
However, Ma Zhishi didn't take his opponent's words to heart. He was just a 10-year-old kid who had just left home, and the elves he brought were basically novice elves.

Except for the level 30 Kati dog, which is slightly lower than the police dogs trained at the Kanto Police Dog Training Base, the other elves have no bright spots.

Children's words are unbridled, and some words will not be taken seriously when uttered in the mouths of immature children.

Zhou You: Ah, yes, yes, you are an adult, you shouldn’t get angry with a 10-year-old child, right?

Some people don't mind using their age as a weapon after returning to the age group of 10 years old.

Shao Qing, an old man dressed as a gentleman came to the center of the battlefield.

"For this gym challenge, I, Olson, will be the referee."

"Old friend, I'm begging you." Ma Zhishi just smiled broadly.

This was Ma Zhishi's comrade during the war. If there was anyone he could trust, it was Olson.

"The challenger is Zhenxin Town's Zhouyou, who has 2 badges, so the battle system this time is 3v3.

“In addition, the challenged hall owner cannot be replaced, and the elves need to be sent first.

"The battle begins!"

Upon hearing the signal to start the battle, Ma Zhishi took the lead in throwing the Poké Ball on his waist.

At the same time, Zhou You dispatched the generals he had already decided on without any hesitation.

"Go, Magneto!" "Come out, Arthur!"

Two red lights flashed, and a small magnet monster and a small fire dragon were released, facing each other at both ends of the field.

No matter who the challenger is, the first elf from the museum owner is basically given away.

"Wow!" Arthur roared excitedly as soon as he landed.

Immediately it looked at the enemy on the opposite side.

Oh, it turned out to be an electric elf just as Qiao Qiao said.

The electricity elf's electric shock will paralyze itself → Once paralyzed, it will cause difficulty in movement → If the person has difficulty in movement, he will be captured by a more powerful electric shock and shot into the soul → He will be on the verge of death and the battle will be defeated.

The logic holds true.

My tail flame is already like a candle in the wind!

Fierce! Open it for me!

Before entering the battle at this moment, Arthur's tail flame was burning as fiercely as it was in the dark gray gym.

Not only that, but the hell training that lasted nearly half a month after leaving Omu Research Institute made its flames even stronger than the last time!

Ma Zhishi: "???"

Charmander with residual blood?

Is it so outrageous that you don't even want to go to the elf center to recover first and then directly challenge it?

What a terrible place it is!

"One hundred thousand volts..."

Before Ma Zhishi's instructions were conveyed, Arthur in the distance opened his mouth wide, and a spark like a pillar of fire went straight towards the little magnet.

When meeting someone, sending out a will-o'-the-wisp is the way Zhou Youjia greets you!

But occasionally I can use sparks for a while.

The steel attribute has the best resistance among the 18 attributes, but its speed is basically the lowest.

Even though Ma Zhishi's little magnet was at a higher level at this moment, it was still unable to dodge. It caught a spark in the face without any warning and then fell to the ground.


"Well done, Arthur." Zhou You encouraged him without hesitation, then raised the red and white ball to trigger the switch, "Come back and rest first."

During a regular battle, Zhou You would not bother using the Phoenix Flame to cheat.

Therefore, Arthur, who breaks free from the biological instinct to burst into flames, really deserves a full rest.

After all, small opening does not count as opening (referring to full blood and fierce fire)...

"Boy, your Charmander has been well cultivated. It seems that he has been working hard at training."

Ma Zhishi took out the second Poké Ball lightly: "But from now on, it's the real gym challenge."

The water release time is over, and then comes the real assessment!

If Ma Zhishi guessed correctly, the opponent who replaces Charmander could only be...

"Go, Thunderbolt Ball!" "Ibrahimovic, give him a surprise!"

The next moment, an elf that was half red and half white and looked like a large elf ball reappeared on the battlefield with a little fox with brown fur and a dark brown tail.

The former is a mysterious elf known as the Thunderbolt Ball, while the latter is Eevee...that's all it looks like, of course it is Eden.

Zoroa heterochromia has red eyes, blue eyebrows, hair, and foot hair, pure black hair on the neck, and dark brown/coffee color on the rest of the body.

Eevee has generally brown hair, with only a small spot on the tip of its tail being pure white.

Therefore, Eden, who has a similar coat color, recently discovered that he can transform into Eevee just by changing the way he combs his tail (to make it more fluffy), even if his tail is exposed every day.

This difference in tail color is relatively common among Eevee's, and ordinary people would just regard it as an Eevee with heterochromatic/mutated/dyed hair.

"New-born Eevee, boy, are you serious!?" Ma Zhishi's face darkened. Trainers these days are really getting worse every time.

"Haha." Zhou You smiled but said nothing.

In the first game, a weak elf is sent to steal blood. Everyone is happy if they win, but if they lose, the opponent's health line will not be healthy.

At this time, the Thunderbolt Ball was sent out to finish the damage and lower the bloodline of Kati Dog. In the end, they both died in a big explosion.

The score was brought to 2:2, relying on his Raichu's training to defeat the weaker Charmander and another miscellaneous fish.

But this is still in my calculations.jpg

The second match had just begun, and this time Ma Zhishi didn't even have the chance to issue an order, and the Thunderbolt Ball he sent out had a change!


Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Thunderbolt Ball gathered its own energy frantically and exploded on the spot!



Ma Zhishi couldn't believe it.

He was actually played by his own Pokémon?

Conveying orders through illusions, making the enemy's Pokémon explode... This is not the first time that Eden has played this.

When seeing the first kill, it is difficult for a Pokémon to react immediately to the fact that the order of its master is wrong.

"That's it, gym master? Thank you, gym master Ma Zhishi, for setting off fireworks to cheer me up." Zhou You clapped his hands, and then aimed the Poké Ball at Eden again, "Come back, Eevee, come out to play later."

Faced with this naked mockery, Ma Zhishi's face was slightly dark.

And Zhou You observed the other party with interest, wanting to see if Ma Zhishi would reveal some of his true nature.

A hero never suffers a loss in front of him?

Happy, just force the opponent to explode, isn't it good to find out the truth at once?

If it really goes wrong, the worst thing is to go back to Oak Research Institute and be a Ten-mile Sword God/No. 1 Road Champion.jpg

Reclaiming the Thunderbolt Ball that suddenly exploded for some reason, although it seemed that something was wrong, Ma Zhishi still solemnly took out his last Poké Ball.

"Don't be complacent, the real start has just begun!"

"Go, Raichu!"

"Raichu! ! ! "

The large yellow-skinned mouse, who was less light and cute and more honest and simple, appeared on the field, with lightning snakes bursting out of his cheeks, as if he was confident that he was going to kill three in a row!

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