This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 42 The trainers in your new town are somewhat evil.

I'll let you.

Hearing these words from a new trainer who had just left home for less than a month when he was ten years old, Ma Zhishi's brain went blank as if he had been subjected to a hundred thousand volts.

This couldn't help but remind him of another brown-haired hedgehog-headed boy from Zhenxin Town a week ago, Qinglu.

——1 week ago

"Is this the owner? Hahaha, you're laughing so hard. No matter how much you mess with me, you won't be beaten three times by a Rattata that I received just after leaving the village, right?"

"With your strength, you can't even defeat Xiaozhi, the weakest among the few in our Zhenxin Town."

"Hurry up, hurry up, release a few of your main elves, I haven't killed enough yet!"

"You can't beat me even with an elf that's 20 levels higher than me? How about I let Squirtle play in the next game and give it to you?"

"Are Magnemite and Shock Monster your strongest elves? Oh, don't be angry. Anyway, you can't defeat my baby even if you send stronger ones."

"I'll give you some advice before I leave. Take the time to prepare a Rotom in the next two weeks, otherwise you will be beaten to the point of losing face later.

"Haven't heard of it? Haha, I'm so ignorant!"

——End of memories

When the memory killing was over, Ma Zhishi suddenly had veins popping out. He gritted his teeth and took out the Poké Ball from the other side of his belt.

Olson, who was the referee on the side, couldn't help but frown when he saw this. Based on his understanding of his former comrades, that one should be Ma Zhishi's strongest trump card-a Raichu with a level of 44!

"This is just an ordinary gym challenge. Calm down, Ma Zhishi!" Olson shouted anxiously, "He is only a 10-year-old child, why are you angry with him!"

Last week's battle where Ma Zhishi was killed by Qinglu from Zhenxin Town was still vivid in his mind. Olson, who had narrowly escaped death in the war, had an ominous premonition.

It would be really shameless to lose to a child after pulling out trump cards one after another! ! !

"Hurry up, I'm still in a hurry to go to the vegetable market to buy groceries." Zhou You gently urged, "There's no need to wait for the sunny weather effect to end before starting the second game. I won't use the fire elf next time." Okay."

Compared to the foul-mouthed Qinglu, Zhou You is indeed a modest gentleman and as gentle as jade.


Ma Zhishi's hand holding the elf ball couldn't help but tremble. He suppressed the anger of hitting the opponent's face with the elf ball, and fixed the red and white ball containing the main Raichu back to his waist.

There is no need for adults to argue with children, and he will also receive another little girl from Zhenxin Town later... Anyway, let's get rid of this one first.

"Hahaha, you don't need to thank me, little brother. It's the responsibility of our gym owners to let them pass when they see a suitable seedling."

After taking back the elf ball, Ma Zhishi strode to Zhou You's side, hammered his shoulder hard, and then boldly extended his fist: "This is the orange badge kept by the Dead Leaf Gym."

"Then this disc is the "One Hundred Thousand Volts" skill machine, given to you. Haha, a new trainer with such potential as you shouldn't be able to win a youth competition such as the Quartz Competition, right? "

"You are now at the age when you are growing healthy. Go ahead and go home. While the market is still open, hurry up and cook to reward your elves!"

Get out of here! ! !

Taking the badge and CD from the generous man, Zhou You sighed helplessly and left the Dead Leaf Gym with the little fairy milk in his arms.

After a long time, Ma Zhishi looked at his old comrade Olsen in confusion: "The newcomers in Zhenxin Town seem to be a little evil, and so is the green one before. Is there some kind of Feng Shui treasure there?"

"Tsk tsk, the current back wave is really..."

——Half an hour later

Ye Zi who made a reservation in advance also came to the Dead Leaf Gym to challenge.

As usual, Olson explained the rules and stood in the middle as the referee. Today's final assessment of the Dead Leaf Gym began.

"Come out, Electric Eevee!"

This time, as soon as Ma Zhishi came up, he threw out one of the main players of his second echelon, a Leibu with a level of 30.

Then he looked at Ye Zi curiously: "Little girl, do you know Qinglu and Zhou You? Were they trained as trainers by their parents not long after they were born?"

Facing Ma Zhishi's question, Ye Zi remained silent, holding the Poké Ball with Bulbasaur in his backhand, and his bulging oval face under the sunhat looked a little gloomy.

Are you the only one who bullied me? I almost became autistic!

It's okay, stupid brother, my sister will take it out on you!

"I'm not very sure either. Xiao Zong, you have to go all out for today's battle." Ye Zi threw the elf ball and encouraged him gently.

"Zongzi!" Sensing the other party's anger, Bulbasaur nodded heavily.

Seeing both sides sending their own elves, Olson, who served as the referee, loudly announced: "The battle begins!"

"Leib, shadow clone!"

The effect of electric grass cutting is not good, Ma Zhishi decisively chose to increase the evasion rate in order to prevent the opponent from using three powders, which is disgusting.

In the Quartz Alliance, sleep = near death, and you must prevent the quality hypnotic powder from killing you with one hit!

But Ye Zi didn't seem to have any desire to attack: "Xiao Zong, use root and vine whip."

"Zongzi!" Bulbasaur skillfully inserted the roots into the field and stretched them downwards.

At the same time, it also stretched out two vine whips and started sweeping from the front, vowing to clear away all the afterimages in one fell swoop.

"It's a joke, missile needle!" Ma Zhishi said calmly.

Upon hearing this, Reib immediately stood up a large number of the stiff hairs on his body that were erected by electricity, and then launched them out one after another.

Since he couldn't move after taking root, Bulbasaur had no choice but to take this move.

However, it had a strong will and endured the pain, and just followed the original instructions and wiped out the entire body.

Leib's figure reappeared, and sure enough, after shooting the missile needle, it also changed its position, far away from the original trajectory of the flying needle.

"As expected of the third museum owner, Xiao Zong, let's use parasitic seeds."

"Little girl, can that slow attack hit me? Move at high speed, Reib!"

In vain, Bulbasaur shot a seed from the bulb at a projectile angle as a feint attack. Bulbasaur was not idle either. He used the time after the skill was released to be distracted, and took the opportunity to exude the extremely sweet aroma of rice dumplings.

Reib, who had avoided the seeds with his dexterity, was still complacent, but after smelling the aroma of unknown ingredients, he immediately cautiously retreated to the edge of the field.

"Not bad, is that sleeping powder? Or poison powder?" "It doesn't have any skills, it's just Zongxiang."

"Leibu, use one hundred thousand volts!" "Xiao Zong, use the power of nature!"

A second later, the exploding thunder collided with the ray formed by the intertwined energy of ice, fire, and thunder!

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