This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 410: Each one shows off their special abilities! The Scourge Army creates their own purple s

Sima Yi sat in the main city of Taiyou and calmly observed the changes in the situation.

The counterattack of the Dark Familia and Cao Rui's hysteria were all within the prediction. There was nothing surprising. But when he saw the battle situation on the front line, the Dark Imperial Master fell into a deep shock.

Sima Yi knew the Dark Clan very well.

The Dark Tribe's army seemed to be menacing and unstoppable, but in fact, in Sima Yi's eyes, they were no different from chickens and dogs. He had plenty of ways to deal with them.

It really shocked him.

It is the performance of players on the battlefield.

At this moment, tens of thousands of Dark Familia troops launched an all-out attack using the direction of Xia City as the main breakthrough point.

The Scourge Legion immediately dispatched troops to resist.

The back and forth battle between the two sides was very fierce.

At this stage, the overall strength of the Dark Tribe exceeds that of the Scourge Army. With the relatively strong city boundary as a defense line and the ability to quickly resurrect and repeatedly fill the line, the Scourge Army has an endless supply of troops.

Under this situation.

Even though the dark army is stronger.

It is also impossible to break through the defense line in a short time.

Sima Yi murmured to himself: "The Scourge Legion... there are such immortal troops in this world!"

Although Sima Yi had heard about the human race's ability to lead the natural disaster army before, but seeing it with his own eyes still made him feel extremely horrified. The more he knew, the more clearly he could understand the terror of this army!

Such a force that completely goes against common sense.

How is it created?

Lord, it's not easy!

Sima Yi had a wave of emotion in his heart. If he could make full use of this territory, he might one day be able to truly get rid of the shadow of the Lord of Darkness, and even steal the Godhead of Darkness!

His ambition is great!

This will be a very long, difficult and extremely dangerous road!

This lord and the resources of this territory are qualified to provide sufficient protection and support for his ambitions, and he does not mind playing a loyal, important, and capable minister in the future.

"too slow!"

Currently, the army of darkness and the army of natural disasters are already in a state of anxiety.

Although the Scourge Legion has great potential in the future, its current strength is still somewhat inferior.

Sima Yi didn't want to waste time, and was about to end the battle personally and end the battle as quickly as possible. However, at this moment, an order came from the lord.

"Now is not the time for you to take action."

"Why? No one knows the Dark Tribe better than me, and no one is better at dealing with the Dark Tribe than me."

Hang Yu: "There is no doubt about your ability, but a battle of this scale is extremely rare. This is a valuable training opportunity for the Scourge Legion."

Sima Yi nodded: "I see, your lord, you want to take the opportunity to train your troops so that the Scourge Legion can make contributions and grow."

Hang Yu: "Half an hour later, you take action to end the battle."

Sima Yi bowed in the direction of Luoshui: "Yes!"

The Scourge has unlimited potential.

Sima Yi couldn't help but have his own ideas and plans.

For example, the head coach position of the Scourge Legion has not yet been appointed.

If you can establish a good relationship with the people of the Scourge Army, and serve as the coach of the strongest Scourge Army in the future, wouldn't you be able to use this army to sweep across the abyss?

Hang Yu turned his attention to the battlefield.

In this battle, 20,000 natural disaster troops have arrived on the battlefield.

This includes almost all the Scourge Army at this stage.

And the size of the Dark Tribe's army is nearly 100,000.

Such a battle.

How rare?

Very precious to the territory!

There is a shortage of magic crystals recently, so we can make a lot of money from this battle.

Such a high-intensity battle is an excellent occasion to harvest energy.

Hang Yu can also take this opportunity to understand the growth results of the elites of the Scourge Legion.


The entire Taiyou City defense line was ignited by the flames of war.

Xia City is the relatively smallest among the three defensive cities.

Therefore, it has become the main attack direction of the Dark Army, and currently at least 50,000 troops have been invested.

Among the 50,000 troops, nearly 10,000 are the Shadow Army and the Shadow Army, which are composed of fourth-level elites. This part is the elite of the elites, the core main force, and they are all fourth-level elite units.

In addition, there are more than a hundred commanders and at least ten overlords.

The remaining 40,000 regular family members are all Tier 3 elite units.

The combat effectiveness of this army can be imagined. Even if the Scourge Legion resisted with all their strength, they would still be at a disadvantage. If it weren't for the city walls and various defense towers, the entire army would have been wiped out long ago.

On the battlefield.

All kinds of lightning, flames, arrows, and sword energy flew around.

The powerful dark secrets of the Shadow Legion, and the sharp assassination and archery skills of the Shadow Legion, caused the Scourge Army to suffer a lot.

However, although the battle was extremely fierce, various live videos and photographic images were constantly updated on the forum, allowing hundreds of millions of netizens to see the live action of this battle in a timely manner.

"It's so shocking!"

"All the epic war movies I've ever seen pale in comparison!"

"This is a real large-scale battle scene, and it is a confrontation between legions with extraordinary power!"

"The sense of oppression in every frame is suffocating!"

"The latest mission, the Scourge Army needs to hold on for an hour. Sima Yi will leave in an hour to end the battle."

"An hour? It's probably quite difficult to rely on the Scourge Legion alone!"

"The attack of the Dark Army is too brutal. Unless the Black Tiger Guard and the Canglong Guard also join the battle, there is no chance of winning this war."

"How can Sima Yi end the battle on his own? Even if he is powerful, he is still only one person after all. It is impossible to fight against tens of thousands of elite troops by himself!"


at the same time.

Scourge chat channel.

In addition to various high-paced and intense instructions on the public screen.

In the chat channels of the commanders of the Tianzhajiu Corps and the senior officials of the Scourge Army, they are also reporting on the situation in real time, or conducting strategic discussions to respond to gaps in the defense in a timely manner.

"The latest news is that there is a situation in Dawei City. The divine machine giant ship has already headed to Dawei City!"

Ye Limeng said to other senior officials of the Natural Disaster Army: "As expected, the time to capture the Great Wei City has come. We cannot stay here for a long time, otherwise we will suffer a big loss if we do not catch up with the more critical Battle of the Great Wei City! "

"makes sense!"

"We must find a way to break the situation!"

"It's better to be safe!"

"We have been holding on for half an hour. We will wait for another half hour to complete the task!"


The senior officials of the Scourge Army expressed their opinions.

The Battle of Great Wei City is about to begin, and everyone wants to rush to get a share of the pie.

It can be said that the current situation on the battlefield in Youcheng is that there is no way to tell the winner in a short time.

Although this battle can gain a lot of benefits, how can its importance and significance be compared to that of Great Wei City?

While several people were discussing.

Suddenly a violent explosion came from the north of the city.

The Crazy Blade King immediately shouted: "No, the northern barrier and city wall are seriously damaged, and a large number of Dark Tribes have come in. Sima Fu should be leading the core force."

"Sima Fu?"

"He is the leader of this dark army."

"It's better to take this opportunity to continue to lure the enemy deeper, and then kill him!"


“Act now!

Sima Fu is the leader of the Dark Army.

How easy is it to kill him? But with the opportunity right in front of us, everyone decided to take the risk!

From the perspective of the Natural Disaster Army, only by killing the general in formation can they retreat the enemy quickly and end the war as soon as possible!

at the same time.

The incident occurred on the northern wall.

Hundreds of shadow troops were actually under the joint attack secret technique.

A huge gap appeared in the barrier here, and a large area of ​​the city wall collapsed, forming a passage.


Sima Fu gave the order.

Hundreds of shadow troops entered the invisible state and quickly entered the city.

These powerful Tier 4 elites will become terrifying assassins, frantically attacking combatants in the city to create more holes in their defenses.

at the same time.

Thousands more Tier 3 Taiyou regulars rushed to charge.

Although the Scourge Army resisted fiercely along the way, in the face of the elusive Shadow Assassins and the sizable Taiyou Army, they were simply using mantis as a chariot, and the Taiyou Army quickly fought their way out.

Sima Fu then entered the city with his confidants and powerful men.

A member of the Dark Family immediately said: "Congratulations, sir, the enemy city has been destroyed!"

Sima Fu: "It won't be so easy!"


The words are not finished yet.

Another Scourge army came to support.

"Humph, what an immortal army!"

Sima Fu immediately sent out several powerful overlords around him to suppress the resistance from the Scourge Army, while he continued to advance with some of his elites.

He has realized it!

It would be foolish to fight a war of attrition against the Scourge!

There are only two best ways to deal with these endless locust-like guys!

First, the imprisonment seal, which should have been implemented before the war, in order to achieve the purpose of reducing the number of Scourge Legions. Now it is too late during the battle, which is a pity.

Second, fight quickly and destroy the blessings of the stars as soon as possible. In this way, the natural disaster troops defending the city will directly become rootless duckweeds, and it will be much easier to deal with.

The latter is more suitable for the current situation.

After the dark army successfully occupied the defense gap in Xia City.

Sima Fu took some elites and prepared to raid the core location of the blessing.

When Sima Fu went deep into the hinterland of Xia City, a powerful natural disaster army suddenly appeared in front.

"Sima Fu!"

"That's it!"

"I'm here!"

"Don't even think about taking another step forward!"

Ye Limeng was riding a flaming red three-eyed dragon horse. He was covered in heavy red armor. He was carrying a ferocious and huge Thousand Skull Demon Hammer on his shoulders, warning the Dark Familia ahead.

"Just you?"

Sima Fu stood in the middle of the team and made a cold voice, then waved his hand gently, and suddenly eight clouds of mist appeared. At this moment, eight shadows of the Dark Tribe emerged from the shadow state and launched a surprise attack on Ye Li at the same time.


Ye Li fiercely swung his hammer and hit the ground, instantly setting off a terrifying shock wave, knocking eight figures away at the same time.

Seeing this, Sima Fu narrowed his eyes slightly: "You plan to have a hard time!"

Ye Limeng laughed loudly: "Grandpa, I am very powerful. I have the courage to come up and compete!"

"court death!"

Sima Fu was not provoked out of the military formation, but instead sent a larger number of elites, as well as the two masters of the Dark Tribe around him, and asked them to lead the team to attack the natural disaster army in front of them.

The two masters of the Dark Clan have the strength to reach the threshold of overlordship.

Once they take action, it will be enough to bring huge pressure on Ye Limeng and the Natural Disaster Army.


at this time.

"Qianying mass burial!"

Gu Zhou drew his sword and rose up, his figure transformed in the air, instantly splitting into hundreds or thousands of afterimages, immediately surrounding the two dark overlords, and then launched a violent attack on them.

"What a move, Thousand Shadow Burial!"

"It's the purple skill originally created by Mr. Guzhou!"

"Even two overlords can stay ahead for a while!"


The other players are all excited!

Since the development of the powerful men of the Scourge Army, both their techniques and skills have continued to improve and evolve, although there is still some gap between mastering the purple quality techniques or the top purple secret techniques.

But the Scourge Army is currently at the head.

They already have enough ability and foundation to develop purple skills.

Gu Zhou's "Thousand Shadows Burial" is a very high-quality purple skill. This skill can produce thousands of afterimages in an instant, and each afterimage is aggressive, thus causing a violent blow to the target.

Crazy Sword Old King: "Leave these two to me and Xiaozhou, and hurry up and deal with Sima Fu!"


Ye Limeng's whole body was burning with flames. He and his horse merged into one and turned into a giant beast. They burst out and sprinted in an instant. They actually tore a hole in the dark tribe!

"Sima Fu!"

"Let me show you my unique skills!"

The moment Ye Limeng ended his charging skill, he and his men and horses suddenly exploded, rushing up to a height of 100 meters in an instant. The moment he raised the long-handled giant hammer with both hands, the giant hammer suddenly rose up in the storm!

ten times!

A hundred times!

Five hundred times!

Ye Limeng's giant hammer, which was the size of a water tank at first, expanded hundreds of times in an instant and became like a hill. From the hammer composed of tens of thousands of skulls, a terrifying and terrifying sound erupted. Roar.

Purple skill - Thousands of skulls and thousands of cities destroyed!

Before Ye Limeng's giant hammer fell, thousands of enemy troops on the scene were already stunned by the impact of the blow.

This is the culmination of Ye Li's hammering techniques. It not only has a wide range of devastating destructive power, but can also be combined with the skills of the Thousand Skull Hammer during the attack to cause the target within the attacked area to be mentally affected and lose resistance. .

One hammer down!

The pieces of armor are gone.

"Let's all die!"

Ye Limeng condensed his momentum and power to the extreme. When the giant hammer fell, it instantly produced a blazing flame, like a falling meteorite. Facing the violent energy, hundreds of dark elites all felt a fatal sense of crisis.

Sima Fu did not dodge. Of course, he could not completely dodge such a large-scale attack.

"The Great Demonic Hand of Darkness!"

Sima Fu activated a secret technique, and countless dark energies gathered together to form a giant hand in an instant. Before the hammering power was fully gathered and released, he actually caught it in the air with lightning speed.


A burst of energy!

Although the surface of the dark devil's hand is cracked and broken.

However, under this obstruction, Ye Limeng's giant hammer failed to land successfully.


Ye Limeng felt very aggrieved!

Although the leader of the Temple of War is the bravest being in the Scourge Army, he is only a second-rate commander-level combatant. It is basically impossible for him to directly defeat Sima Fu, who is a super-first-rate overlord.

Such an opponent.

For the current natural disaster army.

This is a super BOSS that cannot be defeated alone!

But just when Sima Fu summoned his big hand to resist Ye Li's fierce attack.

He suddenly felt several breaths appearing nearby, and saw a figure holding a big bow with wings on its back. Suddenly it split into four and appeared in four nearby directions. At the same time, he raised and opened the big magic night bow in his hand!

Ye Limeng shouted loudly: "Commander Wangyue, take advantage of the moment and kill these turtles!"

"Four Absolute Rainstorm Arrows!"

Four types of arrows with different attributes were shot from different directions, converged above Sima Fu's head, and finally turned into a huge arrow falling from the sky, slamming towards Sima Fu's location.

Sima Fu waved his hand.

Another giant black hand was summoned.

When the big hand grabs the giant energy arrow.

Unexpectedly, the energy arrow exploded and turned into a rain of four-color arrows. Like a sudden heavy rain, it instantly flooded and enveloped the entire place, causing many dark elites to be attacked, causing considerable casualties.

Another purple skill!

Raising a Glass to the Moon is the strongest archery created based on the four blue archery techniques.

Although Sima Fu summoned a black shield around him in time to block the dense rain of arrows, the blow caused a lot of casualties to the Dark Tribe and allowed Ye Limeng to take the opportunity to retreat back to the team.

"You damn ants!"

Sima Fu was completely angered and released the mist all over his body. He chased him out of the military formation and killed the natural disaster army.


The strong men of the Natural Disaster Army quickly resisted.

But Sima Fu's strength was overwhelming.

After a while, dozens of people were killed, and others fought and retreated when they saw that the situation was not good.

Sima Fu was about to go straight to the blessing in one go, but suddenly felt a sense of crisis, so he quickly stopped, and his mental power immediately locked on a natural disaster army general in front.

Not an ordinary Scourge Army.

Her breath is not inferior to Ye Li Meng, raising a glass to the moon, or being alone in a boat.

However, it stands to reason that at this level, it is unlikely to pose a threat.

"You've fallen into the trap!" Xiao Lingdang raised the nine-curved magic staff and shouted, "Now let me show you the power of the nine-talisman demon-destroying array!"

Nine spells with different colors and breaths quickly rose from the surroundings.

"It's a formation!"

When Sima Fu found out, it was already too late.

The nine spells resonated with each other, blooming energy, and finally connected together to form a huge formation that looked like an inverted giant bowl, shrouding Sima Fu and dozens of surrounding dark elites.

Sima Fu responded quickly.

Summon the Dark Lord immediately.

A giant black hand appeared next to Little Bell.

He attempted to kill Xiao Lingdang, the spellcaster, before the formation took effect. Only in this way could he break the formation at the minimum cost.

Xiao Lingdang was well prepared, and immediately launched the shrinking technique that she had prepared long ago, and instantly moved from the formation to outside the formation, and the black gloomy giant hand turned into a fist and chased after him.


The fist hit the barrier.

Let the entire enchantment light up with runic light.

In the end, the black fist was broken, but the formation was intact.

Sima Fu had a solemn look on his face. Although the natural disaster army in front of him did not reach the status of overlord, the formation that stood out was powerful enough to pose a threat to the existence of the overlord status!

The comprehensive background of Little Bell.

He is no better than Ye Limeng and others.

It's just that formation skills are different from general skills.

Its characteristic is that it starts slowly and swings forward long, but once it is successfully used, its power is far beyond that of ordinary skills.

The effect of Xiaolingdang's "Nine Talisman Demon-Destroying Array" is particularly powerful, because this skill is a killing talisman array that is a fusion of nine offensive talismans, which is exactly in line with the current version advantage of the territory.

The territory of the human race has a "Gong of the Earth" destiny.

This luck can greatly increase the power of spells and formations.

Little Bell's skills are both talisman and formation skills, and the skill effect increases by more than 50%!

What is this concept? This is equivalent to giving Xiao Lingdang a qualification talent that is not inferior to blue quality, and its skills can naturally exert more powerful effects.

"I can kill even the Overlord of the Abyss!"

Xiao Lingdang clenched the nine-curved magic staff in her hand and continued to strengthen the formation: "You can't run away anymore!"

Naturally, Sima Fu would not sit still and wait for death. He immediately launched several skills to bombard the formation. As a result, they were unable to completely destroy the formation. Even if some damage was caused, it was quickly repaired by the small bell outside.

The other Scourge saw this.

Everyone showed admiration!



"Captain Xiaolingdang still has a solution!"

"Using formations is the most suitable method to deal with such a BOSS!"


Little Bell didn't waste time and immediately started the formation. The nine spells exerted their power at the same time, and the nine energies circulated on the formation. Finally, they gathered above the barrier and turned into a demon-killing beam that struck down.


Under destructive power!

More than a dozen dark elites were instantly wiped out.

The two dark commanders also lost health, and one dark overlord suffered considerable damage.

Even Sima Fu, who was a top-notch dark overlord, could not completely withstand this attack. Although the damage he received was not very high, it was the first time that he was defeated by the Scourge Army.

"What a great skill!"

Hang Yu saw the performance of the Scourge Army generals behind the scenes. He was impressed by these players. It seemed that they had been growing, and the growth effect was better than imagined!

He probably did some statistics!

So far, although no one in the Scourge has mastered the secrets of purple quality skills, they have developed nine different purple skills through self-created methods.

Although it is just a general skill.

But if the quality can reach purple, it will definitely not be simple!

These skills not only greatly increase the strength of the Scourge Army, but are also enough to become important training materials for Hang Yu.

Hang Yu thought: "With my current background, plus the territorial skill reserves, and the purple skills developed by the Scourge Army, it is probably enough to develop the first set of orange quality skills!" (End of Chapter)

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