This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 431 Harvest and Inventory! The fifth-order era is coming!

Guan Yu joined the territory.

This can be done but can be tricky.

First of all, the current demon Guan Yu is just a clone of Emperor Guan Sheng. If you want this Guan Yu to join the territory, the most important step is to cut off the connection between Guan Yu and the divine body.

This is very difficult to do.

Fortunately, Hang Yu Ling has a successful precedent.

The reason why Dark Emperor Master Sima Yi can forcibly cut off the connection with the Lord of Darkness is not because of how special he is.

Simply because.

He obtained a key prop by chance.

This prop was called "Ping Tianyi" by Sima Yi.

That is to say, Sima Yi carries with him the secret treasure of the abyss that looks like an armillary sphere.

This object has the ability to isolate and resist the will of the divine body, but isolation and resistance are only the first step. What is more important to Guan Yu is disconnection.

Different from Sima Yi.

Sima Yi, the Dark Imperial Master led by Hang Yu, although he was deeply corrupted by the Dark Will, he has never truly integrated into the Dark Will. As long as he can isolate or weaken the Dark Will, he can maintain his independence for a long time.

But Guan Yu is different.

He himself is part of the god Guan Yu.

At this moment, if you want to break away from Guan Yu's divine body and separate it to become independent, the difficulty will undoubtedly increase greatly.


How to do this?

Hang Yu, together with several knowledgeable people such as Sima Yi, Guan Yu and Jia Xu, discussed several plans. Although they were all feasible, they were quite difficult and not easy to implement.

There is only one that is likely to come true as soon as possible.

Use God against God.

If you want to cut off the divine connection between Demon Guan Yu and his true body, then the best way is to use the divinity of other gods of the abyss to forge this scalpel.

As for the specific implementation.

Hang Yu needs to collect no less than 5 copies of fourth-level active pollution sources with quality no less than purple, then extract the abyss divinity from them, and hold a ceremony to remove the divine part of Guan Yu's body.

This way.

Restore independence.

Guan Yu can also join the territory.

However, it is not easy to create 5 active purple pollution sources?

No matter how rich Hang Yuling was, it was useless. Not to mention that the value of such things could not be measured by magic crystals, and such special items themselves could not be transmitted through the lord trading market or inn.

The most troublesome thing is.

Guan Yu is in bad condition.

It can only last a few days at most.

The possibility of gathering all the materials in such a short period of time is basically zero.

After all, the map level of the Shouyang Mountain area is not high enough, and most of the areas have already been explored.

Even if there are some fish that slip through the net, there is a high probability that there will not be a grade as high as the fourth-order purple quality.

Want to find high-level pollution sources.

The only way is to open a new picture.

Of course, you can also act through plane mercenaries.

The problem is that Hang Yu himself is currently only at level 4, and special pollution sources of this quality are extremely rare in the abyss territory he has access to.

It's best to reach level five as soon as possible.

Only in this way can we enter more planes.

Whether it's opening a new map or leveling up to five levels.

Hang Yuling needs some time to buffer, and it is not the best time now.

Of course, even if you open a new map or reach level five, you won't be able to find so many in a short time.

within a short period of time.

Collecting materials is unrealistic.

Instead of racking your brains to find materials, it would be better to find a way to temporarily suppress the pollution in Guan Yu's body, thereby prolonging his loss of control.

If the out-of-control period can be controlled to more than a month, then Hang Yu believes that the territory's ability can help Guan Yu overcome this difficulty.

The territory's current financial reserves are sufficient.

Hang Yu believes that as long as there is enough money.

Many solutions can be found by simply suppressing pollution temporarily.


at this time.

Bei Chenguang found Hang Yu.

Report on recent sales.

Bei Chenguang said: "Brother, the reputation of Mu Sheng Instruments has been completely established during this period, and the market has been in a state of short supply. Should we further expand production?"

Hang Yu replied: "A new round of production expansion plan will start soon, but we cannot fully cater to the market and must stabilize our own development rhythm."

Bei Chenguang: "What do you mean?"

Hang Yu said: "Equipments like the Wooden Holy Crossbow are more useful to races that are inherently weaker. Therefore, compared to other races, the human leader has a greater demand for the Wooden Holy Crossbow."

Bei Chenguang: "Well, I understand what you mean. Don't worry, we will definitely reserve a batch in the organization, and when shipping, we will also give priority to the human race."

Hang Yu wants to promote the overall strength of the human lords.

Because as a member of the human lords, the improvement of racial power will not only bring him greater prestige, but also produce many boosts and benefits.

Leaders of various human races.

If you can equip equipment like wooden holy crossbow.

Then the strength of this territory will be greatly improved.

For example, only by improving the strength of these territories can they have the courage to explore new territories, obtain more resources, and be exposed to more dangers, thus improving the quality of mercenary operations in the plane.

Back to the topic.

Hang Yu said: "I recently need to purchase a batch of fourth-level revelation stones and pure gold talismans. If there is any news from President Beichen or the organization, please contact me as soon as possible."

Bei Chenguang: "Level 4 revelation stone? Are you preparing to open a new territory again?"

Hang Yu: "Exactly!"

Bei Chenguang was speechless when he heard this.

This brother Hang Yu's territory is too cruel!

For any lord, territorial expansion is an arduous and life-threatening task.

But here he is.

It's as simple as drinking water.

It’s only been a few months since the last land reclamation, right?


This is not a big problem.

Although the fourth-level revelation stone and pure gold talisman are very rare, so the price is quite expensive, but with Hang Yuling's ability to make money, it is not a problem at all.

Hang Yu is quite famous in Shengcang City.

Now not only does no one dare to underestimate this human lord, but there are also many powerful people and top figures who want to find opportunities to make friends with him.


Just get the word out.

Within the Humane League, big figures and powerful forces from all sides will not let go of such a good opportunity to increase Hang Yu's favor or even gain favors.

The communication with Bei Chenguang ended.

Hang Yu began to take stock of the gains from this operation.

This final battle on Shouyang Mountain has yielded huge profits, most of which have not yet been inspected and settled.


It is the income from talent points.

After Hang Yu led Cao Pi to death.

This core pollution source brought Hang Yu 15 fourth-level talent points, and Hang Yu's remaining talent points before this were.

First-level talent points: 103!

Second-level talent points: 73!

Level 3 talent points: 41!

Level 4 talent points: 2!

The source of obtaining these talent points is mainly the plane mercenary action.

Hang Yuling's planar mercenary gameplay has been developed for more than 20 days, and mercenary operations have been carried out hundreds of times, hunting a large number of special pollution sources from various territories and planes.

Provides Hang Yu with a large number of additional talent points.

Among Hang Yu's current lord talents, the first and second level talents have exceeded the limit and reached level 6.

The talents after the second level are as follows:


The third-level talents are Human Emperor's Physique (Level 5), Human Emperor's Will (Level 4), and Human Emperor's Domain (Level 4).

Fourth-level talents: Emperor's Physique (level 2), Emperor's Will (level 1), Emperor's Domain (level 1), Holy Soul Awakening (level 1).


The cost of breaking through the level 3 talent is extremely high.

For example, if the human emperor's constitution at level 5 is to be upgraded to level 6, it will not only require up to 1,000 talent points, but also consume 10 billion essence.

Hang Yu definitely doesn't have the ability to break through at the moment.

However, he still has two level 4 third-level talents that can be upgraded, which require 200 third-level talent points.

After some weighing, Hang Yu decided.

He still converted 16 of the 17 fourth-level talent points into third-level talent points.

This way.

There are exactly 200 third-level talent points.

Choose to upgrade "Human Emperor's Will" to full level.

The level 5 Human Emperor's Will will further enhance its control over its people, allowing it to calmly deal with the more complicated situations that follow.

Talent points have been dealt with.

Next is the treasure chest.

Although the customs clearance treasure chest in the Shouyang Mountain area is purple, its quality is not as good as the orange luck treasure chest synthesized before.

It can be due to the special nature of the customs clearance treasure chest.

Its value is not necessarily below the orange Luck Chest.

[You opened the "Abyss Treasure Chest (Purple)", Abyss Magic Crystal +5 million, Five Colors Shining Blessing Sand +20,000, Five Colors Shining Forging Stone +10,000, Shouyang Mountain Demonic Soul Gem +800, "Skill Stone : Stars Splitting Sky" +1, "Blueprint: Dark Demonic Soul Temple" +1,, "Blueprint: Nightmare Hunting Ground" +1]

When Hang Yu saw the contents of this abyss treasure box, he was immediately very satisfied.

Did not disappoint!

Five million magic crystals is not a small number for any fifth-level lord, but this income is only the lowest value item in the treasure box.

After all, with Hang Yu's current industrial development situation, five million magic crystals is really not a big number!

This time, a total of 20,000 blessing sands and 10,000 forging stones were issued!

To know.

The five colors represent the fifth level!

These 30,000 materials are not only fifth-level materials, but also fifth-level purple quality materials!

A total of 30,000 copies of fifth-level purple materials!

The value can be imagined!

Even if these tens of thousands of copies are consumable materials that consume a lot of money, when the grade is so high, it is extremely rare and extremely rare.

Other than that.

800 level five purple gems!

These can be used not only to make fifth-level purple equipment, but also to make fourth-level purple equipment.

Because the level is high enough, the effect and success rate of creating purple equipment will naturally be much higher than that of fourth-level purple gems!

Because of this, the value has at least tripled!

A skill stone!

[Skill Stone: Star Splitting Sky Slash], an orange-quality secret skill...Learning conditions: At least reaching the fifth level, at least reaching the status of the Abyss King, the sum of the four major attributes is not less than 80,000, and it requires 1.8 billion essence.

It’s actually orange quality!

Hang Yu was also shocked.

Of course, despite good luck, this is not a bizarre incident.

Because the Abyss Clearance Treasure Box is different from the ordinary Luck Treasure Box.

Luck treasure chests have clear levels and grades.

The things that can be opened from them will never exceed this level and grade. The fourth-level treasure chest cannot open fifth-level things, and the blue treasure chest cannot open purple things.

The Abyss Chest is different.

As a reward for clearing the abyss area.

Among them, there is a probability of being awarded a higher level reward, and there is even a small probability of being awarded a higher level reward.

"Good luck!"

This is not the first orange skill that Hang Yu has obtained.

The "God-killing Curse" he had previously obtained from the orange treasure chest was the first, and the learning conditions for the two skills were basically the same.

Although orange quality skills.

The learning conditions must be at least level five.

It is not possible to learn these two super skills immediately.

But I believe it won’t take too long to master them.

Finally there are two drawings.

[Blueprint: Dark Demonic Soul Temple], a fifth-level rare blueprint... Construction conditions: 8 million magic crystals, 2 million material essences!

[Blueprint: Nightmare Hunting Ground], a fifth-level rare blueprint... Construction conditions: 9 million magic crystals and 3 million material essences.

Both drawings are level five!

The former is a barracks-type building. Once built, fifth-level combat units can be summoned in it, and up to king-level combat power can be summoned.

This is for the fifth-level lords of lower races.


The latter is a special resource building.

The value of this drawing to Hang Yu is much higher than the former.

Although the former can summon some king-level combat powers, these king-level combat powers cannot be cultivated or upgraded.

For Hang Yu Ling.

It's a pity to throw away tasteless food.

Hang Yuling has no shortage of high-end combat power!

The latter is different. Hang Yu has heard of the role of the "nightmare hunting ground".

This kind of hunting ground is like an alternative arena, except that instead of fighting between players, all evil sources absorbed by the territory can be used to spawn monsters.

For example.

Conquer Shouyang Mountain.

This means that Hang Yu led the annexation of the core pollution source in Shouyang Mountain, and the Shouyang Mountain area will continue to absorb the energy of the abyss to spawn monster projections including Cao Pi.

Although these projections will be weaker than the original version because they have no intelligence and thought, and the explosion rate will also be lower, but after killing them, they will also explode a lot of good things.

Such BOSS resources.

It has always been a target for players to compete for.

For this reason, several rounds of conflicts broke out between players.

The function of the Nightmare Hunting Ground is that in addition to the projections appearing in the Shouyang Mountain area, players can also see some projections in the hunting ground.

simply speaking.

This building facility can increase and integrate monster resources within the territory, thereby significantly increasing the territory's income and output.

Although the talent points and clearance rewards are generous.

But the biggest gains for the territory in this battle are not these.

This battle.

Harvest a huge amount of energy!

Even if players are reimbursed for three deaths and a large amount of energy is released through mission rewards, the current energy reserve in the territory still reaches about 12 billion.

Meet expectations!

I have this energy reserve at hand.

When Hang Yu leads the breakthrough to the fifth level, all important combat forces other than Hang Yu, including more than a dozen heroes, nearly a hundred important civil servants and generals, and even a larger number of Canglong Guards will break through to the fifth level in time.


Essence on a scale of tens of billions.

Still not Hang Yuling’s biggest income!

The biggest revenue from this battle comes from the battle itself.

In addition to the milestone significance of the battle, it was also because of the huge loot gained in the process.

Hang Yu took inventory.

There are 268 evil people who have fallen into the abyss of Shouyang Mountain!

Among them, there are 19 kings of the abyss!

Among these people of the abyss, 20% were killed on the battlefield, and about 80% of the others were sealed and awaiting execution.

Those who are killed on the spot during the battle can not only explode a larger number of magic crystals of energy, material spells, and even various ultra-high-quality equipment.

However, skill stones and talent materials will not be dropped, and these resources can only be obtained through execution at the territorial execution ground.

As for skill stones and talent materials.

It is the rarest and most important thing.

At this moment, several execution grounds have not only been upgraded to the fourth level early, but have also been strengthened by Zou Wan using the roots of the formation. The explosion rate and output will be improved.

Man Chong specially reported to Hang Yu: "I'm telling you, Lord, that everything is ready."

Hang Yu nodded: "Let's start!"

same day.

Hang Yu came to the territorial execution ground.

He also had Guan Yu in the form of a demonic skeleton beside him.

At this moment, although Guan Yu has not yet become a member of the territory, he has become a guest of Hang Yu's leadership.

Because of Guan Yu's super popularity.

It has become the focus of conversation recently.

Many players have obtained a lot of useful information from Guan Yu.

This can be said to make Sima Yi feel a little sour.

After all, in order to win over a group of natural disaster troops, Sima Yi did not work hard in the process, especially when he led the natural disaster army to clear mercenary operations in one plane after another despite his busy schedule.

Even so, his reputation and reputation among most players are still average.

This is Guan Yu.

Just arrived at the territory.

Not even an inch of success was achieved.

Haven't even joined the territory yet.

Such a person is widely loved by the Scourge Army. If the lord announces that Guan Yu will be the head coach of the Scourge Army at this time, I am afraid that not many of the Scourge Army will object.

The sense of urgency in Sima Yi's heart increased to a higher level.

If you want to counterattack the Lord of Darkness in the future, the Scourge Army will be an indispensable and important force, so it is very necessary to become the leader of this force.


Officially started!

Hang Yu first ordered the execution of more than 100 weaker evils in batches.

These evils were between commander-level and entry-level overlords.

Their characteristics were that.

Either they had been evil for a short time.

Only a hundred years, or their luck was too low, and they were small Karami in history, so their strength was not very strong.

Even so.

Quantitative change led to qualitative change.

After more than 100 evils were executed.

It also added more than 30 million magic crystals to the territory, plus hundreds of millions of spirits.

Among them, the magic crystal part.

Hang Yu accepted it all without hesitation.

Most of the produced spirits were distributed to players.

In addition, more than 30 skill stones were produced, of which green and blue quality skills accounted for half each, with high and low quality, and the types were also very comprehensive, which greatly increased the cultivation foundation of the territory.

The heaviest part.

It was undoubtedly the talent material.

Although the strength of this group of evils was not very good, their own qualifications were still good, and some even had quite strong or very good luck.

Finally, the statistics were taken.

In terms of talent materials, there are.

The qualification spirit beads materials are: 615 green fragments, 223 blue fragments, 11 purple fragments, 5 green complete spirit beads, and 3 blue complete spirit beads.

The luck spirit beads materials are: 331 white fragments, 124 green fragments, 7 blue fragments, 14 white complete spirit beads, and 2 green complete spirit beads.

Such income.

It is also quite considerable.

Hang Yu integrated the materials, and most of the complete spirit beads and green and above grade materials were used on hero units.

Among them.

Jia Xu alone.

He got five more white luck.

Although these white luck talents are relatively matched with Jia Xu, because the luck level is too low, the increase in Jia Xu's strength is actually very subtle.


Jia Xu has a special talent.

It is said that purple luck "steals luck from the sky".

He can automatically obtain a part of luck when executing various luck targets in the territory, so that his own luck is strengthened.

In theory.

Each of Jia Xu's luck has growth potential, and can grow to purple quality at the highest.

So these lucks that seem to be of little use and tasteless are not suitable for other people, but they may have unexpected effects on Jia Xu in the future.

In addition.

Others such as Wen Pin, Zhang He, Zou Wan, etc.

Each of them has more or less added one or two more practical or rare lucks.

Although these lucks are of low level, they can be upgraded with materials, and may not be unable to develop into very practical talents or even core abilities in the future.


The territory continued to execute.

This time, dozens of people were executed.

These are at least the status of the Abyss Overlord, and there are many famous figures in history.

Although the number is not large.

But the 19 skill stones contributed are all blue quality, and the quality is quite high.

In terms of talent materials.

The total number of fragments is only half of the previous batch.

But the qualification fragments that are not less than blue, and the luck fragments that are not less than green, account for a full third of the total.

In addition, 6 complete blue qualification spirit beads, 1 purple spirit bead, 4 green luck spirit beads, and 2 blue luck spirit beads were produced.

These are the most valuable resources of the territory.

They have unparalleled appeal to talents and natives from all sides.


Even with such high quality.

This is still not the most valuable batch.

Not long after, Hang Yu supervised the execution again, and this time executed all the remaining war criminals and evil.

And this batch.

It is the most valuable batch.

[You executed the evil Xu Chu, Abyss Essence +12.5 million, Abyss Magic Crystal +1.4 million, Xu Chu Soul Stone +15, Blue Luck Fragment +9, "Purple Qualification Spirit Bead: Unparalleled Tiger Guard" +1! ]

[You executed the evil Xiahou Dun, Abyss Essence +11.2 million, Abyss Magic Crystal +1.2 million, Xu Chu Soul Stone +14, Blue Luck Fragment +9, Purple Qualification Fragment +8, "Skill Stone: Hellfire Magic Spear" +1! 】


【You executed the evil Cao Ren, Abyss Essence +13.08 million, Abyss Magic Crystal +1.48 million, Cao Ren Soul Stone +16, "Blue Luck Spirit Pearl: Eternal Iron Wall" +1, Purple Qualification Spirit Pearl Fragment +5. 】


No mercy.

Execute them all.

This group of people has very strong luck and high qualifications, plus the tenfold explosion rate of the Scourge Army, and the strengthened execution ground.

The final output of resources.

All reached a terrifying number!

And this is not only enough to make Hang Yuling's strength advance by leaps and bounds in a short period of time, but also laid a solid foundation for the official breakthrough to the fifth level. (End of this chapter)

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