This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 23: Heaven and Earth

, !

After a period of silence, the Krakens who survived the magma rise just now finally came to their senses.

They sensed the danger and knew that the situation was not right. The cultivators of the Wind Clan would definitely settle their accounts after the fall. They turned around and sank into the seabed, trying to escape.

"Don't let one go!"

Here, the overhaul of the Wind Clan saw that these sea-monsters wanted to escape, and swooped out directly.

Their momentum is erupting, and they are already casting the magic, the power is boundless, and they are killing the Kraken.

Among the eight sea-monster kings, the Sea Dragon King survived and was the one who escaped the fastest.

But it didn't work.

It was regarded as the main target by Feng Mo, and with killing intent, he vented all his anger towards Tianhehai on it.

Feng Mo quickly chased after him.

The miraculousness of the Wind Clan is unparalleled speed.

Under the full force of Feng Mo, his movements were like teleportation.

He quickly chased after the Sea Dragon King, grabbed the huge sea monster with a body that was thousands of feet long, and smashed it with both hands, tearing it apart.

The blood was like a waterfall, like a long river, splashing down, dyeing the just calm sea area red.

This move shocked everyone.


The Sea Dragon King was not completely dead yet, struggling there, his body torn in two aroused the sea water to the sky, and the primordial spirit wanted to escape.


Feng Mo didn't give the slightest chance, and threw the black spear out at a speed that others couldn't see with the naked eye.

The primordial force on the black spear exploded, the divine power was like the sea, faster than lightning, like an eternal fairy light, the void that was shot would split open, directly penetrating the primordial spirit of the Sea Dragon King.


The next moment, its Primordial Spirit was full of cracks, and then it shattered and died completely!

"Good kill!" The Wind Clan cultivators all applauded, and the feeling of depression brought by Tianhehai just eased a little.

The rest of the Wind Clan cultivators didn't hesitate and made violent shots.

This sea area had already tended to be quiet, but now it has been detonated again.

The sirens had already lost their morale, and fled without their helmets and armor.

But helplessly, the gods of the Wind Clan are good at chasing and killing battles, and they can traverse hundreds or thousands of miles in an instant, conquering the east, fighting to the west, and galloping in the vast seas.

Blood splashed from time to time, the Krakens were extremely tragic, many became corpses at every moment, and the shrill screams kept coming out.

At this moment, the Krakens have become the injustices of the Wind Clan monks to vent their anger.

In fact, the cultivators of the Wind Clan also knew that these Krakens were just cannon fodder for Tianhehai, and the culprit should be Tianhehai.

But the near destruction of Cang Cangdao just now made the anger in the hearts of the Wind Clan cultivators reach a peak.

It's just that this kind of anger can't be vented to Tianhehai, so just use these sirens as substitutes.

And the slaughter, once started, will not stop easily.

The Wind Clan cultivator is ready to kill the darkness and let this matter become a lesson, firmly imprinted in the heart of the Kraken lineage.

Their Wind Clan, as one of the seven longevity clans, cannot be taken lightly!

This monstrous killing lasted for an hour before it gradually subsided.

At this time, the huge sea area was once again stained with blood, and no siren could be seen anymore!


"Friend Daoist took action to save my Qingcang Island today, this clan must bear in mind, there is no retribution, just eager to kill the enemy, temporarily neglected Daoist friend, don't blame it."

Feng Mo appeared next to Lu Qingshan, and as a cultivator, he thanked Lu Qingshan, who had only been in the Four Tribulations Realm, showing his demeanor.

"Don't know what to call your friend?"

"Human, Lu Qingshan." Lu Qingshan said.

When the Wind Clan cultivator was chasing the Kraken, he had been waiting silently.

Hearing the prefix of Human Race, Feng Mo's eyes flickered slightly.

Those who can have such cultivation are all smart people, and there is no reason why Lu Qingshan's words are implied.

"I wonder if fellow Daoist Lu would be interested in visiting our clan. Thank you for your help. My Feng clan is very grateful." But this did not change Feng Mo's attitude, and he still said very politely to Lu Qingshan.

"Then I'll disturb you." Lu Qingshan said.

This time, a large part of the reason why he took action against Tianhehai was to win over the Wind Clan. Naturally, there was no reason to give favors without repaying them, so he happily accepted Feng Mo's invitation.

"Okay, Xiaoyou Lu, please come with me." Feng Mo nodded, straightened his body, and led the way in front.

Feng Sheng and Feng Bai, the two honorable monks, quickly followed.

Feng Mo did not bring Lu Qingshan into Qingcang City, but came to the top of the tiger's roaring mouth, which was regarded as the symbol of Qingcang Island.

Looking down, there is a dark and dark piece, bottomless.

Feng Mo looked at Lu Qingshan, but found that there was no surprised expression on Lu Qingshan's face.


He reminded softly: "This is where the ancestral land of this clan is."

Feng Mo didn't expect that not only did he not get the reaction he imagined, but his expression changed.

"How long has this long-lived whale lived?" Because, Lu Qingshan sighed while looking at the tiger's roaring mouth.

Feng Mo Tong's hole shrank slightly, suppressing the surprise in his heart, and asked, "Do you know the immortal whale?!"

The long-lived whale is recorded in the human race books, which is normal.

But because the long-lived whale sleeps all year round and turns into an island, there are very few people in the world who have actually seen the long-lived whale, let alone the long-lived whale that can be recognized as an island at a glance.

Lu Qingshan smiled, "It told me by itself."

When he first arrived in Qingcang City, the moment he saw Hu Xiaokou, he felt familiar - Hu Xiaokou was exactly the same in shape and characteristics as the Lingyuan formed by the long-lived whale above the South China Sea.

Only for the first time, Lu Qingshan did not associate it with the breath of the longevity whale.

Of course, it's not that his brain is dull, but that he didn't think about it at all.

Because Qingcang Island is too huge, with an area a thousand times or even ten thousand times that of Jiaolong Island, and there are thousands of living beings living there.

Such a huge island, transformed by a spirit beast?

How dare you think about this?

How exaggerated is this concept?

A spirit beast, huge enough to be compared to a continent!

But even if Lu Qingshan didn't dare to think about it, he could only accept this fact in shock.

Because, just when the Tianhehai was violent, he felt a strange but familiar wave that was sending a signal to himself.

That was the idea from the longevity whale.


Feng Mo could no longer hide the shock in his heart, "Whale God told you?"

Lu Qingshan nodded slightly, his steps did not stop, and he was already stepping into Hu Xiaokou following Feng Mo.

A flame passage was then opened, leading to another world, where the spiritual energy was hazy, and it was impossible to see it.

Lu Qingshan, who had a similar experience once, knew that there was a small world nurtured by long-lived whales.

There is a world of heaven and earth in it. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

This is the biggest feature of the long-lived whale.

Lu Qingshan disappeared in an instant.

The scene in front of him moved with the space, and it changed drastically in an instant.

The darkness dissipated, and what came into view was a mountain range like a real dragon coiled and dormant.

These mountains are towering into the clouds, majestic and majestic, and the waterfalls fall from the top, like the Milky Way falling for nine days.

The spiritual energy in the mountains is transpiring, brilliant and magnificent.

The lakes are like blue gems inlaid on this land, with magnificent scenery and aura.

Looking around, there are many cities standing in the mountains.


The wind whistled, and a group of blue cranes flew through the sky, their bodies were green, and they made a crisp chirping sound, swaying with brilliant brilliance.

This is the true ancestral land of the Wind Clan, and the habitation of the Wind Clan.

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