If they hope to overthrow Team Rocket, Sakaki and Mewtwo will always be a hurdle they cannot get around.

Sakaki, who is rumored to have king-level strength, and Mewtwo, who according to Xia Bo, can destroy a city, are considered invincible when looking at the entire Pokémon League.

"I need to report this matter to my superiors." The handsome guy frowned. This was no longer something he could solve alone.

Zhou You and Xia Bo glanced at each other and unanimously did not tell the handsome boy the true identity of the leader of Team Rocket.

It is extremely irrational to approach Sakaki at this time.

"Don't worry, handsome guy. You can put Chaomeng's problem aside for now."

Anyway, according to the original plot, in more than two months when Xiaozhi goes to the Viridian Gym to challenge, Chaomeng will break up with Sakaki and defect.

Even if this thing doesn't happen as planned in the world here, we can still use the discord between Mewtwo and Sakaki to try to instigate Mewtwo.

Considering that the current biggest headache for the alliance and the international police is that Rainbow Group is a completely "legal" enterprise and it is difficult to conduct in-depth investigations, Zhou You paused and tried to come up with a feasible plan:

"We can first attack the Rockets' financial resources under the table, so that they have to use Rainbow Group's funds. This will also give the alliance and the international police the opportunity to intervene in the investigation openly with the flow of funds."

"We think so too, but who knows the source of the Rockets' illegal funds?" the handsome guy said angrily.

"Ahem!" Uncle Xia's face turned slightly red. He didn't make a few mistakes when he was young.

"Uncle Xia, are you?"

Xia Bo nodded and told the handsome guy about several underground sources of funds he was familiar with, including Rainbow Game City and the Golden City underground black market:

"As an outsider, this is all I know. If you want to know more, you will need Dr. Fuji's assistance."

"But Dr. Fuji has gone into seclusion. Whether he will help is still unknown." Zhou You is not sure about this. If Dr. Fuji really had the heart, he would have reported all these troubles to his superiors.

"But we don't even know where Dr. Fuji is?"

After finishing a night of pork chop dinner, the handsome guy said anxiously: "I'm afraid Team Rocket is still looking for Dr. Fuji to this day, intending to get the follow-up test data of Project XY from him. I think Dr. Fuji must be somewhere in the world now." Anonymous in an unknown corner without being discovered by anyone, right?"

Zhou You and Xia Bo looked at each other after hearing this.

On the contrary, of the 4 (3) people present, you are the only one who doesn't know where Dr. Fuji is.

"Ahem, it doesn't matter, leave Dr. Fuji's affairs to me." Xia Bo said melancholy, "He should give me, an old friend, some face. It's also time to stop living in seclusion in fear and make up for the mistakes he made in the past. Wrong."

Handsome guy: Am I the only one who knows nothing about the whole thing and is out of the loop the whole time?

How can you, the one old and the second young, understand everything?

How about you become the international policeman?

Eden: Eat with your head down.

All in all, the three of them took it together and decided to provide assistance to the international police who were determined to eradicate Team Rocket.

Uncle Xia will leave for Ziyuan Town tomorrow to communicate with the reclusive Dr. Fuji.

The handsome guy will contact the Kanto police and seize the time to destroy several underground sources of funds for the Rockets revealed by Xia Bo.

As for traveling around, he will teleport to Yuhong City in three days to participate in the Kanto PTCG regional competition, and at the same time assist the handsome guy to sneak into Yuhong Game City.

A few days ago, several members of Team Rocket at the Pokémon Tower in Ziyuan Town learned that Team Rocket had once again launched illegal genetic experiments in the secret base underground in Yuhong Game City.

Originally, he and Qinglu made an appointment to meet in Yuhong City during the PTCG competition - asking Dr. Omu to borrow a level 70 main force who was in retirement and went to cause trouble at night.

But now that I met a handsome international policeman by chance, I just happened to get him involved in this plan.

"Are you going to play PTCG while assisting the police in infiltrating Team Rocket's underground base?" The handsome guy was shocked. "Why are young people so addicted to cards? Isn't it just a card game?"

Zhou You is speechless: "If you don't have long-term worries, you must have immediate worries. I am only 10 years old. I have no education, no job, no house, and my parents are gone. I have to raise such a big family. I don't want to find ways to accumulate more savings in case I meet someone one day. What should I do if something unexpected happens?”

In such a dangerous world, you must have at least a million dollars in savings to feel at ease!

He also wants to wake up one day and find that his account in the prop storage system has hundreds of huge golden beads, several sets of super evolution stones, a full set of carrying items and elf balls, and all special items from key stones to Tai Jing beads. All props are available.

Isn’t this true?

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you two were in this situation..." The handsome guy said with a low tone of guilt.

The reason why he chose to become an international policeman was so that these children would not have to suffer and could grow up without distractions and realize their dreams.

Although his face looks particularly old, it is the result of being exposed to the wind and sun all year round. The handsome guy has just turned 30 this year, which is when he is young and full of passion.

Nowadays, a child who has just turned 10 years old is involved in the relationship with the Rockets and has stepped into a dangerous situation. This makes the handsome boy feel angry and becomes more determined to eradicate this deep-rooted organization!

Even Xia Bo secretly looked at the young man in front of him with special eyes. He was only ten years old and had no background. He could train Charmander and Cady Dog to such an extent. If nothing else, he would become a professional in a few years. The leader of the fire system and even the king of heaven!

After thinking about the film, Xia Bo seriously suggested: "Qiao Qiao, actually I have a job that is very suitable for you.

"Last month, the gym leader of Kuye City, Ma Zhishi, resigned from the alliance because he couldn't bear the annoyance of weak trainers. Each gym leader can choose several gyms to guard the gym and accept challenges on his behalf. Trainer quota.”

Zhou You's expression remained normal: "Oh..."

In the game, they are just those miscellaneous fish that jump out to block the road before challenging the gym leader. However, in reality, these gym trainers are also qualified to issue badges on their behalf.

Unexpectedly, it was Ma Zhishi who first proposed this concept in Guandong.

"I see that you seem to have some skills in training fire spirits. Do you want to be the gym trainer of the Red Lotus Gym?"

There are three main benefits of being a gym trainer:

1. Xia Bo will teach Zhou You his knowledge about the fire element.

2. Xia Bo will use the budget issued by the alliance to hire gym trainers as salary and pay it to Zhou You.

However, there are also some gym owners who choose to take apprentices for a fee...

3. Xia Bo will send a fire elf he cultivated to Zhou You.

"Fire elf?" Zhou You's eyes lit up after hearing the third point, "Can I choose the Vulpix with sunshine characteristics?"


Eden's heart suddenly tightened: "Jojo, think about the balance of the team. I don't think you need a second fox-type Pokémon in your team."

Don’t even think about the Fire Eevee nine-tailed demon Fire Red Fox!

The heroine has been confirmed...

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