On a sunny day, grass and fire are an excellent combination.

Among the Firesaur, Ivysaur, Nidoqueen, and Rhinoceros, Ivysaur, which originally ranked second to last in terms of race speed ability, ended up last due to Sakakita's level suppression.

However, after the sunny day started against the leftovers, the chlorophyll of Ivysaur, which originally reacted as slow as a tortoise, was driven by fire energy to burn and damage itself at a high frequency.

Its reaction speed made it stand out in one breath, and it became the first one among the four turtle-speed elves to take action!

Chlorophyll (unfinished type)!


As soon as it appeared, Ivysaur took a sharp breath, and the budding bulbs on its back sprayed fragrant grass-green sleep powder towards Nidoqueen and Rhinoceros.

The two giant beasts who were contaminated by the sleeping powder couldn't help but feel sleepy and dozed off, and even their movements slowed down a bit.

Immediately following, Arthur used his mouth and tail simultaneously to spray/throw out two groups of will-o'-the-wisps that were like gangrene attached to the bones.

Its power alone is actually not enough to burn Sakaki's two elves with this change of move, but under the sunny weather with the leftovers turned on, the power of the will-o'-the-wisp has naturally increased.

The green will-o'-the-wisp caught up with Nidoqueen and Rhinoceros in the blink of an eye. While burning away the sleeping powder on their bodies and dispelling their drowsiness, it also made the two elves who looked like they had walked out of the Ultraman set attack with greater force. reduce.

Unlike Xiaozhi who would test every fire elf by shooting out flames, a will-o'-the-wisp is the way to greet the fire elf in Youyou's house!

However, Sakaki, who was caught off guard by such a combo of moves by the Qingtian brothers, even though he sighed with a gloomy look in his heart that these two kids were really cleaner than the other, he still commanded disdainfully:

"Little tricks! Nidoqueen, sprays flames; Rhinoceros, rock collapses!"

Since the prototype is a big monster in a tokusatsu film, how could Nidoqueen not spray fire?

The horned rhinoceros has the ultimate physical attack. Even if it is burned, it can still produce tons of output through rockfall!

I saw Sakaki's Nidoqueen, who was wearing a life orb around his neck, opened his mouth and sprayed out a stream of scarlet flames, which was even more fierce and powerful than the fire-breathing dragon flames of a certain flying king in Kanto on TV.

This Sutra's fighting spirit, force, life orb, and sunny sky all increase together, and the power reaches 90*1.2*1.3*1.3*1.5=273 jet flames. Even a champion-level fire elf can't even think of trying!

If such a flame hits Ivysaur directly, it will almost certainly die as it is already weak in fire!

Not to mention the rock avalanche of the horned rhinoceros that is about to attack the entire audience with overwhelming power...

Sakaki actually wanted to use the power of thunder to kill Bulbasaur instantly, not only to prevent the disgusting grass elf from exploding with power from dirtying him, but also to give the two children a chance to attack.

As for the fire elves?

In front of me, Sakaki of the earth, he is just a country chicken and a dog that can be sent away by a rockfall.

The violent flames blasted towards the Ivysaur in front of the leaves like purgatory, causing it to wail in pain as it fell into a mortal state:


The next moment, Ivysaur, who was swept away by Purgatory, flashed and suddenly appeared in front of Zhou You.

The wind speed dog leftover that was originally in front of him was now in front of Ye Zi, and Nidoqueen unleashed the flames of the violent Hongru with all her strength.

This is the cleanest one among the countless moves in Pokémon battles - swapping locations!


Why is the king's car castling suddenly?

There is no doubt that this is exactly what Eden did, hiding his figure with illusions in the dark.

Zhou You couldn't help but thought to himself, "What a trouble. Eden, why haven't you found the flaw yet? Use the wave missile to backstab and kill the trainer with one hit."

Eden also has a theory of suffering in this regard. The human in front of him seems to have an elf who is proficient in super powers but is an evil spirit.

Even if it specializes in illusions and possesses magical powers, it is not easy to use illusions to manipulate the opponent as it wants. It must try its best to avoid attracting the opponent's attention and causing trouble.

In addition, Sakaki is also experienced in many battles and is aware of everything around him at all times. He even keeps a special Poké Ball in his pocket.

It's not easy to sneak attack at all!

Seeing that Eden could not hope for success with one strike, Zhou You did not hesitate to command the Ivysaur in front of him: "Xiao Zong, Vine Whip, Sword Dance, Rock Breaking Technique; Arthur, open the wind! "

Ye Zi, as if he had gone through all kinds of rehearsals, smoothly switched to commanding the wind speed dog: "Leftover, sunlight beam!"

The fire element and the grass element under the Qingtian system have always been two sides of the same body.

"Hmph, if the two of them added up, it's four against two?" Sakaki sneered and mocked, "But no matter how many bastards are put together, they will only be crushed by the strong."

Just as he said, the Rhinoceros rockfall that had been brewing since the beginning of the battle finally finished reading at this moment.

The endless huge rocks, under the control of the horned rhino, were like cannonballs, hitting including Ivysaur, Fire Dinosaur, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Ye Zi and Zhouyou!

Facing this overwhelming rock artillery, Ivysaur, who had already received the order, waved two vine whips, while performing a sword dance that the humanoid elf was determined to be unable to perform, while using the rock-breaking technique to attack each rock. The rocks that come are shattered.

It's a pity that as Sakaki said, Zhou Yu's level was crushed by the enemy, and no matter how wonderful his skills were, it would be difficult to make up for it.

Even though Ivysaur tried its best to hit the overwhelming rockslide heavy artillery, it was still only able to withstand a small part of it. More artillery attacks hit Ye Zi and Zhou You who were not fully protected.

But seeing the wind speed dog that had absorbed all the flames sprayed by the champion-level Nidoqueen with its ignition properties, he opened his mouth angrily, and the brilliant golden light cannon was instantly fired with the burning heat of the fire system and the corrosive properties of the grass system, accurately blasting towards the person in front of Sakaki. Heavy turret!

Zhou You, on the other hand, drew his sword and stood up to protect Ye Zi, pouring all his life force into the unsheathed ancient bronze sword.

Broken sword, unsheathed!

Single Sword Scabbard: No response, like a corpse.

This single scabbard is an idle elf that is too lazy to move.

It’s just that this AFK does not mean that after the trainer sends it, it can AFK and watch the battle behind it, but that it sits there doing nothing and allows the trainer to do it on his own...

However, this excessive vitality was transformed into pure steel energy by the single sword scabbard.

Allowing Zhou You to perform the most basic and simple of all moves, a universal trick that simply releases energy to create barriers and shields - Hold!

On top of the steel energy shield transformed by the surging vitality, crisp sounds could be heard, easily blocking the horned rhino's rock-fall cannon.

The wind speed dog was able to instantly unleash the sun's flames on a sunny day, but Nidoqueen bullied her forward with her strong lower limbs.


Fierce and merciless, he struck at the neck with a powerful blow that penetrated the opponent's throat - Hell Thrust!

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