"This batch of equipment is well refined, but there is a problem."

"Ah, doesn't the equipment meet the requirements of the territory?"

Although Yan Ling was quite confident in the equipment she made, she immediately became nervous after hearing what the lord said. After all, different territories had different needs for equipment.

For example, if the monsters or enemies that the territory needs to deal with mainly use spell attacks.

Then the armor that produces immunity to physical damage at this time is acclimatized.

Hang Yu explained: "There is no problem with the equipment itself. The problem is that the members of the Scourge Legion are too poor. They can't afford even the ordinary bull suit, not to mention the skeleton bull suit."

Yan Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s not just that there’s something wrong with the equipment.

"What does the lord mean...to suspend the refining of barbarian equipment and supply it when conditions are mature?"

"No, you just continue to refine the Barbarian Bull suit. Although players can't afford it for the time being, I, the lord, can purchase it directly."

Hang Yu waved his hand: "The purchase price of the ordinary bull suit is 800 contribution points, and the purchase price of the skeleton bull suit is 4,000 contribution points. I will take as much as you can refine in these two days."

Yan Ling was stunned for a moment and then overjoyed.

She roughly calculated.

The full refining in the past two days is enough to make six sets of skeleton bull suits, plus about ten sets of ordinary bull suits. If the lord purchases all of them, it will cost at least 32,000 contribution points!

In other words.

Just take the exam and get a guaranteed commission for these two days.

It can be exchanged for at least three to four hundred essence.

This little bit of energy is nothing to Hang Yu, and he even feels that the hard work of being a worker is a bit cheap.

But for a low-level weapon refiner, it was very attractive. Yan Ling suddenly felt that his fatigue was gone and he was full of energy!

"Thank you Lord for your support!"

Hang Yu orders equipment from the alchemy workshop through centralized purchasing, and the contribution points required are definitely much cheaper than retail. Most of the equipment he buys will be used to arm the personal soldiers first.

As for the players?

Get two sets of equipment like the Skeleton Bull Suit, or five or eight sets of the Normal Bull Suit, which is enough to make players flock to it, be ecstatic, and refuse to give up.

Yan Ling went to work immediately.

She now only regrets that she lacks energy and cannot expand production capacity.

However, she also noticed that a medicine refining workshop had been built opposite.

It is estimated that this territory will have alchemists within a few days. As long as the supply of recovery medicines is obtained, the production capacity of weapon refining can be greatly increased.

After Yan Ling left.

Hang Yu began to think about how to create tasks.

He wanted to increase the amount of currency issuance to give players a little more money. It would be best to distribute the Barbarian Bull suit to enhance the overall strength of the territorial legion, and this required a task of sufficient weight.

Explore core pollution areas?

Let players touch Ma Yuanyi?

But although the territory already has enough strength to resist the threat of the big boss guarding the gate.

The prerequisite is that Hang Yu must take action himself, otherwise with the current strength of the Natural Disaster Army, he may not be able to see Ma Yuanyi at all.

At this time, Xiaoba suddenly appeared and reminded: "Master, the core of your territory has detected the aura of the abyss, and there are abyssal forces of unknown origin approaching the territory."

Hang Yu was stunned at first.

He said: "My seven-day protection period has not ended yet. It is impossible for the abyssal forces to approach the territorial base camp. Moreover, today is not an extremely dark day. Even if Ma Yuanyi has discovered me, he cannot attack me yet."

Each new lord is protected for seven days.

It would be nice to be able to gain a foothold and clear out nearby threats during this period.

In fact, unless the initial level of the upper-level races is very high, the early development of most middle-lower races is very difficult. They usually try their best to hide their whereabouts and carefully grow monsters to avoid being discovered by the abyss forces.

Hang Yu didn't do this. He relied on his strong growth rate and the undead Scourge Legion. There was no need to be stubborn on this kind of novice map. Now he has enough power to protect himself.

He is not afraid of Ma Yuanyi.

I don't think Ma Yuanyi can hit the door either.

Because Ma Yuanyi is subject to movement restrictions as a core pollution source, he can only move around the core pollution area most of the time. Only on extremely dark days can he lift restrictions and move freely.

The so-called extremely dark sun is a periodic celestial phenomenon or disaster in the abyssal plane.

On this day, the pollution in the core pollution area will spread, and the resurrection of abyssal creatures will speed up. It is also the best moment for the abyssal forces to counterattack the lord. In a sense, it can be understood as a monster siege in the game.

According to the statistics.

Among the lords who unfortunately fell.

Forty to five percent died in the darkest day.

This day is a life and death test for the lord.

Today is obviously not a very dark day, and the protection of the stars has not disappeared yet, so the base camp will never be threatened.


There is only one possibility.

Hang Yu realized the problem without Xiaoba's prompting - Hexi Village!

Although the newcomer lord would be protected by the stars, this protection was only limited to the base camp, and the town sites were not included. He immediately opened the map to view the details.

Unexplored areas remain in the fog of war.

But the places that players have explored already have map views.

Hang Yu immediately discovered that there were hundreds of densely packed red signals about ten miles away from Hexi Village. Xiaoba discovered these signals through the core of the territory, so he immediately issued an early warning.

"Most of the creatures in the abyss are not intelligent, but now they are approaching Hexi Village in an organized and planned way. There must be an abyss evil being guiding them behind the scenes." Hang Yu said to himself.

Xiaoba reminded: "Hexi Village's own strength cannot resist the forces of the abyss. The master should immediately gather troops to prepare for the response."

Although the territory is threatened by foreign enemies.

But instead of being nervous at all, Hang Yu showed a satisfied smile.

"Okay, you're welcome. I don't know how to properly distribute the contribution points and equipment. I was really dozing off this time, so someone just gave me a pillow."

After all, it’s still too early for players to directly explore the core contaminated area.

Although the player is immortal, he is beaten to death without any suspense. This has no sense of accomplishment and no gaming experience.

Now this invasion has created a good opportunity. Hexi Village can continue to generate revenue for the territory, and human resources are also in urgent need of the territory. Therefore, protecting Hexi Village is in line with the core interests of the territory.

From a player's perspective.

There have been frequent interactions with villagers in the past two days.

Many players and villagers have become good friends.

Under this situation, if the villagers were massacred by the abyss forces, it would definitely be unacceptable emotionally, so they would definitely take the initiative to participate in protection, not to mention that this process can also generate a lot of profits.

A few minutes later.

Players all receive a reminder.

【Ding! 】

[Trigger team mission! 】

[Task name: Guard Hexi Village! 】

[Task content: Hexi Village is invaded by foreign enemies. Please protect Hexi Village from being destroyed. 】

[Mission goal: Hold on to Hexi Village for 24 hours or completely repel the invading abyssal creature monsters. 】

[Task reward: Essence value 100-1000, contribution points 150-1500, and a certain probability of obtaining a bull suit. 】

[Special reminder: You can be resurrected for free during the mission, and can be resurrected up to three times in a row. All players who participate in the team mission can receive the blessing of the essence contract for free during the event. 】



Just watch the show.

Hang Yu can not only take the opportunity to distribute resources reasonably.

This is a feast that can harvest players like crazy.

During this mission, each player can only be resurrected a maximum of three times. Although the Tiandao Rubik's Cube can theoretically resurrect players without limit, if they die and resurrect too frequently in a short period of time, it may still cause some damage to the player's soul and spirit.

Three or four times are relatively safe.

In order to ensure the players' fighting spirit.

It is also for the efficiency of harvesting leeks.

Hang Yu set up three free resurrection opportunities for players.

When the task is sent.

All players were stunned.

Midnight Pig Killer Man: "Look, everyone! There's something going on!"

After slashing through a street and reading the mission details: "Damn it! Such a good thing!"

Ye Limeng, Brother Heitongrui and others were also ecstatic, "Three free resurrections and free essence contract, this is so cool!"


"What are you waiting for?"

"The territory is in danger!"

"Let's head to Hexi Village quickly!"

"Then someone call the guy who went offline quickly!"


Players such as Chenxi, Xiaolingdang, Demon Demon and Demon are currently investigating in Hexi Village. When they learned that Hexi Village was threatened, they were immediately very worried.

The local villagers are very simple people.

The threat to the village is also related to the player.

Every villager can provide a lot of information and is a treasure trove for understanding the plot and settings of this world!

Even if there is no call for a mission, even if it is not for the generous mission rewards, players still have to fight for Hexi Village, to protect these flesh-and-blood villagers, and to protect mankind's own territory from being desecrated by the abyss!

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