This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 403 Wake-up call! Strong invitation!

The violent mist mixed with billions of gray and white lightning instantly covered the entire sky, forming a large vortex with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters.

This vortex storm rotates at high speed under the impetus of some kind of force, collapses to a point with astonishing speed and momentum, and finally gradually converges into a human-shaped silhouette!

From the outside.

This figure is unremarkable.

Instead of being tall, he was hunched over.

At this moment, he was wearing a tattered burqa, covering his entire body.

"It doesn't look good!" Dian Wei found that the aura of the being who appeared in front of him was very close to that of Sima Zhao and other Dark Familia, but it was more than ten times stronger. "The dark aura is so strong, I'm afraid it has been transformed by the Lord of Darkness." ?”

Jia Xu turned on his strange eyes to conduct reconnaissance: "No, there is no divinity covering it, it's just that the body is contaminated."

The Scourge Army all stared with wide eyes.

In the Shouyang Mountain area, the most powerful and dangerous BOSS finally appears.

[Sima Yi], Level 40 Abyss King... Introduction: The legendary Dark Emperor in the Shouyang Mountains. Although he has extraordinary talents in the world and has the ability to change the world, he has been seriously polluted and can be destroyed at any time. There is the possibility of completely falling into the abyss or transforming into an evil god.


"Dark Emperor Master Sima Yi!"

"He is indeed the biggest BOSS in this map!"

"He is indeed one of the top figures in the Three Kingdoms!"

"This is too strong!"



Hang Yu also showed interest.

Jia Xu's observation is generally correct. Sima Yi's physical level has darkened, but his soul and spirit have not yet. However, even so, it has been highly contaminated. It is no exaggeration to describe the current state as critical and critical.

It's the equivalent of walking a tightrope in the middle of a storm.

This balance is quite fragile. There are abyss on both sides. Either the dark will in the body will be completely revived and transformed into a part of the evil god, or the pollution in the body will completely explode and fall into the abyss and become an evil fall.

Either way.

It will make Sima Yi lose himself.

After Sima Yi, the Dark Emperor's master, regained consciousness, he immediately burst out with a powerful spiritual force and scanned a radius of dozens of miles with his mind. All units within this range could not escape his perception.

[You are affected by "Dark Demonic Power", and all attributes are reduced by 13%...]

[You are affected by "Dark Demonic Power", and all attributes are reduced by 11%...]


Ye Limeng, Xiao Lingdang, Gao Bei Wangyue and others felt a tsunami-like aura instantly enveloped them, and everyone's attributes were greatly suppressed.

Brother Rui with black eyes said in shock: "What a terrifying power... I am afraid his strength is not under the projection of the Lord of Darkness in Shangyang County!"

Demon: "No, look around!"

Everyone clearly felt that all the light and color in all directions and as far as their eyes could see were being pulled away like running water and converged on the dark emperor Sima Yi in mid-air.

next moment.

The space where the entire old capital is located.

They all fell into a dead darkness.

The Scourge Army could no longer observe anything with the naked eye. Even if the Disaster Eyes were turned on and spiritual consciousness activated, Sima Yi could not be seen clearly, and the area where he was located turned into a huge black hole.

It unleashes a powerful attraction.

Crazy absorbing people's life and mana.

[You are affected by the "Darkest Sanctuary", your life is -2% per second...]

[You are affected by the "Darkest Sanctuary", your mana is -1% per second...]


Even the top players of the Scourge Army are losing their life and mana at a rapid rate. As for the weaker players of the Scourge Army, they will die suddenly in less than ten seconds in this environment.


"Is this Sima Yi's power?"

"We seem to have fallen into his domain skills!"


The army was in chaos due to natural disasters.

Scourge soldiers continue to die.

These dead Scourge Soldiers were resurrected at the Blessing Point in the old capital. However, the moment they were resurrected at the Resurrection Point, they were drawn into the Darkest Sanctuary again.

Sima Yi's domain skills have enveloped most areas of the old capital.

Only units that appear within this range.

There is no one who is not affected.

Zhang He's face was solemn: "This Sima Yi is probably crazy. Anyone who comes near him at this moment will be killed indiscriminately!"

Hang Yu said nothing.

I saw my eyebrows opened and my eyes raised.

An extremely powerful divine consciousness burst out from his body instantly.

This spiritual consciousness was so powerful that it penetrated Sima Yi's realm like a black hole, allowing him to gain insight into the current situation.

Although Sima Yi exudes a powerful aura and is constantly releasing overwhelming power, he seems to have no autonomous consciousness, and all attacks and actions are based on instinct.

"This is……"

Hang Yu discovered that around Sima Yi's body, there was a layer of magic weapon similar to an armillary sphere, which was shrouding Sima Yi and constantly turning over.

That’s what happened!

This body-protecting magical weapon that looks like an armillary sphere is similar to Jia Xu's abyssal sarcophagus. It is most likely a special abyssal magical weapon of the same type.

This item should have played a big role in Sima Yi's ability to resist the erosion of the dark will. At this moment, although the external seal has been broken, the Abyss Armillary Sphere is still functioning.

It's the second seal.

Like a lullaby.

Let Sima Yi continue to sleep.

Hang Yu then said: "Sima Yi still has backup options available. Jia Xudianwei, you guys go try it!"


"I obey my orders!"

Jia Xu and Dian Wei took action immediately.

The former activated the Abyss Demon Eye Technique, activating the extremely Yin Thousand-Armed Demon Statue. Hundreds of pairs of arms formed seals at the same time, summoning dozens of demonic dragons with gathered Yin Qi. Like a school of bloodthirsty fish, they rushed to attack Sima Yi. go.

Sima Yi reacted immediately, and streaks of gray-white lightning burst out from the void to bombard the Extreme Yin Demon Jiao.

One after another, the demonic dragons were smashed into pieces in the air.

But in an instant, all the demonic dragons were destroyed, but just when the last demonic dragon was evaporated by the darkest evil thunder, a terrifying figure with a burning body and an aura of destruction rushed out from the body of this extremely yin demonic dragon. Demon God.

Not Dian Wei.

Who else could it be?

Man Tian Xie Lei reacted again.

He attacked Dian Wei dozens of times almost instantly.

The intensity of these attacks was very high. Even if someone as powerful as Dian Wei was attacked, he would lose most of his life at once. However, this did not stop him, but instead made his aura become more violent.

"Thousand Demons Break!"

Dian Wei swung his arrogant halberd.

Under this attack, countless brewing lightnings were annihilated, and the endless darkness was torn open, allowing Sima Yi, shrouded in the armillary instrument, to appear in sight.

The moment when the violent attack bombarded the armillary sphere instrument.

It was actually bounced back by a strong repulsive force.


Dian Wei didn't expect this to happen. He quickly waved his halberd to resist, but he flew backwards on the spot and lost nearly half of his health, so that he directly entered a state of residual health.



Dianwei was so deflated that he became happy instead of angry.

The more health this guy has left, the more powerful he will be.

Although the loss of health is extremely exaggerated, as long as the mana has not been exhausted, it is far from dangerous.

Although Sima Yi had no consciousness, he could react to external stimuli. He immediately began to repair the areas where there were gaps, and at the same time, he continued to brew evil thunder in the sky to launch a new round of attacks.

"As expected of Sima Yi!"

Although the fighting process was very short.

But it is not difficult for Hang Yu to see that Sima Yi, the Dark Emperor Master, definitely has the strength of the Abyss King. Otherwise, it is impossible to survive the joint offensive of Jia Xu and Dian Wei.


At this moment Sima Yi.

There is no self-will.

Fight purely on instinct.

Jia Xu and Dian Wei have a chance of winning together.

However, Sima Yi's current state is very dangerous, and he must be awakened as soon as possible while he is still conscious.

Hang Yu thought this but still did not take action himself. He just activated the innate skill "Great Emperor's Will" and blessed Dian Wei and Jia Xu with his will.

[You have been blessed by the power of the lord, with life mana +100,000 points, strength +8000, agility +8000, spirit +8000, and will +8000! 】

[You have obtained Ten Thousand Phoenixes Burning Heaven (Level 10)...]

[You have been blessed by the power of the lord, with life mana +100,000 points, strength +8000, agility +8000, spirit +8000, and will +8000! 】

[You have obtained the Dark Dharma (Level 10)...]

Jia Xu and Dian Wei felt at the same time that a powerful force enveloped their bodies. Not only did they restore and increase a huge amount of life and mana in an instant, but their various attributes increased explosively in an instant.

In addition, they also each obtained new purple-level techniques, as well as many secret techniques that they had not learned in the past.

"This is...the power of Lord Lord!"

Both of them were shocked.

When Hang Yu's Emperor's Will blesses the army, although it covers a wide area and affects a large number of people, the single-target effect is weakened precisely because of the large number.

In addition, the strength of the units that can be strengthened by the lord's will is also related to their own strength.

Jia Xu and Dian Wei are currently both top Abyss King warriors.

When Hang Yu's will is blessed on the two of them, the two of them are temporarily comparable to Sima Yi and have the power of the ceiling of the fourth-level abyss king!

"Is this the lord's method? The lord is really unfathomable!"

Jia Xu expressed his heartfelt emotion. The lord is the only existence that he cannot see clearly at present. Every time he thinks he has figured out the lord's background, the lord will burst out with unexpected abilities.

"Quick victory!"

Hang Yu gave the order.


Jia Xu directly activated the Qi movement skill "Eternal Night Curtain!"

This skill becomes even more powerful with the addition of the Emperor's Will!

Even if it is not possible to silence beings like Sima Yi, it can inactivate many formations on the armillary sphere around Sima Yi, and at the same time greatly reduce the dark sanctuary.

Dian Wei's whole body burned up, and he used Ten Thousand Phoenixes to Burn the Sky to activate his body, turning into a huge scorching sun, heading towards the direction of Sima Yi, constantly deflecting all kinds of attacks.

"Break it for me!"

Dian Wei attacks again!

At this moment, the health value and attributes are greatly increased, and with the blessing of the lord's Ten Thousand Phoenix Burning Sky, the attack power exerted is definitely several times that of just now!

In an instant!

The black hole-like realm was crushed!

The tyrannical power bombarded Sima Yi with an overwhelming trend.

The armillary instrument running around Sima Yi instantly shattered inch by inch, and even Sima Yi's body was directly crushed into powder and turned into dark clouds and mist in the sky.


"Sima Yi will not be killed!"

"No one in this world can withstand General Dian's violent blow!"


While everyone is discussing.

Dark fog gathered in the sky again.

The figure of Dark Emperor Master Sima Yi reappeared in front of everyone.

Dian Wei showed a cruel smile: "Sure enough, this guy can't be killed so easily!"

However, Sima Yi's state changed. He became extremely restrained and calm, making people unable to even feel a trace of strength.

"To be able to forcefully wake me up...what an amazing power!"

A deep voice sounded in everyone's mind.

Sima Yi has obviously regained his will.

This encounter seemed earth-shattering.

It's really just a wake-up call.

Jia Xu stepped forward and cupped his hands: "Jia Xu, the leader of the human race, pays tribute to His Excellency Sima Yi on behalf of the territory!"

"Jia Xu? That's interesting. It's you. I didn't expect that someone like you would be used by the Stars Territory."

"Your Excellency, the Imperial Master, actually know me?"

It was impossible for Sima Yi not to know Jia Xu. After all, even according to the historical timeline of the Shouyang Mountain area, Jia Xu died before the abyss fell, but the time distance was only a few years.

Sima Yi and Jia Xu were officials in the same dynasty at that time, Jia Xu was an official to the rank of Taiwei, and Sima Yi was a minister. They were both high-ranking officials in Cao Wei, and both had decades of seniority. It was impossible not to know each other, and to some extent they had dealt with each other. of.


Sima Yi also knew.

The Jiyin ancestor Jia Xu is in front of him at this moment.

He was different from the Captain Jia he once knew, and could even be considered two different people.

Sima Yi said: "Anyone in the abyss who can bear the name 'Jia Xu' is an existence with strong luck and extremely dangerous... One of the five abyss epics under the Lord of Darkness, there is a person who is called 'Darkness' Jia Xu, Lord of the Underworld.”

"That is a seventh-level existence that has reached the pinnacle of the "Abyss Epic"."

"Even I am as small as an ant in front of him."


Sima Yi’s revelation.

Let the players all open their eyes.


"Big information!"

"The Lord of Darkness also has Jia Xu under his command?"

"The great sacrificial wine is in the abyss. Sure enough, there are many different versions!"

"The strongest dark version of Jia Xu has actually reached the seventh level? How powerful is the Abyss Epic!"

"The seventh-level abyss epic..."

"There are actually four such terrifying beings. This Lord of Darkness is probably the final demon king of the Three Kingdoms!"


Jia Xu was a little surprised to hear Sima Yi's revelation.

However, it just feels fresh, not anything strange at all.

With your own talent, as long as you don't choose to lie flat, you can't remain unknown if you want to make a difference.

He then handed over his hand again: "Thank you Imperial Master for your advice. If there is a chance in the future, I would like to see the grace of this brother I have never met before!"

As for the abyss epic powerhouse under the Lord of Darkness? Although the other person has the same name and destiny as himself, and even has a small period of overlapping life experience, Jia Xu does not think that the other person is him.

Because essentially.

A long time and different experiences.

Let the two have already differentiated into two completely different people.

Rather than seeing him as another self, he might as well be regarded as a brother he has never met.

After all, it is normal for brothers who have grown up together to have the same life experience, but there is nothing strange about them developing different lives separately.

Sima Yi glanced at Dian Wei, Zhang He, and Man Chong in turn, and finally rested on Hang Yu again: "Even if there was a lord coming a hundred years ago, I didn't expect it would be a human lord, and you are far more powerful than I expected. "

Sima Yi didn't seem to be bragging.

You can see it from the arrangement of yourself.

It must have been predicted in advance that stars would arrive at this world node.

Is it a means to deduce the secrets of heaven and gain insight into the laws of the stars? He is indeed one of the top talents in the Three Kingdoms, and he indeed has some special methods!

Hang Yu said: "Since you can predict my lord's arrival, it must not be difficult to guess the purpose of my lord's appearance here!"

Sima Yi: "The lord wants to recruit me?"

Jia Xu was afraid that Sima Yi would refuse: "My lord, you cherish your talents and love them. Your Excellency is capable of traveling across the world. If you can go out to help the Qunxing Territory, you will surely create an ambitious hegemony in the abyss."

Sima Yi chuckled: "What I want, even the stars can't give it to me!"

"You have no choice!"

Hang Yu didn't ask Sima Yi what he wanted.

He had a tough attitude: "You have very little time left, and you should understand better than anyone else that what is in front of you now is the only life-saving straw, and surrendering to this lord is your only choice."

Sima Yi was very surprised.

This lord is not only powerful.

And he seems very confident and tough.

In fact, this is indeed the case. It seems that I am not negotiating the price now.

Sima Yi glanced at Jia Xu and Dian Wei again. The strength of the two was naturally weaker than his own, but when they were blessed with the will and power of the lord, they were actually almost the same.

So subordinate.

I'm afraid it's rare in the world

It shows that this group of stars has no shortage of talents.

In addition, it also means that if he really takes action, he can't even let the lord take action at this moment. Dian Wei and Jia Xu alone are enough to suppress him!

The key is!

Sima Yi's condition is extremely bad!

At this moment, it is completely relying on the environment of the extremely dark day to allow the abyss pollution and dark will in the body to reach a balance in a short period of time. Every minute and every second there is the possibility of slipping out of control!

Join the Stars.

is the only way out! (End of chapter)

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