This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 106: Fighting monsters in dungeons is a basic quality for PVE players

Frozen Bird, frozen Pokémon, ice + flying attributes.

It will fly over the vast snow-capped mountains with its long tail, freezing the moisture in the winter air and falling snowflakes.

It is a legendary bird Pokémon that has the ability to freely manipulate ice. It is said that its beautiful blue feathers are made of ice.

There is an ancient mural in the Poké Center in Joban City, which depicts the four legendary Pokémon of Flamebird, Zapdos, Freezebird, and Winddog.

When Xiaozhi first left home, he encountered the Phoenix King and obtained his feathers. Therefore, when he entered the Elf Center, he mistakenly recognized the mural of the Frozen Bird as the Phoenix King.

Only later did he learn that those were the legendary bird Pokémon that had been sighted in the Kanto region.

"Hmph, are you scared?"

There was no one in the store either, so Eden simply transformed into a frozen bird, floating/flying in the Crimson Restaurant through his magical power.

"I took a passenger ship to Red Lotus Island before. When I passed by the Twin Islands, I set the coordinates nearby. In the past two days, I teleported there and turned into a local elf to investigate the legendary Pokémon."

"I spent a lot of time walking through the intricate underground mazes in the Twin Islands, and finally found out where they hibernated? Er, aestivation? In short, I found the sleeping Freeze Bird in the deepest part!"

Not only that, Eden even used an advanced technological creation (a black and white film camera) to take a picture of the frozen bird, and after returning, Zhou You developed it into a photo.

After hearing what Eden said, Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang were all shocked.

Frozen Bird, this is a legendary Pokémon!

Found it so easily! ?

Speaking of which, what kind of elf is this that can only change back and forth? Gangxia and I thought, is it strange to be ever-changing?

Seeing the horrified looks of the three of them, Zhou You and Eden looked at each other and smiled, full of contentment.

The traveler who knows many secrets provides the approximate habitat of the frozen bird, and the smart elves transform into the local elves such as the goldfish king and the white sea lion to collect information, and then combine the intelligence of various elves to find the other party's true residence.

Later, he used a camera to take pictures as evidence, and finally retreated safely by teleporting.

If humans search for legendary elves, they will often be noticed and avoided by the opponent. But if it is an elf, it will be easier to investigate the opponent's location.

In fact, Zhou You originally wanted to wait until the operation in Yuhong City was completed in a few days, and then invite Qinglu and Ye Zi to attack the Frozen Bird together.

But now that Xiaozhi has sent it to the door, there is no reason to abandon it!

4 people, don't they just form a team to fight in a team battle?

Even though he was talking about this, Xiaogang still didn't understand: "So, you want to use the crimson badge as reward to ask us to help you catch the frozen bird?"

"Yes, I gave the badge to Xiaozhi for free. As his disciple, I know that his strength is worthy of this badge." Zhou You explained patiently, "The reason why I invite you to accompany me to the Twin Islands is because I do I’m not very confident in defeating the Frozen Bird alone, but it would be more stable if four people fight together.”

Xiaogang's rock system can restrain the frozen bird 4 times, which is a rare help. At the same time, he can also use the hard rock spirit to protect everyone.

Xiaozhi's Pikachu can restrain Freeze Bird twice as much, but its powerful electricity can even create a higher virtual zone than Xiaogang.

Misty's water elf may not be of much help in the battle, but she is pretty cool, so why should she rely on her Togepi to make a comeback?

As for traveling around, not to mention the fire-based specialization and long-range nanny. The reason why he used the Frozen Bird first was because he was the best at restraining the opponent.

Even if they really fell over after taking ten thousand steps back, Eden would still be able to use teleportation to send everyone away.

It is precisely because of Eden's existence that this team battle was invincible from the beginning.

It's very stable. This teammate is not Sean or Shinichiro. How could it possibly overturn?

"Since you say so, I will accept this badge!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi couldn't help but feel a little excited and decisively accepted the crimson badge: "But I don't intend to give up the legendary elf to you just like this. Let's have a battle to decide who owns the Frozen Bird after it's over!"

"It doesn't matter." Zhou You said, spreading his hands.

Except for Ice Nine Tails, Snow Storm Horse, and Ancient Sword Leopard, he actually doesn't like other ice elves very much. If there is a Flash Freeze Bird, he might still pursue it. After collecting the ordinary Freeze Bird, it will basically just be thrown into the warehouse. ending.

Realistically speaking, if the other party doesn't plan to follow him after Dr. Ohki finishes his research, he will probably release him directly.

But if it’s the cute Ice Nine Tails…

Eden: Alert.jpg

However, Zhou You is also confident that he cannot lose to the other three in the civil war, and he will not lose no matter what.

"In that case, let us help." Xiaoxia looked at the frozen bird in the black and white photo with fascination, "It looks very elegant and beautiful, and it exudes the same temperament as my idol, Miss Kona. I I also want to see it.”

Zhou Youxin said, Kona, I met him before during the awards ceremony in the Trainer Tower. His face was a little cold, but overall he felt like a good person.

"Well, if I really have the opportunity to meet the legendary elves, as a trainer, I will naturally not give up." Xiaogang finally nodded and agreed.



Chi, Tsuyoshi, and Kasumi all readily agreed, Pikachu was equally enthusiastic, and even the fun-loving Togepi was in high spirits.

Zhou You decisively closed the shop temporarily and hired a speedboat to take the group to the Twin Islands.

"Superpowers are so convenient, why not just teleport instantly?"

On the way, Xiaozhi looked at Eden curiously.

The latter rolled his eyes at him: "It is almost impossible to teleport four humans to such a far place unless it is a legendary elf with superpower attributes."

In fact, it is not completely impossible?

The problem is that after completing such a difficult teleportation, Eden himself will be fine, but you may fall apart...

The insurance does not cover teleportation accidents, dear.


At noon, the Twin Islands.

The two identical islands are located to the west of the 20th waterway. Because they are so similar that they are almost like man-made objects and difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, they are called "Twin Islands" by Kanto people.

The legendary bird Pokémon Articuno lives here, and trainers often come here to pursue it, but unfortunately they often return empty-handed in the end.

How can there be so many elves with high IQ, outstanding strength, and the ability to speak human language, and at the same time, they can get along well with the local elves...

Xiaoxia, who unexpectedly found that this place was very suitable for her, said happily: "This is really a good place to train water elves. I can also come here more often to practice in the future."

"The four of you and Pikachu should stay close to me. You can teleport directly to the vicinity of Articuno's nest here."

"1, 2, 3, let's go!"

Before he finished speaking, Eden and his group disappeared on the spot.

When they opened their eyes again, they found that they had come to a cave that exuded a chill.

Obviously, their target of this trip - Articuno - was sleeping inside at this time!

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