is not suitable for internal fighting, and the Eight Great Kingdoms can only give up this idea."

"On the other side of the barren country, a new king will soon be on the throne, and the national strength is still strong, but there is no mountain and sea way."

Lu Qingshan listened silently, but the doubts in his heart were even more.

Qin Yitian said that the law is based on blood, and it is natural.

It is also certain that his power of mountains and seas is the law of mountains and seas.

However, the power of mountains and seas is clearly obtained from the practice of "Return to the Ruins", and it has nothing to do with blood...

"Where is Qin State?" Lu Qingshan asked again, "What is Qin State's Taoism?"

"Isn't Qin's Taoism in your hands?" Qin Yitian said with a smile.

Lu Qingshan's heart froze, and he reacted, "You mean... Dragon Sparrow?"

"Yes," Qin Yitian nodded lightly, "Qin is the only one in the Nine Great Kingdoms who has not mastered Taoism, but we have the Dragon Sparrow Sword."

"It possesses divine power unimaginable by secular weapons, and it is by no means the craftsmen of the world can cast it. The first emperor relied on the advantage of this sword to make Qin ranked among the nine great kingdoms."

"So, the first emperor once said that the dragon bird is the way of our Qin state, calling it the sword of the country."

"A weapon that can be compared with the top Taoist methods is called the strongest in the Taoyuan world. What's the problem?" Qin Yitian asked rhetorically.

It does.

Lu Qingshan nodded silently.

He thought about it for a while, and finally asked curiously, "Since there are high and low Taoist methods, what is the first Taoist method in the Taoyuan realm?"

Who is respected in the Three Thousand Ways?

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