This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 156 The immature tits that work too hard

After all, chickadees are just newborn chicks, and they will naturally go to sleep after they have had enough trouble.

But from that day on, there was an extra baby on the road that everyone needed to take care of.

Although the previous Fairies were also newborns, they were so sensible that Zhou You never felt that they needed special care...

The juvenile tits are much more tossing than the fairy milk. They wake up, eat when they wake up, attack Zhouyou and other elves after eating, and go to sleep when they are tired of attacking.

Although it is only one day old, it has already experienced more battles and exercise than the fairy milk has accumulated in two months.

"Isn't this good? If your talent is mediocre, you have to work harder."

Just like what the illustrated book said, this bird really has a fighting temperament, and is really too filial.

Fortunately, the newborn elves are basically a blank sheet of paper, and it is very convenient to educate them. After traveling around and talking, they finally made the young tits accept the setting that "human beings have weak bodies, inactive limbs, and inseparable grains, and cannot fight elves."

At this point, it began to frantically fight with Arthur, Shengfan, and Eden, who had crushed it at more than thirty or even forty levels.

Keep fighting, keep losing, keep losing, keep fighting, it can be said to be a battle with repeated defeats!

It's a good thing that Zhou You can provide treatment for the juvenile tits, otherwise with its method of play, even if it lives in the elf center all day long, it won't work.

Fortunately, for the birth of a new life, Zhou You had already prepared enough nutrients and necessary vitamins, so he was able to support the juvenile tits in a short period of time.

Compared to a genius-level battle legend like Qinglu, Zhou You only has knowledge that is more than ten years ahead of this era. His talent as a trainer is mediocre, and he can only rely on his healing and charging fire of life. Tried twice as hard.

The time came like this 3 days later.

Zhou You and A Liu climbed together, and finally came to the highest peak of Tianguan Mountain, in front of the remains of the Spear Pillar of the ancient Sinnoh Temple.

"The ancient ruins in Sinnoh are obviously so precious, but they don't have people strictly guarding, guarding, and maintaining them. I can't understand this."

Looking at the stone pillars pointing straight into the sky like spears, and the ruins that have turned into ruins after the vicissitudes of life, Zhou You couldn't help but sigh: "After thousands of years, I'm afraid not even the 'Pillars of Spears' will be here." It exists again.”

Although they are not native to this world, it is always sad to see historical sites disappear due to improper protection.

Faced with Zhou You's emotion, A Liu shook his head helplessly:

"Tianguan Mountain is home to a large number of ferocious wild elves. It is difficult for ordinary humans to penetrate deep. Only trainers with powerful elves can come here. General scientific research and maintenance work are very difficult."

Conditions do not allow it.

Even though technology is so advanced today, humans in the movie version can completely use (black) technology to beat the beasts like dogs. Even Giratina, one of the three creation gods, was almost beaten to death by humans, and he almost lost his last trace of dignity. Nothing left.

But it has always been difficult for ordinary humans to set foot in the wilderness filled with wild elves, let alone dangerous areas like Tianguan Mountain where ferocious elves are everywhere.

It is impossible to manage and maintain ancient ruins in such an inaccessible place.

But thinking about it from another perspective, under normal circumstances, no human being would disturb this ruins rashly...except for the galaxy group that plans to destroy and recreate the world in the near future.

Coupled with the special aura of the Pillar of Spears, wild elves often regard it as a forbidden area.

Without the destruction of humans and elves, and only due to wind and sand erosion, the Spear Pillar can still survive stably for the time being until human technology develops enough to set foot on the top of Tianguan Mountain.

"But this is your own business in Sinnoh, and it's not my turn as an outsider to talk." Zhou You just felt a little regretful.

He paused under the influence of the air pressure on the top of the mountain, and then came to the triangular ground painting on the north side of the Spear Pillar.

"Triangle" is an important figure that appears in many places in Sinnoh.

The equilateral triangle pattern on the rock wall in front of you has a shallower mysterious circular pattern at the end of each corner.

The circle due west is Dialga, which represents time, and the circle due east is Palkia, which represents space.

As for the circle on the north side, it represents antimatter (revealed in Masuda Junichi's interview), and Giratina, who was exiled to the destroyed world because he was too violent.

At the same time, the directions pointed by the ends of this triangle also happen to be the three large freshwater lakes located due east, due west, and due north in the Sinnoh region. The legendary Pokémon of the three lakes live at the bottom of the lakes. in a different space.

The creation myth of the Sinnoh region is somewhat outrageous, and it turns out to be true...

In any case, Zhou You doesn't intend to have any contact with the three gods of time, space and antimatter. An existence of this level is too dangerous for a mediocre mortal like him!

In fact, Zhou You has always been very clear about his own strength and positioning.

Although the agreement to collect illustrated books must be completed, he completely left the data collection work of legendary Pokémon to Xiaozhi, a social butterfly who rides mythical beasts on a daily basis.

If Ash wants to be the Beast Boy and let the Legend Elves score goals, don't you have to give him face even if you are one of the three gods of Sinnoh?

"Okay, I checked in successfully. Let's rest for a day at the Pillar of Guns and then go back to Kanto."

After overlooking the earth's surface for a while at the top of the mountain, Zhou You, who was more interested in measuring the entire Sinnoh with his own feet when he was free in the future, began to prepare for camping again.

Seeing that the other party looked like he was going to stay overnight at the Pillar of Guns, A Liu couldn't help but frowned: "Qiao Qiao, isn't it appropriate to camp in the ruins? My insect elves also seem to feel some terrible aura, and they have been After stepping into the Pillar of Spears just now, he stayed in the Poké Ball and refused to come out."

In this majestic, silent and exciting atmosphere on the top of the mountain, are you so big-hearted that you want to stay overnight?

Can you sleep?

"Isn't camping meant to find a flat area on the top of the mountain?" Zhou You showed a bewildered expression, "The terrain here is flat and the scenery is beautiful. You can overlook the entire Sinnoh and at the same time there will be no wild elves approaching. Why don't you camp here? Want to go back halfway up the mountain?”

"If you're worried about damaging the ruins, don't get too close to the Gun Pillar when camping, and just take all the garbage away when you leave. I'm not the kind of unqualified tourist."

Especially on the top of the mountain close to the Pillar of Spears, even a wild elf on the roadside is basically a powerful individual in his early 40s. In this case, it is very dangerous to stay away from the Pillar of Spears, which is feared by wild elves.

After hearing the other party's explanation, A Liu felt that it made sense, but he subconsciously ignored the simple and obvious truth that even powerful wild elves were afraid of and did not dare to approach a place, so how could there be real safety? .

"That's right! I'll leave it to you to set up the camp, Qiao Qiao. I'll go around the area and see if I can find the edelweiss moth that I accidentally let go just now!"

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