This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 122 It's time to go to bed

At this moment, there is an unknown room on B2F.

"...Immediately put down the task at hand, go and surround the child with the Frozen Bird, and snatch the elf from his hand!"

Hearing the sound of the broadcast above their heads, the two people who were fighting in the room at this time chose to stop and listened carefully to the entire content.

"Is it Qiaoqiao who is attracting the enemy's attention?"

Ye Zi couldn't help frowning, she felt this was a bit too risky.

And the green-haired young man who was fighting her with a big-mouthed bat, wearing a black hat and looking like a fish, couldn't help but cursed after hearing the broadcast: "Apollo, this idiot, can't understand the most important thing here." What is it? The information of Project X is much more important than the legendary bird elves!”

Team Rocket's uniforms generally advocate black, but for some reason, the uniforms of senior cadres are basically silver.

Although this person is dressed almost exactly like a lower-level combatant of Team Rocket, the bright silver gloves, leather shoes and belt all indicate his identity——

He is the other person in charge of the Rockets base, Lance (codename), who has just been promoted to the position of cadre recently.

"Damn it, you didn't answer my call!"

Lance, who wanted to contact Apollo quickly to persuade him to admit the serious matter, found that the hotline on the fourth underground floor could not be connected. It was not clear that Apollo must have already gone to intercept the boy with the Frozen Bird at this time.

In anger, he threw the walkie-talkie aside and looked sharply at Ye Zi at the end of the room: "This lady, something unexpected happened. I'm sorry that I can't accompany you. Please also recognize the true face of the alliance and stop hindering it." We, the Rockets, have the vision to build a better world.”

After saying that, he ignored Ye Zi's opinion and turned around to the teleportation equipment he came from, intending to directly block Apollo who was aroused by the mythical beast.

However, when he turned around, what he saw was a scene of densely packed sharp thorns like spider webs, blocking all the teleportation equipment in half of the room.

On this thorn barrier with a radius of about three meters, there are actually a large number of red and white spores with patterns that look like elf balls!

Lance had no doubt that once he came into contact with the spores on these thorns, he would instantly trigger their explosion and fall into various abnormal states.

What the hell! When exactly is it! ?

"Oh, is it revealed so quickly?" Ye Zi explained with a smile, "That was the result of the hard work of the 'Elf Ball' that did not automatically bounce back to the hand at the beginning. It is actually an elf ball that looks quite similar. For similar elves.”

As if to confirm her words, Lance realized that there was an elf that looked like a mushroom working hard in the thorn barrier, and the fungus on its head miraculously matched the most classic red and white balls. same!

"Oops!" This is the foreign species of elf called the Oops mushroom.

Some time ago, Ye Zi discovered it from the kitchen when he mistakenly boarded Team Rocket's fake Santo Annu, and it seemed that it was mixed into the ingredients purchased from Dead Leaf City.

Even the owner of the museum is a veteran of Hezhong. Tourists from all over the world gather in Deadleaf City all year round. Occasionally, some careless tourists accidentally release foreign elves and carry foreign spores, causing biological invasion.

Regarding this, the Rockets actually also "contributed a lot".

Lance suddenly realized that besides the Thunderbolt Ball, there were other elves that looked exactly like the Poke Ball?

"Excessive stalking is not a lady's behavior, miss."

What a risk, I was almost tricked to death by this 10-year-old girl...

With lingering fear, Lance braved a cold sweat and walked away from the thorn barrier, quietly taking the leaves and thorn barrier into his sight.

Ye Zi, who had already seen from the silvery color on the opponent's uniform that this person was not a soldier but a cadre, decisively continued the fight:

"Xiao Zong, use the vine whip to knock it down!"

At this time, Bulbasaur, who had evolved in Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden, understood, stretched out two thick and thorny vine whips and swung violently, seizing the opportunity to hit the Big Mouth Bat that restrained itself in terms of attributes. Shot down.

"Tsk, women in the countryside are so rude!"

Seeing that Ye Zi, who was obviously just a little girl, was extremely fierce when beating him, Lance, who had originally planned to play around while fishing, also became serious about it.

"Go ahead, Circle Bear!"

Following Lance's shout, a ferocious brown bear nearly two meters tall stepped on the ground. With its sharp claws, gnarled muscles and heavyweight body shape, it was obviously a powerful elf with strong muscles!

"The ring bear in the Chengdu area." Ye Zi frowned slightly.

Since she had tamed wild trap bears before, she didn't take out the illustrated book to scan.

The characteristics of this kind of elf are "perseverance" and "scud", which respectively can explode with unimaginable power and speed after falling into an abnormal state.

It turns out that if you plan to take advantage of the abundant abnormal conditions of grass-type elves, you will be an extremely difficult enemy.

Lance, who was in a hurry to rush over to block Apollo, didn't bother to maintain any gentlemanly demeanor anymore, and simply shouted: "Smash her garlic bastard with a flame fist!"

After receiving the master's order, the circle bear suddenly went into a rage, its large bear paws ignited with flames, and rushed towards Ivysaur like a chariot!

Although the hoop bear's size and inconvenience make it easy to dodge this attack, there are leaves behind Ivysaur...

In unrestricted battles, once the trainer himself is exposed to the enemy elves, it basically means defeat!


Ivysaur had no choice but to lower its chassis, intending to resist the blow.


While the circle bear was charging, Ye Zi suddenly said: "Use the vine whip to tie the grass knot!"

"Grass Knot": Tying a grass knot destroys the balance. The heavier the opponent, the higher the damage suffered.

Xiao Zong, who has exclusively enjoyed the experience of the 6 gyms along the way and the gift of the overlord Bulbasaur, naturally understood, and the two vine whips shot to the feet of the circle bear like bullets.

The next moment, Circle Bear felt that the balance of his lower body was suddenly destroyed, the world turned upside down, and he grabbed the ground with his head. He fell like a skating dog and then slid towards Ivysaur.

Ivysaur remained unmoved by the old god's presence, waiting for instructions from the trainer behind him.

Even before the order was issued, Ye Zi began to deviate from the circle bear's path of action.

At this time, seeing that the opponent continued to advance due to inertia after taking the attack, he continued to command: "Take advantage of the moment, Vine Whip and Sword Dance!"


After receiving the order, Xiao Zong did not withdraw the vine whip, but swung the vine whip and hit the ground to make himself levitate.

While floating in the air, he even used a whip instead of a sword to practice a 360° sword technique that is difficult for humans to surpass, raising his momentum to the limit!

"Then comes the Vine Whip·Rock Breaking Technique!" Ye Zi obviously gained momentum.

Lance: It’s a bug that blocks the 4th skill slot in regular competitions, isn’t it? You can unleash all your skills with just one “Vine Whip”!

However, Lance, who was hit with a set of small combos, didn't care. The Circle Bear itself was a rough-skinned and fleshy elf, and this level of rashness was just right as a test.

"Tsk, a woman from the country... I don't give you any clues and think Team Rocket is a place where you can run wild."

Lance sneered: "Loop Bear, it's time, go to sleep!"

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