This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 51 The altar behind the secret door

Information about the past is kept secret in this world, and the Age of Gods didn't know much about it, so Zhou You didn't explain it in too much detail. The two immediately started rubbing the stone tablets in the ancient ruins.

In a corner of the ruins, Zhou You discovered a strange stone monument standing in an open area.

There is only a short line of text on it, there is nothing around it, and there is a solid wall behind it. It looks a little out of place with the stone tablets in the entire ruins.

"There seems to be a secret door in this wall." Zhou You glanced at the stone tablet and said.

"is that so?"

After hearing the words, Kamidai stepped forward and continued to detect with the tools at hand, but he did not get any due feedback.

"Is there a translation error? It seems to me that the entire wall is solid, and there will be no room for hidden secret doors."

Faced with the question of the gods, Zhou You shook his head and slowly came to the wall.

There is only a short line of words on the stone tablet, which translates to:

Ahead, rock-breaking technique.

In other words, you have to directly break this wall to open up a new path.

So he gathered his breath, clenched his fists tightly, looked at the wall, and gradually increased his momentum.

Jindai: "Are you lucky against the wall???"

"Ahem, Mr. Jindai, please let the elf use the rock-breaking technique against the wall."

After all, it is still too difficult for him to directly smash an entire wall.

Jindai thought for a long time and finally nodded.

Anyway, even the locals of Juyuan Island have not protected this ruins. They must have completed all the parts that can be explored, copied, and protected.

Judging from the dilapidated appearance here, the really important things must have been properly taken care of long ago.

That being the case, it shouldn't hurt to break down a wall that has no value whatsoever.

"Come out, Wandering Eidolon, and use Rock Break on this wall!"

A short, fat one-eyed ghost with bandages all over his body appeared from the elf ball. After receiving the order, it solidified its fist and punched the wall!

Travel around and take the opportunity to collect illustrations:

"Didi~ Wandering Eidolon, beckoning Pokémon. There is a hollow inside the body, which will swallow the wandering soul. It is said that if you stare at the hole opened in the belly, the soul will be sucked in."

"Didi~ Recommended props: Evolution Stone. Strengthen its defense to the maximum, serve as an interference and joint defender in the space system, and bring smiles to your face during battles."

"Evolution stones?" Jindai was surprised when he heard the recommended props in the illustrated book, "Isn't that a prop that can only be used by elves who are not in the final stage and use the power of evolution?"

He didn't know if this thing was a mouthful, so he made up his mind to buy one and try it out after he returned home. Anyway, he wouldn't suffer any loss if he tried it.

But maybe it will become more powerful after evolution?

While the Age of Gods was debating whether to choose evolution or evolution stones, Zhou You suddenly realized a question - can the evolution stones be used to determine which type of elves can continue to evolve?

Although it doesn't work in the game, in reality, would it be useful to wear an evolution stone for Diancie, who can mega evolve?

150 double defense becomes 225 double defense, and 100 double attack... A monster with an effective race value as high as 700 should not have such an outrageous thing.

Before Zhou You could continue to think, the dust stirred up by the Wandering Night Spirit's smashing of the wall gradually dispersed, revealing a bottomless dark passage.

"There really is a secret passage!?"

Jindai couldn't help but frown when he saw this, but he had the intention of retreating.

It's not that he's worried about being in danger, it's that without a team following him on this trip, the best he can do is ensure his personal safety and that of the traveler.

If something should not be touched and an accident occurs in the ruins, just two people will not have time to save things in the ruins!

Sitting on the bottom of the cell.jpg

Just as Jindai was considering whether to advance or retreat at this time, Zhou You had already sent out a small fire dragon from the elf ball and walked in with the help of the light from its tail.

Seeing this, he no longer hesitated and hurriedly followed, to prevent the other party from accidentally touching something.

This passage is very winding, and its total length is only about twenty meters.

The deeper you go, the rougher the surrounding rock walls become, and at the same time, the smell of hot sulfur gradually comes out.

"Could this secret passage lead to the interior of Deng Volcano?"

By the time they reached the end, Jindai had already forgotten about the hidden dangers of being trapped in a prison, and was fully looking forward to what was about to happen next!

"(Excited) Wow!"

As Arthur was walking, he accidentally kicked a stone away. He observed the stone curiously for a moment, and then excitedly handed it over to Zhou You who followed closely behind.

"Crystal clear, there is flame-like energy inside that is constantly beating, and continues to exude warm energy." Jindai came up and commented, "The color of the flame inside this fire stone is cyan, and the quality is extremely excellent. Your little fire dragon Found a treasure."

This young man's Kati dog happened to be able to use the Fire Stone to evolve, which made the gods lament the opponent's amazing luck.

For archaeologists and explorers like him, everything is secondary, only luck is the necessary element.

Although a little rude, the Gods are typical African chiefs.

He has been pursuing the legendary giant Pokémon in the Hoenn region since he was young. As a result, he wasted for ten or twenty years, and only recently did he gain anything.

As a result, Zhou You found a secret passage as soon as he arrived, which can be said to make Jindai very unhappy with his luck.

It is said that the locals have not yet finished translating the words on the stone tablet. How little do they care about this place...

"Thanks, Arthur, but I don't really need this, just keep it for yourself." Zhou You handed the Fire Stone back and rubbed Arthur's smooth head, "Now is not the best time for leftovers to evolve. , I will find another fire stone for it later."


"Is it possible that you plan to inspire the ancient bloodline hidden in the body of Kati Dog?" Jindai asked doubtfully.

"That's right, at least you need to master the reverse scale or Xi..." After realizing that the fairy attributes have not yet been established, Zhou You quickly changed his words, "Anyway, I plan to try to activate the power in its body before evolving."

"Tsk, tsk, then I will look forward to the future achievements of this katy dog."

Seeing that there was nothing else of note nearby, the two simply moved on.

During this period, Zhou You took out a fire-resistant silk bag specially made for fire elves to carry props from his backpack, and hung it around Arthur's neck to facilitate the placement of the fire stone.

Not long after, an almost square, empty stone room came into view.

There are only two things in the entire stone chamber.

One is the altar in the center, which consists of two pieces of volcanic stone that were polished into regular tetrahedrons and joined together to look like a six-pointed star. The top corner has been polished off, and a gem emitting dazzling red light is placed on it.

The second one is the stone tablet due to the north, which contains obscure and severely eroded inscriptions. Even if you travel around for a long time, it is difficult to completely translate it. More references are still needed for comparison.

After all, he really had nothing to do about the missing words, so he could only spend a lot of time filling in the words and refining them.

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