This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 54: It's amazing again

The small words of Yinghuo began to flicker continuously, and the experience gauge began to burn.

"You have consumed 1.54 billion experience points."

"You are about to start breaking through and advance to the Second Tribulation Realm."

"Be careful, you will begin to be robbed."

"The calamity you will face this time is: 29 calamities."

Between heaven and earth, the wind is blowing at this moment.

In the sky, the dark clouds that had just dissipated came together again, condensing crazily.

In the dark clouds, the electric snake swam away, the fire snake rolled, and the sound of thunder rumbled.

Twenty-nine calamities are approaching.

Qin Yitian watched silently from the side, looking very relaxed.

She knew very well that with the strength of her son, the mere 29 calamities were nothing.

"Wait, that's not right..." Qin Yitian frowned suddenly and looked up at the Jieyun in the sky.

That thunder cloud surging more and more fiercely, the fluctuations contained in it, more and more terrifying, obviously has exceeded the level of the 29th Heavenly Tribulation.

"What's going on? The fluctuation of the robbery cloud has reached the level of the three-nine robbery..." She murmured, then she suddenly reacted and exclaimed, "Could it be that the son wants twenty-nine? The Heavenly Tribulation and the Thirty-Nine Heavenly Tribulation will be spent at the same time!"

Qin Yitian did not guess wrong.

Back then, Sword Master Taibai was in Yishuitai three times a day, which was a miracle.

What Lu Qingshan did today was to replicate this move, or even surpass it.

Not only does he want three realms in one day, but he also wants to spend twenty-nine calamities and three-nine calamities at the same time.

The prompt on the dark blue panel did not stop when the 29th Heavenly Tribulation was brewing, but continued to refresh.

"You have consumed 1.54 billion experience points."

"You are about to start breaking through and advance to the Three Tribulations Realm."

"Be careful, you will begin to be robbed."

"The calamity you will face this time is: 39 calamities."

Double robbery stack.


Above the sky, thunderclouds surging frantically, and the thunder snakes wandering among them have also increased from the thickness of their arms at the beginning to their current size.

At this time, the Thunder is not like a Thunder Snake, it should be said that it is more appropriate to say that it is a Thunder Jiao.

Anyone who sees this scene will feel crazy about Lu Qingshan's actions.

In fact, the same is true, as long as it is a slightly normal person, he will never do such a thing.

Of course, this kind of thing, even if normal people want to do it, they can't do it at all.

If you want to attract the 29th Heavenly Tribulation and the 39th Heavenly Tribulation at one time, the background required for this needs to reach a rather terrifying level.

This means that the cultivation of the person who should be robbed has long exceeded the current level, but it has been suppressed all the time, and this momentum will only form after it erupts.

In a short time, the robbery cloud has spread to hundreds of meters in the sky, and the blackness is pressing.

Among them, the thunder flashed, and the scene was like the end of the day.

Fortunately, Lu Qingshan was in the depths of the uninhabited sea at this time, otherwise this scene would definitely cause panic for mortals.

Lu Qingshan looked up at the huge thundercloud that was hundreds of feet tall.

The reason why he attracted two calamities at one time was so simple that it was difficult for others to believe that it was too troublesome for him to cross the calamity twice, so he simply crossed it together.

Anyway, in his eyes, there is not much difference whether it is the 29th Heavenly Tribulation, the 39th Heavenly Tribulation, or the superposition of the two calamities.

A violent force emanated from the thundercloud.

The calamity is finally brewing at this moment.

Thundercloud shrinks.

the next moment.

Countless huge thunderbolts descended along with the sky fire.

The goal is to point directly at Lu Qingshan.

The Lang Lang sea area was filled with thunder and flames like the sea, falling downward.

It's like there are countless Lei Jiao overturning the river.

The sound is even more deafening. If there is a low-level cultivator here, it will be deafened instantly.

It's a scary scene.

But Lu Qingshan stood in the void, and infinite sword energy was born from his body.

"Sword · World!"

Sword Qi ups and downs, wrapping him.

The thunder tide is coming, running through the sky and the earth, dazzling.

Lu Qingshan stood tall with sword energy, facing the thunder and fire from the sky.

Boom boom boom!

The first collision occurs.

The sword energy roamed around, smashing all the thunder dragons and fire snakes.


The second batch of calamities almost followed the first batch, and turned into a purple sea.

This is a pool of thunder and fire.

The endless thunder and fire completely submerged Lu Qingshan.

This is the ocean of thunder and lightning, the world of flames, the light is too blazing, filling every inch of space.

Even from a distance, it is already extremely terrifying, making people tremble, not to mention Lu Qingshan who is in the center of the catastrophe?

Thunder and fire represent the punishment of heaven and earth, as if to obliterate all living beings in the world.

Lu Qingshan was in the midst of the robbery and suffered unimaginable damage, but the dust-free room and the existence of the sword domain, the sword energy was soaring, so that he did not have a trace of decadence and fought against the calamity.


Another catastrophe came, extremely fiery, and went straight to Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan stood in the air, his expression as usual, but his eyes were full of fighting intent.

He no longer stood in place to passively endure the catastrophe, his right hand suddenly lifted, the dragon bird's divine power revolved, and a sword flew upwards.

This sword pierced through the sky and met the coming catastrophe.

With a loud bang, the robbery suddenly collapsed in front of Lu Qingshan, turning into countless arcs and scattered away.

"Heavenly robbery, that's all!" Lu Qingshan's heart was full of longing.

Transcending the Tribulation Realm, this is a realm that he has not reached in his previous life, and he has long been looking forward to it.

The sky is still roaring, and the clouds are not only rolling.

Countless lightnings condensed again, this time, it directly condensed into an even more amazing thunder, carrying skyfire, and came crashing down.

At the moment when the calamity came, Lu Qingshan swung out a sword.

A long roar came out, the sound pierced through gold and cracked stones, and a huge green snake composed of sword energy was born out of thin air. Instead, go to baptism.

The sword gives birth to the green snake.

Boom boom boom!

The green snake stubbornly carried the calamity, setting off countless thunders and flames, shining brightly between the heavens and the earth.

The terrifying catastrophe, like rain, continued to fall.

In this roar, the green snake obtained by the transformation of sword qi was still galloping, facing the calamity, and it continued to rise like a broken bamboo, until it rushed into the robbery cloud that spread hundreds of feet.

The huge green snake stretched out its claws and grabbed Jieyun, as if it was about to tear open the sky, and slashed towards both sides.

A loud noise that shook the sea area for hundreds of miles was like a tsunami.

Jie Yun was torn apart by a huge crack.

The sunlight penetrated through this crack, and it just shone on Lu Qingshan's body.

At this moment, he was covered in golden light.

"Break it for me!" Lu Qingshan let out a low roar, holding a dragon sparrow, his speed exploded to the extreme, turning into a long rainbow and rising out of the sky.

But at this moment, Jieyun rolled over again, suddenly turned into a tornado, and slammed towards Lu Qingshan, blocking his way.

"Block me?"

Lu Qingshan's eyes showed a domineering meaning that he had never seen before.

It has always been a cultivator passively crossing the robbery, to withstand the suppression of the calamity, and to break through the realm under the attack of the calamity.

It has always been so.

"Since the road I'm going to take is a road that is approved by Heaven and approved, and if I don't approve it, I must also approve the road, then what I'm going to do should also be... unprecedented domineering!"

Facing the infinite thunder and fire, more gorgeous fire and sword light bloomed on the dragon bird.

Even if the rain doesn't know the spring is over, a sunny day feels the summer is deep.

Secret Sword Xia Yuluo!

Lu Qingshan slashed on the robbery cloud with his secret sword.

The tribulation cloud is scattered, but it will heal again soon, but in fact, between the destruction and the healing, the tribulation cloud that spreads on the sky will decrease a lot.

If someone keeps attacking Jieyun, then this amazing Jieyun will eventually collapse completely.

Lu Qingshan did the same.

[Secret Sword·Xia Yuluo]: Slash a sword at the enemy, if you fail to kill the enemy, you can cut another sword, and the power of this sword is increased by 60% compared with the previous sword, and the consumption is increased by 35%, and so on. , until the next sword can no longer be cut.

The trajectory of the sword brought out countless afterimages, like the continuous raindrops in the sky.

Rain is everywhere.

One sword, one sword, another sword!

Lu Qingshan kept handing over the sword, and he couldn't see clearly at all.

The robbery cloud rolled, shrinking visible to the naked eye.

This scene made Qin Yitian unable to remain calm any longer.

She just realized now that the 30 years of experience in the Daoyuan Realm had given Lu Qingshan something that had never been seen before.


Another sword was handed out, and less than 30% of Lu Qingshan's body energy was left.

But the robbery cloud has also dissipated too much.

Lu Qingshan looked up at this robbery cloud, no longer as full of oppression as before.

"Let's go." The fighting intent in his eyes subsided, and he said lightly.

Lu Qingshan raised his right hand, waved towards Jieyun, and slashed the last sword.

The dragon bird burst into a blazing red sword light that filled the entire sky, slashing towards the robbery cloud.

Jieyun suddenly burst open, rolling over and over, as if roaring unwillingly, but it can't change the ending of his broken inch.

The robbery cloud....eliminated.

Under the superposition of the two tribulations, the power of the heavenly tribulation is extremely close to the four or nine heavenly tribulations.

And Lu Qingshan is now only a calamity realm's cultivation base, but he is using this unprecedented way of transcending the calamity.

It's really a bold artist,

No one can do that.

Because no one can be like Lu Qingshan, who can be comparable to a five robbery cultivator in the seventh realm!

This is a kind of ...... unstoppable sword cultivation momentum.

"You have survived the 29th Heavenly Tribulation!"

"Your cultivation base has been improved: the first catastrophe realm is upgraded to the second catastrophe realm!"

"Your Yuan Li has been increased, and the upper limit of Yuan Li value has been increased by 40w!"

"Your Primordial Spirit has been improved, and Divine Consciousness +1000!"

"You have survived the Thirty-Nine Heavenly Tribulations!"

"Your cultivation base has been improved: the Second Tribulation Realm has been upgraded to the Third Tribulation Realm!"

"Your Yuan Li has been increased, and the upper limit of Yuan Li value has been increased by 40w!"

"Your Primordial Spirit has been improved, and Divine Consciousness +1000!"

"Your cultivation base has reached the upper limit of the current realm. If you need to continue to improve, you need to bear 200% of the experience point consumption and complete the corresponding advanced tasks."

"Your cultivation base has reached the upper limit of the current realm, and you can obtain the advanced task of combining the Tao."

"It is detected that your occupation is Sword Cultivator, and the advanced quest of Hedao has changed, and the advanced quest of Sword Immortal has been obtained."

"Received the request for the advanced task of Sword Immortal."

"Advanced requirements: open the way."

"Kai Dao: Mochou has no confidant ahead, who in the world does not know you?

Open up a new kendo. "

"Explanation: The act of opening the way is an act against the sky, and it will suffer from the backlash of the heavenly way. It is necessary to gather energy and transport it in one's own body to protect the way."

Normally, after reaching the Three Tribulations Realm, Transcendence Tribulation Realm is considered to be complete, and you can start to try to advance to the Nine Realms.

Jianxiu is different, not in line with the Tao, only open the way.

Therefore, once a monk reaches the Three Tribulations Realm, it can be said that he has reached the upper limit of the Realm of Transcending Tribulations.

As for not breaking through the Ninth Tribulation Realm, but on the basis of the Third Tribulation Realm and continuing to improve in the Transcending Tribulation Realm, the Fourth Tribulation Realm, the Fifth Tribulation Realm...and even the Nine Tribulation Realm, it belongs to the choice of Tianjiao.

Because of that realm, not only will the calamity become extremely powerful and terrifying, but even trying to attract the calamity is an extremely difficult thing.

It requires unparalleled talent.

But in the game, things like talent cannot be quantified - players rely on adding points to level up, not practice.

Therefore, the further breakthrough of the Three Tribulations Realm was revised as an advanced task, and high-end players were distinguished from ordinary players through difficult advanced tasks.

"Issue the Four Tribulations Realm Advanced Task: [Amazing Flowers Blossom Again]."

[A hundred flowers blooming again]: Complete an epic event.

Epic event evaluation criteria: enough spread and enough to be remembered by history.

Note: Epic events completed before the release of the advanced tasks are not counted.


"It's a pity." Lu Qingshan looked away from the note on the last line of the Four Tribulations Realm Advanced Mission, and said softly.

—The fact that he succeeded as the Sect Master of the Sword Sect is definitely an epic event.

Shake your head and stop worrying about it.

The cultivation of the Three Tribulations Realm is enough for now.

Moreover, although his cultivation base cannot be improved temporarily due to the restrictions of the advanced tasks, his combat power can still be improved again, and it does not stop there.

In the ten years of the Zhonglingyu campaign, he has accumulated tens of billions of experience points.

It's a waste to keep it.

It is shameful to waste.

"Consume 700 million experience points, [Mind Eyes] will be improved!"

"Mind-eye: It is said that the mind is like an eye, and the mind-eye is unobstructed, able to see the World-Honored One from a distance and penetrate all dharmas."

"Current effect: Feijian attack distance increased by 100,000 miles!"

"Note, the current increase of Feijian's attack distance has reached the upper limit. If you need to continue to increase it, additional experience points will be consumed."


"You spend 150 million experience points, and the level of the natal sword: Dragon Sparrow is increased to: lv11 (0/200 million) --- all sword skills performed through this natal sword do damage +110%!"

"You spend 200 million experience points, and the level of the natal sword: Dragon Sparrow is increased to: lv12 (0/250 million) --- all sword skills performed through this natal sword damage +120%!"

"You spend 150 million experience points, the sword of life: the level of the demon is raised to: lv11 (0/200 million) --- all sword skills performed through this sword of life damage +110%!"



After spending 1.75 billion experience points again, Lu Qingshan raised the fit of the five natal swords to lv12 in one breath.

This degree of fit is exactly the condition for improving the Secret Art of Soldiers and Demons.

"The Art of Soldiers, the current state, the Three Seals Club!"

"The prerequisites for upgrading to the Four Seals Club: the fit degree of the natal sword is higher than lv12, and the quality of the natal sword is higher than the top-grade heavenly weapon."

"You have met the prerequisites for improving the Secret Art of Soldiers, and you have spent 1.067 billion experience points. You have already understood the Four Seals of the Art of Soldiers!"

"Bing Zi Jue (Supreme Secret Art of the Demon Race): The action is fast like a dart, and it is omnipotent.

Awaken the blade, liberate some of its power to bless yourself, so as to gain infinite combat power and attack the unparalleled. "

"According to the different attributes and qualities of the liberation and awakening weapons, and the level of the secret art, you will gain different degrees of combat power improvement."

"Currently able to liberate awakened weapons: Dragon Sparrow, Peach Blossom, Wangchuan, Demon Suppression, Fuyao."

"Current realm of secret arts: Four Seals Club."

"The preconditions for upgrading to the Wuyin Club: the fit of the natal sword is higher than lv15, and the quality of the natal sword is higher than that of the fake Taoist weapon."


The Soldier Art of the Three Seals Club, the liberation of the Dragon Sparrow brings four times the combat power bonus.

Now that the level of the Soldier's Art of War has been upgraded to the Siyin Club, and the divine power of the Dragon Sparrow is restored, under such circumstances, what kind of increase in combat power will be brought about by the use of the Dragon Sparrow as the carrier?

Lu Qingshan had never tried it, but he knew in his heart that it was definitely extremely powerful.

"Maybe someone should give it a try," he thought.

His combat power has increased, and it has come to an end.

Lu Qingshan fell from the sky.

"Congratulations to the great progress of your son's cultivation." Qin Yitian appeared and greeted Lu Qingshan slightly, with a gentle smile in his brows and eyes, and was happy for his son's breakthrough.

Lu Qingshan smiled at Qin Yitian, "Since the matter here has come to an end, other matters should be completely resolved."

His smile was very gentle, but with a chill.

Qin Yitian nodded slightly, and instantly understood what Lu Qingshan was referring to.

Sword Washing Pool!


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