The Sinnoh region is located northeast of the Kanto, Chengdu, and Hoenn regions, and is a continent slightly farther away from other regions.

Mount Tianguan, the highest peak in Sinnoh, stands in the middle and divides it into two parts. The eastern and western parts of the Sinnoh region have evolved over thousands of years to form different climates, landforms and ecologies.

There are three large lakes to the north, east, and west of Tianguan Mountain. This land with few waterways has far better freshwater resources than the Fengyuan area (Too Much Water). The world-famous Great Wetland is located here. The Sinnoh region attracts countless outside visitors every year to capture local elves with unique looks.

However, the purpose of traveling is not the unique elves in the Sinnoh region, but to allow the tortured Eevee to evolve here and stabilize its collapsing genes as soon as possible.

Zhuqing City, a city of happiness where everyone gathers, was built by residents of the nearby Black Gold City. The entire city stands on a hollowed-out mountain.

After nearly a day of air travel, we landed smoothly and arrived at Zhuqing City, the most prosperous and modern city in the Sinnoh region.

The Poké Watch Company, Celebration TV Station and Trainer School are located in this city, but for trainers, the most noteworthy one is the Global Miracle Exchange (GTS).

In the Global Miracle Exchange Center, you can exchange Pokémon with trainers around the world. It has always been an important facility frequently used by trainers of all walks of life. Therefore, it is only open to trainers with more than one badge.

Zhou You was not interested in this kind of place, and he had no intention of exchanging.

"Let me take a look at the map. Well, our current location is Zhuqing City. To the south is Zhensha Town, to the west is Shuimai City, to the east is Black Gold Gate, and to the north is Huayuan City."

The main target of their trip, the Pathé Forest, is located east of Huayuan City. The moss rock inside is the key to Eevee's evolution into Yeev.

"But Masa Town is exactly the opposite of Kawon City. This is not a smooth road at all, but a long detour, isn't it?" Zhou You glanced at the map and unexpectedly discovered that Dr. Yamanashi's research institute in Masa Town was exactly opposite to his goal. .

"This is not easy. Let's go to Zhensha Town first. After visiting the doctor, we will go all the way back to Edai Forest. After evolving, we will go to Tianguan Mountain to look for traces of the Round Continent Shark." Eden pointed to the map and gestured, "Sakaki was there before. How powerful is a biting land shark? Don’t you have any idea?”

"Bite the land shark fiercely..."

Traveling around thoughtfully.

First of all, he couldn't afford to raise such a quasi-god, and secondly, he wasn't very interested in amphibians with rough skin and hairless skin (Charizard was the only exception). Instead of raising a castrated vase-biting land shark, he could Why not put all your energy into building the Sunny Sky team.

Just as he was considering Eden's suggestion in his mind, a familiar voice suddenly came from not far behind him: "Qiaoqiao, is it really you?"

Wondering why he still had acquaintances in the Sinnoh region, he wandered around and looked around, and found a girl who looked exactly like Xiao Guang.

She is the opponent Zhou You has faced twice before in the PTCG regional competition, Xiaozhao from Zhensha Town!

"Xiaozhao? What a coincidence. Did you just get off the plane too?"

Xiaozhao nodded: "I am from Sinnoh. Of course I will go back to Sinnoh directly after the competition. But you, why did you suddenly come here to travel?"

It is indeed a bit eye-catching for Zhou Yu, who is only ten years old, to move across regions without the company of adults or travel companions.

"I plan to take Eevee out to relax before the Quartz Conference, so I came to Sinnoh for a trip. I am currently planning to replace Dr. Ohki and visit Dr. Yamanashi in Masa Town."

"Eh? Are you going to Zhensha Town too?"

Faced with Zhou You's revealed plan, Xiao Zhao showed an unexpected expression.

After explanation, he found out that Xiaozhao's hometown was Zhensha Town not far to the south.

Not only that, this 13-year-old girl even served as Dr. Yamanashi’s research assistant.

Dr. Yamanashi is an authority specializing in "Pokémon evolution", and according to the current common understanding in the academic community, the evolution speed of elves who have established contact with humans will generally be increased.

Therefore, Xiao Teru obtained several elves from the doctor who were said to have evolved types in distant ancient times, and is trying to promote the evolution of the elves by acting together.

"Frightening-antlered deer, flying mantis, baby bear, um..." After confirming the elves that Xiaozhao possessed at this time, Zhou You subconsciously recalled their evolved types.

The Sly-Antlered Deer, the Ax-Cleaving Mantis, and the Moon Bear were indeed elves that had appeared in the ancient Sinnoh region, but it was not that easy to meet their evolutionary conditions.

"Actually, it's just a matter of luck. Even Dr. Yamanashi doesn't have high hopes for this." Xiao Zhao shook her head and easily denied the value of the research she participated in. "Since we are on the way, let me be the one to do it." A native of Sinnoh will serve as your temporary guide."

"That's good."

Naturally, (most) doctors would not choose to live in an area far away from the main traffic thoroughfares of a big city. Road 202, which connects Zhuqing City and Zhensha Town, is just a small grassland with flat roads.

Although young trainers often leave the road to fight in the winding grass, but for Zhou Yu and Xiao Zhao who have clear goals, this short journey only requires riding the Wind Speed ​​Dog and the Shocking Antler Deer. Now you can see Zhensha Town.

Zhensha Town, close to the coast, is a sand town where you can smell the refreshing sea breeze.

The clear sky allows one to clearly see the Tianguan Mountains in the distance that bisects the Sinnoh region. Contrary to the impression of a coastal town, lush lawns and beautiful flower fields fill every corner of the town. .

Dr. Yamanashi’s cylindrical research institute with a windmill and aerospace elements is located in the corner of Masa Town and is the most famous landmark building here.

Thanks to the guidance of Xiao Zhao, a local, Zhouyou soon arrived at Dr. Yamanashi Research Institute and visited this majestic old man who resembled Magamu.

"Hello, Dr. Yamanashi, I am Zhou Yu from Zhenxin Town. I am here to visit and greet you on behalf of Dr. Ohki."

Looking at this gray-haired, slightly stout doctor with a serious and unsmiling expression, Zhou You suddenly awakened some unpleasant memories for no apparent reason.

For example, there is a deceptive sumo master who says "Pokémon are dangerous creatures and cannot be trusted", but during the fight, he randomly picks up Pokémon in their sixties or even seventies...

Dr. Yamanashi (Magamu) seems to be the descendant of Team Galaxy boss Magam (Denshiki)?

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