This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 35: calamity

Gan Zun turned his head and looked behind him, and he could see the enthusiasm on the faces of his subordinates.

Compared to the abyss, this place is too rich, so that the magic cultivators are extremely jealous.

Gan Zun is not prepared to suppress the killing desire of his subordinates.

Bringing them on an expedition must always give some benefits, right?

Moreover, it is a situation of crushing, and it does not need to be too careful and rigorous.

"Go loot!"

Gan Zun said sternly.

This sentence is like opening a world and opening a door.

Those demon cultivators who had been swayed by the richness of Lingye Island, suddenly couldn't hold back and rushed out one after another.

They rushed to the mountains of medicine that were filled with spiritual energy, and rushed to the plain pastures and prosperous cities with countless exotic animals.

They want to slaughter, vent their tyranny, plunder everywhere, and accumulate wealth.

Lingye Island, which had been peaceful for thousands of years, was plunged into unprecedented chaos in the blink of an eye.

Lingye Island has a vast territory, towering mountains one after another, dense forests, countless elixir, and now it is in complete chaos.


A roar of filial piety sounded from the plain, and the sound traveled hundreds of miles.

In the distance, Li Huo was soaring into the sky, a giant red-red bull with a height of several dozen meters, with a single horn that was as crystal clear as ruby.

This is a ruby ​​rhino raised on Lingye Island, which sheds its horns every hundred years.

And the horns they shed are the best material for refining.

In addition, this monster has a gentle temperament, so the monks of Lingye Island kept a lot of ruby ​​rhinos.

But now, they have all suffered.

The magic cultivators don't care about the three, seven and twenty-one, let alone treat them as treasures.

They used their magical bodies, made knives with their hands, and slaughtered directly at these monsters.

How could the ruby ​​rhinoceros stop the attack of the ninth-rank demon cultivators, screaming in agony, all of them were swept away, killed, and then the horns were cut off by the demon cultivators.

In this way, terrible and bloody.

"Oh no......!"

On the other side, many cities on Lingye Island were also slaughtered by magic cultivators at this time.

Although Lingye Island is powerful, how can it compare with the demon army?

Most of the strongest in these cities are only eight-level monks, and a few cities have nine-level monks in charge. How can they resist thousands of ninth-level demons from the demon race?

The monks in charge had already received a message from Cangxiu, and immediately abandoned their territory and city, and fled towards Jingjian City.

It's just that the reaction time given to them is too little to allow them to really evacuate.

Especially those cities near the coast of Moxiu Deng Island, the monks in the city have nowhere to escape.

The savage demon cultivators who were full of evil spirits were cruel and powerful, and they shot mercilessly.

The cultivators in the city fought desperately to resist, but in front of the army of demons who were at least rank nine, their resistance seemed so insignificant.

"I fought with you!" The eight-level city lord of a city on Lingye Island, with all his beard and hair, burst out of cultivation, and rushed towards the demon cultivator.


It is a pity that he is far from the opponent of these demon cultivators. A ninth-rank demon cultivator shot, and just one punch, smashed his body and splattered his flesh.

One life after another was harvested by the magic cultivators.

Whether it is a monster, a cultivator, or a mortal, the demons treat them equally, and they kill them without any kind of politeness.

This was a human tragedy. A city was slaughtered by demons in a short time. The whole city was destroyed, and no one survived.

The same thing happened in other cities.

The cultivator of Lingye Island was screaming in despair.

There was an apocalyptic scene on Lingye Island, and the magic cultivators washed their blood everywhere.

This place was originally extremely prosperous. Even among the seven longevity clans, it was the most prosperous place. The cities were one after another, and the population was large, but today they all suffered from the catastrophe of genocide.

Fortunately, the area of ​​Lingye Island is vast enough, and Jingjian City is deeper in Lingye Island, and it will take some time for the magic cultivators to kill there.

It's just that Ganzun and Xiezun are obviously not going to let the collector live longer for this period of time.

"Bao Ding, Dao Yuanzi, and the rest, follow me to the Tibetan ancestral land!" Here, Gan Zun ordered coldly after letting most of his subordinates plunder freely.


Respect the Sword City.

The door of the ancient room where Lu Qingshan and Zang Xiaojian were located was pushed open.

Zang Xiu and Ming Yu with heavy faces walked in hastily.

"Father, mother, what's the situation?!" Zang Xiaojian asked anxiously.

"The demons invaded, and Lingye Island will be wiped out. I don't know how many people died." Ming Yu sighed, with a sad look on his face.

The cultivators of Lingye Island have been their collectors for generations. At this moment, when the catastrophe came, she was angry and sad.

"The people from the Demon Race are too strong this time, we can't fight, we have to go." Cang Xiu said solemnly.

"Go..." Zang Xiaojian was stunned.

This is her home, how can she leave?

Ming Yu is the one who understands Zang Xiaojian's thoughts the most, and explained: "The demons are powerful, and the only solution for now is to abandon the car and protect the commander."

"Lingye Island has a vast territory. Although they are powerful, they are not many in number. They cannot completely block the retreat in a short time. This is the best time to evacuate. If you drag it on, you will have to leave."

Zang Xiaojian's heart was heavy, but he was not an ignorant child, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, father, mother, let's go quickly, let's go to the sky with Lu Qingshan, and when the battle between Dao and Demon begins, we will definitely be able to avenge everyone. "

Cang Xiu and Ming Yu looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

Zang Xiaojian reacted instantly, "...Aren't you going to come with me?"

Knowing that it was impossible to hide this from Zang Xiaojian, Zang Xiu sighed and said, "Lingye Island has been dominated by our collectors for generations, and now the demons are wanton slaughtering on Lingye Island. As the owner of the Tibetan family, how can I Can you go?"

"Besides," Zang Xiu pointed to the sky, "Have you forgotten our responsibilities as a collector?"

"But... but you said, we are not the opponents of the demons, so why stay and wait to die?" Zang Xiaojian's voice was full of tears.

"Some choices are meaningless, such as staying to fight a battle that is doomed, but sometimes, the choice itself is very meaningful," Zangxiu patted Zang Xiaojian on the shoulder, "Let's go, I will do it for you in the future. Father and your mother take revenge."

Zang Xiaojian wanted to say something, but Ming Yu was already looking at Lu Qingshan, "I'm sorry, it's your first visit, I didn't receive you well, and even implicated you in this disaster, but this time. …”

"Xiaojian really wants to ask you." She said reluctantly.

Lu Qingshan's dark boy hole revealed complexity.

He was used to seeing killings, but that didn't mean he could be indifferent to the slaughter of the demons.

On the contrary, at this moment, a strong sense of anger and murderous intent was surging in his chest.

But he was powerless.

The power that neither Cang Xiu nor Ming Yu could resist, how could he be able to shake it now in the Four Tribulations Realm?

"Don't worry, I will definitely bring Xiaojian into Tianhe City safely." He could only guarantee this.

Ming Yu nodded, "It can only be like this..."

Before the words were finished, Zang Xiu, Ming Yu and even Lu Qingshan noticed something, and their expressions changed.

"Tibet, war is coming."

A gloomy but majestic voice suddenly came from the sky.

Two terrifying figures are hovering outside Jingjian City, looking down at Jingjian City.

Their expressions were stern, and their eyes were full of pride and violence.

Especially the one at the front, there was a supreme wave that erupted from him.

That is one of the powerful Demon Venerables of the Northern Mang Demon Race, the top powerhouse of the Demon Race, Xie Zun!

The appearance of Xie Zun does not seem to be much different from that of a cultivator, but in fact, his whole body is covered with scales, and there are two hideous horns on the top of his head, and his eyes show a strange golden color, which is full of ice cold.

The Demon Race came faster than they thought, much faster.

Zang Xiu's eyes flashed with evil spirits, and she raised her head to the sky.

"I'm going to stop them, UU reading" he said calmly, with an irrefutable meaning in his tone, and said decisively: "You take the child away."

Ming Yu was taken aback, because in her memory, she hadn't seen her husband show such an attitude for a long time.

"No one can hurt my family, the demons...and neither!"

Zangxiu's figure rose in an instant, went straight to the top of the towering Tanglou, and confronted the Demon Venerable in the air.

"You have hurt my clan Demon Venerable many times. Did you ever think that one day the army will come under the city?" Xie Zun narrowed his eyes, looked at Zangxiu who appeared above the Tanglou, and asked coldly.

The huge sound can be heard by every monk in Jingjian City.

However, Zangxiu ignored Xie Zun, and instead looked at Xie Zun and Baoding Demon Zun and Dao Yuanzi behind Gan Zun.

"A defeated general, a dog's leg," he sneered, "I will kill you two today."

Dao Yuanzi was swept away by Zang Xiu's icy gaze, and he took a step back subconsciously. When he reacted, his heart suddenly became angry.

As for Baoding Demon Venerable, he is much more courageous than Dao Yuanzi, he is not afraid, and even dares to provoke, "I am not your opponent, but Xie Zun and Gan Zun are here, how do you want to kill me? ridiculous!"

"A mere collector, the deity will be swept away today!" Xie Zun's eyes were locked on Zangxiu's body, with murderous intent in his eyes, and he took over the words.

The next moment, his breath broke out completely without reservation.

The powerful coercion made the monks in Jingjian City below the nine realms tremble involuntarily at this moment.

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