This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 17: 1st battle

"This sword repair is a bit stable (

Such a burly and strong man fell to the ground after being glared by Lu Qingshan?

Either way, it's not a reasonable thing to do.

Among the other generals behind General Pingnan, another general came out immediately and ran towards the fainted Li Ze to take a closer look.

Pulse and respiration are still there, and very normal.

"General, Li Ze just fainted temporarily." General Shen and General Pingnan reported.

General Pingnan breathed a sigh of relief, and then could not help but narrow his eyes to look at Lu Qingshan, his eyes became different.

What kind of law is this?

Yes, from his point of view, Lu Qingshan must have used some kind of peculiar Taoist technique to make his ginseng pass out.

They are not people who know how to do things. If there are cultivators of Jianzong here at this moment, they will definitely be able to see that when Lu Qingshan glared at him just now, there was a flood of swords in his eyes.

Although the rules of the Daoyuan Realm banned mana and primordial spirit, the sword power itself was invisible, intangible, illusory, and did not belong to the ban.

The problem is that the sword stance is something that has been cultivated by practicing swords for many years. It is like the qi of tyrants, which can intimidate people, but it is too unimaginable to rely on the sword stance to hurt people like Lu Qingshan.

In fact, the principle is also very simple, just like a majestic enough emperor, who can shock a commoner to faint on the spot with just his eyes.

Or a gangster who is vicious enough, a slight change in face can make people heart-broken.

The sword force condensed in the air just now reached such a terrifying level, creating a similar effect.

It's not impossible to say it's Taoism.

Taoism: Sword Stance.

It's just the inner way, which ordinary people can't see at all.

So they don't understand.

Moreover, this method itself is extremely tasteless, because it is only a kind of potential, and it has no attack power and no substance.

It is extremely incredible that Lu Qingshan can hurt mortals who have not cultivated by this. A higher level, even a qi cultivator, can keep his mind under the impact of the sword.

But in Daoyuan Realm, this method is quite useful.

In the Taoyuan world, there are only mortals, no monks.


The generals behind General Pingnan glanced at each other and nodded to each other.

The next moment, someone stood up and said: "Crossing the Jianglong Lu Qingshan, you take advantage of Li Cang's unpreparedness to use the Dao method to attack him. I can't wait and challenge you!"

Seeing this, Lu Qingshan couldn't help but sigh.

They are all mortals who don't even have a cultivation base, and in his eyes they are like children.

Lu Qingshan really didn't have much thought to be angry with them.

He glanced at the crowd, "Then you can come together."

"You are ready." Lu Qingshan reminded.

After seeing the people waiting to show their guard, Lu Qingshan's heart moved, and his eyes swept like a sword.

As far as the eye can see, the monstrous continuous sword force spewed out, which easily overwhelmed their minds.

They just feel their brains go blank, they get colic, and then they don't know anything.

Just a breath of work.

The battle came to an abrupt end.

The entire campus fell silent.

The dragon and phoenix guards looked at Lu Qingshan like a monster.

Lu Qingshan didn't care, he shook his head and said, "If you commit the following crimes, I will impose a slight punishment. Can your Highness have other punishments?"

Qin Yitian blinked and said, "That's it."

Lu Qingshan nodded, and casually nodded to a few dragon and phoenix guards, "You help General Pingnan send his generals back."

"Yes!" The named dragon and phoenix guards rushed out and responded loudly.

General Pingnan watched all this happen, kept silent, and the air pressure was extremely low.

Finally, seeing that Longfengwei had helped the generals who had knocked him out on their horses and was about to leave, he coldly put down a sentence, "Lu Qingshan, your Taoism is indeed strong, and I have heard of the strength of your swordsmanship. I no longer doubt your strength.

But you have to understand that a general is definitely not a person who can be competent by force. "

"The general must also have the ability to manage and lead the army, otherwise the general will be called the leader of the martial arts alliance, not the general."

After that, General Pingnan also got on his horse, turned and left without looking back.


Snowflakes fluttered.

The pale black rocks are covered with snow.


After the overwhelmed dead branches on the tree were crushed, the snow rustled down, and it became clear in an instant, and a captain and a long army came into view.

Even when marching in this weather, all the soldiers in the army are very energetic, which shows that this is a very high-quality army.

"Tianyan, how long will it take to get to Xueling?"

"Report to General, there are almost two days left."

Lu Qingshan, who was riding on a horse, pondered for a while.

At this time, a pale white crescent moon was already showing in the sky.

The snowstorm got bigger.

"The wind and snow are about to get bigger, so it's not advisable to stay for a long time. I won't camp tonight, and march overnight." He ordered.

On the third day after worshipping the generals, Lu Qingshan left Qincheng with Longfengwei and marched north to Xueling.

He's going to meet the White Walkers in this world for a while.

The road is full of twists and turns.

As General Pingnan said, it is either a good general who is either excellent in force or a good general.

Lu Qingshan also knew that he did not have the ability to lead troops, but so what?

Just use people.

Longfengwei is Qin Yitian's personal soldiers, and his quality is very high.

Thinking like this, Lu Qingshan took out a bag embroidered with exquisite patterns from his arms.

It was given to him by Qin Yitian before the expedition.

"If the general is in a difficult situation and is powerless, he will open the bag."

"Are you Qin Yitian or Zhugetian?" Lu Qingshan raised a smile on the corner of his mouth, thinking funny.

He looked at the kit again, and then stuffed the kit back into his arms.


Dusk the next day.

Lu Qingshan took Longfengwei to his destination.

Snow Mountain Iron City.

Lu Qingshan stood in front of the city wall and looked up at the dozens of flags fluttering in the wind on the city wall. At this time, there were dozens of national troops gathered here, so there were naturally dozens of flags.

It is precisely because there are too many countries' armies that it is impossible to enforce orders and prohibitions. Generally, you are in charge of you, and I am in charge of me. There is no unified command.

There is no doubt that this chaotic command will reduce the combat effectiveness of the Iron City army by several levels.

But even knowing this truth, no one wants to change.

The army is the foundation of a country.

No country would be comfortable handing over the command of its military to others, even against foreign enemies.

"Enter the city." The people in the city had already received the letter, and seeing that the city gate was already wide open, Lu Qingshan ordered.


The stove was burning brightly.

The man sitting at the desk had extremely thick eyebrows and a beard that looked extremely rough.

The man's name is Cha Rusong, a general of the Meng Kingdom.

Meng State, befriend Qin State.

"General Cha, the general protecting the country of Qin has brought troops into the city today."

The person who spoke was very young and handsome.

General Zha rolled his eyes, "Is that the Lu Qingshan who was able to worship the generals because of his possession of the Qin Guozhen sword, but he doesn't know where he came from?"

"Yes, it is this person. I heard that he has won the trust of His Royal Highness in Qin."

"It can be seen that Longfengwei is her personal soldier, and she even gave it to her..." Zha Rusong raised his brows slightly, "and Pingnan went back to ask for the sword this time for the sword of the country, but Still in vain."

"His Royal Highness Qin's favor for this Lu Qingshan is evident."

"Is the general going to meet this protector general for a while?"

"No hurry," Zha Rusong sipped the teapot and said slowly, "Look at it first."

"It has been more than two months since the last time the White Walkers attacked the city. After such a long incubation period, the number of White Walkers wandering in the snowy fields has accumulated to a certain extent, and there will be a big wave in the near future."

"At this time, prepare for the war first, and talk about all communication after the war." Zha Rusong said meaningfully.

Not all generals are worth his visit.

This is the case even for the generals who protect the country who are friendly to the country.

He has to see if he can live up to the title of "protecting the country".

In Tiecheng, a general without military merit is not a general.


A stretch of tents.

It is the place where Lu Qingshan's Dragon and Phoenix Guards are stationed.

"General." A strong voice came from outside the camp in the center.

Gu Tianyan, the former commander of Longfengwei, walked in hastily with a flagpole wrapped in a flagcloth in his hand.

"What's the matter?"

In the tent, the fire was burning fiercely.

Lu Qingshan was sitting at the desk. On the desk were the records of all the fights between Tiecheng and the White Walkers in the past thirty years.

"General, the flag you ordered has been built." Gu Tianyanhui reported.

Lu Qingshan put down the scroll in his hand, took the flagpole from Gu Tianyan, and was about to check it.

At this moment, the long horn sound suddenly resounded throughout the Iron City.

The horn sobbed.

This is the horn sounding for the whole city to be on alert.

This horn sound can only mean one thing.

The White Walkers are here, and it's an extremely large wave of White Walkers.

Gu Tianyan's face changed.

"What?" Lu Qingshan asked.

"In the past 30 years, the horn of the whole city's vigilance has only sounded twice, and each time the number of soldiers sacrificed exceeded 100,000. It was an extremely tragic two battles." He said.

"Are you afraid?" Lu Qingshan asked again.

"Naturally I'm not afraid," Gu Tianyan said loudly: "As a soldier, there is a reason to be timid."

Lu Qingshan laughed boldly, "The flag has been built, and the enemy has come, isn't it time to make merit and slay the White Ghosts?"

"Gu Tianyan, gather the soldiers immediately," he ordered.

"As ordered!" Gu Tianyan responded without hesitation.


In the sound of the horn, there were heavy footsteps, shouts, and the collision of armor pieces in the Iron City.

In the open space outside the Longfengwei Thousands of sergeants lined up and formed a battle, all wearing helmets and armor, and holding weapons.

Gu Tianyan had assembled soldiers in a short period of time, and his speed was worthy of the name of elite soldiers.

The field was silent and military discipline was strict.

A strong figure suddenly appeared more and more, riding on the wind, rushing to the high platform.

It was Lu Qingshan who came.

He slung a sword around his waist and held a newly made flagpole in his hand.

Lu Qingshan waved a round vigorously, and the flag fluttered in the wind.

It is a dragon pattern that is somewhat similar to the pattern on the long sword around his waist.

All eyes were drawn to the banner.

Lu Qingshan's sharp eyes swept across the audience.

The soldiers couldn't help holding their breath.

They have not fought a battle with Lu Qingshan, but this general exudes an inexplicably convincing temperament, and the Dragon Phoenix Guard is an elite soldier. Morale is still high.

"General!" Gu Tianyan stepped forward, knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists with both hands, "All the Dragon and Phoenix Guards are here."

The whole army said in unison, "General!"

The city gates in the distance, all the city gates, have slowly opened.

The gates were pushed loudly.

After each gate is opened, a large army must rush out.

Snowflakes fluttered in the sky, the north wind whistled and danced wildly, and in the melodious and dull sound of the horn, the sound of horses' hooves and footsteps were like rolling muffled thunder.

As I said before, if you want to kill the White Walkers, you can't rely on bows and arrows, you must go out of the city to fight.

Between the thin wind and snow, through the gap in the crowd, a pale shadow came into Lu Qingshan's eyes.

That's the ghost.

Without any hesitation, Lu Qingshan slammed and pulled out the dragon sparrow.

The blazing red dragon sparrow is like a fiery flame in the snow-covered iron city of Snow Ridge.

"The city gate is open, send troops!"

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