This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 30: More than one sword is hidden (Part 1)

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"That's my home." Zang Xiaojian pointed at the ancient city road, and at the same time led Lu Qingshan to the ancient city quickly.

Lu Qingshan calmed down a little, and followed Zang Xiaojian's pace.

——Until now, he discovered that Zang Xiaojian's cultivation level actually leaped from the foundation-building stage to the calamity-transcending stage, which was on a par with him.

As for the specific number of tribulations, it is impossible to accurately perceive.

how can that be?

The reason why his cultivation level has improved so fast is because of the "deep blue", what about the hidden sword?

Zang Xiaojian has such a huge improvement in cultivation, what is it relying on?

The moment the question appeared, Lu Qingshan had an answer in his heart.

The magic of the it related to the improvement of cultivation?

Twenty years, from foundation building to transcending calamity, a full span of six realms, even if there must be restrictions that he has not yet known and the huge price that must exist, is this miraculous still too powerful?

The Tibetan sword fell in front of the city wall of the ancient city.

This ancient city is not particularly magnificent, but it is quaint and full of ancient flavors. It obviously has a very long history and has a heavy feeling.

On the top of the city gate, there are three thin but sharp characters: Jingjiancheng.

As if chiseled with a sword.

"This is your Tibetan ancestral city?" Lu Qingshan asked.

"Tibetan?" Zang Xiaojian was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted. After thinking about it, he replied, "It's okay to say that."

"As expected of one of the seven longevity clans." Lu Qingshan sighed.

Such an ancient city that sits high in the Jiuzhongtian and overlooks all living beings, even if it is not big, has a posture and aura that other cities absolutely cannot match.

Through this corner, you can feel the glory and power of the Tibetan people.

Lu Qingshan and Qin Yitian followed Zang Xiaojian into the city from the city gate.

Unexpectedly, the internal structure of Jingjian City is unique.

The streets in the city are very broad, paved with extremely simple basalt. The buildings on both sides of the street are not dense, or even scattered.

The most peculiar thing is the style of the buildings in the city, which are all made of obsidian. At the top of the building, there is also a "needle"-like magic weapon made of black iron.

Under the action of this magic weapon, the thunder on the mountain top was drawn down at the slightest, and there were tiny but inexhaustible electric snakes hovering on it, wandering non-stop.

"Lightning guide," Zang Xiaojian saw the surprise in Lu Qingshan's eyes, and introduced to Lu Qingshan with a smile: "It's a magic weapon that almost everyone in Jingjian City has."

"It can guide the thunder that gathers on the top of the mountain, and then pull it down and merge into the melting chamber below. Everyone uses the power of these thunders to refine the artifact," Zang Xiaojian clapped his hands and said to Lu Qingshan, "That's right. , I forgot to tell you, ninety-nine percent of the monks in our Jingjian City are artifact refiners."

Jingjian City, turned out to be a city of refining weapons?

This is something that Lu Qingshan did not expect at all.

"Well, it would be more appropriate to call it a sword refiner," Zang Xiaojian thought for a while, and then added: "Because most of the refiners in the city are good at sword refining."

"Why is this?" Lu Qingshan was puzzled.

In the sky, there are similar sects and cities for refining weapons, but there is absolutely no situation where most refining masters specialize in swords like Jingjian City.

After all, there are too many types of instruments.

"Because my ancestors liked swords, they made swords as island tools, so everyone started to make swords." Zang Xiaojian said of course.

"Your family... has a very high status in Lingye Island?" Lu Qingshan asked tentatively, even at this moment, he still didn't think about any possibility, just suspected that Zang Xiaojian's family was Tibetan. A prominent line in the middle.

But Zang Xiaojian didn't think so much, and said carelessly, "The entire Lingye Island belongs to my family."

"What?" Lu Qingshan almost dropped his jaw.

He thought that the pastures and medicine gardens belonging to Zang Xiaojian's family had been exaggerated, but he didn't think that this was just a corner of the land. The real territory of Zang Xiaojian's family turned out to be the entire Lingye Island?

Lu Qingshan finally reacted gradually, he hesitated and asked, "How many people are there in your family?"

Zang Xiaojian broke his fingers and said, "My father, my mother, and me, there are three people in total."



Even Lu Qingshan, who had seen many big scenes, was still in a state of shock at this moment.

Who would have thought that the most mysterious Tibetan, one of the seven longevity tribes, had only three people in total?

Not even a clan at all.

"Who are the other people on the island?" Lu Qingshan looked around, there were many monks in Jingjian City alone, at least over 10,000, plus what he saw along the way, there is no doubt that Lingye Island is extremely prosperous.

"The vast majority are domestic servants of my family, and there are also vassal families of my family."


Lu Qingshan looked Zang Xiaojian up and down several times until Zang Xiaojian felt a little embarrassed, "What's wrong?"

"I just didn't expect your family to be so "rich"," Lu Qingshan said.

Zang Xiaojian didn't think too much about it.

Many things don't feel precious when you get used to them.

Much like love.


As the host, Zang Xiaojian is very conscious of being a tour guide, and took Lu Qingshan and Qin Yitian to visit the "spots" in Jingjian City.

The sights ahead are lackluster.

For example, one of the "attractions" called Tongtian Monument said that when the ancestors of the collectors came here, they felt that the location was excellent, so they erected a stone tablet here, and then the monks on the island built a memorial center around this tablet. Sword City.

Later generations named this stele Tongtian Stele to commemorate the ancestors of the collectors.

The story sounds very mysterious, but if you abandon these stories, isn't this monument to the sky actually a broken stone monument...

However, the last "attraction" is very interesting.

It's called... the sword pavilion.

A loft where many imitations of famous swords are displayed.

"These are all imitations of famous swords made by the swordsmen on Lingye Island.

For the swordsmen on the island, it is their supreme glory and pursuit to be able to refine a magic sword that is included in the sword pavilion. "After bringing Lu Qingshan and Qin Yitian into the pavilion, Zang Xiaojian introduced.

It is not known how the imitations of Jiange's famous swords were ranked by Lu Qingshan.

But as a sword cultivator, he has a natural liking for famous swords, even if it's just imitations, Lu Qingshan is also very interested in it.

The sword pavilion is set up with great care, and every imitation of the famous sword is placed on the sword stand with its own characteristics.

After the sword stand, there will be a picture scroll introducing the refiner, as well as the name of the sword and its magic.

Linglong, a fake Taoist tool, made by the swordsman Su Xiu, the main material is the Linglong jade found in the Jingyu vein of Tingshan... There are eight sides, exquisitely carved...

The young phoenix, a fake Taoist weapon, made by the swordsman Lv Dantian, the main material is 8,000-year-old sycamore wood... When the sword is completed, there is a sound of phoenix ming...

Dragon Subduing Wood, a fake Taoist weapon, created by sword refiner Cui Mei...  


It can be seen that the quality of the famous swords that can board the sword pavilion is a fake Taoist weapon.

Lu Qingshan took a look at the flowers, and roughly counted, there were seventy-three replicas of famous swords on display in the sword pavilion.

What does this represent?

This means that on Lingye Island, there are a total of seventy-three false Taoist weapons!

What a terrifying number.

Even the Sword Sect, which is the first sword of the human race, Xiu Zongmen, the number of false Dao swords in the Zong has never reached this number.

Where is the ancestral land of the Tibetan people, it should clearly be called the Holy Land of Sword Cultivation!

Lu Qingshan sighed in his heart.

"Is there so many sword cultivators on the island that can digest these famous swords?" After reading these imitations, they left the sword pavilion, and Lu Qingshan couldn't help but ask again on the way.

A good horse is equipped with a good saddle, and a famous sword is psychic.

These famous swords are so magical, they will certainly not easily recognize their masters.

But if no one uses it, what is the significance of the birth of these famous swords?

Swords are for killing not for collecting.

"There is no sword cultivator on Lingye Island," Zang Xiaojian said, "but none of these famous swords are dusty."

"Aren't you Jianxiu?" Lu Qingshan said in surprise, he didn't expect Zang Xiaojian to say this.

"Although most of the sword cultivators know me, I am not a sword cultivator." Zang Xiaojian did not deceive Lu Qingshan on this point.

Lu Qingshan wanted to ask something else, an ancient building that was completely different from other obsidian buildings came into view.

A man and woman who looked like a couple were standing at the gate looking at them.

The two were dressed elegantly and smiling, but Lu Qingshan vaguely felt that the man's smile was a little stiff.

"Father, mother!" Zang Xiaojian greeted the couple, pointing to Lu Qingshan and Qin Yitian excitedly, "This is my friend."

The young woman glanced at Qin Yitian, the light in her eyes flashed away, and then her eyes fell on Lu Qingshan, and she smiled softly: "What's your name?"

"Lu Qingshan."

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