This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 126 Rainy days are the strongest weather

Faced with Qinglu's easy ridicule, Lambda did not get angry. He knew exactly what kind of situation he was in now.

For a long time, Yi Rong has just stolen the results in the base and sold them to enrich his own pockets, but this time he encountered a situation where he might be caught.

He must not waste time with this child who invaded the base, otherwise as time goes by, the situation where he could escape from Junsha in disguise will become inescapable!

Thinking of this, Lambda took out two more Poké Balls without thinking while his Lada was blocking Squirtle's jet path.

And what's inside these two Poké Balls...are all gas bombs that are ready to go, ready to unleash a big explosion!

Lambda is old bomber.

In the game HeartGold and SoulSilver, this villain whose name was just one letter different from Lada left a deep impression on Zhou You. During the Battle of Manjin Radio Station, this guy actually carried 5 gas bombs and 1 gas bomb. Double egg gas!

Moreover, their combo moves are exactly the same: "Sludge Attack", "Smoke Screen", "Explosion", and "Big Bang"! ! !

From this, it can be seen that Lambda is a very qualified and ruthless man, but he was still killed by the hot beast who had eaten all the experience along the way.

After all, even if the Explosive Beast was occasionally killed by a gas bomb explosion, he had already learned the tactic of sending tools and pets up to the Explosive Beast after the main force was dead during his golden and silver years, and then feeding the Explosive Beast with vitality fragments...

Having said that, the original crystal version still had a bug that allowed unlimited pickup of dropped items hidden on the ground. At that time, Zhou You encountered Team Rocket selling 1 million Slowpoke tails in the north of Jupi Town.

In order to be able to buy this prop, he used crystals to collect unlimited prop bugs and sell them for money. When he went back to his hometown in Tianxia for the summer vacation and had no internet, he was bored. He spent several days and charged his GBA N times before finally despairing. I found that the maximum value of money in this game is 999,999 yuan!

Since the people selling Slowpoke tails would disappear once they entered Jupi Town, he spent a long time in Jupi Town just picking up unlimited Super Balls in exchange for gold!

Later, when the plot moved to Kaji Town, a delicious Slowpoke tail was openly sold in the store for only 98,000 yuan. At that time, he was curious about how the tail could be delicious, so he tried to chew it... The topic was somewhat sidetracked. .

Seeing someone intercepting him for no reason, Lambda threw two Poké Balls filled with gas bombs at Qinglu without hesitation.

At other times, he would have been hesitant about whether someone would find out that he was responsible for causing a big explosion in the base, but now he doesn't care so much!

"Kid, I'm going to teach you a lesson today!" Lambda said angrily.

"It doesn't matter one-on-one or one-on-three. A mediocre guy like you is just a stepping stone for me no matter how many times he comes. Just treat me as a stepping stone for you!"

Qinglu glanced at the two Poké Balls with disdain, and then continued to issue instructions: "Kami Turtle, use all your strength to pray for rain."

At the same time, he skillfully pulled out an umbrella from his space backpack.

After receiving instructions from the trainer, he used water jets to attack Lada and then used the reaction force to bounce to distance him. Cammy Turtle concentrated on mobilizing the water energy in the environment:


Soon, a water cannon poured out of its mouth, accurately hitting Lada who was waiting for Lambda's command.

Then the water cannon that hit was like a ignited fuse, immediately making the water energy in a small area extremely violent, and it actually rained heavily in the indoor environment without any warning!

"Hey, nameless passerby, let me give you a hint. The props worn by my Cammy Turtle are wet rocks."

Carrying wet rocks has the effect of greatly increasing the holder's water energy affinity.

Therefore, the rain-seeking power cast by the holder can be greatly strengthened, the duration will be longer, the chance of grabbing the weather will be greater, and it will be more difficult for the opponent to try to tamper with other weather.

Different from traveling around who prefers sunny days, Qinglu came up with his own answer based on years of analysis and calculations - rainy days kill several streets on sunny days, it is the strongest and most invincible weather!

"You self-righteous brat! Use gas bombs and big explosions!" Lambda did not hesitate to execute his best fighting method.

Following his command, two highly cultivated gas bombs came out of the Poké Ball, without thinking, they gathered all their strength and planned to explode themselves!

However, Lambda waited for a full ten seconds, imagining the scene of a gas bomb exploding next to Qinglu at close range and blowing him to pieces, but it never happened.

Surprised that the usually tried-and-true gas bomb sneak attack + self-destruction suddenly failed today, Lambda shouted anxiously: "Hey, hurry up and self-destruct!"

However, the two gas bombs still maintained a constipated expression and made no other movements.

"Water cannons."


A water cannon shot down one of the gas bombs as if it was self-aiming.

Qinglu also did not give up the opportunity to attack the opponent himself: "I reminded you that my Cammy Turtle brought wet rocks and you still let the gas bomb explode. It seems that you are not only mediocre but also mentally retarded.

"No, no, no, people who really use self-destruction as a tactic don't even know the property of "moisture"! ? "

After the Pokémon with moisture characteristics appear, it will greatly increase the humidity of the surrounding air, making it impossible for anyone to use self-destructive moves. This is the representative characteristic of the brothers Duck and Speedy Frog on rainy days.

"Are you kidding me!" Ram went crazy in disbelief, "The characteristic of Cammy Turtle is obviously Riptide!"

"Haha, gas bombs also have a rare characteristic of stench. Without this characteristic, wouldn't there be no odor in the world?"

In the heavy rain indoors, Qinglu held up an umbrella and arrogantly laughed at Lambda, who was soaked in the rain: "Mediocre, open your dog eyes and take a closer look at the humidity of the current environment! Oh, by the way, water cannons."


Another water cannon shot down a second gas bomb.

Looking at the Cammy Turtle who blew up his rain-seeking seal and hit all four water cannons, Lambda was shocked and began to doubt his life.

However, he is a man who makes decisive decisions and is ruthless at critical moments.

Since the big explosion tactic that I am best at cannot be used, then I can use my trump card - the Lada that I have raised for more than ten years to defeat him head-on!

Realizing that the opponent in front of him was no ordinary child, Lambda simply calmed down and started fighting seriously.

"Hey, kid, you will regret blocking my way and pay the price for your arrogance!"

He grinned wildly and gave instructions to Lada: "Whether it rains or not, you will die today! Lada, use the most powerful thunder!"

"Wha, what, it's actually thunder!?" Qinglu said in disbelief, "You are such a stupid person that you would consider filling the elf's blindness!?"

It’s so useful to eat Rouba

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