This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 3 Zoroa who can translate

Although they were said to be 10-year-old boys traveling together, in fact the team of Zhou You, Qinglu and Ye Zi only lasted until they left Zhenxin Town.

Ye Zi, holding the illustration in hand, planned to investigate the ecology outside the town on Route 1 first, while Qinglu rushed north and vowed to win the first badge among the three.

As for traveling around, I released Eden and the newly adopted Charmander from the elf ball, and leisurely enjoyed the surrounding scenery along the way.

Road No. 1 to the north of Zhenxin Town is a relatively flat country road. You can go straight to Joban City not far away.

Changpan means evergreen.

Joban City, which is close to the Joban Forest, benefits from its close connection with nature and has evergreen vegetation all year round.

In just one or two days' journey from Zhenxin Town to Joban City, you can experience the changes in two completely different natural landscapes.

This is really a scenery that I have never experienced after working in the Black Heart Vampire Company for many years.

However, compared to traveling around, the two little elves seemed less interested in enjoying the natural scenery.

"Charmander, what do you like to eat? What tricks do you know? Do you want to come and compete? Do you just call me Charmander without a name of your own? Why don't you say anything?"

Zoroa was seen jumping around and circling the little dragon, asking various questions endlessly.

To put it bluntly, Charmander basically only communicated with the other two Yusanjia when he was in the research institute, but he rarely had the opportunity to be friends with elves in non-experimental environments like Eden.

"Okay Eden, you have to give Charmander time to adapt." Seeing Zhou You here, he couldn't help but stop Eden from chattering, "Not all elves can adapt to this method of communication from the beginning."

Even if the intelligence of elves is higher than that of pets, human language is still too complex for their vocal cords, and few elves without training are naturally able to understand human language.

※Can understand the meaning and emotion but not necessarily the literal meaning.

But an elf like Zoroa is a little bit special...

Zoroa's tribe has a mysterious talent. They can transform into humans or other elves and protect themselves from danger by hiding their true appearance. They often transform into the same appearance as their opponents, and flee when the opponent is deceived and frightened.

Just like the legendary fox demon... By the way, Zoroa's tail is exposed when he transforms into other forms, which is quite interesting.

Generally speaking, Zoroas are very timid elves. When they transform into humans, they tend to be taciturn to avoid making too many mistakes.

The few Zoroas who have overcome this weakness will communicate directly with humans through language (similar to little Zoroa in the movie version of "The Phantom Overlord").

This kind of communication is somewhat like the result of taking their talent to the extreme - hallucinating sounds that don't exist.

Eden has gone a step further in using its talent. Not only can it weave illusions into sounds so that humans can understand its own words, but it can also simultaneously interpret the words of other elves as illusions to other humans.

Of course, it is also possible to translate human words to elves who cannot understand human language.

He is just a little translator. I don’t know if any other Zoroas have developed their talents to be so practical.

It's a pity that this little fire dragon didn't seem to get used to Eden's abilities for a while, and felt a little distressed by the overly enthusiastic opponent.

"Okay, let's take a rest here."

Due to someone who overslept, the time came to noon an hour and a half after setting off. Zhou You also took Eden and Charmander to find a secluded spot to spread out the picnic cloth, and began to prepare for the first picnic of the trip.

First, slice the dried apples and wild fruits that have been roasted and dehydrated to perfection, then cut the poultry into pieces, wash them, and marinate them with cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, and pepper (of course, the finished product prepared before departure is used here).

The last half is used to skewer and grill, and the other half is mixed with chopped seasonal vegetables and steamed in a pot. The simple meat skewers and meatballs are completed.

The fruit of the apple tree is spicy but not astringent. When I was in the research institute, I noticed that this little Charmander likes this taste the most, and now it is easy to take care of it.

"It's so spicy... Qiaoqiao, you can't just forget about your old love when you have a new love!?" Seeing Charmander eating deliciously, Eden protested decisively, "I want to eat scrambled eggs with tomatoes."

What Eden hates most is spicy food, and what he likes most is algae root fruit.

It's a pity that the yield of this kind of tree fruit is low and expensive. The salary Eden earns from acting as a translator for Dr. Oak cannot satisfy its dream of swimming in the algae root fruit.

So what Zhou You prepared for him was...

"How can I bring a pot with me when traveling? I don't have a four-dimensional backpack that can even put a table, chair, and bench in it. I can only steam, roast, and cook it.

"Anyway, don't worry, yours is on the second floor - Old BJ's Mexican Hawaiian Pomelo Pizza!"

"Are there so many ingredients? It sounds delicious!"

Eden, who did not realize the dangers of people's hearts, made such a comment and decisively pounced on the pizza.

Looking at the two little ones eating happily, I felt the joy of becoming a father for the first time even though I was traveling around.

Zoroa is an elf who does not exercise much and does not need to save energy to prepare for battle. Therefore, in his diet, he pays more attention to balanced nutrition and lecithin for hair development.

Charmanders have a high amount of exercise and require a lot of energy in the body, so they need a larger food intake, as well as foods high in protein, calories, and fat. Otherwise, they are likely to be malnourished if they only eat tree fruits.

But to be honest, these two elves are actually not suitable for beginners to tame.

According to the summary of senior trainers, there are three things that beginners should avoid when choosing elves:

1. Elves who are perverse, violent, arrogant, or have difficulty establishing friendship with their trainers for other reasons.

2. It takes many years of accumulation to be able to exert power in the later stage. Even if the trainer dies of old age, the result may still be an elf in the growth stage.

3. Too many resources are required, feeding is difficult, and training investment is too large. Once care and meticulous care are lost, it is very likely to develop elves that make mistakes.

Among them, Zoroa belongs to the first type, with the disadvantages of being timid, introverted, overly intelligent, gregarious, and difficult to establish trust with humans.

As for Charmander, there are only types 1 and 3. Not only do their personalities differ greatly before and after evolution, but they also require a lot of resources to feed.

Fortunately, Eden's innate intelligence and past experiences allowed him to overcome his shortcomings of timidity, introversion, and gregariousness. The experience of growing up with Zhou You also made the relationship between the two parties good.

Charmander was sent to the institute three months after he was born. Since then, Zhou You and Qinglu have been familiar with its needs under the guidance of assistants at the institute.

Coupled with Eden's salary from helping translate, just two elves are not a problem for Zhou You.

No, after eating a large bowl of lunch, even the somewhat shy Charmander couldn't help but say something with satisfaction under Eden's translation.


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