Chapter 139 Urgent——frozen——bird——

Just when Sakaki spit out the words "Big Needle Bee"!

Triggering the traveling keyword that he had been wary of for a long time, he threw out the Poké Ball containing Arthur and Frozen Bird without hesitation!

"Frozen Bird, the Giant Needle Bee opposite is an insect-type plus a poison-type. Help me kill it quickly."

Having said that, he didn't have much expectations for Frozen Bird, and instead focused all his attention on himself.

At the same time, he quickly replaced the fairy Z on the Z bracelet with a grass Z.

"Sakaki has entered the second stage, Qinglu, hurry up and take out the doctor's main force."

Before leaving in Ziyuan Town, Zhou You specifically emphasized that Qinglu should bring Dr. Oak's marsupial or other veteran champion-level elves.

"Huh? I didn't bring it with me. Besides, it's just a giant needle bee. Isn't it enough to have a freezing bird?" Qinglu waved his hand as if it didn't matter, and sent out the Bi Diao used as a means of transportation, "Let's go, my darling!"

Zhou You: "..."

I can’t carry this group anymore!

But fortunately, I was prepared for traveling around.

"Ye Zi, we have defeated 5 elves. Let's go ahead and use the mushrooms and kapok balls to suppress the trainers.

“Eden, do it just like we said in the beginning.

"Arthur, prepare to release the grass-type sure kill."

As for himself, he danced with all his strength without any shame, like a colorful flower in full bloom!

After all, this awkward dance that simulates plant growth and praises the sun is actually not particularly shameful.

"Wait a minute Qiaoqiao!" Ye Zi hurriedly stopped when he saw this, "The Z move puts a huge burden on both the trainer and the elf. It can only be used once a day!"

But she was too late to stop the impatient Zhou You.

The movement of the grass Z is simple and short, and the latter, who had the first experience, could successfully perform it with almost no effort.

And during this period.

Frozen Bird's Poké Ball landed almost at the same time as the Needle Bee, and both flew out of the ball together.

Seeing that the enemy he attacked for the second time was just a giant sting wasp with an unusual black and yellow color, Frozen Bird turned his head away gracefully, with a trace of disdain in his eyes.


There are thousands of flying insects in a forest like this, do I need to take action?

Aren't you a trainer who specializes in the fire element?

Isn’t it easy to send someone to spit fire on a lousy street spirit like this?

"Be serious, Freeze Bird, don't look back and you can't even kill a bug."

Zhou You gave a temporary reminder, and then devoted himself wholeheartedly to the Z move.

At this time, Zhou You, who had just finished casting Demon Z, was casting Grass Z.

※Self-proclaimed as a fire element specialist trainer.

Jasmine, the young captain of Alola, warned Ye Zi repeatedly when she lent her the Z bracelet.

The Z move uses almost all the strength of the trainer and the elf when it is cast, so it will put a huge load on both humans and elf.

Needless to say, you can only use Z-move once in a battle. It is best not to use it a second time in a day. If you are children like them, it is best to rest after each Z-move. A long time to recharge.

Failure to comply with this most basic requirement may at least result in damage to the body (especially the heart), or at worst it may cost the trainer his or her life!

No need for Ye Ye to elaborate, Zhou You himself understands this.

However, after he released Yao Z, the aftereffects of exhaustion all over his body gradually recovered within half a minute. With his blood returning every time he breathed, Zhou You was now as alive and kicking as a normal person.

It was mentioned a long time ago that Zhou Yu’s recovery ability is extremely excellent...

"Beat the eagle, the brave bird attacks fiercely."

Just when the frozen bird showed disdain and was too lazy to take action, the green bird moved.

"Bi Diao Diao!"

And it’s a surefire move once it’s launched!

After receiving the instruction, Bi Diao's body surface immediately emitted golden light, bursting into Mach-level speed and swooping towards Sakaki's giant needle bee.

"Through it!"

Sakaki didn't even need to give too many instructions. The giant needle wasp, which was targeted by the beautiful feathered Kanto native gate bird and the natural enemy of their gate insect family, just avoided the attack with huge murderous intent and amazing speed. , condescendingly waved his two needles.

In the blink of an eye, both wings of the green Bi Diao were completely penetrated by the stings of the giant needle bee!

Hit the mark!

With its wings crippled, Bi Diao immediately crashed into the ruins of the cadre's office at a Mach-level speed. Life or death was uncertain...

"Bi Diao!"

It was only now that Qinglu understood why he felt like he was facing a formidable enemy when traveling around, but he quickly found a way to deal with it: "Yongjira, the body-holding technique; Blastoise, the freezing light!"

No matter how aggressive Sakaki's Needle Bee is, it's still hard to get rid of the shackles of race. All you need to do is use restraint skills to blast it away through remote control.

However, the Giant Needle Bee suddenly burst out with a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye, avoiding the attacks of the two while rushing towards the Frozen Bird!


In the blink of an eye, the ice energy that is enough to freeze a person instantly turns into a beam and shoots out!

But this time, the freezing light, which had always been harmful in the past, was dodged by the Needle Bee with ease and agility.

Double needle attack!

A simple and unpretentious move, tearing apart the wings of the frozen bird with twice the insect resistance!

The frozen bird, with its wings broken and unable to fly, had no choice but to slowly fall to the ground.

The miserable posture and blood-stained wings actually showed a strange beauty of Xizi's heart.

It can be said that the bright and fresh beauty lasts for a long time, but it is difficult to find it once it is wandering. Once the spring is gone, the beauty will grow old, and the flowers will fall and people will die without knowing it!

At the same time, Zhou You finally completed the preparation of the Z move.

His plan was simple. Taking advantage of the stalemate between the Freezing Bird and Sakaki's Needle Bee, he would directly blast Sakaki away with a burst of colorful flowers!

"Fire dinosaur, unleash your full strength!"

Before he finished speaking, Zhou You happened to see Frozen Bird fall to the ground sadly.


You can't even take one move! ?

But it was too late to worry about that much.

"The flowers are in full bloom!!!"


One person and one dragon, now all performing the "praising the sun" movements at the end of the grass dance.

A huge grass-colored energy bomb appeared above their heads, condensed, and grew in size, gradually exuding astonishing power.

Just when the energy bomb was about to be suppressed, Zhou You and Arthur made gestures to throw the energy bomb away at the same time!

"It's useless! This kind of attack is against my giant needle bee..."

It is indeed nothing to the giant needle bee.

But Sakaki discovered that this energy bomb was actually coming towards him! ?

What happened? Today's brats are acting as ruthlessly as the soldiers who pioneered the wild areas decades ago. You are addicted to beating trainers! ?

"Come back, Needle Bee!" Sakaki hurriedly called back the Needle Bee to protect himself.

However, the Needle Bee did not respond at all to its master's command. Instead, it stayed where it was and started to hang up.

The humans and insects are separated by 10 meters. Eden's illusion can directly affect the giant needle bee without worrying about being detected by the evil super elf on Sakaki!

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