Noon on July 16, 2043.

Zhao Rui discovered a new game called "Three Kingdoms".

"A 100% realistic virtual reality game based on the Dark Three Kingdoms theme?"

"Three Kingdoms + Soul-like + Sandbox + Meat Pigeon + Virtual Reality + MMO... Where are these BUFFs?"

Zhao Rui felt calm and even wanted to laugh. Since the major breakthrough in virtual reality technology, games using this as a selling point have been springing up like mushrooms after a rain. The largest game platform "Xinghai" has an average of more than ten or twenty new games released every week.

But in recent years, people’s enthusiasm for virtual reality games has decreased instead of increasing!

Virtual reality games are difficult and costly for developers to produce, and the profit cycle is too long. There are also thresholds for players. Some games require customized helmets or even game consoles to play, and the cost ranges from 30,000 to 20,000 yuan to several million.

the most important is.

The game itself is also hard to describe.

Various major manufacturers are trying to make a big deal under the banner of immersive game experience, but the game experience they can produce is still far from being able to restore reality. At present, several stand-alone masterpieces with good reputations can only achieve 100 immersive games at best. The realism level is 20/20, and the game experience is not good because of too many bugs.

Massively multiplayer?

Still 100% restored?

Do today’s manufacturers dare to boast so much?

Aren't you afraid of being fined for false advertising?

Zhao Rui is a game blogger with hard-core skills, outstanding eloquence, and a small reputation in the circle. He is familiar with major game manufacturers and recently released works, but he has never heard of this new game called "Three Kingdoms" .

This official website also has the air of a poor guy who can’t afford an artist.

There are only two options: "Reserve for internal testing" and "Game background".

Let’s look at the background first.

【Welcome to the Weird Three Kingdoms! 】

[At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the sky collapsed, alien gods invaded, and the indescribable abyss enveloped the land of China. Hundreds of millions of creatures fell into a terrible dream of disaster and were experiencing billions of painful nightmare reincarnations. 】

[This world is full of terrifying monsters. Even the historical heroes you are familiar with, most have completely sunk in the endless cycle of nightmares, or have been completely controlled by the will of the abyss, and have been transformed into taboo-like terrifying existences. 】

[Although the land of China has been twisted and cracked, there are still a few characters who remain awake and are struggling to fight against the invasion from the abyss and stars. They may become your powerful partners or your most difficult enemies. 】

[You will assist a great lord from the Star City, challenge the heroic spirits transformed into monsters, let them die in the right way, purify this polluted and distorted history, and create a myth in this devastated land. 】


Sewn by elemental monsters!

But it has a bit of a Soul or Cthulhu vibe.

As a deep fan of genre games, Zhao Rui casually made a reservation. In fact, as a game anchor, he is not afraid that the game will be too bad, but that it will have no characteristics. As long as there is a program effect, he can try it.

The appointment was successful.

The game has not announced a specific closed beta time.

Zhao Rui didn't take it too seriously. He opened the video recording software and started his daily work.


The land of stars.

Academy of Lords of All Realms.

Hang Yu was walking on the way to the principal's office.

There was an eight-sided Rubik's Cube-shaped object floating in front of him.

A voice came from the Rubik's Cube: "The current number of game reservations is 135!"

Hang Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "Well done, it seems you don't have to worry about not being able to recruit people."

It has been twenty years since he traveled to Star City.

This is a great city floating in the gap between the abyss and the time and space of the world. Thousands of races from different worlds thrive here. Everyone dreams of entering the abyss and becoming a great lord.

The world of the abyss is a dark dimension that is difficult to describe.

It will erode and engulf various world planes, distorting its time and space, and demonizing and polluting living beings. For hundreds of millions of years, the star lords have been fighting in it one after another, so that they can barely maintain the balance between the abyss and the real world.

Hang Yu officially graduated from the Star City Lords Academy a week ago with good grades in the top 100, and obtained the qualifications to conquer the abyss and become a lord. After activating the lord qualifications, every star citizen will awaken an exclusive abyss plane.

Not just a pure coincidence.

Or there are other unknown reasons.

Hang Yu discovered that the abyss world he awakened in was actually a version of the Three Kingdoms modified by the Dark Demon. According to measurements, the depth of its sinking reached the astonishing level of eternal night!

The stars classify the danger of the abyss from low to high as:

The twilight layer, the twilight layer, the aluminous layer, the dark evil layer, the eternal night layer, and the taboo agnostic layer.

The Three Kingdoms have entered eternal night.

It sank too deep.

This not only means that it is highly polluted and demonized, but even time and space may have been distorted. Most of the creatures in it have fallen into madness, and it is also filled with a large number of deep-seated terrifying demons and even taboo evil gods that cannot be described in legends.

Although risk is directly proportional to reward, the more advanced the abyss world, the more gains it can produce.

But not everyone has the ability to explore the deep abyss.

There are thousands of races from various worlds in the City of Stars, many of which can move mountains and seas with their own strength. After this powerful upper race becomes a lord, the dependent servants they create are equally powerful.

And Hang Yu is just a human being.

The human race is one of the most disadvantaged lower races in Star City.

In the hundreds of millions of years of history of this city, there has never been a precedent for a human lord to successfully conquer the Abyss of Eternal Night. This also resulted in all the originally negotiated investments being wasted, and they could only apply for a loan through the academy as start-up capital.

Fortunately, there is always a way out.

Hang Yu obtained an abyssal relic called "Tiandao Rubik's Cube" during the awakening ceremony.

This abyssal relic is a natal item that has a very small probability of being obtained during the process of awakening to become a star lord. It is no different from winning the lottery. Not only that, the effects of most abyssal relics themselves are useless. They can only obtain the value of icing on the cake and cannot play a decisive role. effect.

The Tiandao Rubik's Cube is a special relic.

This relic has never been seen before, and its grade is completely unknown. It can establish connections with other worlds, summon souls from other worlds, grant immortality, and transform into territorial dependents.

After many days of debugging, Hang Yu has successfully established a connection with Blue Star and is preparing to create an online game to bring Blue Star players to the strange and dark world of the Three Kingdoms.

This is his confidence!

Hang Yu walked to the principal's office.

The space here is comparable to several football fields, with all kinds of treasures piled up and shining. In the center of countless treasure mountains lies a giant dragon that is at least three hundred meters tall.

The giant dragon is covered in dark gold, has three heads and eight wings, each scale is as big as a washbasin, and its surface is covered with mysterious lines and runes, exuding an extremely powerful aura.

This is the principal of Star Lords Academy.

An Taichu Dark Dragon!

Even in the stars and abyss where there are thousands of races, the Taichu Minglong is the top upper race.

Principal Long is not only the top leader of the Lord Academy, he is also a super lord of at least the eighth level. His millions of Nether Dragon people under his command have conquered one abyssal plane after another.

"Have you finally decided to go to the abyss and become a lord?" Principal Long said: "Although your grades are good, there has never been a human lord who can survive in such a deep plane. Even our clan does not dare to do so easily. challenge."

Hang Yu nodded: "Students still want to try."

Principal Long sighed secretly.

An abyssal world of at least Eternal Night level, its distortion and madness are beyond imagination. Not to mention humans as lower-level races, even the survival rate of upper-level races is not high.

"These are two thousand abyss magic crystals, one thousand of which is the loan you applied for, and the other thousand is my personal sponsorship for you!" Principal Long did not continue to persuade, "Take it, please do what you can, if you open up If it doesn’t go well, you can return to the academy at any time, and we will write a letter of recommendation for you so that you can seek refuge with a reliable lord.”

"Thank you, principal! Students will do their best!"

"Go! May the will of the stars be with you!"

Satisfied, Hang Yu received the start-up capital of two thousand magic crystals and the lord token to enter the abyss world. He immediately said goodbye to the principal, left the academy and came to the teleportation tower.

It’s finally starting!

Hang Yu was feeling a little excited at the moment.

Once teleported into the abyss, it is not easy to return.

But he still didn't hesitate and immediately started teleportation and arrived in his territory.

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