This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 413 The Final Suppression of Corrupting Everything

Hang Yu continued to pay attention to the progress of the front line.

Seven or eight of the ten teams were destroyed, but there were still some who survived temporarily.

Among them was the Free Wing Corps. After a round of fighting, everyone realized that the monsters in the giant tree maze could not be killed.

"Boss, what should we do?"

Midnight Pig Killer, Salted Fish Thrust and others were at a loss.

Black Eyed Rui Ge said: "This forest will revive the Deep Root Guards, so fighting hard will definitely lead to a dead end."

Salted Fish Thrust: "Find a way to crack the maze!"

Midnight Pig Killer: "How easy is that? The level of this maze is very high. I'm afraid it won't work with just a few of us."

Black Eyed Rui Ge was moved when he heard this: "If individual strength can't crack the maze, then try to gather the strength of the group!"

Most people didn't quite understand what he said.

But some people got it.

Shilipu Sword God said: "Yes, judging from the performance of this maze, it should not be a physical maze, but an illusion that can interfere with the spirit and cognitive level!"

Black Eyed Rui Ge nodded: "Our innate skill 'Strange Eye Awakening' has the effect of breaking illusions."

Going up the mountain to fight the tiger: "I tried it, but it didn't work."

Black Eyed Rui Ge: "So, we have to concentrate our strength in one place, so that it is possible to tear open the illusion."

"Can it be operated this way?"

"How do you know if you don't try it?"

"Let's use the tree in front as a target."

"Let's launch the power of breaking illusions against it together!"

Everyone opened the strange eyes at the same time. The moment hundreds of strange eyes were opened, a force of breaking illusions burst out at the same time. This force condensed together and actually caused the space to bend.

The strange eyes have no ability to interfere with or control space!

This shows that the illusion is being affected!

"There's a chance!"

"Work harder!"

Everyone frantically input mana into the strange eyes, and finally burst out more powerful energy. After this energy was concentrated, the complete tree in front of them suddenly broke into pieces.

The scenery ahead has changed.

A unique forest appeared in the completely regular forest, and this is obviously the real world after the illusion is removed.

Several black wooden spears attacked.

The Deep Root Guards have been resurrected and increased a lot.


Everyone rushed to the forest in front of them.

The surrounding environment quickly returned to normal.

However, the Deep Root Guards are still chasing frantically.

Not only that, the illusion was not completely cracked, but was only temporarily dispelled. When the large fog came back again, everything would be involved in the illusion again.

The players could only fight and retreat, dispelling the illusion while dealing with the fighting. With this, they quickly arrived at the center of the forest, which is the center of the Great Wei City.

"Haha, we succeeded, at least we got in!"

Salted Fish Tu Ci shouted at the thousand-meter giant tree not far away.

This giant tree is the core, and the big boss Cao Rui must be in or near the giant tree.

This is the only troop that has penetrated deep into the Great Wei City so far, but it has also paid a painful price. The team of thousands of people originally has less than eighty people left.

With only these few people, they can no longer resist the harassment of the illusion.

Black Eyed Rui Ge and Salted Fish Tu Ci also knew that they would die, so they simply ignored it and collected as much intelligence as possible at all costs.

Reduced again.

Eighty people, fifty people.

Then thirty, twenty, ten people!

Black Eyed Rui Ge finally arrived under the giant tree. There was almost no need to look for it, because the boss's breath was as obvious as a candle in the dark.

"This is..."

Under the thousand-meter giant tree.

There was a giant standing.

The giant was about two hundred meters tall.

Although it was in the shape of an adult, its body was made up of a large number of wriggling black roots and rotten meat, exuding a contradictory feeling of infinite vitality and lifelessness.

When the giant tree man turned around.

Everyone saw his true appearance more clearly.

The tree man's body is made of roots and flesh, without a head. On his neck, there is a throne embedded, on which sits a skinny, pale-haired man, with a stone sword stuck in his chest, nailing himself to the throne.

His hands and feet turned into roots and grew together with the tree man's body under his feet.

He looked down at the intruder with a cold gaze.

In all the gaps of the tree man's body, there were densely packed eyeballs, and their eyes were full of malice and greed, like a hunter in another space spying on prey.

[Demonized Emperor: Cao Rui], 40-level Abyss King... Introduction: He was originally the supreme and true son of the Wei Dynasty, but he became a clan because he accepted the power of the Outer God Mother Tree.


"Demon Cao Rui!"

"The ultimate BOSS of the Wei City!"

"Fuck, why does he look like this?"

"Hey, this image is similar to the final BOSS in "Darkest Dungeon 2"!


You don't have to think about it.

Cao Rui must be a powerful Abyss King.

Under normal circumstances, he is estimated to have the strength of a medium-level Abyss King. At this moment, he has received the power of the Abyss Mother Tree and further demonized, and his strength has reached the strength of a first-class Abyss King.

And because he is at home.

He has a huge geographical advantage.

At this moment, the strength that Cao Rui can exert is probably far beyond the strength of a first-class king.

This kind of BOSS.

How could the Calamity Army be able to shake it?

Even if the entire elite of the natural disaster army comes together, they may not be able to pose a threat to Cao Rui, let alone dozens of defeated soldiers at the scene?

But so what?

For players.

The important thing is to participate!

It doesn't matter whether you can survive the fight or not.

Brother Heitong Rui and others can come to this place and meet the final boss of Wei City. This is already a great victory for the Scourge Legion.

If there are dates but there are no dates, it will take two shots.

If you can find out more information.

Understand Cao Rui's strength and mechanism.

It means earning blood again after earning blood!

"Cao Rui!"

"you are done!"

"Why don't you just surrender quickly!"

"If you surrender now, at least you can retain some dignity!"


Cao Rui sneered at the crazy provocations of the few ant-like beings in front of him.

The earth suddenly shook, and countless roots were released, forming ten huge sarcoma-like things and flower buds. A powerful aura was gestating in these sarcoma buds.

[Mother Tree Guard], Level 35 Abyss King...

"not good!"

"It's the Mother Tree Guard!"

"We met in the old capital!"

"What's going on? If ten of them appear at once, wouldn't that mean there are ten Abyss King-level combat powers?"


All the Scourge Army were stunned.

Seeing this, Brother Rui, with black eyes, was filled with mixed joy and sorrow.

The reason for worry is, of course, that it is too difficult!

Cao Rui is already an extremely difficult BOSS, and with 10 kings in the mix, it becomes a nightmare difficulty!

Even if these 10 are just the weakest low-level king bosses that have just reached the threshold of the fourth-level king.

But no matter what, there are still 10!

The weakest king and the strongest king are both kingships.

The combined combat power of 10 low-profile kings can actually compete with the super-first-class abyss kings.

If it were just like this, forget it. Fighting in the Great Wei City, the opponent had all the advantages, so the situation became more serious.

The happy part is.

Judging from the gestation method of the mother tree guard.

The Ten Mother Tree Guards should not be summoned units.

It is most likely that Cao Rui sacrificed the remaining Deep Root Guards and was born.

Kill them to get loot. The loot for 10 King BOSS is by no means a small amount.

Before the Scourge Army could react, another Deep Root Guard was summoned near the giant tree in the center, and their number increased rapidly in an extremely short time.

five hundred!

one thousand!

two thousand!

Brother Heitong Rui roughly estimated that there are as many as 3,000 deep-rooted guards gathered near the BOSS at this moment!

What is this concept?

Those are thousands of first-rate fourth-level elite units!

Even in a confrontation under normal circumstances, the main force of the Scourge Army would have to die in one or two rounds before they could barely win.

Currently in the Great Wei City.

Not only have the strength of the Deep Root Guards been strengthened, but they are also as indestructible as the Scourge Army, at least until the energy of the formation is exhausted. In this case, the Scourge Army has absolutely no chance of winning.

next moment.

Thousands of black javelins attack.

Black-eyed Brother Rui, Xianyu Tuqi and others were all taken away in one wave without any suspense.

A few minutes later.

The Scourge Army regrouped on the Shenji giant ship.

From the time the Scourge Army was dispatched to the time when the entire force was annihilated, it only took about three to two quarters of an hour.

Brother Heitong Rui immediately publicly reported the detected information.


"In this forest."

"There are actually so many elite monsters?"

"It doesn't matter if there are too many monsters. Our Scourge Legion never thinks there are too many monsters. The most disgusting thing is that these monsters don't explode!"

"There are ten more king bosses?"

"Six six six, how can we fight like this?"


Wenpin and Zhang He also had solemn expressions after learning the inside story.

Although he was mentally prepared for the serious situation in Daweicheng, he did not expect that the situation inside would be so bad and dangerous.

The two of them were also a little undecided.

So I asked Sima Yi next to me for advice.

Sima Yi said calmly: "Although the Guishu formation has not been completely completed, the Great Wei City has already formed its own formation. This formation is not only the final trump card of Cao Rui's deployment for many years, but at this moment it has become a way to accept the arrival of a trace of power from the external gods. The node to complete the deployment of the Guishu Formation."

"Blessed by the power of external gods."

"This formation is naturally extremely dangerous!"

"Cao Rui only needs to stay in the formation to exert a power that far exceeds his own strength for a period of time, constantly summoning the evil god's family members to delay time to ensure the smooth construction of the Guishu formation."


Wenpin: "How to break the situation?"

Sima Yi: "It's not difficult. The formation is an external force, and its power is not infinite. There is an upper limit to the number of evil god's family members that Cao Rui can control and summon at the same time."

Zhang He: "In other words, we can use the army to attack to first contain and disperse the power of the large formation, thereby creating an opportunity to directly attack Cao Rui and behead him?"

Sima Yi nodded: "As long as you strike quickly enough, you can kill Cao Rui in one fell swoop."

Wenpin expressed his opinion: "Will Cao Rui be fooled? He only needs to concentrate his troops around him. With ten female tree guards and thousands of deep root guards, we are afraid that we will not be able to break through in a short time."

"Then attack what must be saved!" Sima Yi said: "Such a large-scale formation will definitely have multiple formation nodes. We only need to reach the nodes and do some tricks to break the formation directly."

Zhang He and Wenpin both looked happy.

If this formation built with the power of foreign gods could be destroyed, Cao Rui alone would not be enough to withstand the territorial army!

Sima Yi: "But this formation is quite complicated. Even if I deduce it myself, it will take some time to find the nodes."

at this time.

came a voice.

"I know how to break this formation!"

Dian Wei and Zou Wan arrived at the Shenji giant ship, and with them were Zhou Cang and Wen Yang.

Dian Wei and Zou Wan were sent by name by the lord, while Zhou Cang and Wen Yang took the initiative to participate in order to win a new military merit.

Time is very precious.

Once the Guishu formation is formed.

The consequences are disastrous.

Zou Wan was very familiar with the formations that enveloped the Great Wei City. He immediately found five formation nodes. As long as the Scourge Army destroyed them according to the method provided by Sima Yi, they could interfere with or even stop the operation.

Cao Rui will try his best to stop it.

When he sent out all the troops he could.

At this time, the difficulty of beheading him will be greatly reduced.

Wenpin and Zhang He immediately formulated a plan. Hang Yu would lead the frontline army to launch a full-scale attack.

Among the troops currently participating in the war.

There are more than 20,000 garrison troops.

In addition, there are 10,000 natural disaster troops who are generally third level or above.

The two of them combined the five regiments of Canglong Guard, Black Tiger Guard, and the Natural Disaster Army to form an offensive force of 25,000 people.

This force launched an attack from five directions in Dawei City, and their goal was to destroy the formation nodes of Dawei City.

When Cao Rui discovered the human race's attempt to lead the army.

He will definitely mobilize all his strength to stop it. Even if his Deep Root Guards can be resurrected, it will be extremely difficult to protect five nodes with limited troops.

not only that!

Dian Wei and Sima Yi will personally lead the remaining natural disaster troops. With the power of Cao Rui and the Great Wei City formation being restrained, they will bypass all the ambushes and directly attack Cao Rui himself.

This arrangement is basically foolproof!


Zhang He, Wenpin, Zhou Cang, Wen Yang, and Zou Wan, each of the five heroic units in the territory led an army, and they began to attack the Great Wei City.

Sima Yi and Dian Wei, two super powerful combatants, led thousands of natural disaster troops to kill Cao Rui as quickly as possible.

"The illusion is in effect again!"

When everyone entered the forest, the formation immediately took effect to form a maze. If they did not crack it, they would never be able to get out.

"It's just a small trick!"

Sima Yi activated the Dark Corruption Technique, and a dark red aura spurted out, like a volcanic eruption sweeping in all directions.

Like a picture scroll burned by a ball of flame.

Trees withered.

The illusion collapsed.

Disappeared in an instant.

The players were all stunned when they saw this.

The natural disaster army had to gather hundreds or even thousands of people at the same time to barely fight against the illusion, but Sima Yi easily broke through the maze on his own.

Wherever you go.

All things wither.

Is this the feeling of oppression felt by top strong men?

Dian Wei: "Why are you standing there, why don't you leave quickly!"


The journey was smooth.

After entering the Great Wei City.

The Scourge Army once again confronted Cao Rui.

This time, Cao Rui's power has been dispersed, and there are no longer so many troops around him. There are only ten huge deformed tree men, who are the mother tree guards who have finished giving birth.


"The final battle!"

The Scourge players on site were very excited.

The current situation is Dian Wei + Sima Yi VS Mo Cao Rui + Ten Giant Net BOSS!

In fact, in terms of hard power.

Dian Wei and Sima Yi were both the pinnacle kings.

Even if Cao Rui accepts the power of an outside god, he is unlikely to be an opponent. He only relies on the blessing of the Great Wei City's formation to gain the strength to barely fight.

Sima Yi said grimly: "We meet again."

Cao Rui's expression was ferocious and twisted, "Rebellious ministers and traitors!"

Sima Yi disagreed: "If you still have a shred of sense left, then you should understand that there is no chance of winning at this moment, and there is no point in resisting."

Cao Rui: "I have the power of an external god to join me, what can you and other thieves do to me!"

Sima Yi sneered: "You are stubborn!"

Dian Wei said impatiently: "Just behead him. Why bother talking nonsense? Should you do it or should I?"

"I'll go first!"

Sima Yi's body rose into the air.

Dark red mist was released from the body.

At the same time, he raised his hands and instantly summoned hundreds or thousands of gray-white lightning, all of which struck Cao Rui.


15321 (Crit!)


14532 (Crit!)


15632 (Crit!)

Everyone was shocked to see that Cao Rui was being struck by the Darkest Divine Thunder. His body was constantly shattering and exploding, and his life was also draining away at an extremely fast speed.

As expected of Sima Yi!

Such power and destructive power are shocking!

However, Cao Rui was not easily defeated. During the movement of the formation, the entire forest of giant trees was instilling vitality into his body.

Although Sima Yi's damage was very high.

But Cao Rui's recovery speed is also extremely fast.

While losing blood and recovering blood at the same time, he was able to withstand the blow of such a violent storm.

at the same time.

Ten female tree guards also attacked Sima Yi at the same time.

While Sima Yi was fighting against the Mother Tree Guards and at the same time fighting with Cao Rui, he was unable to quickly gain the upper hand.

But this is normal.

After all, we are facing eleven king bosses at the same time!

And these are eleven king bosses, they are fully buffed and strengthened in the home environment.

"The idea is a bit difficult!"

"Go or not?"

"Wait, it's not time yet!"

"Look carefully, although Sima Yi failed to win quickly, he is constantly eroding his opponent."

"It's the Dark Corruption Method!"

"It turned out that Sima Yi had been activating the Dark Corruption Method during the battle."

Everyone saw it clearly.

The ten mother tree guards continued to accumulate corruption power during the battle, and even their black skin gradually turned red.

The breath of these big monsters was obviously weakened, and their defense and attack power were constantly decreasing, and even their strong recovery power was suppressed.

Simply put.

It was poisoned!

Fighting with Sima Yi.

Equal is equal to failure!

Because once the battle is deadlocked, defeat is just a matter of time.

Sima Yi's corruption method is not only terrifying in lethality, but also has the characteristics of corrupting everything and causing everything to wither.

Whether it is tangible or intangible.

From various magic equipment.

From conceptual power.

All can be corroded.

The ultimate purpose of Sima Yi's study of this technique is to corrode the gods, so as to achieve the desire of disobeying and killing gods and replacing them.

Dian Wei said at this time: "All leaders, get ready. When these ten guys are completely weakened, it will be left to you to deal with. Sima Military Advisor and I will deal with Cao Rui!

"There is such a good thing?"

"Thank you, General Dian!"

"Thank you, Imperial Advisor!"

The natural disaster army was delighted to hear this! (End of this chapter)

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