Xiaozhi is coming to Red Lotus Island! ?

Looking at the battle application on the screen, Zhou You was somewhat surprised.

In the original work, after Xiaozhi won the 8th badge after defeating the Viridian Gym, it was exactly one month before the opening ceremony of the Quartz Conference.

There are still more than three months until the opening of the Quartz Conference. He originally thought that Xiaozhi would get lost and go to his grandma's house to linger...

After all, they are fellow villagers in this life. After thinking about it again and again, he accepted the gym challenge through the computer and sent the coordinates to the opponent's illustrated book.

Not long after, Zhi, Xia, and Gang followed the directions in the illustrated book and arrived at the Crimson Winery.

Before approaching the hot spring hotel, Pikachu, who had been fishing on Xiaozhi's shoulder, pricked up his ears and shouted in surprise: "Pikapi, Chuchupika!"

"Really, Qiaoqiao is here...eh?"

Xiaozhi obviously understood the meaning of Pikachu's words, but he was quickly stunned.

After last month's vacation, hadn't my progress been faster than Qiaoqiao's? Why did he suddenly arrive at Honglian Island beforehand? I hadn't seen him on the boat before?

"Qiao Qiao? Is he the person who was at the Elf Center in Dead Leaf City last time?" Xiaoxia did remember that there was indeed such a person.

"That boy? His Charmander turned on fire as soon as he entered the battle, and finally defeated my Big Rock Snake by setting himself on fire. It left a deep impression on me."

Hearing Xiaogang's evaluation, Xiaoxia also nodded and said: "I have to say, indeed, I feel that it is much more reliable than Xiaozhi."

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"What? You don't know him at all. Qiao Qiao is simply..."

Xiaozhi, who was being ridiculed, was about to defend himself when the Pikachu on his shoulders jumped down excitedly and rushed into the Crimson Restaurant at a speed that was no less than a flash of lightning.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi had no choice but to follow them hurriedly, while Gangxia and the others sighed and walked slowly behind towards the Crimson Restaurant.

Not far behind them, a man and a woman in disguise and a meow were following closely behind.

"I heard it, Meow. Little Ghost and the other Little Ghost who brought Charmander and Kati Dog in Yuejian Mountain seem to be meeting up at the hot spring hotel in front, Meow."

Miao Miao was very impressed by the latter who appeared inexplicably and blasted the three of them away with the sun's flames.

I still remember that the Rockets tried to attract a large number of trainers with the fake Santeanu last month, but the opponent immediately revealed their identity and even walked into the ship in front of them with just a ticket. They are all genuine Santeanus worth at least one million dollars.

For such a wealthy man with a high net worth, Meow Meow didn't mind snatching away Pikachu and his Charmander and Katy Dog at the same time!

"Yes, a hot spring hotel."

Hearing this, Kojiro said with a tired look on his face: "Follow Xiao Guitou and the others, and we'll basically be wandering around in the countryside or wild and dangerous wilderness all day long. It's like three days of starvation and nine meals. Now we can finally take a day's rest in the hot springs. ”

After all, the ultimate road idiot would reach the next city safely and quickly as long as he followed the road maintained by the alliance, but he chose to take a shortcut (a long detour) off the main road and go deep into the barren mountains and into the territory of more dangerous wild elves.

Everyone knew the map, but they were tired of having to follow the lost trio because of Pikachu.

"Huh, isn't it just a hot spring? I've been in it countless times since I was a kid and I feel a little tired of it." Musashi dismissed this.

The so-called is nothing more than taking a cold shower first, then filling a large wooden bucket with unheated water, and then soaking in it until it is clean. What's so strange about it?


What the hell is a big wooden bucket filled with cold water.

Intuition told Kojiro that there must be something wrong with the hot springs Musashi bathed in when he was a child.

A hot spring should not be like digging a large swimming pool with an area of ​​tens of square meters in a beautiful place, letting a large number of fire elves heat it underground, and then filling the pool water with flowers, nutrients, etc. that are good for your health, and then in Do you want to bathe, eat, enjoy the scenery, and enjoy the orchestra playing in the mist like a fairyland?

Meowth sighed.

It's not easy for the two of you to get together even if you are a wealthy person or a poor person.

It patted Musashi's thigh empathetically and said: "Very good. It is the tempering of such a difficult environment that made you become the good man you are today, as strong as an ox and comparable to a strongman."

Musashi was furious and beat Meow Meow with a kikai fist on the spot until he couldn't fight.

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In any case, considering that the kid who saw through their disguise last time was also inside, the three Team Rockets carefully disguised themselves again before following Xiaozhi and his group to the Crimson Restaurant...


Pikachu arrived first, waving his little paw to say hello to Zhou You behind the counter.

When he was still at Dr. Oak's laboratory, this person taught him "electric acceleration", "floating falling", "surfing" and "actor's self-cultivation". He even fed himself a lot of ketchup, so Pikachu was very interested in it. He has a certain favorable impression.

"Pikachu, long time no see. I just have some snacks on hand. Do you want some?"

Pikachu's taste is the same as Eden's, they both prefer sweet and sour, so their snacks are basically the same.

But as soon as Zhou You finished saying this, he felt the eyes of Eden who transformed into himself next to him - that's my snack!

"I've made enough for a few days, but you can't finish it." Zhou You turned around and said.


Seeing this, Pikachu happily jumped onto the counter.

And Xiaozhi soon caught up.

"Pikachu, wait for me... ha... ha..."

"Jojo, why are you here?"

"Wait a minute, why are you feeding Pikachu again? I managed to lose its weight with great difficulty!"

Zhou You was speechless for a while, what does it mean to be fed again?

Besides, the fatter Pikachu in the first generation is cuter, right?

Xiaozhi: Is this why all the Pokémon you passed through in the Oak Research Institute generally gained 10% in weight? The Pikachu that took it from you almost learned to fly and press hard!

"I just wanted to ask you why you suddenly came to Honglian Island." Zhou You asked him around, "According to your previous travel route, shouldn't you still be visiting Qianhong City now?"

"Oh, that's a long story."

The leader of the Qianhong Gym, A'jue, received a notice from the alliance two days ago and left Qianhong City to perform a mission. His whereabouts are unknown so far, and no one knows when he will return.

Therefore, Xiaozhi did not rush to play around Qianhong City, but first crossed the sea to Red Lotus Island to challenge the legendary Red Lotus Gym, the second most difficult in Kanto. He planned to wait for the challenge to end before returning to Qianhong City.

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