This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 60 The Legend of the Strongest Dragon Pokémon on Earth

The man-made blizzard blocked most of the field of vision, and Zhou You and Alice wandered aimlessly in the snow.

The condition for clearing the sixth level is to appease the emotionally disturbed Laplace, but just finding each other makes it difficult for the two of them.

The only thing that made the two of them feel lucky was that the actual area of ​​the spacious Trainer's Tower was not very large. Even though the wind and snow obscured the view and prevented people from moving forward, they could always find Lapras within half an hour as long as they explored step by step.

"Oh, I will never do any more exercises to overcome the cold in the future!"

Her long hair was covered in frost from the snowstorm, and Alice was annoyed. She originally came here to practice to overcome her fear of the cold, but in the process she became even more disgusted with this environment.

"Ya Ya!" Ya Ya also echoed.

"Is it necessary to be so afraid of the cold? You are not a dragon." Zhou You was a little confused, "If you hate the cold because of the ice dragon, doesn't the dragon also restrain the dragon?"

Why aren't you afraid of dragons?

In fact, I personally prefer cold environments when traveling around, and my favorite season is also winter.

In winter, many annoying bugs hibernate (we are talking about mosquitoes), and rainfall is also very low. Unlike in summer, it rains for a whole month, making travel extremely inconvenient.

But once you come to the Pokémon world and travel around, it doesn’t matter what season it is.

Only in the first two generations and some drawing mistakes did the Pokémon world have real-life animals.

Since the third generation, the Pokémon world has been completely separated from the real world. Apart from Pokémon and humans, there are no real animals. This is the world he traveled through.

In other words, there are no bugs in this world that Zhou You hates. There are just insect elves, and generally speaking, they are actually quite handsome and cute.

Of course, since there are no real animals in this world, there is no breeding industry for chickens, pigs, sheep, cattle, etc.

The meat products eaten by humans in the Pokémon world are undoubtedly Pokémon.

In animations and games, this is expressed directly through illustrations and props.

Fortunately, although Zhou You loves elves, he is not a little animal lover. He accepted this reality after coming to this world for a while.

After all, a vegan diet is not good for your health.

And in recent years, with the deepening of the relationship between humans and elves, the call for replacing it with synthetic meat has also intensified. I believe that one day, technological breakthroughs will be able to perfectly solve these problems.

But it seems to be a bit off topic.

Faced with his question, Alice sighed helplessly: "These are completely different things. We people in Dragon Village have lived with dragons for generations. How could anyone hate dragons? Moreover, I want to become a dragon elf master." Woolen cloth!"

"Dragon Elf Master?"

Master or something, sounds like a false and empty goal that is both vague and unspecific, has no direction at all, and makes people wonder how to work hard.

It gives people the feeling that even if they work hard in this direction for 20 years, it will be in vain and in vain.

"That's right! Conquer powerful dragon elves, understand the hearts of dragon elves, unleash their power, and live with them. As a person who has inherited the power of dragons, of course I can do it."

"Including the legendary dragon elves?"

"Of course!" Alice nodded confidently.

"Then have you ever heard that in the distant Hezhu region, there is a legendary dragon elf called Kyurem?"

After hearing the other party's answer, Zhou You asked with a smile on his face: "That's an elf with ice and dragon elements, and it's also known as the strongest dragon elf on the earth. How can you get Chief Lei if you're so afraid of the cold?" Mu’s admission?”

Kyurem is officially called the strongest dragon elf.


A few years later, Necrozma became the strongest again, and three years later, the strongest one became Infinitus. The official also named the strongest champion in its basic form, and it was said that it was slightly inferior to The strongest gym leader of the strongest champion.

The strongest Pokémon is actually just a joke.

However, from the perspective of game data, the racial value of Kyurem, who is combined with one of the black and white dragons, is as high as 700. Regardless of distribution, it is indeed among the best in the entire game.

This can't help but make Zhou You curious, once Kyurem is allowed to accommodate both black and white dragons at the same time and switch forms at will like in the theatrical version, how exaggerated will it be.

In real life, Kyurem wouldn’t become a joke because of his poor recruitment like in the game, right...?

"You actually know the strongest dragon Pokémon, which is a little-known knowledge among dragons!?" Alice was shocked.

It was only when she was very young that the elders in the village once mentioned the story of this elf.

According to legend, Kyurem is a dragon elf from the distant past. His aloof figure fighting to protect the beautiful present and future of humans and elves makes him the undisputed strongest dragon.

However, in the past, the two princes of the United States had different opinions on governing the country, which resulted in Kyurem's own will and power being split into two, leaving only an empty shell-like body.

In order to prevent excessive power from destroying itself, it froze itself and slept in an unknown location.

To this day, Kyurem is still waiting to fill his lost body with reality and ideals. He is an ancient hero who was forgotten by mankind and history as the United States collapsed.

Alice loves most dragon elves, but she only has mixed feelings about Kyurem, who has ice + dragon attributes.

The reason why Kyurem is called the strongest dragon Pokémon on earth is not just because of its power, but also because of the responsibility and lofty ideals it carries.

But the problem is... why is it the annoying ice attribute! ?

Regarding Alice's troubles, Zhou You couldn't help but agree deeply in his heart.

The ice type is the original sin in the Pokemon game. No matter how strong it is in other aspects, as long as it is exposed to this type, it will basically become useless immediately.

There is no cure!

I wonder if in reality the ice element would have the same dilemma as in the game?

In fact, Zhou You has always believed that among the current 18 attributes, only the fire and ice attributes are the closest to the essence.

Fire and ice, the increase and decrease of entropy, should originally restrain all other attributes in the real world.jpg

"Forget about Kyurem." Alice finally sighed with complicated emotions, "I really don't want to talk about this dragon elf."

"I really want to meet this legendary hero. There are many things I want to know about him." Zhou You said with a smile.

However, he did not mention Kyurem. After he went to the Hezhu area in the future, he would go to the Giant Mountains in person to see if it was sleeping there like in the game.

Two Dragon Stones and one Divine Stone, is there any chance of obtaining them before the Plasma Group causes trouble?

"Look! Lapras cub is there!"

It didn't take long for the two of them to find the infant Lapras who had been placed in the snowstorm by the officials of the Trainer's Tower 10 minutes before the end of the time limit.

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