Looking at the polite young man in front of him, Jindai realized that he had picked up a ghost, no, he had picked up a treasure.

Speaking of Dr. Ohki's reputation, almost everyone in Kanto knows it.

Even if you don't know much about the old man's status in academia, everyone is basically familiar with the tough old man who gives Pokémon lectures and cross talk on Manjin Radio.

For a veteran trainer like Jindai, Omuki Yusei, who once served as the champion of Kanto, is one of the most outstanding trainers in his mind.

Although the boy in front of him looks like he has just turned 10 years old, since he is Dr. Ohki's assistant and student, he should be very reliable, right?

Ma Zhishi: Haha.

Jindai only regretted that he did not take the rubbings of the text on the wall of the announcement stone room in the Hoenn region with him.

So he had no choice but to invite the other party to go with him to the ruins of Deng Volcano the next day to conduct field exploration of some rock walls that were not published in the guide book.

The island of friendship, the fire illuminates the mountain road.

The long and narrow mountain path leading to Light Volcano is located in the north of Ichinoshima. You can encounter many powerful wild elves during the climb.

But there are also many unique hot springs along the way. The energy inside the volcano can have some healing effects on humans and elves, so that the local elves are also healed and rarely have disputes with humans.

Here you can enjoy the comfortable hot springs with the elves, so it is highly praised by locals and many tourists.

While traveling around, I even saw a group of small fire horses drinking water and resting on the mountain trail from a distance. Unfortunately, I was unable to successfully tame the wild small fire horses because they were too vigilant.

Eden also complained about this, don't you still think there are not enough fire members in the team?

As the saying goes, Daowang Mountain is a dead horse. When traveling around Jindai, you are still some distance from Dengyun Volcano until the evening, so you have to stay in a hot spring hotel next to the mountain trail.

So after dinner, he decisively took his elves to the hot spring behind the hotel.

"It's so comfortable... It would be great if there was one in the backyard of Damu Research Institute." Soaking in the hot spring, Eden felt as if he was about to melt.

"Actually, it's quite troublesome. I used to have a small swimming pool in my yard. It was inconvenient to change the water and clean it. But it was filled in later."

Zhou You also sighed nostalgically: "The bathtub is more convenient. At least it's easier for me to take care of it alone."

Charmander who didn't dare to go into the water and only stretched his legs into the hot spring heard him mention the past and couldn't help showing a curious look: "Qiaoqiao, didn't you live at Dr. Omu's house before? The stories you usually tell us also happened in What’s going on in your hometown?”

"Well, I was born in an area called Tianxia that is very, very far away from here. Later, my family immigrated to Earth because of my parents' job changes. And then... my memory is a bit blurry. After all, I was then I was still very young, so after a nap, I opened my eyes and came to Viridian Forest.”

"It's okay." Arthur stretched out his paw and patted his shoulder, "When I can fly in the future, I will take you around the world to find your hometown!"

"Actually, there's no need. I haven't even thought about going home or anything. I'm very satisfied living with you.

"My dream is probably to open a gym, a training house or an ecological garden after I finish all the things I need to do, and retire here comfortably."

Isn't this better than working alone for a vampire boss in a big city?

Thinking of this, Zhou You looked at the hot spring egg floating on the hot spring in a wooden basin... the elf egg, but he couldn't help but think about the ancient documents he saw yesterday.

Everything has its meaning; everything that exists has its meaning; everything that exists has its meaning.

Does your appearance in this world have some kind of meaning or mission? Why did you come to this world?

Maybe I’m overthinking it…

It’s better to focus on what’s in front of you than to have a meaning and mission that you don’t know exists.

Flamebird, the Fire Pokémon, is one of the three legendary bird Pokémon.

Out of personal preference, he actually wanted to catch a flamingo.

Although from the perspective of the game, this eye-catching bird is inferior to the frozen bird in appearance, and inferior to the lightning bird in combat power. It cannot even defeat the non-legendary fire-breathing dragon, so it is just a flashy and worthless ornamental collection.

But after all, reality is not a game. Judging from the film and television records of this world, the legendary Pokémon... that is, the elves usually called mythical beasts are very different in strength from ordinary elves. Each one can change Magical creatures of the ecological environment.

This is similar to the creatures called "ancient dragons" in Monster Hunter. Each ancient dragon is a natural disaster that causes abnormal movements, and each mythical beast will also have a drastic impact on the local ecology.

With his current strength, can he really defeat the legendary Flame Bird?

Charmander and Cady Dog are temporarily in a difficult position. The Fairy Milk is a pure mascot, and the Elf Egg has not hatched yet. No matter which one goes up, it will be killed instantly.

Eden, who has been trained for 5 years, has outstanding performance. The reason why he did not evolve into Zoroark is just because "how can he be recognized by the same people who bullied him after evolving?" In fact, he has already had strength that surpasses ordinary gym owners.

With the Phoenix Flame helping to unlock unlimited physical strength and heal hidden wounds, as long as you are willing to put in several times the effort of ordinary people, you will basically become stronger...

But the most important thing is, with his bad luck of getting bumped into time travel when he goes out at night, can he really meet the legendary Pokémon in one go?

Maybe the chance of borrowing the leather god who rides the mythical beast on his crotch will be greater?

Just when someone realized this most critical point, Zhanfan, who was flapping like a dog in the hot spring, suddenly noticed something and jumped onto the shore, barking ferociously.

"Qiaoqiao, get dressed quickly. Chengfan noticed that there is a terrifying aura coming over." Eden hurriedly translated.

Hearing this, Zhou You hurriedly jumped out of the hot spring with the elf egg and fairy milk in his arms. While drying the water on himself with flames, he quickly put on his regular clothes.

During this period, heavy footsteps kept approaching, and finally came to the hot spring behind the hotel.

The barking of Leftover became more and more intense, and Eden and Arthur finally noticed it. Even Zhou You felt a creepy sense of oppression close at hand.

Vaguely, the temperature seemed to have risen by more than ten degrees.

The thick mist originally brought by the hot spring gradually dissipated, and a lion-shaped beast with a height of more than two meters, a strong body, and a hexagram-shaped mask on its head appeared.

Just by looking at it from a close distance, you can feel the turbulent and violent energy in its body ready to come out!

"Didi~ Entei, the volcano Pokémon. The legendary Pokémon. Everything is a mystery. Qiaoqiao, there are still many unknowns in this land."

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