This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 165 One day’s leftovers and the fairies

Without the assistance of various high-end resources and treasures of heaven and earth, the accumulation of fire attribute energy is a matter of time.

Physics-based attacks such as flame punch/cleave are okay. Muscular strength and melee skills are relatively easy to get started with. However, moves that rely on energy, temperature, and strength such as flame spray, large-scale explosion, and purgatory are more powerful. If you want to come up, you have to wait for the energy level and total to increase.

Even though Arthur has now evolved into a fire dinosaur, he is still just a child under 1 year old after all, and he is still underage.

The factor of age makes it impossible for it to possess a large amount of pure, high-quality fire energy.

One bite cannot make you fat, no matter who you are.

After talking about this matter with Arthur before, Eden has been thinking about how to solve this problem, but no matter what, he can only come up with the same answer as Zhou You once gave - don't worry.jpg

Can't you be in a hurry!

Until noon this day.

Eden found Zhanfan taking a nap with more than a dozen little fairy dogs under the shade of a tree by the water. The body shape was about two centimeters wider than the average wind speed dog, making it quite recognizable.

"Leftover, are you taking a nap with the little fairy milk again?"

"Yes, where is Jojo?"

"Jojo is taking a nap."

Looking at the dog who was not affected by the scorching summer sun at all, Eden asked curiously: "Speaking of which, I really can't believe that you maintain the amount of exercise that exceeds Reshiram's requirements every day. Logically speaking, you are so diligent. You should have lost weight a long time ago, but why do I feel like you are getting fatter and fatter? Can you really learn how to gain weight if you continue like this? "

For the Wind Speed ​​Dog race, the "Divine Speed" move is something that can only be encountered but cannot be sought. It is said that only one individual selected from a million can directly master it during evolution, so there is no need to force it when traveling around.

After all, the so-called "divine speed" mastered by the vast majority of wind speed dogs is actually just a relatively proficient "flash of lightning".

The flash of lightning struck by the ignition-driven constant energy-accumulating flames that Shanfan had trained all the time to run for food has actually surpassed most of the police's intimidating wind speed dogs in terms of speed.

Even though it's really fat, the fire-starting properties are really handy.

Hearing Eden mention that he was getting fatter, the smile that appeared on Shanfan's face when he saw his teammates froze on the spot.

Gouzi immediately held his head in despair and started whimpering: "Is there any way? He eats more because he needs to store a lot of energy to activate his fire-generating properties. He is obviously serious about keeping fit and losing weight by running circles, but even drinking cold water makes him grow longer." Meat!”

Eden thought it was true. In fact, Zhou You had already strictly controlled the diet of leftovers. He asked breeders and researchers to feed him light fitness food that was low in calories, low in fat, and high in protein.

However, this dog has a physique that makes him gain weight even if he drinks cold water, which is simply inexplicable!

Especially after returning to the Damu Research Institute and having someone specially provide it with healthy meals, the weight of the leftover food increased even faster than during the previous trip! ?

No wonder Zhanfan feels aggrieved when he hears weight mentioned.

There is no solution to this!

If you continue to gain weight like this, sooner or later you won’t even be able to use the leftover food anymore...

"Don't be sad about the leftovers, I'll give you this!"

Seeing the dog's aggrieved look, a little fairy milk couldn't help but secrete a large ball of delicious fresh cream and fed it into the dog's mouth.

"Thank you!" After taking a bite of sweets, Gouzi seemed to be in a better mood.

The cream secreted by fairy milk contains trace amounts of calming ingredients.


When Eden saw this, he used illusion to make three question marks appear on top of his head.

Wait, something seems not quite right.

"Leftovers, does Xiaoxian Milk often give you the food just now?" it asked hurriedly, "And you have been eating it secretly?"

"Yeah, don't they usually give you desserts? Oh, don't worry, this won't affect your weight loss. Something of this weight shouldn't have many calories."

Eden: "..."

During the trip, Fairy Milk-007 did share the cream it made with everyone every now and then. Qiao Qiao also occasionally used this cream to be further processed into desserts at the Fairy Center.

But the reason why Xiaoxian Milk gave them the cream was basically to give some to others while giving it to the leftovers.

Well, Xiaoxian Milk is mainly feeding leftover rice.

In other words, at other unknown times, Xiaoxian Milk may have fed the leftovers more cream?

Eden glanced at the 14 little fairy milk clinging to Zhanfan's body.

It seems to understand why the other party has been losing weight and trying to learn the magic speed, but the weight is still increasing, and the increase has become even more exaggerated after returning to the Oak Research Institute.

"Leftovers, don't mean that as long as you eat less, they will be lower in calories!" Eden asked helplessly, "Did you know that fairies like Fairy Milk and Frost Milk Fairy have aliases?"

Gouzi didn't seem to understand this very well: "?"

"Butter itself is a very high-calorie food. The fresh cream made into essence leads to a large increase in calories, such as fairy milk and frost milk fairy, which are called calorie bombs by humans!

"Especially the Frost Milk Fairy. This kind of fairy can even generate unlimited cream under extreme circumstances. It will wildly fire fresh cream missiles with 100,000 calories in each shot. Just being hit will force you to fall into a state of sedation and coma, and you will eat One bite will last you a week!”

Although the Fairy Milk is just a degenerate form of the Frost Milk Fairy, the heat it possesses can be seen clearly.

No wonder Leftover has always been fat and fat, and after evolving into a wind speed dog, he is even bigger than other members of the same race (the green one).

There are 14 little fairy milks that are producing cream and feeding leftover rice. They have been eating this kind of food as snacks?

After listening to Eden's explanation, Gouzi fell into a state of bewilderment and confusion.

Just, you can’t eat it anymore?

The leftover rice wilted immediately: "Wang understands, I will control it in the future, and I can only eat one bite at most every day."

"It's not just one bite, it's not one bite until you lose weight and learn to be fast!"

After instructing the dog, Eden turned to look at the little fairy breasts growing on each other's body: "You too, if you don't want the leftover rice to become a fat ball like you, don't feed it any more cream. If you want to feed it, just feed it." Go feed Dr. Oak and other humans, since there won’t be much calories if they are evenly distributed among them.”

"Got it."*14

"You can't eat fresh cream, but what about sugar?" Zhanfan suddenly asked another question, "Since last month, Fairy Milk has often condensed sugar to make candies for Wang to eat. Can't she eat it too?"

Ah this.

How much leftover food was eaten without anyone knowing...

In case the other party eats and drinks randomly because he doesn't know what is high in calories, Eden said decisively and solemnly: "You can't eat it. You can't eat anything except nutritious meals given by humans. If there is any leftover sugar, I will confiscate it!" "

I was so miserable about the leftovers that I handed over a lot of high-calorie candies that I had saved for dessert after the meal.

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