Black Eyed Ruige, Ghosts and Monsters, Crazy Slashing Street, and Midnight Pig Killer formed a team again.

In addition, four new players were pulled into the team, namely, Level 1 Warlock Xiao Lingdang, Level 1 Monk Chenxi, Level 1 Warrior Crazy Blade Lao Wang, and Level 1 Warrior Salted Fish Stab, all of whom were new players who entered the game the next day.

They agreed to bring four new players.

The main reason was that they heard that Ye Limeng's team was wiped out not long ago.

Ye Limeng's skills are not bad, and the Ranger Gu Zhou beside him is not inferior to Black Eyed Ruige in skills, and even better than Black Eyed Ruige. Although it was greedy and reckless under the situation of insufficient preparation, it is enough to show that this world is full of dangers.

In this case.

Of course, there is strength in numbers.

Where are the newcomers and veterans now?

Everyone entered the game one day apart.

Weird Three Kingdoms follows the logic of reality, and is by no means a completely numerical game. Even if there is a difference of several levels, it does not necessarily mean an absolute crushing gap.

There is a monk and a warlock among the new partners.

Their initial skills of healing and fire arrows are very useful.

As for the other two players, they are not simple either. The warrior "Salted Fish Thrust" is a high-level player in the gaming circle. He is an old acquaintance of Brother Black Eye Rui. Whether it is awareness or operation, they are all at the top level in China.

As for the warrior Crazy Blade Old Five, according to his self-introduction, he has been a soldier for many years. Judging from the temperament he exudes, he is probably not an ordinary person. He must be able to provide considerable help to the team.

It is not difficult to find that the selection of internal test players for Weird Three Kingdoms is focused.

However, this is normal. The initial quota of the game is very precious. In order to better test the performance of the game, of course, some high-quality and high-quality players must be selected. Currently, those who can enter the game are not mediocre.

"Wow! It's spectacular!"

Xiao Lingdang left the village and was completely conquered by the scenery.

Salted Fish Thrust exclaimed: "Brother, I have played at least 800 games, but this game makes me feel that I have no sense of substitution... Because it is directly crossing, it is really fucking awesome!"

Chenxi and Crazy Blade Old Wang were also shocked and speechless.

You say it's real, but it's fake. For example, the scenery you can never see in real life, the sky above your head is full of nebulae, magnificent, and full of magical colors, which hits your heart more directly than any oil painting art or movie special effects.

You say this world is fake, but every flower and tree here, the feeling of wind blowing through your hair, the feedback of your feet stepping on the grass, and the various smells you smell, tell you all the time that there is no difference between here and the real world.

"Although I empathize with your feelings, now is not the time to appreciate the scenery. The world view of this game is very large, and there are many opportunities to see pictures that are a hundred times more awesome. Let's complete the task first." Chi Mei Wang Liang reminded.

Black Eyed Rui Ge nodded in agreement: "Let's clear the monsters that spawned nearby first!"

The eight people immediately took action and hunted several monsters including the snake-tailed pheasant to help the newcomers adapt to the battle and at the same time hone the tacit understanding and cooperation between the team.

"Amazing! This sense of impact!"

Xianyu asked: "Laohei, what physics engine do you think this game uses? I now doubt whether this is a game made by earthlings. Could it be a conspiracy against humans by aliens using black technology?"

Hei Tong Rui Ge was annoyed: "Why are you talking so much nonsense? Hurry up and work quickly!"

The people cooperated more and more tacitly and headed towards the goal.

"Be careful!"

Kuangdao Lao Wang flashed his knife.

A colorful venomous snake was cut in half and fell out of the bushes.

Everyone else took a breath of cold air, and at the same time, they admired Kuangdao Lao Wang more and more.

This veteran seemed to have extremely rich experience in wild survival and jungle exploration, so he could always keenly capture the dangers hidden in the dense forest that could not be distinguished by the naked eye.

In addition to the natural traps formed by various poisonous flowers and poisonous vines.

There are also various threats such as poisonous spiders and snakes, mutant honeycombs, etc.

Although these creatures are all level 0, it does not mean that they are not dangerous. The poison contained in them is enough to kill the player. It can even be said that there is danger at every step, which makes people sweat and shudder.

"Fortunately, there is Uncle Dao, otherwise even if I have three lives, I probably can't finish this journey!" said Kuang Kan Yi Street.

Midnight Pig Killer also sighed: "Yes! No wonder Lao Ye and his team failed! This game map is full of the malice of the planner!"

Kuang Dao Lao Wang: "Rather than saying it is the malice of the planner, it is better to say that this game is too real."

After walking all the way safely.

Kuang Dao Lao Wang and Salted Fish Thorn both upgraded to level 2.

"There are monsters!" Everyone found that there was a shallow grassland in front of them. Because the grass did not grow high, the field of vision was relatively wide, and two new monsters that had never been seen appeared in front of them.

The first one looked like a goat, with no hair on the body, covered with bone, and a huge horn on the head.

The second type is like a bison, with a sturdy body and well-developed muscles, but it has a giant tail that is longer than its body and has a structure similar to a scorpion tail needle.

[Skeleton Goat], a level 4 ordinary monster... Introduction: A goat that has been demonized by the pollution of the abyss, has a solid shell and is good at using its horn to tear apart enemies.

[Scorpion Tailed Bull], a level 5 ordinary monster... Introduction: A bison that has been demonized by the pollution of the abyss, has a strong physique, strong brute force, and a highly poisonous scorpion tail.

"It's a new monster."

"What a great modeling."

"Not only is the level high, but there are also a lot of them..."

Brother Rui with black eyes swept his eyes across the shallows and grass. There were dozens of them within his field of vision. It was also a good place to spawn monsters.

Brother Black Eyed Rui has no intention of actively hunting the Skeleton Goat and Scorpion-tailed Bull. Although these are ordinary monsters, they do not look weak in strength, and they seem to have the characteristics of living in groups. If they are not careful, they may cause a siege.

He then said: "We are not here to kill monsters today. It is less than seven or eight miles from the town. Let's do the mission first."


"I agree!"

Everyone then walked around cautiously.

At this time, a particularly domineering scorpion-tailed bull caught their attention.

[Skeleton Scorpion-tailed Bull], a level 5 elite monster... Introduction: This is an elite monster leader. Not only is it more violent than ordinary Scorpion-tailed Bulls, it is also better at using poison to kill prey.

This monster is larger than an ordinary scorpion-tailed cow. The hair on its body is glowing with a bronze-like metallic luster. Its head is covered by a layer of bone, like a huge skull helmet with two horns on its head, and two copper bell-like eye sockets. It seemed to be dancing with flames.

The light is there.

It feels domineering.

This must be the regional BOSS.

If you can kill it, you can get the first kill reward!

Of course, the players are very cautious. After all, even dealing with the snake-tailed flame chicken is difficult, and the BOSS in front of them is obviously much stronger than the snake-tailed flame chicken. If they challenge it rashly without understanding the mechanism, even ten lives may not be enough. !

It took a lot of detours.

Finally avoided the strange area.

Everyone breathed a long sigh of relief.

We are very close to the target town.

Chen Xi suddenly said: "Is there a building in front?"

I saw a dilapidated building similar to a pavilion appearing in front of me. The entire building was covered with withered vines. There was a broken stone tablet in it. Most of the writing was weathered and blurred, and only a few were vaguely legible.

"There are words!"

"The town shouldn't be far."

"Are we finally going to come into contact with the civilized world of the Three Dark Kingdoms?"

"This place is so dilapidated. I don't know why. Maybe this time I can meet an NPC from the Three Kingdoms era and I can ask what happened in this place."

This is the Three Kingdoms.

But it is not the familiar Three Kingdoms.

No one knows what is happening in this world.

Because of this there is more suspense and puzzle elements.

Let everyone just feel that they are playing a soul game with a fragmented narrative!

Perhaps every inconspicuous item, text, or NPC, even equipment, props, and even mobs may contain key plot clues.

Please read it! Please vote for recommendation! The data is a bit poor!

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