This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 133 Gorgeous and colorful flowers in full bloom

The Sunny Grass + Fire-type instant Sunfire were unable to solve the opponent's one that was restrained 4 times. Instead, the Fire Dinosaur was instantly killed by the opponent. He also used Sandstorm to kill the Ivysaur in the reading bar, and also Send the enemy to trigger the weak point insurance and get a lot of reinforcements. This battle is a hammer!

Ye Zi subconsciously felt that the leader of Team Rocket in front of him did not seem to be a powerful enemy that they could defeat at this stage.

Even if the opponent doesn't continue to send other elves, the Rhinoceros, which greatly increases special attack and physical attack due to its weakness insurance and meteor beam, is enough to easily push all 12 elves in total into their team one by one.

If this continues, you will definitely fail!

In that case...

It's better to use the power of sunlight that has been absorbed by half to release the strongest moves, break the boat, and defeat the horned rhinoceros in one fell swoop!

"Xiao Zong, Aunt Shosou, let's release our full strength!"

After saying that, Ye Zi tapped the golden bracelet on his right wrist with concentration.

That was the thing that was temporarily placed in Ye Zi's hands after Jasmine threatened not to return to Alola unless she was defeated in front of the Sainte-Annu some time ago because she missed the ship home due to her selfless painting of the sea (lgpe version) - Z bracelet, grass Z and fairy Z!

The golden bracelet embedded with Z pure crystal blooms with a vibrant green brilliance, connecting the trainer and the elves. With the all-out gesture inherited from the Alola region, the leaves and Ivysaur seem to merge into one at this moment, connecting the trainer and the elf. Mobilize all their hidden powers!

"Oh?" Sakaki watched the mutated girl with great interest... After all, with the speed of Rhinoceros, he could only watch at this moment.

I thought I was just a little girl who was fighting and supporting the dirty guys, but she could actually explode with such powerful power?

While Sakaki's curiosity was aroused, Zhou You knew this in his heart.

That dance that simulates the growth of plants, that special golden Z bracelet and the grass Z, the leaves are obviously releasing the grass-type Z-move at the moment - gorgeous and colorful flowers blooming.

The power of the Z move is related to the basic skill. If it is based on a powerful move like Sunshine Flame, the full blow released will undoubtedly surpass Yu Sanjia's exclusive ultimate skill!

No, it would be too wasteful to use such a sure-kill move to win the game against a diamond-horned rhinoceros with residual health!

"Arthur, let's continue the blazing sunshine now!" Zhou You calmly commanded the fire dinosaur whose life and death were uncertain after being knocked out of the screen a few minutes ago.


As soon as he finished speaking, not far behind the Horned Rhinoceros, a fire dinosaur appeared out of thin air, and the unfinished sunlight flames were once again sprayed from its mouth.

The target was naturally the horned rhinoceros that had been maimed by it!

Sakaki: "!!!"

How come there is such a clean skill as the exchange venue.jpg

Realizing that it would be difficult to catch Sakaki's flaw without special circumstances, Eden, who had nothing to do, also secretly provided assistance. Shortly after the fire dinosaur was hit, he teleported it not far away from him, hiding his body with illusions, Mask the sound.

Flames mixed with vitality once again blasted towards Sakaki's Rhinoceros head-on. This ultimate grass-based skill was like a bone-cutting steel knife when used by the Fire Dinosaur, breaking through the special attack of the Rhinoceros. The paper-like rock armor in front of me was full of output without any waste!

Not only that, a blue wave missile that had tricked three times and reached the size of a washbasin also hit the horned rhino's head with the same accuracy!

Even though he was in a crushing position in terms of levels, these two grass-type sure-kill and wave missiles, which were specifically aimed at special weaknesses, still caused him unbearable serious damage.

Before Ye Zi's dance could end, the Rhinoceros, which had just been greatly strengthened like a prehistoric beast, died before it could take off and fell heavily to the ground.

Sakaki frowned and took it back, secretly thinking that he had been away from the battle for a long time and was too conceited. He originally thought that Nidoqueen and Rhinoceros alone could easily lead the team.

Looking at it now, it seems that the Death Board should have been sent out from the beginning to open up the magic space.

At this moment, Ye Zi's energy storage was finally completed.

In the cadre room covered by the sandstorm, the grass was green and luxuriant for a while. The excess power obtained by absorbing most of the sunlight was actually transformed into damage, and a layer of green grass was spread on the surface.

"The flowers are in full bloom!!!"


The huge grass-type energy gathered in the air and formed an energy bomb like a bud, which hit Nidoqueen with astonishing power as he was hit by the Wind Speed ​​Dog against the wall.

The earth shook!

The extremely spacious cadre room specially built for the battle actually produced an earthquake-like aftereffect!

This Z-move released the full strength of the trainer and the elf at once. The energy cannon transformed from the vigorous and vital power of the grass element actually crossed the huge level gap between the two and caused heavy damage to Nidoqueen.

But this was not enough to render Nidoqueen unable to fight.

"Leftover, Flash Charge."


The meat-munition chariot once again took heavy steps and crashed into the opponent who was temporarily unable to move after being violently attacked. However, Nidoqueen, who was already exhausted, ended up falling into the same inability to fight.

Looking at the two people who brought him a surprise on the stack, Sakaki couldn't help but be distracted for a moment.

Judging from the age of Zhou You and Ye Zi, they should have just started traveling for a year, and yet these two children actually defeated the main elf that they had trained for more than ten years?

Even though it was a 4-on-2 fight, it was doubtful that he would be able to win without force, but even so, it was enough to shock him, a person who claims to be the strongest.

And the unheard-of move just now, called "Blooming Colorful Flowers", can actually make an elf like Ivysaur erupt with that level of power...

In this world, are all the children who have just left home already so fierce?

"Hmph, you two are indeed talented at fighting."

Although he had just been defeated by the two main players, Sakaki remained unmoved in terms of momentum.

The warm-up time is over, the sandstorm venue has begun, and now is the time for him to show his true strength.

On the other hand, the elves traveling around with leaves?

Ivysaur, which released the "bright and colorful flowers in full bloom", showed that it was exhausted and had no strength to fight anymore.

The fire dinosaur hit by the meteor beam was already crumbling under the blow of the sandstorm.

As for the Wind Speed ​​Dog who continuously unleashed two flash charges with all his strength, damaging the enemy by a thousand and damaging himself by eight come he seemed to be jumping around like a normal dog?

Zhou You: Full health and residual health are all the same. This is what ADHD is like.

"It's a pity that you and Team Rocket are taking two different paths. Don't blame me for not tolerate you."

"Go, Scorpio King, bite the land shark hard!"

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