As a newborn Pokémon, the young titmouse is blessed by nature.

In terms of genes, it inherited the intelligence and aggressiveness of the Steel Crow and the Warrior Eagle. During the incubation period, it experienced a lot of adventures in dangerous areas with different climates. During this period, it also shared its vitality with Zhou You. Not long after it was born, it began to receive guidance from Reshiram.

Recently, Eden fed it a lot of milk candies with magical effects.

This makes the qualifications and growth of this young titmouse different from ordinary people. While it excels in the four aspects of physical attack, special attack, special defense, and speed (but its HP and physical defense are very average), its growth rate is also shocking to many bird-attributed Pokémon in the research institute.

It was born just one month ago, and it has mastered the five skills of arrogance, claw sharpening, random attack, pecking, and provocation.

All day long, it relies on sharp eyes to find a Pokémon, provoke it, and start fighting.

While it is constantly injured, its combat awareness and experience are also increasing day by day.

Because it was only born one month ago, although its level has grown rapidly, it has not yet evolved.

But at this rate, this youngest young titmouse will sooner or later become one of the main forces in the traveling team.

Relatively speaking, the Leafeon that was rescued by Green from the Rocket Team base has grown very slowly.

It lacks talent and is weak. Although it has avoided genetic collapse after evolving into a Leafeon, it needs a long period of conditioning to recover its health due to its past experiences.

Even Reshiram thinks that what it needs most at present is to regulate its body through photosynthesis and the care of the breeder, so it has not arranged any intense physical training for it.

Meditation training and the cultivation of mental power have been going on all the time.

After all, this Leafeon is timid by nature and will run away on the spot when it is indecisive. If it does not develop strong willpower and mental strength, the excellent melee physical attack of the racial advantage will not be able to be exerted at all.

This afternoon, when Eden found it in the grassland area, he found that Leafeon skipped the daily battle practice and slept with a large number of grass-type elves in a hidden corner.

"Leaflet, you ran away again during the researcher's physical examination today." Looking at the comfortable Leaflet, Eden was also quite helpless, "Do you still have a psychological shadow on the researcher? The people in the Oak Research Institute are all from a regular background. You don't have to worry about them abusing you."

Having said that, the various tortures suffered when he was an Eevee still bring great psychological shadows to the current Leaflet.

As a result, even if it likes the peaceful atmosphere of the Oak Research Institute very much, it still feels a deep fear of humans, especially those wearing white coats.

Just like this morning, when Leaflet was touched during a routine physical examination, it ran away at an amazing speed that was enough to leave visual residue in its eyes.

The desires of the elves will be reflected in their talents to a certain extent.

The Leaflet, who was full of desire to escape, was so fast that the comfort bell given by Eden to it did not have time to ring, and even the cameras spread across hundreds of positions in the Oak Research Institute could not capture its figure!

This is no longer a normal escaping characteristic. Eden suspected that there was something wrong with the determination of the illustrated book. In fact, Leafeon maintained the chlorophyll characteristics normally after mutation.

Fortunately, Leafeon trusted Eden very much and let him leave an anchor point for teleportation on himself, otherwise the people in the institute might not be able to find it when it didn't want to.

"I still don't like humans. Of course, if Qiao Qiao gives me a physical examination, I can accept it."

Seeing Eden coming, Leafeon stretched comfortably and changed to a lying position: "Do you want to take an afternoon nap together?"

"I forget it." Eden shook his head.

Zorroa and Leafeon are both land groups, and they are opposite sexes. Eden doesn't want to get too close to each other.

"As for asking Qiao Qiao to check your health as before, it is probably impossible in the short term. He has been practicing a very destructive black sword move based on dragon slaying these days: Killing Second Style, and he can't spare time to deal with other things for the time being."

Perhaps because of his trainer's determination to slack off, Eden paused for a moment before continuing to suggest: "How about letting Qing Lu check your health? Do you still remember that he saved you from Team Rocket?"

Because Pidgeot, who was pierced by Beedrill, almost died due to untimely treatment, Qing Lu, who was hit for a while, had no time to distract himself and handed Eevee to Zhou You.

Leaflete naturally still remembered and was grateful to the boy who pulled him out of the culture medium with a crazy face.

But how to say it, it felt that Qing Lu and its personality (cowardly) were a bit incompatible.

"If it's Green, it's fine, but it would be nice if he could be a little calmer like Qiao Qiao."

As he spoke, Leafeon yawned casually: "Eden, how about you just do the physical examination for me?"

Although he was afraid of human researchers, it wouldn't be a big problem if it was an elf.

Faced with Leafeon's invitation, Eden calmly opened a protection - if he was hit by a yawn, he would fall asleep after a while.

"Oh, don't mess with me. I have something to do later. Then it's settled. When Qiao Qiao doesn't have time to do the physical examination for you in the future, let Green do it.

"These are the soul milk candies that the little fairy milks have worked hard to improve. Since you are so free, try them and provide feedback."

After that, without waiting for Leafeon to refuse, Eden threw down the improved version of the soul milk candy and left in a hurry.

"Alas, if you don't exercise a lot after eating milk candy, you will get fat. If you get fat, I..."

As for Ye Yibu's complaint, Eden, who didn't look back, naturally didn't hear it at all.

It also has to wander around the Oak Research Institute to find feedback from various elves who have eaten candy.

It has to be said that the saying "there is strength in numbers" also applies to elves.

After Eden distributed the secret: bitter ingredients to the other 13 fairy milks, they realized that researching improved candies could gain positive emotional energy, and they all joined in and worked together to study toffee with Fairy Milk No. 007. of production.

Recently, the diet at the institute has inevitably become bitter.

But it’s also the bitter taste of happiness.

Compared with researchers who have made no progress in industrialization, the fairy milks who are born to make delicious food work hard every day to produce low-calorie, high-effect awakening toffee that can be eaten as leftovers. Get closer to the extreme bitterness displayed by the seasoning.

The effects of toffee are increasing day by day, even to the point where they are visible to the naked eye!

Take Xiaozhi's giant claw crab as an example. The originally underdeveloped and thin giant crab became stronger than the outstanding individual Qinglu caught after being fed milk candy for a month, and even its level gradually soared to 30.

If the trainer hadn't brought an aphrodisiac stone because the elf he gave to the doctor was not suitable for casual evolution, this giant claw crab would have evolved into a giant claw crab long ago.

It's a pity that no matter how hard the fairy milks work, the calories of the milk candy after the enhanced effect will inevitably increase significantly.

After all, it is a calorie bomb made from cream.

It also means that no matter which elf in the research institute can feed you candy, it can only eat leftovers...

As a result, the little fairies who felt a little frustrated worked harder.

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