This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 145: The resistance of grass type is really hard to describe

As the number of conquered people increases, some elves will definitely be left out to visit the water fountain. This is an inevitable result no matter how hard we try to avoid it.

This topic suddenly became all too real...

It seems that it is because Eden is slightly smarter than other elves that he realizes this problem.

"But your worries are actually completely unnecessary, Eden."

Zhou You placed the other person on the bed and solemnly explained: "Life is a repetition of parting and meeting, so the time together is particularly rare."

"Although I said before that I care about all the elves at the same time, there are actually some elves that I care about particularly. Have you noticed? There are currently 9 elves including the chicks in the eggs. In fact, there are only you, Arthur, and the rest of the elves. The rice was named by me.”

Starting from the fairy milk, Zhou Youdu has not named the subsequent elves yet.

It's not because he hasn't decided on a name yet, but because he hasn't made a decision yet.

A name that will accompany a person for a lifetime is not just a code name, but more like a lifelong commitment, which must not be done casually or carelessly.

"Actually, I don't plan to conquer many elves now. Except for the elves that will be released later to help Dr. Oak collect illustrations, and the elves who are temporarily working together, I will basically strictly control the number to avoid spreading too much energy."

Just like Zhou You has only given names to three elves until now, he actually planned them from the beginning and made them very clear.

"But even if you have a name, isn't it inevitable to look at the water fountain?" Eden pointed out accurately.

"That being said, you are all unique to me."

After thinking about it for a while, you told Eden a bedtime reading from the earth: "Have you ever heard of such a story? A long time ago, there was a little prince from an alien planet."

"So what that fox means is that precisely because we need each other and give to each other, we are uniquely important to each other, and the brief separation is just for the joy of seeing each other again?"

After listening to Zhou You's story, Eden slumped on the bed thoughtfully.

If you think about it carefully, a short separation seems to make your heart full of joy. Don't even humans have a saying that a short separation is better than a newlywed?

"No, I mean you are very important to me. Don't worry, I will never send you back to Zhenxin Town until we reach the top and reach the end of the world!"

"Really?" Eden stood up. This was actually what he wanted.

"I've never broken my promise, so you don't have to worry about it."

Zhou You fiddled with Eden, who was stunned because of this, and said: "So I'm going to challenge the Yuhong Gym. You should have a good communication with Ibrahimovic in the room. You can't let it continue like this."

After leaving the task of opening Ibrahimovic's heart to Eden, Zhouyou went to Yuhong Gym before night fell.

This is the only gymnasium in Yuhong City. It also sells perfume and is widely praised by tourists from all over the world.

However, the number of Yingying and Yanyan that rushed out as soon as they entered the door made Zhou You a little suspicious that this place was not too serious...

After Ma Zhishi applied for the position of "Gym Trainer" from the alliance, Yuhong Gym took advantage of the situation and let employees from the perfume shop come and serve as substitutes. They often went to Yuhong University to teach and it was difficult to perform the duties of the gym leader all the time. Lijia accepts some challenges.

Fortunately, Li Jia happened to be there tonight, so there was no need to worry about the experience of this gym challenge being greatly compromised.

"Hello, I'm Zhou You from Zhenxin Town. I want to challenge Yuhong Gym to get a badge tonight."

Seeing that the challenger who had made an appointment through the Pokémon Center came on time, Lijia, who was wearing a gentle kimono, nodded politely: "Welcome, the little girl's name is Lijia. She is also practicing grass Pokémon and illustration. She is The Gym Leader of Yuhong City.”

"Based on the number of badges you currently have (6), this gym challenge will be a 3 vs. 3 battle at a higher level. Please follow the little girl to the battle arena."

The battle arena of the Yuhong Gym is filled with all kinds of plants. Lijia uses this place as a gym and also opens a flower arrangement classroom, making such a large gym more like a botanical garden.

"Then let the gym challenge begin."

As she spoke, Lijia threw her elf ball: "Come out, beautiful flower."

As soon as the beautiful elf with a grass skirt appeared on the stage, she danced a skillful southern dance in the green grass field.

Beautiful flowers, flower Pokémon, pure grass type. The speed is slow, and the characteristics are chlorophyll/healing heart. If you don't use Sunny Team/Double, it will be about half useless.

Looking at the elves sent by Li Jia, Youyou thought for a moment about the elves currently on his body: Fire Dinosaur, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Fairy Milk, Freezing Bird, and Single Sword Sheath.

Hmm... I never thought of the possibility of losing.

"Arthur, I leave this to you."

Fire dinosaurs were sent out.

"Is it a fire-type beginner Pokémon..."

After serving as the owner of the grass-type gym for so many years, Li Jia has become somewhat accustomed to challengers taking out the elves that are restrained by her. After all, it is known that there are at least 10,000 elves that restrain the grass-type.

"But after training, grass-type elves will also gain the adaptability to fire-type moves, right?"

"Beautiful flowers and a sunny day." "Arthur, the Dance of the Dragons."

After the trainers from both sides gave instructions almost simultaneously, the elves on both sides started dancing in unison.

What Beautiful Flower dances is a dance to pray for sunshine that is widely spread in the southern region, while what Fire Dinosaur dances is a mysterious dance for liberating the power of the dragon, which is passed down by Zhou You.

As a grass elf, it is indeed dangerous to turn on the sunny weather when facing a fire elf, but in order to stimulate chlorophyll to take the upper hand, Lijia has no choice but to make this choice.

At this moment, the sky was clearly approaching evening, but a manic fire energy suddenly erupted in the battlefield.

The dance of the southern country really has the effect of summoning the scorching sun!

"Beautiful flowers, paralyzing powder." The sunny day has arrived, and Li Jia made a classic grass-type choice on the spot.

However, in the face of the bright yellow dust sprayed out, the fire dinosaur spit out flames and burned the dust while attacking the beautiful flower.

But the latter didn't take it seriously at all and continued his graceful dance, avoiding such a flame with agility and grace.

Under the stimulation of chlorophyll, the reflection speed of the beautiful flower has reached an extremely high level. There is no possibility of hurting it with this slow long-distance projectile weapon!

"So what about this move?" Seeing that the opponent's Fire Dinosaur had a plan to attack the dust type, Li Jia continued to command, "Beautiful Flower, use Falling Flowers to make it colorful!"

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