"Why did it become like this... For the first time, I have a white hair that I like, and I have a fairy that I can caress about casually. The two happy things are superimposed together, and what I get is supposed to be as happy as a dream. Time...but why did it become like this..."

On the plane returning, looking out the window at the sea of ​​clouds that looked like a white album, Zhou You's eyes were full of melancholy, not at all what a ten-year-old boy should look like.

After all, he wasn't even ten years old.

In the end, the training plan guided by Lai was forcibly implemented on him and the elves.

Specifically, it is 4 hours of physical exercise, 4 hours of spiritual practice, and 2 hours of teaching moves every day. There is no limit to the exercise time, but if you have not completed the workload of the day, you must not rest. Instructor Lai will continue to communicate through telepathy. Form releases high notes in the mind!

The dream of traveling around and living a leisurely life was shattered. The most outrageous thing was that the elves, including Eden, unanimously supported the teaching plan directed by Lai.

"As long as the time is fixed and you develop good habits, you can stick to it." Eden said, "After all, our goal is to surpass the champion and defeat the beast. We only focus on training for a period of time when we encounter trouble occasionally. Most of us How can it be possible to spend all your time sloppily?”

Arthur also expressed his position: "I seem a little tired, but if I aim to be guided by Rai, I can persevere!"

Ever since he met Reshiram, who is also a "fire dragon", in less than two days, Arthur, who is a fire dinosaur, has already looked like a groupie.

This makes Zhou You want to tell him that even if you evolve to the end, you can neither breathe fire nor be a dragon, and if the mega is Y, the special attack is actually 9 higher than Reshiram based on the racial value alone, and the drought characteristic is also completely explosive. , the battle status is definitely a few blocks over the so-called shameful beast Reshiram.

Sunny Y's spray force is so much higher than Reshiram's. Even in an environment without Mega, you can still conquer the sky with the help of Dynamax. Is it necessary to admire the other party so much?

"Ah? I don't care. After all, the training at the police dog base was very strict, as long as the food is enough." The dog is as easy to satisfy as ever.

"Director Lai said that I am a supporter and a cheerleader, so I don't need to participate in training and just cook well." Xiaoxian Nai was completely free from the situation.

It seems that even Reshiram is not too much to let the fairy milk fight.

Or maybe it simply took a fancy to Xiao Xian Nai's talent in logistics?

The young tit with a filial son spares no effort to show his filial piety to Zhou You: "The tower will bloom, the tower will bloom, and the tower will bloom as soon as you touch it!"

However, among the 6 elves held by Zhouyou, Reshiram only had a different attitude towards Yeib.

After taking a look at Ye Yibu, it sighed for the first time, and then comforted him in a gentle tone: "Forget it, you don't need to exercise anymore, just find a cool and comfortable place to photosynthesize."

Don’t give up on Yeyibu so quickly!

Even Ye Yibu can be effective in the food abuse game!

As a result, in the end, only Zhou You, who hoped to live a leisurely life, was still resisting Lai's strict and protracted special training plan.

He was nearly killed on Earth in his previous life, and he really didn’t want to train according to the standards of military training anymore...

Just like what we did at Mount Moon and Mount Deng, wouldn’t it be better to cram into the situation when we encounter a problem that urgently needs to be solved, and practice seriously and efficiently at our own pace?

It's a pity that no matter how he protested, Reshiram only planned to end the negotiation with "Today's exercise plan has not been completed yet, and we can't rest now!"...

"Mask of Pain".jpg

Two days later, I took a flight back to Jinhuang City in the Kanto region, walked around and played, and finally returned to the Oak Research Institute in Zhenxin Town.

Due to the large amount of intelligence and data about Emperor Yan and Marshado that he had previously sent back, the institute was still in full swing at this time, with countless unfamiliar researchers and several familiar industry leaders gathered together to carry out research.

For a while, Zhou You felt a little unfamiliar with the research institute that he had just left for more than two months.

The thing that shocked him the most was the huge bird resting silently in a special container in the research institute.

It was a bird Pokémon with yellow feathers.

Its eyes are surrounded by black ring-shaped feathers, and it has a long orange pointed beak. There are a large number of spike-like feathers on its wings and tail. There are black feathers on the back of the wings and the inside of the tail feathers. The crown is completely composed of a large bunch of feathers. Made of sharp feathers.

It was the Lightning Bird that Qinglu encountered when he went to investigate after learning about the changes in the unmanned power station not long ago!

"Qiaoqiao, have you returned to Zhenxin Town too?"

At this time, Qinglu was wearing a white coat and was holding some unknown instrument in his hand to measure various readings about the lightning bird. When he saw Zhou You suddenly returning, he said hello without raising his head: "Look at this lightning bird." How about a bird? This is much better than the embarrassing frozen bird. I spent a lot of effort to conquer it at the unmanned power station! "

It can be regarded as a way of greeting that is in line with Qinglu's custom.

However, looking at his normal expression, he was unexpectedly very calm, as if the Lightning Bird was just an ordinary elf.

If this were normal, Qinglu would have been so arrogant that he would go to heaven!

It seems that the experience of almost losing Bi Diao in the previous battle with Sakaki has allowed this young man who thinks he is invincible to grow... but not much.

"Well, this lightning bird is indeed more energetic than the frozen bird. It looks aggressive enough." Zhou You also nodded with deep understanding, "The attributes of electricity + flight are also quite good. Look at its muscles, strength and The speed should also be excellent, perfect for your rainy day tactics.”

Compared to the useless Frozen Bird, the Lightning Bird is the strongest among the three holy birds.

The electric + flying attributes give it only two weaknesses: rock and ice. The speed value of up to 100 gives it an impressive right to take action. The special attack of 125 also allows the Lightning Bird to use its two powerful abilities of storm and thunder in rainy weather. This type of move produces tons of output.

Not to mention there are also high-quality skills such as Bird Perch, Hot Wind, and Electric Discharge. Because they are electrical attributes, you can even use skills such as Electric Return and Electromagnetic Wave to participate in joint defense.

With such outstanding strength, no wonder it looks so ugly... Zhou You means no wonder it looks so arrogant.

In particular, Qinglu still favors the Rainy Day team on the premise that it is good at multiple attributes, and this time it is even more powerful.

"Have vision!"

Hearing Zhou You's evaluation of Zapdos, Qinglu was naturally overjoyed: "Now we both have a legendary bird Pokémon. Let's have a serious battle at the Quartz Conference!"

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