This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 189 My Nan Xiaoniao (crossed out) Mumu Xiao has a dream

Seeing humans and a group of elves staring at him, Nan Xiaoniao, who was standing upside down on a branch, tightened his body, moved a few steps, and then inserted his head into a leaf.

You can’t see me, you can’t see me, you can’t see me.jpg

"Grrrrrrrrrr..." But its stomach made an unsatisfactory sound.

Zhou You laughed uncontrollably: "You must be an elf who got lost with your trainer, right? Since you're hungry, why don't you come over and eat something?"

There are probably no wild wood owls in Kanto. These are probably free-range or lost elves.

However, famous attractions like Rota Street often have foreign tourists. It is normal for some foreign elves to be nearby. In more extreme cases, it may cause ecological invasion. Isn't that how the leaves' Oops mushrooms come from?

"Guluuluulu..." Completely indifferent.

Seeing that Nan Xiaotiao had no intention of moving, Zhou You speculated that the other party was probably frightened by the group of elves around him. After all, there were indeed many trainers who would attack wild elves without explanation when they saw them.

So he simply picked out an orange fruit and threw it not far away, bending a piece of weeds.

"Okay, let's eat ours."

After a while, the unique aroma of the skewers will overflow.

During this period, Nan Xiaoniao flew quietly to the orange fruit and took a few mouthfuls of it. He lurked in the grass and stared at the food on the fire.

Step after step, he sneaked past with concentration.

My Nan Xiaoniao (crossed out) Mumu Xiao has a dream, that is to become a forest hero who robs the rich and helps the poor!

According to legend, in the distant past, the Mumuxiao family crossed the ocean from a distant country to this continent and settled in this miraculous creation of nature - the original tree of the world.

The giant tree formed by this rock mountain commemorates the aura of heaven and earth, and gathers the dragon veins from all directions, forming a special ecological environment. Even the elves in the ancient times can adapt to the sudden change of the environment with the help of the power of the veins and survive to this day.

The Mumu Xiao tribe has also changed due to this special environment.

As we all know, the Mumuxiao family is the shooters of the jungle, the assassins of the night, and the elegant elves. Their flight feather projection skills are the best among all bird-type Pokémon.

However, after arriving at the original tree of the world on this continent, the tribesmen who were far away from the forest did not want to make progress and gradually forgot the shooting skills that they relied on for survival.

What's worse is that in order to adapt to the rocky mountain terrain of the original tree of the world, they started to practice fighting skills!

As for the Mumu Owls who have adapted to the environment, the Mumu Owls born from their offspring will evolve to the point where their grass-green feathers will turn red when sniping at Tree Owls. Their muscles, physique, and melee performance are also far superior to those of the first generation. A generation of snipers shooting tree owls.

Compared to the rangers who use dense forest terrain to ambush enemies and accurately shoot headshots from a kilometer away, the new generation of sniper tree owls have become fighters who are more advocating powerful kicking skills that can even kick rocks into pieces.

It's simply... disgraceful and extremely rude!

How could I, a hen, do such a thing as fall from the sky and kick the enemy over!

What a shame!

Therefore, since I was very young, I have been yearning for it when I heard the stories of my ancestors who traveled through the mountains and forests with only one bird and one arrow, performing chivalrous acts of justice, robbing the rich and giving to the poor.

The kind of elegant fighting style that hides in the shadows, kills the enemy with every arrow, scares the villains into panic and flees in panic, is the most suitable for him.

Therefore, Mumuxiao took advantage of the commotion caused by Lord Phoenix's visit to the World's Original Tree and ran away from home. He decided to stay away from this place where dragon veins gathered, hoping to regain his former glory.

My Nan Xiaoniao (crossed out) Mumu Xiao has a dream, that is to become a forest hero who robs the rich and helps the poor!

Mumu Xiao decided to grab food directly from the humans in front of him.

I have to say that it/she is indeed a bit brave. He didn't even care about two fire elves who were obviously far stronger than him. He decided to take chestnuts from the fire and rob the rich people who traveled around to help his own poverty.


But my stomach growled unsatisfactorily, and I was in such a hurry that I didn't have time to eat. I couldn't feel full even if I only ate one orange fruit.


Hearing the familiar voice again, Zhou You's chatting and laughing with the elves came to an abrupt end, and he invariably looked at Mu Mu Xiao, who was thirty centimeters to Zhou You's right.

Not to mention, in the grass at night, the wooden owl, which has a protective color and is good at sneaking, is really hard to find.

"Want to eat?"

Zhou You casually stretched out the skewers in his hand to Mu Mu Xiao to see how hungry the fat chicken was.

"Du'er!" Seeing that he had been discovered, Mumuxiao turned his head arrogantly, not looking at the skewers stretched out.

I don’t want food given to me for free by others, I want to grab it myself!


Mumu Xiao's words will be dealt with directly by the whole family.

You don’t want it for free and you have to grab it yourself?

With a strange look on his face, Zhou You pointed to the location not far away where he had just thrown the orange fruit: "If you really don't eat the food that comes to you, why is the orange fruit I just threw there gone?"

"Dulu!?" Mu Mu Xiao was shocked.

You understand what the elves say! ?

Only elves can understand human language without any obstacles. It has never heard of humans being able to understand the language of elves!

"No, how is this possible?" Zhou Youxiao said proudly, "I just relied on my expression and eyes and combined with the context to infer the meaning."

The reading comprehension of classics can be analyzed from a strange light to a thousand words.

Nan Xiao... Mumu Xiao nodded in understanding, thoughtfully.

Then it invisibly got a little closer to Zhou You, and called out friendly and curiously: "Du'er?"

Stupid human being, so you are just guessing?


Zhou You smacked his lips while eating in front of Nanmu Muxiao, and slowly finished the skewers in his hand.

"Since you don't like to accept charity from others, why not have a battle with my cub, and if you win, I will allow you to come and earn a living."

Before he finished speaking, Dai Duozi, who was waiting on Arthur's shoulder to feed the skewers to the only one with upper limbs, flew into the air of Mumu Owl and started provoking condescendingly.





While the two birds were quarreling, the latter's stomach growled unsatisfactorily again.

Mumu Xiao, who was tired, hungry and angry after running away from home, accepted the showdown between bird-type elves on the spot.

"OK OK."

Zhou You clapped his hands to attract the attention of the two little ones. After eating and drinking, he leaned on the Wind Speed ​​Dog and said, "In that case, you two should stay away and go play on the lake. Don't look back and raise the wind and sand to mess up the ingredients and the bonfire." , then none of us will be able to eat.

"The rules are one-on-one, so there's no need for a referee, and I won't order my cubs. It's just about high and low, not life and death. The winner comes back to eat barbecue."

After listening to Zhou You's rules, the two birds flew to the lake respectively.

The moon is shining brightly at night, and the autumn dew is thick.

There seemed to be lightning and flint looming between the two bird-type elves who were staring at each other fiercely!

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