This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 170 It’s time for the opening remarks

“Mysterious pocket creatures, or Pokémon for short, are some of the most incredible creatures on this planet.

“They are in the water, in the fire, in the forest, in the earth, in the clouds, in her skirt, they can be seen everywhere in the world.

"Humans and Pokémon have formed various bonds and live harmoniously in this world.

"Then, this boy is Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, and he and his partner Pikachu continue their training journey with the goal of being a Pokémon master.

"There are as many dreams as there are Pokémon. There are as many adventures as there are Pokémon."

It was approaching noon, and Zhou You, who was waiting for Xiaogang to finish lunch, seemed to suddenly trigger some mechanism and start talking to himself.

"Anyway, finding an elf in her skirt is too much!" Xiaoxia on the side said angrily, "How can anyone put an elf ball close to their body?"

Yes, there is a person named Xiaolan who specializes in hiding balls in his chest.

Xiaozhi worriedly waved his hand in front of the other person: "The fever you had a while ago hasn't gone away yet. Why do you start introducing me to the air?"

"No, I'm just formally introducing you to Marshado who is hiding in your shadow."

Faced with the worries of fellow travellers, Zhou You said with a normal expression: "After all, the Phoenix King is losing hair all over the world. When you climb Tianqing Mountain to complete the Rainbow Hero's trial, it's time for Mashado to leave you and find the next trialist. "

"Oh, that's how it is……"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but sigh when he heard the words. He didn't expect that before he became friends with Marshado, the other party was about to leave.

However, there is actually no need to worry about separation.

A week after setting off from Zhenxin Town, Xiaozhi and Zhou Yu came to Joban City to meet up with Gang and Kasumi who had gone home temporarily. They had just left Nibi City and were about to arrive at Miacha Mountain not far away. That’s all.

There is actually still a long way to go from Tianqing Mountain, the highest peak of the Yunying Mountains in the far northwest.

However, traveling around has become a bit overwhelming...

After traveling in a team with Xiaozhi, two or three trainers would appear on the road almost every day to challenge them and the group. Every two days, they would encounter incidents of various sizes, and every now and then Team Rocket would come over to launch a surprise attack!

Until he teamed up with Xiaozhi, Zhou You didn't know that there were so many trainers in this world!

After all, the World Cup is so popular on earth that it fascinates countless people around the world. Every time it is held, it is a carnival for spectators, businesses, fans, and gamblers. How many people are willing to go to the football field to play even once after work? Football?

People like to sit in the audience and watch comfortably rather than put themselves in their shoes and fight hard. Even if they are determined for a moment, they will give up decisively due to setbacks and the difficulty of seeing the rewards of their efforts over the years, and return to their daily lives to raise two lovely dogs. Ornamental elves live a stable life.

In fact, according to alliance statistics, the number of trainers as a profession accounts for less than 0.5% of the total population.

But after teaming up with Xiaozhi, I bumped into wild trainers every day!

This is not the most outrageous thing, after all, a moderate amount of side plots can also be used as adjustments.

The most important thing is that Xiaoxia and Xiaogang are complete road addicts. In the wild environment, as long as they disappear from sight after walking around two corners, they will show you how lost they are on the spot.

Xiaozhi is a relatively mild road addict. However, his problem is that he is attracted to everything on the road. He is selfless and arbitrary in chasing various elves. As long as he is not looking at it for a while, he will disappear while playing with Pikachu.

Traveling with these three people, if you don't want to get lost and end up at grandma's house, you must always pay attention to Xiaozhi's movements and the direction Xiaogang is leading.

After traveling around for more than half a month, Reshiram reluctantly admitted that "weight-bearing walking" can be regarded as physical exercise. Mental exercise can be carried out during the night rest, but only these two hours of teaching moves every day are absolutely impossible to escape. of.

One thing to say, in this state, I really can’t stand the frequency of Xiaozhi’s side quests...

After lunch, while Zhi Gangxia and the others were resting, he reluctantly led the elves to a shady and secluded place.

With only five of them, Eden, Arthur, Leftover, Ye Yibu, and Baby Tit, Xiaoxian Nai decided to develop low-calorie and low-sugar awakening toffee as soon as possible and stayed in Zhenxin Town.

After more than a month, the elves in the team have made great progress.

Eden is still stuck at level 49 and cannot be moved, but after getting the Evil Face Slate, it has a higher understanding of evil moves. Unlike black glasses, which are amplification props that only take effect when worn, the slate provides comprehension and energy bonuses. Seems to be permanent.

Arthur successfully reached level 33 and evolved into a fire-breathing dragon in advance a week ago. In fact, this growth and evolution speed is a bit abnormal, mainly because of Zhou You's vitality, the candy from the fairy milk, the guidance of Director Lai, and the previous evolution on Red Lotus Island. The excessive increase obtained caused the level to skyrocket within a certain limit.

The leftover food is still the same as before. Fortunately, it is finally starting to lose weight after being on a strict diet. Therefore, Zhou You recently agreed to smack a toffee every day.

Ye Yibu's strength has not improved at all, but his body has finally become healthy. In his free time, he also practiced many techniques to make his moves more gorgeous according to the ideas provided by Zhou You.

Baby tits... tap away, tap away, tap away!

After feeding each of the elves an awakening toffee, today's practice inevitably began.

The only thing that surprised Zhou You was that Xiaozhi's fire dinosaur also joined the two days of training, running up to Arthur who evolved into a fire-breathing dragon, and imitating him.

This move is actually a bit reckless. After all, Charizard is a solitary creature. If they gather like Charizard Valley, the only purpose is to challenge and compete for territory.

Fortunately, the characters of Dr. Oki's three members are basically impeccable, and Zhou You has always been particularly attentive in teaching the elves positive values. Even now that he has evolved into the final stage of the fire-breathing dragon, Arthur's temper cannot be offended. It's basically quite gentle - even Zhou You rubs its belly and complains, "Let's lose weight."

At most, it's just a symbolic burst of flames, which can be caught with bare hands without relying on the giant beast.

Arthur acquiesced to Xiaozhi's Fire Dinosaur learning it, but Zhouyou was not very optimistic about this kind of imitation. As we all know, Xiaozhi's special move is to throw on the earth, and some of the skills he taught Arthur were not suitable for Xiaozhi. A smart quick-attack style of play.

First of all, Xiaozhi's fire dinosaur does not have Reshiram's personal guidance on how to guide the cyan flame that can only be triggered occasionally when the fire-breathing dragon race is enraged, nor does it have Arthur's weird talents in the flying system.

Even the same elves have different training directions.

Xiaozhi didn't care about this. Seeing that Fire Dinosaur was training so enthusiastically and hard today, he decisively ran over and stayed with Fire Dinosaur to exercise together and cheer him up.

Anyway, as long as the bond is in place, the alpaca will be broken into pieces directly for you.

At this moment, Xiaozhi's passive was activated again, and two trainers who looked like mountain men came upon hearing the sound.

The trainer's rule is to start fighting within five seconds of meeting each other. The battle is about to break out!

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