Even though they had the will to not admit defeat and persevere, there was still a difference in the degree of training between the two sides. Arthur finally extinguished the flame vortex first and lost the ability to fight, and the big rock snake also loosened its bonds.

Before Arthur fell from mid-air to the sharp rocks on the ground, Zhou You took his elf ball back, shrunk it and put it in his pocket.

"You've done a good job. Now let's leave it to Zhanfan and Eden." In his pocket where no one could see, he immediately lit his own flame to provide treatment for Arthur.

"I was able to fight to the end against my big rock snake. That little fire dragon's willpower is really strong."

Xiaogang squinted his eyes and looked at his big rock snake.

The whole body was slightly burned, and the area used to tie up the Charmander was severely burned, even showing traces of scorch. He was panting and waiting for the next elf from his opponent.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly. Ever since his father, Wu Neng, took over the gym, he had seen all kinds of trainers and elves every year, but he had never seen Yu Sanjia, who could forcibly trigger the fire feature as soon as he came on the field.

From the very beginning, he seriously misjudged Charmander's remaining physical strength and mistakenly thought that the opponent could be easily defeated by just relying on the invisible rock of the small fist stone and the binding of the big rock snake. This made him almost get beaten twice.

The entanglement is in place, the tactics are clear, the enemy is weak, and the will is tenacious... So what the hell does it mean to be full of blood and fire at the beginning! ?

"Come back, Big Rock Snake." Xiaogang shook his head helplessly, and took back the Big Rock Snake, "Congratulations, Qiaoqiao, you have passed the test."

"Aren't you going to continue the fight? I think your Big Rock Snake should still be able to fight. I also have two elves left." Zhou You said in confusion.

The remaining elves he had were the leftovers who had just joined the team three hours ago, and Eden, who had been gearing up and waiting to appear.

Leaving aside the Kati dog as a police dog, with the posture of the big rock snake, Eden will most likely be able to deal with it with just one evil wave.

Although I am very sure that I will win, I still feel like there is something wrong with me until the end of the game...

"I know that Big Rock Snake can continue to fight, but there is no need to do so. Whether the badge is issued depends not only on the victory or defeat, but more importantly, it tests the opponent's ability as a trainer."

And Zhou You has obviously passed the test.

As he spoke, Xiaogang took out a badge and a paper scroll from his arms and came to him.

"This gray badge recognized by the Pokémon League is yours, and there is also this scroll, which is one of the training experiences summarized by our dark gray gym. It will make you more comfortable teaching "patience" to the elves. "

Looking at the badge and secret book that were thrust into Xiaogang's hands, Zhou You nodded politely to thank him, and then registered his participation information on the instrument with the other party.

At the same time, Xiaozhi finally broke away from Xiaoxia and ran over.

"Congratulations, Qiao Qiao!"

"Pika!" Pikachu, who took out two small folding fans from nowhere, also celebrated.

"But you are too cunning!" Xiaozhi, who was about to burst into tears as he recalled the past, said, clenching his hands into fists, "You forced me to memorize the elf habits and move restraint list for so long, but in the end, when it was my turn, I took the The restrained Charmander challenges the gym! "

"This is called tactics." Zhou You spread his hands and said, "And who told me to only have fire elves?"

"That's a bit lame, I already have a lot of elves!" Xiaozhi complained, and then sent out all his elves as if to show off.

Pikachu, Baddie, Pidgeot... seems to be all restrained by Xiaogang!

"As expected of you." Zhou You laughed.

Looking at the familiar faces sent by Xiaozhi, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Who would have known at the beginning that this electric mouse, which Xiaozhi described as "looking as many as wild dogs on the roadside (Carty: "?")" would become the world's number one companion that has accompanied Xiaozhi on his twenty-year journey. What about IP mascots?

Without chatting with Xiaozhi for too long, Zhou You said goodbye to Xiaogang on the pretext of treating Charmander and Xiaozhi, who planned to challenge the gym owner immediately.

Before leaving, he looked at the bird that had folded its wings and landed on Xiaozhi's shoulder. After thinking about it for a moment, he reminded him: "Then I'll leave first. Xiaozhi, you must remember that all the words you said must be kept." ah."

"I know, I know." Xiaozhi obviously failed to understand what he meant. "I borrowed that GBC before and will return it to you when I return to Zhenxin Town."

Oh, there’s no need to worry, Zhou You thought.

The GBC that Xiaozhi took away from the research institute last time was actually green, and he himself is a Sega fan. Since there are only any series consoles in the world, he has never played related games.

After bidding farewell to Xiaogang, Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia, Zhou You did not go to the Elf Center as he said, but went to the Friendship Store and then set off directly towards Yuejian Mountain.

"I thought I could easily win with more than 20 years of experience, but now it seems I'm still far behind."

On the way, he simply let Arthur go and play with Zhengfan. At this time, Arthur had already recovered from his pain and physical strength by the flames from the Phoenix Feather.

"It's good that you're okay, Arthur. Thank you for your willingness to fight when there is a huge disparity in strength between the enemy and us."

"Wow!" Arthur breathed out a flame full of energy, as if to say that this was nothing.

"Woof!" Zhanfan also spit out a mouthful of fire in the same manner.

"Yes, but the battle cannot always be conducted like this time, after understanding the enemy's lineup and even tactics in advance."

There are 8 badges required to join the Quartz Alliance. There are a dozen gyms in Kanto recognized by the alliance. The attributes and spirits they are good at can be said to be public to a certain extent.

Under such circumstances, the gym challenge is not so much a "challenge"/"kick the gym" as it is an "assessment"/"examination". Only those who have passed so many battle tests are eligible to participate in the competition.

But from the moment you participate in the competition, the elves and tactics chosen by your opponent are basically unknown. Unless you are a top trainer who has been famous for a long time, it is difficult to know how to "target" it.

"A fighting method that only has tactics is like a tree without roots. No matter how many words you talk about on paper, it is just empty. So whether it is you or me, we must first become stronger."

Level up!

Just two words, but it is the simplest essence.

However, this most convenient and quickest method in the game is a bit troublesome to implement in reality. There are three main reasons:

First, Charmander and Cady Dog are both fire-type, and there is no way they can fight in places with many people and objects;

The strange-colored Zoroa is an elf smuggled to Kanto by Team Rocket. It is too rare and easy to be remembered, and it is difficult for him to show his face directly.

The most important thing is that if Zoroa doesn't kill him at first sight, he will almost directly lose half of his characteristics.

Second, elves are extremely vulnerable to injuries during battle training, and their physical strength is not infinite. The time they can fight every day is limited.

Third, even if the elves rely on the flames of the phoenix to continuously replenish their physical strength and heal their wounds, their mental fatigue is still unavoidable, and more nutrients are needed to replenish the energy consumed in training.

So is there any way to avoid these three problems?

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