The next day, the Quartz Conference officially opened.

Without thinking, Zhou You skipped the boring opening ceremony in the morning - you thought you were holding a sports meeting here - slept until noon, washed up and had dinner, then headed to the water venue to participate in the first round of knockout matches.

It had been several months since he embarked on the journey, and now that he finally set foot on the arena of the Alliance Conference, Zhou You felt a little bit excited.

"This is the first time I've really stood on the field." He murmured softly, "How far can I achieve it?"

"First, we must completely defeat Qinglu, then use the authority of the winner of the conference to challenge the Champions League, and challenge the four kings in succession to become the champion!" Eden gave the answer without thinking.

"Good idea, let's work hard towards this goal."

At this moment, the battle between the previous group of players ended, and the referee announced the result and began to call the next group to enter the venue.

Zhou You quickly adjusted his breathing and regained his composure, calmly walked out of the players' tunnel, and climbed onto the high platform specially provided for trainers.

Seeing the contestants enter the venue, the referee introduced to the audience: "Next is the third match on the water venue, between Jiang Gele's Duowu and Zhenxin Town's Zhouyou!"

Zhou You subconsciously glanced at Duowu, who was dozens of meters away.

A green-haired young man wearing a momentum belt and a white shirt and pink jacket. Judging from his age, he should have about 10 years of experience as a trainer. Even if he is not doing his job properly, he will not be skewered by a hairy crab, right?

Sensing Zhou You's gaze, Dawu seemed to want to say something.

However, in this noisy environment with an open air and full of spectators, it was obviously impossible to convey the words to the opponent's trainer without raising his voice, so Dowu had to give up.

As the name suggests, the water venue is a large open-air swimming pool. In order to provide a foothold for the terrestrial elves, a large number of circular floating boards have been set up.

Zhou You couldn't help but wonder what would happen if a trainer chose to use elves like Three Gophers in such a venue?

“The one on the green side, Yuu, is a new trainer who has just embarked on his journey this year, and the one on the red side, Tatake, is a star trainer who is very popular with his gorgeous performances.

"The number of elves used is limited to 3. The third game of the Water Field will now officially begin!"

Just as Zhou You's mind was drifting into the distance, a gunshot was heard from the referee's seat, symbolizing the start of the battle!

"Ye Yibu, don't be afraid of failure, muster up the courage to go ahead." Zhou You decisively chose to try the water.

Dowuze stretched out his empty right hand and conjured a Poké Ball in front of everyone: "Go, Coconut Egg Tree!"

Two elves landed on the floating board on the surface of the pool at the same time. It was obviously a water venue, but the elves sent by the two were unexpectedly grass-type.

Compared with Duowu who uses magic tricks to win attention, Ye Yibufang, who has an elegant and delicate appearance, appeared on the stage, and the audience burst into cheers!

"Ye Yibu, sword dance!" "Coconut egg tree, hypnotism!"

Yeib, who reacts quickly, immediately danced with great energy to boost his strength as soon as he received the instruction.

In such a small venue with inconvenient dodges, Coconut Egg Tree released a hypnotic spell that under the rules of the Quartz Conference, a hit would mean an instant kill.

However, Ye Yibu's fierce sword dance and the dull, hairy new leaves that glowed emerald green under the dance easily deflected all the thought waves.

"Split it!" Zhou You took advantage of the situation and commanded.

Ye Yibu suddenly exerted force on his feet and easily jumped several meters to the floating board where the coconut egg tree was!

"Coconut egg tree, strong spirit!" Duowu shouted hurriedly.

Just when Coconut Tree, a turtle-speed elf, was concentrating on using mental force.

Rotating and jumping, Yeyibu gathered all the strength boosted by the sword dance into the tail of a famous sword——



[Cells similar to those of plants can be detected from the body hairs of leaf ebony. The hard tail can cut a large tree in two, and its sharpness is even better than that of a famous knife. 】

With a little effort, the coconut palm is just a tree.

Ye Yibu proved with facts that the strength of his tail was worthy of the word "famous sword" praised in the illustrated book.

After a split, the coconut tree fell to the ground.

Flash sale?

Zhou You himself was dumbfounded. Is this Ye Yibu only level 30?

In such a regional competition, someone could be unreasonably dropped in seconds?

If it weren't for the enthusiastic shouts from the audience, he would have even suspected that the phenomenon in front of him was just his illusion.

Got it, I just grabbed a Krypton Leaf Stone and planned to use its attributes to control the rampant water field. I am worthy of being someone who can be restrained by Xiao Zhini in a row!

"Come back, Coconut Tree."

Duowu looked carefully at the young, charming and capable Yeyibu. This strength is definitely not an elf that can be caught and trained casually and used to fight the submissive attribute. Considering the energy and time of the new trainer, this It should be the opponent's trump card, right?

But this situation was still in his calculations, so he casually threw out the flying elf he used to restrain his opponent's water attribute: "Go, Big Mouth Bat!"

"Bu Yi..." He looked back weakly at Zhou You.

Big Mouth Bat, Poison + Flying double restrain the grass type, Ye Yibu will be scared in seconds!

"Don't be nervous, Ye Yibu, haven't we already prepared the means to fight against the flying system?"

While comforting the timid Ye Yibu, Zhouyou took out the Tai Jingzhu (white) and sang: "The evening is clear and the wind has stopped, and the spring is full of power overnight. The flowers are sparse and the sky is pale, the clouds come and go, and there are a few branches of snow!"

At the same time, the Tai Jing Bead in Zhou You's palm bloomed with a brilliant light like stardust under his charge.

The life energy was transformed into the power of Tai Jing, and was transmitted through the vast connection between Zhou You and Ye Yibu.

In the blink of an eye, the grass-colored Ye Yibu was surrounded by blue crystals, and suddenly turned into a lifelike elf statue made of ice crystals!

The chill mixed with ice crystal fragments slowly spread to the surroundings, but it was not that Ye Yibu fell into a frozen state due to an unknown external force. In this state, it still responded to the movements of the big-mouthed bat flying in the sky. It obviously still maintained Normal mobility!

The referee, the field, and the audience all fell into a brief silence. It was a moment of tranquility before the storm struck. A moment later, everyone present broke out into even more fanatical shouts!

"What is that!?" In the room prepared for special guests, the Four Heavenly Kings who were watching the battle lost their consciousness and threw themselves at the screen. "Yeib, turned into an ice attribute???"

"No, Ye Yibu is just covered with a crystal shell of ice attribute." Xiba commented with a keen eye.

Juzi couldn't help but frown, and was very dissatisfied with Zhou You's behavior: "It's a very interesting trick. It should be done through the white sphere in his hand. During the game, the trainer used external force to affect the elves. Isn't this a foul?"

"As long as it does not directly have an effect on the elves that is prohibited by the rules, such as stimulants, some special abilities or props are actually allowed by the rules."

Watari, with a serious look on his face, said decisively: "This should be the Taiyinization that is still in the experimental stage in the Padia region. It is similar to Mega Evolution and Dynamax. It is not an illegal item."

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