This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 39: Rooster 1 sings the world is white (below)

Flying Cloud City.

The night was dark.

There were torches burning on the city wall, illuminating the city wall like day, the city guards patrolled back and forth, the city gate was closed, and the security was extremely strict.

This is because Hu Xing took away most of the army in Feiyun City. At this time, Feiyun City is empty and must be careful.

Although most people in Feiyun City do not think that apart from the "Qingshan Army", who else would dare to provoke their Hu family, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

Moreover, based on the comparison of the strength of their Hu family and the so-called Qingshan Army, this rebellion will soon be pacified, and it will be enough to endure it for a while.

"What is that?" Dozens of soldiers guarding the city found the anomaly, pointing to the wilderness in the night and trembling.

The moon cast a clear light, showing a dark green mountain army, which was rapidly approaching their Feiyun City. The picture was shocking and unusual.

"Quick, send a signal to notify everyone in the city!"

"Enemy attack!"

Chi Chi Chi!


A torch screeched up into the sky, and the scattered sparks were like a flame flower blooming in the sky under the night, flying so high that it seemed to touch the bright moon for everyone in the city to see.

The flame took a strange shape in the sky, and it was the owner of Feiyun City, the nominal owner of this area, and the family crest of the Hu family.


A thunderous explosion sounded almost at the same time as the flare.

The city gate that was supposed to be closed suddenly had sword marks interlaced, and the house was twisted and deformed in an instant, and then it burst into pieces of sawdust.

A figure just slammed into it in the darkness.

Lu Qingshan, who crashed into the city, announced loudly to the people of Feiyun City: "The city breaker, Lu Qingshan!"

Whoosh whoosh!

At the same time, three feather arrows cut through the sky and shot straight through the throats of the three guards on the city wall.

The three guards struggled to cover their throats with their palms, trying to block the spurting blood, but in the end they were just doing nothing.

When they were dying, the last scene they saw in their blurred vision was the tide-like Qingshan Army pouring into Feiyun City from the gateless city gate.

Feiyun City was broken.


Qingshan Army entered Feiyun City and walked on a relatively narrow street.

There are too many people, and the footsteps are getting louder.

The doors of the houses on both sides of the street were closed, and occasionally bold people watched the famous "Qingshan Army" secretly through the cracks of the door.

They were shocked and terrified.

Shocked that Feiyun City was broken like this.

The fear is that no matter who wins in the end, they will have a hard time ahead.

Moreover, these rebels who dared to kill even the Hu family and who were "suffered by nature", could they be thugs who burned, killed and looted?

When the world prospers, the people suffer; when the world perishes, the people suffer too.

This is the eternal truth.

In a military camp a few kilometers away from the city gate, when the signal bomb exploded in the dark, a rapid horn sounded in the military camp.

That military camp was the only army in Feiyun City, the Fire Army.

At the same time, the Raging Fire Army was also the pro-army of the city lord Hu Lie. Hu Lie personally controlled it. It was the most elite army in Feiyun City.

Hu Lie asked Hu Xing to take away most of Feiyun City's men and horses, and when only this army was left behind, it was regarded as Feiyun City's Dinghai Shenzhen.

Lu Qingshan did not lead the Qingshan Army to rush directly to destroy the last resistance force in Feiyun City, but led the army to reach it and went straight to the City Lord's Mansion.

The streets of Feiyun City are many and narrow. If you break in rashly, you are very likely to be attacked.

In this case, let the enemy take the initiative to find you.

Lu Qingshan's choice was very wise.

In a short time, the Fire Army was assembled.

The long torches converged into a dragon.

The Argentine Army dragged their spears and short bows and stopped in the direction of the Qingshan Army. It was a line of defense with a thousand people.

The team of sergeants raised their bows high, and the next moment, the arrows were splashed like water, making it difficult for the Qingshan Army to advance.

"General!" Gu Tianyan leaned up and said solemnly, "The heavy armored army is already in place."

Lu Qingshan nodded.

The next moment, the flag-bearer in the center held the mountain flag high and waved it a few times quickly.

Then, the Qingshan Army that covered the street spread out to both sides extremely quickly, giving way to the middle street and revealing the scene behind the street.

The noisy fire army was eerily silent for a moment.

At the end of the street, there was a team of cavalry, not many, about sixty or seventy.

It's just that these people are wearing black heavy armor and horn helmets, like an iron man, airtight, completely different from other soldiers.

Heavy cavalry.

In other words, the replacement version of the heavy cavalry.

"Crash their formation!" The commander of the heavy cavalry raised his visor, looked at the Fire Army across the long street, raised the iron sword in his hand, and shouted loudly.

The dozens of cavalry behind him responded in unison, unafraid.

Horses hooves like thunder.

The rhythmic roar of the horse was deafening.



The banner of the city head changed.

The mountain flag fluttered, although it looked a little broken and stained with blood, it was even more heroic.

The blood on the streets was thick and disgusting, the ground was full of blood and debris, and the Qingshan Army was sweeping the battlefield.

The people of Feiyun City looked at the scene outside through the crack of the door.

After a night of fierce battle, the Qingshan Army achieved the final victory.

From then on, Feiyun City is no longer surnamed Hu.

"Husband, these Qingshan troops don't seem to be bad...

You see they haven't come to grab our food till now.

And even though the fighting was so fierce last night, no one was attacked and destroyed by them..." In a residential house, a woman and her husband beside her whispered.

"How can there be a good official, just wait and see." The husband's face was full of worry, and he didn't believe that the Qingshan Army would have nothing to do with them.

clang clang!

"All the people of the city, gather outside the city gate!"

"All the people of the city, go to the city gate immediately!"


At this moment, the rapid sound of hooves sounded, and dozens of light cavalry trotted through the street beating gongs and drums, shouting loudly.

"Look, it's coming," the husband said bitterly, "Let's go, I hope this gentleman can have some conscience and leave a way for us people to live..."

When the people of Feiyun City rushed to the city gate, they were immediately frightened by the scene in front of them.

The majestic city gate has long since disappeared, and the city gate is empty.

Above the city gate, below the three characters of Feiyun City, hangs a head, with eyes wide open, full of unwillingness.

"That is... that is the Lord of the City!" The people of Feiyun City immediately recognized that the owner of the head was the City Lord of Feiyun City, Hu Lie!

This makes them terrified.

"I am Lu Qingshan..." A figure appeared on the city wall, "The Qingshan Army is under my command."

It was an extremely brave and handsome man with a light that was hard to look at.

"From today onwards, Feiyun City will no longer be surnamed Hu, but will be surnamed Lu."

"Since Feiyun City has changed hands, the city plan will naturally have to be changed, according to me."

Lu Qingshan's voice was not particularly high-pitched, but extremely calm.

On that day, what Lu Qingshan said, the people may not be able to remember and understand all of them, but there is one thing that no one does not remember.

This General Lu actually announced that he would return the land to the people and distribute the land to ordinary people!

"Long live the general!" Following Lu Qingshan's words, the people gradually forgot their fears, and their hearts seemed to be on fire.


The people gradually dispersed, but Lu Qingshan did not leave the city.

The Qingshan Army quickly assembled and lined up neatly.

Lu Qingshan looked down at the crowded heads below.

"General, everyone is waiting for you to speak." Gu Tianyan stood behind Lu Qingshan and whispered.

Lu Qingshan was also unambiguous, took a step forward and said loudly: "Feiyun City already belongs to our Qingshan Army."


The Qingshan Army cheered, venting the joy that had been accumulated in their hearts for a long time.

"Everyone performed very well in this battle." Lu Qingshan praised.

"But, that's not enough," his voice suddenly became cold, as if there was some power, and the army that was still boiling just now became quiet, as if it had frozen, "We want to liberate far more than one Feiyun City. , this is just a small test."

"Slavery is everywhere in this world, the land is firmly in the hands of the family, and the people work hard for a whole year, but often it is difficult to even get enough to eat.

This is not reasonable.

We are going to take over the world, change the world, and then cut off the heads of those who are high above and do all evil. "

Lu Qingshan's words, UU reading Lu Qingshan's ambition, made the sea calm, followed by a tsunami of cheers, as if to break through the sky, making Feiyun City tremble.

Even Gu Tianyan was stunned.

He never thought that Lu Qingshan's ambitions would be so great.

With the power of one person, challenge the inherent order of the world for so many years.

Is there really a way to do this?

There have been many rulers throughout the ages, but no one has ever made such a decision or had such an ambition.

Until Lu Qingshan came out and made his voice, it seemed to have some mysterious magic power.

Then, the world begins to change, and people can start to live a new life.

The rooster sings the whole world.


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