Some time ago, Dr. Xiuli found the Ascana Lock with the help of the explorer God Generation.

The so-called Ascana's Lock refers to a small cave filled with ancient writings and puzzles in the Seven Treasure Canyon of the Seven Islands in the Seven Islands.

The scientific expedition team learned the name of this place based on the mural text in the cave. If they can solve the mystery of the stone chamber, they can unlock Ascana and break the seals of the ruins on the seven islands in the southern part of the seventh island. .

In fact, there is also such a map in Fire Red/Leaf Green, but in the game you only need to push 7 rocks into the potholes through strange power, and then you can go to the 7 ruins south of the 7th Island to grab unknown totems. .

However, there are naturally no puzzles that are so easy to solve in this world. Let alone the solution to the puzzle, the scientific research team that is in trouble because of deciphering ancient texts does not even know the location of the puzzle, let alone how to solve Ascana. The stone chamber is sealed.

So Jindai thought of Zhou Yu, this magical 10-year-old boy who could easily translate ancient texts.

"The ancient text of Ascana's lock is not the same system as the ancient text in the lamp volcanic stone chamber. Moreover, I have a fragment of an ancient document that Mr. Jindai passed to me before to complete. I may have to spend more money. It takes time to figure it out.”

Looking through the rubbings and photos that Dr. Ohki gave him, Zhou You couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

How come these words...are so similar to the letters of a small language on earth?

No, not English letters.

Although there are only 28 types of unknown totems in the game, including 26 English letters, exclamation points, and question marks, in fact, in the photo of unknown totems passed to Dr. Ohki by Dr. Xiuli in the movie version of "The Emperor of the Crystal Tower", there are other types that are different from Unknown totems of the English alphabet exist.

The hieroglyphs in the current photo that resemble unknown totems are not the 28, but rather resemble the letters of a small language in Zhou You’s impression.

Which language is it in?

As an ordinary time-traveling office worker, it was obviously impossible for him to recall these graphics that he had only met once, and it was even possible that this sense of déjà vu was just his illusion.

However, the meaning of these ancient words was deciphered as soon as he read them.

Just considering that the crystallization of green grasslands in the original world line would occur when Xiaozhi went to the Chengdu area, he did not change his future plans rashly, nor did he plan to take advantage of this theatrical version.

The fake Emperor Yan who is a fantasy and a group of unknown totems with no practical significance...

It won't destroy the world in a minute, and there's no possibility of accidents caused by playing around. There's no need to join in the fun.

"It doesn't matter. I have also passed this information to a scholar from the Sinnoh region. Just try it hard. There is no need to put up too much energy."

Dr. Oki shook his head, as if he didn't expect the other party to translate successfully, nor did he put too much pressure on him.

But judging from his serious look, he probably also cares about these unknown totems that are as rare as legendary Pokémon.

"One more thing, Qiaoqiao, how are you preparing to participate in the Quartz Conference?" After talking about business, Dr. Omu became concerned about the other party's progress again, "If this conference is not complete, it will be the last one. Don't you want to Leave regrets."

"The last one?" Zhou You noticed the keyword.

"Yes, the last quartz conference."

"In recent years, the Pokémon League has been promoting Pokémon battles as a healthy competitive sport, and has vigorously promoted the profession of trainers, hoping to further deepen the relationship between humans and Pokémon."

"The conferences in each region are actually such a stage. The two regions of Kanto and Chengdu, which were divided due to some events in the past, are integrating year by year. Even the maglev train that quickly travels between the two regions is almost completed. I am afraid that this will not happen soon. The Quartz Alliance and the Silver Alliance are also going to merge.”

The two alliances in Guandong and Chengdu are currently facing extraordinary problems.

Logically speaking, the two regions should have 8 kings and 2 champions. However, due to some historical issues and the retirement of key personnel, the scale and combat power of these two alliances have gradually shrunk.

There is no champion in Kanto, and the four kings are involved all day long.

Ice can't beat fighters and ghosts, fighters can't beat dragons and ghosts, ghosts can't beat dragons, and dragons can't beat ice.

It was an endless loop, which resulted in none of the four kings of Kanto being able to defeat the other three. When the previous champion retired, he became the new champion.

It's even worse in Chengdu. Not only do they have no champions, there are only three kings: fighting, evil and dragon. Among them, fighting and dragon are the kings from Guandong who come to work part-time.

Not only that, the Quartz and Silver Conferences have always been the worst in terms of viewing experience and player level among many regional conferences.

The two alliances on the same continent have never been able to grow in scale and talent because they each occupy half of the city.

Even if we forcibly collect 8 kings and 2 champions, we will obviously face the problem of passing off the good ones as good ones and passing off the good ones as fake ones.

Therefore, since the past few years, there have been calls for the merger of the Quartz and Silver Alliances, so that the Kanto and Chengdu regions can be restored to the former Kanto region.

According to the original plan, the maglev train traveling between the two regions can actually be regarded as a testimony of the reconciliation between the two regions.

It's a pity that it was bombed by the Rockets not long ago.

Despite this, Guandong and Chengdu will eventually merge in the next two years, which is an irresistible trend.

At that time, the Quartz and Silver Conferences will naturally become the Kanto Conference, allowing the two conferences, which were originally professional and were about to fall below the amateur level, to return to normal levels.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, Eden and I only have the goal of winning the championship." Zhou You didn't care at all. "No matter how the rules change or the scale expands, all I have to do is win all the way to the end."

Seeing that Zhou You was so angry, Dr. Omu immediately understood that the young man in front of him did not need to worry about him from the beginning.

So he decisively turned around, picked up a package from the table and handed it to the other party: "I feel more relieved if you have this confidence. This is a gift from Dr. Yamanashi, and it contains..."

Before Dr. Ohki could finish speaking.

The illustrated book in Zhouyou's pocket that triggered the alarm function rang with a penetrating ringtone, and his face suddenly turned black as if he had heard the ringing of a life-threatening bell.

"Doctor, if you have any questions, we can wait until tonight or tomorrow." Zhou You showed a desperate smile, "I have to train myself and the elves."

If it's any later, I won't be able to sleep if I can't complete today's training...

Dr. Oak: "?"

Is it so curly?

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