This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 35: The world changes, let me break through

The army rushed along the post road built by the Hu family to transport ore.

As the distance from the Daqing Mine got farther and farther, the scenery around the post road gradually became clearer.

This lifted the spirits of the miners who had been in the mine for many years and were accustomed to dark tones.

When the sky turned dark, the army finally stopped.

They are approaching Anling City. At this time, they need to recuperate and restore their energy to prepare for the next hard battle.

Lu Qingshan turned over and dismounted, holding the Dao Sword Dragon Sparrow and looking at it from a distance.

Anling City came into view.

The mottled city walls have been weathered for years, and there are hazy figures on the top of the city.

The Hu family had already made preparations.

On the way from Daqing Mine to Anling City, there are many villages and towns around.

The Qingshan Army numbered several thousand and the formation was mighty, so once it was deployed, its whereabouts could not be concealed at all.

Lu Qingshan didn't even think about hiding it.

Behind him, Gu Tianyan stepped forward with a solemn expression.

"General, the Hu family has a profound background, even if it is only a small town, they can draw a thousand defensive forces in a short period of time.

They have tall city walls, defense equipment and heavy city gates as their support, and the Qingshan Army has no powerful siege equipment to assist them. If we still choose to force the siege, we will inevitably suffer heavy losses. "

Gu Tianyan and Lu Qingshan said.

The Qingshan Army was still a grass-roots team, with no siege equipment such as catapults, artillery, and ladders.

Under such circumstances, this battle is not destined to be easy.

At least in Gu Tianyan's view.

"Don't worry." Lu Qingshan waved his hand, but he didn't take Gu Tianyan's worries seriously at all.

The sky is getting darker.

Lu Qingshan mounted his horse again, turned around, and said loudly to the entire Qingshan Army, "Boys, when you're resting, prepare to rush with me."

"This world is ours!"


Lu Qingshan swiped his palm down, his legs clenched, and the horse under his crotch kicked with four legs, and sped out first, heading straight for Anling City.

Thousands of Qingshan troops poured out in unison.

It was dusk, and the setting sun dyed the heaven and earth a deep red.

Lu Qingshan was bathed in the setting sun, and his armor was blazing red, as if it was the same color as a dragon sparrow.

His speed was very fast, and he didn't mean to slow down at all. In a short while, he opened a distance from the Qingshan Army behind him.

If you look down from the sky, you will see this scene:

The army lined up on the plain to rush to the city, and a horse was far ahead, causing a billowing of dust and smoke.

Those who didn't know thought that the army in the rear was chasing and killing Lu Qingshan.

"They want to attack hard, let go of arrows!"

"There are still stones. When they get close, they will be crushed to death!"

The head of the city was in charge of commanding and dispatching the commander of the Anling City Guards. Seeing this scene, he kept shouting and quickly issued various orders.

Under his command, swish arrows burst out from the city wall.

The first batch of feather arrows were almost all aimed at Lu Qingshan—because only Lu Qingshan entered the range of the bow and arrow at this time.

In this regard, Lu Qingshan just lifted the dragon bird and waved it.

The dragon bird clanked, and cut off a feathered arrow.

It's just that although people are fine, the horse under Lu Qingshan's crotch can't stop the arrows falling like rain and splashing water.

An arrow pierced the head of the horse, and then more feather arrows fell on the horse, piercing the flesh for three points.

Warm horse blood splattered everywhere.

Under the pain, the horses running at high speed knelt down on their front hooves, their bodies were pulled upside down by the huge inertia, and they turned out all the way.

But at the moment when the horse fell, Lu Qingshan had already jumped off the horse's back, looking like a ghost, and then rushed towards the city wall.

The whizzing wind kept blowing over his head.

With the help of a dragon sparrow, Lu Qingshan was impervious to the wind, and all the arrows could not fall on him and could not stop him.

"Keep up with the general!" Gu Tianyan looked at Lu Qingshan's back, and could only shout through gritted teeth, trying her best to keep up with Lu Qingshan's pace.

He didn't know how Lu Qingshan was going to break through the city, but with the general charging ahead, how could they retreat, how could they fall behind?

The current situation is that Lu Qingshan, who was walking alone at the forefront and had no intention of retreating in the face of the arrow rain, seemed to be wrapping the entire Qingshan army of thousands of people with his own strength, bringing a peace of mind to the whole army. Shares of courage to move forward momentum.

Even if they were only mortal bodies, even if they were only miners and slaves without any training twenty days ago, at this moment, everyone is no longer afraid.

In the rain of arrows, Lu Qingshan crumbled like a dragon, and his swordsmanship was even more ghostly.

Under the unbelievable gaze of the defenders of Anling City on the city wall, Lu Qingshan actually walked through the boiling battlefield so hard, and was only a few dozen feet away from the city gate.

Seeing that there is a city wall ahead, there is no road.

Lu Qingshan not only did not slow down, but even accelerated again.

His pace became faster and faster, each step jumped several meters, and then landed heavily on the ground, making a very heavy landing sound, stepping on a shallow footprint,

The sound of the footsteps landing on the ground did not seem to be stepping on the ground, but on the hearts of every defender in Chengtou Mountain.

"Throw a stone and kill him!" The commander of Anling City quickly shouted loudly, his voice trembling slightly, with an unconcealed fear.

"Don't be afraid, he is alone, he doesn't even have a ladder, what's the use of breaking into the city wall?

Could it be that he could still jump on the city wall and kill us all! ? "Perhaps realizing the fear in his subconscious, or perhaps to boost morale, the commander of Anling City shouted angrily.

"General, be careful!" Gu Tianyan at the back raised his head and saw dozens of large stones falling like dumplings on the city wall, and shouted almost subconsciously.

A stone is no better than a feather arrow.

Feather arrows can also be slashed by swinging a sword. Even if they miss a moment, as long as they are not shot at the vital part, they are not fatal.

But the boulder is different. It can't be smashed with a long sword, and once it is hit by a boulder, it should be a tragic ending with a direct head split, and there is no room for it.

Gu Tianyan was so anxious, her eyes fixed on Lu Qingshan's back.

The next moment, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his mouth couldn't help but open wide.

When Lu Qingshan was still ten feet away from the city gate, his legs bowed slightly, then collapsed, his whole body was like an arrow from the string, "shooting" with a humming sound.

His "shoot" turned out to be a leap of ten feet, allowing Lu Qingshan to directly cross the rockfall area.

Immediately afterwards, he castrated his force unabated, used a dragon spear as a spear, and rammed straight into the city gate.

And the land around where Lu Qingshan used to jump off with his feet was inexplicably cracked, dry, and extremely strange.

"Broken!" Looking at the closed city gate, Lu Qingshan snorted coldly, the red light on the Dragon Sparrow Sword flashed away, the power of mountains and seas in the body boiled, and the tip of the sword aimed at the city gate.


A loud bang.

The heavy city gate, which was covered with a layer of fine iron, was actually pierced directly by his dragon sparrow.

Then a louder sound came out.


The entire city gate shattered directly in the eyes of everyone in disbelief, and sawdust splattered everywhere.

Lu Qingshan did not jump on the city wall to kill them all, as the commander of Anling City said.

But... he directly blew the city gate.

Lu Qingshan took advantage of the situation and entered the city.

There are also guards at the gate of the city, and the voices are boiling.

Lu Qingshan didn't even look at it, the dragon bird squeaked across the necks of the guards at the gate of the city, several heads were thrown high, and several blood arrows spewed out.

"The city gates can't stop me, who else can stop me?" He said in a loud voice.

Going deep into the enemy's Lu Qingshan, such as chopping melons and vegetables, the dragon sparrow rolls into the crowd, it is dripping with blood.


"The city gate has been broken by the general!"

Outside Anling City, Gu Tianyan shouted loudly.

The problem that he was most worried about before the war was solved by Lu Qingshan.

Next, they just need to rush into the city and kill all the guards.

All the Qingshan Army soldiers were shocked and infected by Lu Qingshan's bravery, so they burst out with indescribable terror.

They roared together, like a mountain and a tsunami, rushing towards Anling City.

There are many people who are shot by arrows, but as long as they are not fatally wounded, they will immediately pull out the feather arrow, let the blood flow, and continue to charge with clenched teeth, and will never fall behind.


"Looking for death!"

At the gate of the city, a man in black armor held a large knife and slashed at Lu Qingshan's forehead.

He is the commander of Anling City, Hu Teng, a member of the Hu family.

At the moment when the city gate was broken, Hu Teng rushed down the city head with a large group of people, wanting to kill Lu Qingshan on the spot, and then blocked the city gate with stones to save it.

The battlefield at the gate of the city was chaotic, and there was no room to move around. Facing Hu Teng's offensive, Lu Qingshan immediately put aside his bow and horse, and the dragon bird directly slammed on Hu Teng's sword.

The swords struck each other, making a sour sound.

Under the sudden force, Hu Teng only felt that his wrist was numb, and the pain was incomparable - the strength contained in Lu Qingshan's sword was too terrifying.

And Lu Qingshan's Dragon Sparrow, after bouncing off Hu Teng's broadsword, drove straight in, directly sunk into Hu Teng's chest, and then quickly pulled it out.

Hu Teng stepped back again and again, blood oozing from his chest.

His hand no longer had the slightest strength to hold the broadsword, causing the broadsword to fall to the ground.

Hu Teng stretched out his finger and pointed at Lu Qingshan, his face full of disbelief, "Who are you...?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he thumped and fell to the ground feebly, never knowing the answer.

Lu Qingshan continued to charge.

The sword light flickered, and it slashed into the enemy army like a gust of wind and rain.

With the blessing of the power of mountains and seas, he became more and more brave in battle. The sharp dragon bird only needs to be slashed at will to cause terrifying damage.

Wherever the Longque Jianfeng passed, the stumps danced wildly and blood splashed.

Lu Qingshan then moved forward, from the city gate all the way into the city, forcibly opened a **** road.

At this time, Gu Tianyan finally rushed under the city gate with Qingshan Army to join the fight.

The flag with the word "mountain" stirred, UU reading the sound of killing boiled, the soil and blood splashed together, and the sky and the earth were crimson.

Siege warfare turned into hand-to-hand combat.

Lu Qingshan kills people when he sees them, which is terrifying, like a demon descended from the sky.

When he could no longer see any Anling City guards around him, there was only the last ray of sunshine left in the sky.

Taking advantage of this glow, Lu Qingshan stood on the corpse of the guards of Anling City and glanced around.

He was greeted with cheers.

All the soldiers of the Qingshan Army were bloodstained on their bodies, all of them were in a state of embarrassment, and more or less had one or two arrows stuck in their bodies.

But they didn't seem to feel the pain, they just looked at Lu Qingshan with incomparable enthusiasm.

In the first battle, they experienced such a **** and cruel scene, but they did not feel uncomfortable, some were just excited.

Lu Qingshan nodded slightly.

He felt a murderous aura that had never been seen before, but was extremely important, from the soldiers of the Qingshan Army.

Swordsmanship, killing techniques.

If you don't kill people, you will never be able to practice good swordsmanship.

After this battle, the Qingshan Army composed of miners completed a transformation in blood and fire.

And this battle will also be the beginning of the transformation of this world. Beagle

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